


Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.


毎回楽しいWords and Their Stories!!












4 hours ago /2021/02/21





しかし、本当に気温が低い地域に住んでいなくても、"freeze "の熟語や表現を使うことができます。




コロナウイルスが大流行している間、多くの職場では雇用凍結を実施しています。雇用凍結があると、より多くの人を雇うことができません。採用プロセスが動きません。It is frozen.凍結されます。




お金を "凍結" する方法はもう一つあります。法的な問題や金銭的な問題を抱えている場合、裁判所から銀行口座を凍結されることがあります。そうなると、凍結された口座のお金を使うことができなくなります。


さて、"freeze "は前置詞をつけるたびに変化する動詞のひとつです。まずは "out "から始めましょう。"freeze out "という口頭表現になります。






しかし、これは意地悪で幼稚にみえます。人を締め出すことは、子供の頃にしたことがあるかもしれません。もし今までに友人がグループからあなたを締めだそうとしたなら、もし傷つくなら- 数年後でさえも。その記憶は、心の中に閉じ込められるます。それは不変であり、時間の経過によって影響を受けません。


さて、口頭フレーズ “freeze up” について話してみましょう。もし何かが “固まったら、動かなくなります。 例えば、エンジンはフリーズすることがありますー動かなくなるというこを意味します。


人も凍りつくことがあります。人が固まってしまうと、とても怖がったり心配したりして、話すことも動くこともできなくなってしまいます。例えば、人前で話すのが怖いと、大勢の人の前で話しているときに固まってしまうことがあります。何も言えなくなったり、何もできなくなったりします。しばしば、私たちは “froze.” ”固まった”という言い方をすることもあります。私はとても怖くてと完全に固まりました。


もちろん、"freeze "という言葉は、いくつかの気象条件を表す言葉でもあります。口頭の "freeze over "は通常、水域を表すときに使われます。a lake has frozen over 場合は、それは完全に凍っています。その上を安全に歩いたり、スケートをしたりすることができます。


しかし、"freeze over "を離れる前に、その表現を使う別の方法を見てみましょう。例えば、何かが起こる可能性がない、ノーチャンスのような場合は、"when hell freezes over "と言います。地獄は暑い場所のはずです。だから、もし凍りついたら、物事が悪いことが分かります。




Hey, Alyssa I got my boating license yesterday. How about you join me on the river sometime?

やあ、アリッサ。 おれさ昨日ボートの免許を取ったんだ。 いつか一緒に川に行かない?


Sure ..Bradley ... when hell freezes over!

いいわよ ブラッドリー...地獄が凍りついたらね!


Aw come on! It’ll be fun! Why not?



First, I can’t swim.

まず 私は泳げないの。


That’s okay. You can stay in the boat.



And second, I’ve seen you drive. There's no way I'm getting in a boat with you.



That’s cold, Alyssa. Real cold.

冷たいな、アリッサ 。本当に冷たいよ。


“never.” "絶対に "って言うのは面白い言い方ですね。 冗談で使います。 就職の面接の時や 親に初めて会う時などには個人的には深刻な状況では 使いません。






英語の小窓 -freeze のイディオム




be frozen in time  : 時間が止まる

freeze off : 〈人・申し出などに〉冷たい態度を示す

freeze (on) to [onto] A  : Aに執着する



Freeze! って言われたら、”止まれ”、止まらないと銃で撃たれますよ!!







This photo is of a frozen fountain in New York City's Bryant Park during a winter storm on February 1, 2021. (Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP


In many places around the world, wintertime brings snow, ice, and really cold temperatures. Some places can even experience a deep freeze!

But even if you do not live in an area with really low temperatures, you can still use “freeze" idioms and expressions.

For example, you could use them at work.

During the coronavirus pandemic, many workplaces have put in place hiring freezes. With a hiring freeze, you are not able to hire more people. The hiring process is not moving. It is frozen.

During the pandemic, many businesses and companies also faced financial uncertainties. And some were not sure they would survive. So, many places may have put a freeze on wages. When your wages are frozen, they stay at the current level.

There is another way we “freeze” money. If you are having legal or financial trouble, the courts might freeze your bank accounts. When this happens, you cannot use money in a frozen account.

Now, “freeze” is one of those verbs that changes with every preposition you add to it. Let’s start with “out.” It makes the verbal expression “freeze out.”

