- 南極の'フットボール' 化石は世界で2番目に大きい卵
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- エピオルニス(Elepahnt Bird) 世界最大の鳥
- それ以外にも発見されている「柔らかい殻をもつ卵」の化石
- 「The Thing」の由来
- 原文 Antarctica’s ‘Football’ Fossil Is World’s Second-Biggest Egg
南極の'フットボール' 化石は世界で2番目に大きい卵
Antarctica’s ‘Football’ Fossil Is World’s Second-Biggest Egg
化石の大きさはー空気の抜けたーサッカーボールくらいと言われています。大きさは約29センチ×20センチ。それは、以前に死んだマダガスカルの大きなエピオルニス(Elepahnt Bird)の卵よりも少しだけ小さい、と科学者たちは言います。
モササウルスとプレシオサウルスは恐竜と同じ時期に絶滅しました。彼らは、報告によると 小さく、岩のような物体である小惑星が6600万年前に地球を襲った後に消えました。
チリ大学とチリの自然史博物館からの科学者は、2011年に珍しい化石を発見したのですが、それが何であるかわからず、彼らは "The Thing"「物体」と呼んでいまいた、 