Sometimes in business dealings, some people or groups may get frozen out by others. If you are frozen out of a business deal, you are not involved. You don’t have a seat at the table.

If you are a cold, unfeeling person, you may want to isolate someone socially. You don’t invite them to parties. You don’t tell them about fun events. You are trying to freeze them out of a group.

But this seems mean and childish. Freezing people out is something we might have done as children. If you ever have had a friend try to freeze you out of a group, if can hurt -- even years later. That memory can be frozen in your mind. It is unchanging and unaffected by the passing of time.

Now let’s talk about the verbal phrase “freeze up.” If something “freezes up” it stops working. An engine, for example, can freeze up – meaning it stops running.

People can also freeze up. If a person freezes up, they are so afraid or worried, they are unable to speak or move. For example, if I am afraid of public speaking, I might freeze up while speaking in front of a large group of people. I’m not able to say or do anything. Sometimes we can also just say “froze.” I was so afraid that I just completely froze.

Of course, the word “freeze” also describes some weather conditions. The verbal “freeze over” is usually used to describe a body of water. If a lake has frozen over it is completely frozen. You can safely walk or skate on it.

But before we leave “freeze over,” there is another way we use that expression. For example, if something is never going to happen, like not a chance, I can say “when hell freezes over.” Hell is supposed to be a hot place. So, if it freezes over, you know things are bad.

Here’s an example,

Hey, Alyssa I got my boating license yesterday. How about you join me on the river sometime?

Sure ..Bradley ... when hell freezes over!

Aw come on! It’ll be fun! Why not?

First, I can’t swim.

That’s okay. You can stay in the boat.

And second, I’ve seen you drive. There's no way I'm getting in a boat with you.

That’s cold, Alyssa. Real cold.

So, it’s a funny way to say “never.” We use it jokingly. Personally, I would not use it in any serious situations, such as during a job interview or when meeting someone’s parents for the first time.

And that’s all the time we have for this Word and Their Stories.

If you know friends who might like this show, don’t freeze them out! Invite them to listen.





Words in This Story


wage – n. a payment usually of money for labor or services usually according to contract and on an hourly, daily, or piecework basis —often used in plural

isolate – v. to set apart from others

skate – v. to move or glide over a surface on skates















What Lessons Will Students Learn from Reduced Class Time?

2 hours ago /2021/02/21
















「彼らが誰なのかは大体分かりますが、実質的には違うことが分かります。 彼らが質問に答えるときの声は知っていますが、顔がどんな風に見えるのか、それ自体は分かりません。」





































アリソン・リーブスさんは 大学が入学を決める際に 高校教育におけるパンデミックの影響を 考慮してほしいと話します。

彼女は、授業時間や教科の範囲が狭くなっても、全体的に生徒の将来に希望を持っています。彼らは困難な教育状況に対処する方法を学んでいます。「それは本当に多くの内容よりもはるかに先を行くことになるだろう 」と彼女は言います。










What Lessons Will Students Learn from Reduced Class Time?

Logan Landry speaks to his class at the Bruce M. Whittier Middle School in Maine, Jan. 29, 2021. Many of the nation's teachers have given up on covering all the material normally included in their classes and instead are cutting lessons. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)


Most public high school teachers in the United States never expected a school year like the current one. School buildings closed across the country in March of 2020. Education went online and distance learning has continued since.

Teachers around the country quickly found they would not be able to teach as much material as usual to their students. The educators had to make choices about what content to cover and what could be dropped.

So, over time, English teachers began cutting some books and writing projects from their teaching plans.

History teachers began to shrink their coverage of some periods.

Science teachers had to remove experiment-based work because school laboratories were no longer available.

While some students were able to keep up with their studies while working from home, many struggled without being at school. In the current school year, many teachers have not even met their students in person.

Alison Reeves is a Spanish teacher at a high school in Fairfax, Virginia, about 30 kilometers outside of Washington, D.C. She said by this time in a school year, she usually knows her students well. But this year is different.

Alison Reeves, a Spanish teacher in Fairfax, Virginia, has been teaching from home during the 2020-2021 school year. (Screenshot courtesy Alison Reeves)
Alison Reeves, a Spanish teacher in Fairfax, Virginia, has been teaching from home during the 2020-2021 school year. (Screenshot courtesy Alison Reeves)


“I have gotten a good sense of who they are, but you learn different things virtually. I know their voices when they answer questions, but I don’t know what their face looks like, per se.”

She said distance learning is especially difficult for students in language classes.

At the start of a normal school year, she explained, some students can be shy about saying a word incorrectly in front of their friends. But after a while, they understand everyone in the class is learning a new language. At that point, they are not shy anymore.

But at home, Reeves said, the students are shyer. They worry about making mistakes in front of their parents.

Because of this, Reeves said, she has made speaking less of a priority this year than in past years. She is more centered on helping her students learn to write in Spanish. In addition, she usually has her students learning two different past tenses by now. This year she has centered more on the present tense.

Reeves is not the only teacher changing her teaching plan.

Tassie Zahner teaches Advanced Placement U.S. History at a high school in Silver Spring, Maryland, about 15 kilometers from Washington, D.C. She has been teaching for almost 10 years.

At the end of the school year, her students take a national history test. Colleges use the scores to help make admissions decisions.

Zahner cut how much time she spends on different parts of American history. For example, she usually spends 18 class periods teaching about the last part of the 19th century. That takes over three weeks. This year, she did it in four hours.

As a result, she thinks some of her students’ test scores will not show their true ability. Zahner said the leaders of her school are not that worried about the test scores this year. But her students are.

“I have students who want that score on the exam. They do care very much. And not being able to give them the same kind of information and the same rigor that we do in the real classroom has been very difficult for me and for them.”

Jake Stanford teaches English at Palm Springs High School in California. He has been teaching for 13 years. His school changed its schedule because of the pandemic.

That greatly affected writing projects he would normally give his students.

The writing projects require a lot of time. Students write and rewrite a paper several times before they are finished. Stanford said he normally asks students to write 24 papers over the year. But, not this year.

“It’s just not been realistic to try to expect that. And I have not been able to. And I think that’s what I’ve been hearing from colleagues as well.”

Stanford said his students will do half the usual number of writing projects.

Cristin Espinoza teaches English in Denver, Colorado. She said she had to remove some of her favorite projects from her teaching plan this year. Class time used to be 90 minutes long, she said. Now she sees her students for about 20 minutes each class.

Some teachers, however, are also reporting educational successes within the new structure. Jake Stanford said some of his students are performing better than in the past. Due to the coronavirus health crisis, they don’t have as many other things going on.

“They are absorbing material and gaining a higher level of skill very, very quickly.”

Alison Reeves said she hopes colleges will consider the pandemic’s effects on high school education when they make admissions decisions.

A slide used in Alison Reeves' remote Spanish class this year. (Screenshot courtesy Alison Reeves)
A slide used in Alison Reeves' remote Spanish class this year. (Screenshot courtesy Alison Reeves)


She is hopeful about the future for students, overall, even with less teaching time and subject coverage. They are learning how to deal with difficult educational conditions. “That truly,” she said, “will take you much further than a lot of the content.”

Tassie Zahner expressed similar thinking.

“We have students at my school that are working and helping support their families and taking care of multi-generational households, and still showing up every day and going to class and doing their work. That's impressive.”




Google がフランスのメディア団体APIGと合意が成立したニュースが流れましたね。











In an Unusual Move, Facebook Blocks News in Australia

February 18, 2021





Facebookは、オーストラリア下院がGoogleがオーストラリアの報道機関に支払うよう義務づける法案を可決した後に行動した, と 財務担当のジョシュ・フライデンバーグ氏は言います。彼は、Facebookが行動する前に何の警告も与えられていなかったと述べています。 法案が法律になるためには上院で可決されなければなりません。


Facebookは、同様の法案が他の国で通過することを恐れています。 世界中の政府は、急速に変化するテクノロジーをある程度コントロールできるように法律を変更しています。




“This post can’t be shared,” "この投稿は共有できません "とウェブサイトに表示されました。「オーストラリア政府の法律に対応して、 Facebook はニュースの投稿を制限しています...」また、オーストラリアの出版物からのニュースを国際的に共有することはできないともしています。










Facebookは、提案されたオーストラリアの法律は、"私たちのプラットフォームとそれを使用するそのパブリッシャーとの関係を誤解している "と述べています。


国の保健相のグレッグ・ハント氏はまた、Facebookの決定を非難しました。彼は議会に "ビッグテクノロジーの市場力と技術に対する支配力の乱用 "と表現しています。






Googleは、下院法案のためオーストラリアからその検索能力を削除すると脅していました。しかし, 代わりに, Googleはいくつかの企業との妥協点に達しました。


News Corp.は水曜日にGoogleとの取引を発表しました。オーストラリアの大規模なニュース組織であるSeven West Mediaは、週の初めに取引を行い、別の会社であるNine Entertainmentは、独自の合意に近いと報じられています。国営のオーストラリア放送公社は、同様に、Googleとの契約のために協議中です。






フライデンバーグ氏は、ブロッキングが始まった後、彼はFacebookのチーフマークザッカーバーグと "建設的 "な議論をしたと述べています。


「彼はいくつかのより考慮された見解を持って私のところに戻ってくるだろう 」とフライデンバーグ氏は述べています。










February 13, 2021



Googleとフランスの主要な出版社のほとんどを代表するロビー団体であるAlliance de la presse d'information generale (APIG)との間の契約は、以前に発表されたが、財務的な条件は明らかにされていなせんでした。




オーストラリアでは、グーグルとフェイスブックが出版社や放送局にコンテンツの対価を支払うことを義務付ける法制化の草案を議員が作成しました。グーグルは、オーストラリアがこの方法を採用した場合、オーストラリアでの検索エンジンを停止すると脅していますが、同社はこれを "実行不可能 "と呼んでいます。



出版社は、Google News Showcaseと呼ばれる今後の新製品にコミットし、出版社がコンテンツを企画し、有料の記事への限定的なアクセスを提供することを可能にします。








カナダのPostmediaの最高経営責任者Andrew MacLeod氏は、世界の他の地域での議論を見ている出版社があると述べています。「我々は、ハンドアウトに頼るのではなく、成長し、私たちの未来を構築するための結果を求めています。」





 「これらの不透明な契約は、計算式が公開されていないので、すべてのニュースパブリッシャーの公正な扱いを確保していません。」 独立したオンラインニュースパブリッシャーのための組合のスピイル氏は今週言いました。 「Googleは、その利益を前進させるために私たちの部門を利用しました。」










In an Unusual Move, Facebook Blocks News in Australia

An Australian Broadcasting Corporation page on Facebook is displayed without posts in Sydney, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft)

The social media site Facebook blocked Australians from sharing news stories on Thursday. The company is fighting with the Australian government over whether big technology companies should have to pay news organizations for their information. Australia’s government condemned the move. It said Facebook also blocked some government communications, including messages about emergency services.

Facebook acted after the Australian House of Representatives passed legislation that would make it and Google pay for Australian journalism, said Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. He said he was given no warning before Facebook acted. The legislation must be passed by the Senate to become law.

Facebook fears that similar legislation will pass in other countries. Governments around the world are changing their laws to have some control over fast-changing technology.

Australian news organizations could not put stories online on Thursday. People who tried to share news stories got notes saying they were blocked.

“This post can’t be shared,” the website said. “In response to Australian government legislation, Facebook restricts the posting of news…” It also said that news from Australian publications cannot be shared internationally.

The legislation has not yet been passed, the note added.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison criticized the company on his own Facebook page.

“These actions will only confirm the concerns that an increasing number of countries are expressing about the behavior of BigTech companies who think they are bigger than governments,” he wrote.

"They may be changing the world, but that doesn’t mean they run it,” he added.

Facebook said the proposed Australian law “misunderstands the relationship between our platform and [the] publishers who use it.”

The country’s Health Minster Greg Hunt also denounced Facebook’s decision. He described it to Parliament as an “abuse of big technologies’ market power and control over technology.”

In the past, Google and Facebook had threatened to take strong action if the law appears to be headed for passage.

Australia’s law would create negotiation committees that would help news organizations work with big technology companies to decide on payment for their news stories. It would stop the technology companies from using their large market share to make “take it or leave it” offers.

Google had threatened to remove its search abilities from Australia because of the House measure. But, instead, Google reached compromises with several companies.

News Corp. announced a deal with Google on Wednesday. The large Australian news organization Seven West Media made a deal earlier in the week and another, Nine Entertainment is reportedly close to its own agreement. The state-owned Australian Broadcasting Corp. is in talks for a deal with Google, as well.

The government accused Facebook of endangering the public by blocking state emergency services messages. There were severe fire and flood warnings in parts of Australia.

Facebook said in a statement that it would look to replace any pages that should not have been removed.

Frydenberg said he had “constructive” discussions with Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg after the blocking began.

“He will come back to me with some more considered views,” Frydenberg said.

He said the government remains supportive of the proposed law because it will pay news organizations for the use of their material.

“Other countries are watching,” Treasurer Frydenberg said.





Words in This Story


response n. something that is done as a reaction to something else

platform – n. something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea, product, etc.

constructive adj. helping to develop or improve something












SAVE THE EARTH!!ですが、もう元には戻らないような。。。しかしながら火星に住むまでには何十年。。。


From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report.!!! 




  • 地球温暖化が花粉の季節を早める原因に
  • Global Warming Causes Earlier Pollen Season






Global Warming Causes Earlier Pollen Season




スタンリー・ファインマン医師が アレルギー専門医としてスタートした時 彼は患者に薬を飲み始めて 花粉の季節に備えて 3月の中旬から準備をするように言っていました。





他の調査は北アメリカのアレルギーの季節がより長く、より悪くなっていることを示しています。しかしこの1 つである、Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences 科学の全米アカデミー紀要出版されましたものは、60 箇所の報告地点からの最も完全な情報を持っています。それはまた人間によって引き起こされる気候変動とより早く、より激しい花粉の季節の間の科学的な関係を読み解く最初の調査です。


ビル・アンデレッグ氏は、この研究の主執筆者です。彼は、"気候変動はここにあり、私たちが取りこむすべての呼吸の中にある "と言います。ユタ大学の科学者はAP通信(AP)に「明らかに気温が温暖化しており、二酸化炭素が空気中の花粉をより多く発生させている」と語っています。






1990年以来、早まった花粉の季節の約半分は気候変動にリンクしていました — ほとんどがより暖かい温度からです。しかし、植物による二酸化炭素の供給がその一端を担っていたとアンデレッグ氏はいいます。










彼女はAP通信に 「喘息は、治療と生産性の損失の面で、米国経済に年間推定800億ドルの費用がかかっている"と語っています。つまり、花粉シーズンの長期化は、"アレルギーに悩む個人だけでなく、米国経済にとっても脅威となる "ということです。


他にも問題はあります。サプコタ氏は最近、春の早い時期のアレルギーと喘息の入院リスクの増加との関連性を発見しました。別の研究では、花粉の量が原因で学生のテストの成績が悪くなることがわかったとアンデレッグ 氏は述べています。 


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 米国疾病対策予防センターは、花粉から身を守る方法についていくつかのアドバイスを提供しています。


● アレルギー治療薬や喘息治療薬は、医療従事者のアドバイスに従って服用する。


● 外出中は目に触れないようにする。

● 外出後は、肌や髪の毛に付着した花粉を落とすために洗う。

● 屋外に出た後は着替えをする。

● 花粉の季節には窓を閉めておく。



Read more












Machine Learning Used to Predict Where New Coronaviruses Might Develop Next

February 17, 2021











今回の研究では、動物と人間の両方に感染する可能性のあるコロナウイルスの将来の保菌者となる可能性のある多数の哺乳類が特定しました。研究成果はこのほどNature Communications.誌に掲載されました。






その結果、哺乳類の種とコロナウイルスのバージョンの間には、過去に特定されたものに比べて約11倍の関連性があることが示唆されました。また、このシステムは、"これまでに観察されているよりも4種類以上の異なる(種類の)コロナウイルスに感染する可能性のある哺乳類の種が40倍以上ある "と予測しました。












この結果は、動物から人間へと飛び移る前に、新しいコロナウイルスのバージョンを発見するのに役立つかもしれない、と研究者たちは言っています。次に、彼らは "重要なコロナウイルス宿主の完全な範囲 "をさらに研究するために鳥の種を含むように研究を拡大することを計画しています。






Machine Learning Used to Predict Where New Coronaviruses Might Develop Next


A researcher for Brazil's state-run Fiocruz Institute takes an oral swab sample from a bat captured in the Atlantic Forest, at Pedra Branca state park, near Rio de Janeiro, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020. (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)


Researchers have used artificial intelligence (AI) methods in an effort to predict which animals might develop new kinds of coronaviruses that affect humans.

Scientists believe the new coronavirus spreading around the world, which causes the disease COVID-19, likely started in bats. It then jumped to another animal before infecting humans.

One way to prevent new pandemics is for experts to identify which animals in different parts of the world are more likely to develop coronaviruses. Researchers involved in the study say one way new coronaviruses form is when two different versions of the virus infect one animal. When this happens, genetic material from the viruses “recombines,” or mixes, in a cell. This can result in a new coronavirus version.

The research involved a computer algorithm that examined data about the genetic structure of coronaviruses and information about different mammals. An algorithm is a set of steps that are followed in order to complete a computer process. Some algorithms are powered by machine learning, a form of AI.

The new study identifies a large number of mammals that could be future carriers of coronaviruses, which can infect both animals and humans. The results of the research were recently published in Nature Communications.

One of the project’s lead researchers was Maya Wardeh. She is with the Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences at the University of Liverpool. She said in a statement that until now, there has not been a lot of research on how different mammals are affected by different coronaviruses. But, such information “could offer insights into where viral recombination might occur,” Wardeh added.

The machine learning system examined 411 different coronavirus versions and 876 possible mammal species. The goal was to identify the mammals most likely to be co-infected and possibly carry new coronaviruses.

The results suggested there are about 11 times more links between mammal species and coronavirus versions than had been identified in the past. The system also predicted 40 times more mammal species that can be infected “with four or more different (kinds) of coronaviruses than have been observed to date.”

Marcus Blagrove was co-leader of the research. He said results of the study can help scientists better understand the new coronavirus, which has already developed into different versions.

Blagrove noted that coronaviruses often recombine when they infect a host and that the new coronavirus is highly infectious to humans. Therefore, “the most immediate threat to public health is recombination of other coronaviruses with SARS-CoV-2,” he said. SARS-CoV-2 is the scientific name for the new coronavirus.

When looking at the current coronavirus, the team said the machine learning system had identified hosts in which SARS-CoV-2 recombination could happen. It predicted at least 126 non-human species in which the new coronavirus could be found.

The study lists some specific species that scientists can watch as possible hosts for coronaviruses. They include a bat species called the lesser Asiatic yellow bat, which is common in East Asia but not well studied. Others were the common hedgehog, the European rabbit and the house cat.

The scientists admitted the results were based on limited data and said further research is needed to support the findings. However, they noted that recent testing on possible mammal hosts for the new coronavirus had confirmed a number of the system’s predictions.

The results might be used to help discover new coronavirus versions before they jump from animals to humans, the researchers said. Next, they plan to expand their research to include bird species to further study “the full range of important coronavirus hosts.”





Words in This Story


artificial intelligence n. the power of a machine to copy intelligent human behavior

mammal n. types of animals that feed milk to its young and that usually have hair or fur covering most of its skin

insightn. the ability to understand what something is really like

occurv. to happen

speciesn. a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants; a group of related animals or plants that is smaller than a genus

mutatev. to cause (a gene) to change and create an unusual characteristic in a plant or animal

hostn. a living organism on or in which a parasite lives

domesticadj. kept at home as a pet and not in the wild


”Innate immunity”自然免疫が働くとしたのなら、素晴らしい事ですが












Experts Wonder Why Coronavirus Cases Drop in India

2 hours ago /2021/02/20





新しい感染症例は昨年インド全土で数ヶ月間上昇していましたが、その後9月に落ち始めました。今が、一日約11,000 の新しい感染を報告しています。それは危機の最悪の期間中であったおよそ100,000 から下っています。


ウイルスを研究している専門家は、インドのほぼすべての部分で起こった突然の低下のための多くの可能な説明を示唆しています。2 つの可能な説明は、国のいくつかの地域が”集団免疫”に達している可能性があります、またはインド人がコロナウイルスからのいくつかの既存の保護を持っている可能性があります。herd immunity 群集免疫とは、ある集団の中で十分な数の人々が病気に抵抗力を持ち、病気が広がらない状態を指します。






Shahid Jameel博士はインドのアショカ大学でウイルスを研究しています。「原因がわからなければ、無意識のうちに再燃につながるようなことをしている可能性があるでしょう。」 と、同博士はAP通信に語っています。









Vineeta Bal氏は どのように体が病気と戦うのかをインドの国立免疫研究所で研究しています。彼女は、ウイルス症例の減少は、大規模な地域が集団免疫に到達したことに関連していると考えているとAPに語っています。




新しい研究では、あるウイルスの型で病気になった人が、新しいバージョンで再び感染する可能性があることを示唆しています。例えば、バル氏はブラジルのマナウスでの最近の研究を指摘しました。それはそこにいる人々の75%以上が10月にウイルスの抗体を持っていたと推定しました - 症例が1月に再び急上昇する前に。「私は誰もが最終的な答えを持っているとは思わない 」と彼女は言っています。




アショカ大学のジャミール博士は、「COVIDウイルスが肺に到達する前に、鼻や喉でコントロールできれば、それほど深刻にはならない」と述べています。「自然免疫はこのレベルで、ウイルス感染を抑えて肺に到達するのを止めようとすることで機能します 」と彼は付け加えています。







Experts Wonder Why Coronavirus Cases Drop in India

In this Nov. 6, 2020, file photo, people queue to get tested for COVID-19 as a thick quilt of smog lingers over New Delhi, India. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup, File)


Health experts in India are seeking to find out what caused a major drop in coronavirus cases in recent months.

New infections had climbed for months across India last year, but then began falling in September. Now the country is reporting about 11,000 new cases a day. That is down from nearly 100,000 during the worst period of the crisis.

Experts studying the virus have suggested many possible explanations for the sudden drop, which happened in nearly every part of India. Two possible explanations are that some areas of the country may have reached “herd immunity” or that Indians may have some preexisting protection from the coronavirus. The term herd immunity describes a situation in which enough people in a population are resistant to a disease so that it cannot spread.

The Indian government has said it believes the decrease happened, at least partly, because of mask-wearing across the country. Wearing a mask in public is a rule in India and is strongly enforced in some cities. But experts have noted that virus cases also dropped in areas where mask-wearing was less common.

In this file photo, Izhaar Hussain Shaikh, right, an ambulance driver who works for HelpNow, an initiative to help the stretched services of first responders, is assisted by his helper to wear the face mask before picking up a COVID-19 patient in Mumbai, India May 28. (AP)
In this file photo, Izhaar Hussain Shaikh, right, an ambulance driver who works for HelpNow, an initiative to help the stretched services of first responders, is assisted by his helper to wear the face mask before picking up a COVID-19 patient in Mumbai, India May 28. (AP)


Finding out causes for the drop could help officials better control COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. India has reported nearly 11 million COVID-19 cases and over 155,000 deaths.

Dr. Shahid Jameel studies viruses at India’s Ashoka University. “If we don’t know the reason, you could unknowingly be doing things that could lead to a flare-up,” he told The Associated Press (AP).

India, like other countries, misses many infections, and there have been questions about how it counts its virus deaths. But pressure on the country’s hospitals also dropped in recent months. This suggests that the virus’ spread is slowing.

Recorded cases reached 9 million in November. At that time, official information showed that nearly 90 percent of all critical care beds with ventilators in New Delhi were full. This week, just 16 percent of those beds were occupied.

A policeman wearing mask to protect from the coronavirus hands out saplings to plant on World Environment Day in Kochi, Kerala state, India, Friday, June 5, 2020. (AP Photo/R S Iyer)
A policeman wearing mask to protect from the coronavirus hands out saplings to plant on World Environment Day in Kochi, Kerala state, India, Friday, June 5, 2020. (AP Photo/R S Iyer)


Experts believe the drop cannot be the result of COVID-19 vaccines because India only began giving the injections in January. They say the effects of the vaccination program will only be seen later.

Vineeta Bal studies how the body fights disease at India’s National Institute of Immunology. She told the AP she thinks the drop in virus cases could be related to large areas reaching herd immunity.

But other experts have warned that even if herd immunity in some places is partly responsible for the drop, the population as a whole remains vulnerable. This means people must continue to take measures to protect themselves.


New research suggests that people who got sick with one form of the virus may be able to get infected again with a new version. For example, Bal pointed to a recent study in Manaus, Brazil. It estimated that over 75 percent of people there had antibodies for the virus in October -- before cases saw a sharp rise again in January. “I don’t think anyone has the final answer,” she said.

Virus Outbreak India Vaccine
Virus Outbreak India Vaccine


Experts say another possibility is that many Indians get exposed to a series of diseases throughout their lives. That could help build up immunity against new viruses. Among diseases common in India are cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis.

“If the COVID virus can be controlled in the nose and throat, before it reaches the lungs, it doesn’t become as serious,” said Dr. Jameel of Ashoka University. “Innate immunity works at this level, by trying to reduce the viral infection and stop it from getting to the lungs,” he added.

Even with the major drop in infections, Indian health officials are worried about new virus versions, or variants, slowing efforts to fight the coronavirus. Scientists have identified several new variants in the country, including some blamed for causing new infections in people who already had an earlier virus version.





Words in This Story


mask n. a covering used to hide or disguise your face

flare-up n. a situation in which something – such as violence, pain or anger suddenly starts or gets much worse

ventilatorn. a machine that helps a person breathe

vulnerableadj. easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally

exposev. to put (someone or something) at risk from a harmful action or condition

immunityn. to be protected against catching a disease

innateadj. inborn or natural








Let's get started!!!











Israel: Vaccine Campaign Slowing Because of Misinformation

February 18, 2021







「祝賀会に参加するか、取り残されるかを決めよう 」と保健省のユリ・エデルシュタイン氏はツイッターに書いています。















先週、 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ベンジャミン・ネタニヤフ首相は、ワクチンキャンペーンの唯一の障壁は "フェイクニュースと、国民やインターネット上に植え付けられた迷信 "だと述べました。迷信とは、ありえない力や影響力に基づいた信念を表す用語です。


保健省は、国民を教育するために数百万ドルを費やしたと報じられています。関係者のEinav Shimron氏は、同省は医師や宗教指導者と協力して、誤報に対する取り組みを強化していると述べています。





Israel: Vaccine Campaign Slowing Because of Misinformation

An Israeli military paramedic prepares a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, to be administered to elderly people at a medical center in Ashdod, southern Israel, Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov)


Israel is blaming online misinformation for a sudden slowdown in its vaccination campaign. The slowdown comes at a time when many countries are studying the Israeli experience to understand what may lie ahead.

Israel’s vaccination rates are currently among the highest in the world. The country’s Ministry of Health is leading its vaccination efforts. The health ministry has been using both warnings and incentives as it tries to get more people to get immunized.

“Decide whether you are part of the celebration or whether you will be left behind,” Health Minister Yuli Edelstein wrote on Twitter.

The Health Ministry has increased the number of employees who follow false claims about the vaccines. They look at anti-vaccination messages in Hebrew, Russian, Amharic, Arabic and English.

At the same time, local governments are turning to DJs and free food to get more people to come to vaccination centers. People who have not been vaccinated could soon be barred from concerts and museums.

Over 25 percent of the population has received both injections of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. In addition, over 42 percent have received the first injection, said the Health Ministry. The vaccination campaign started in December.

Vaccinations slowing

However, Israel’s vaccination rate has slowed since making the vaccine available to everyone over the age of 16. In February, Israel averaged just over 106,000 vaccinations each day. But, the health ministry recently said that January’s daily average was more than 127,000.

In addition, infection rates remain high in Israel, probably because some groups refuse to be vaccinated. Different groups in the country are not taking the vaccines for different reasons. For example, younger Israelis often think they cannot get seriously sick. Some important ultra-Orthodox religious leaders have called on their followers to refuse vaccination. Also, some in Israel’s Arab minority do not have complete trust in the country’s Jewish leadership.

Israel, a country of 9.3 million people, has reported over 5,000 new cases each day over the past week, the health ministry said. The country has recorded over 723,000 cases of COVID-19 since the start of the crisis and nearly 5,400 deaths. Over 20 percent of the deaths were in the past month.

Last week Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the only barrier to the vaccine campaign was “the fake news and the superstitious…beliefs that are planted in the public and on the internet.” Superstitious is a term that describes beliefs that are based in impossible powers or influences.

The Ministry of Health has reportedly spent millions of dollars in its efforts to educate the public. Official Einav Shimron said the ministry is working with doctors and religious leaders to increase efforts against misinformation.




Words in This Story


incentive – n. something that encourages a person to do something or to work harder

DJ -- n. a disc jockey, a person who plays recorded music on the radio or at a party or nightclub

museum – n. a building in which interesting and valuable things (such as paintings and sculptures or scientific or historical objects) are collected and shown to the public

fake – adj. false, not true or not what is presents itself as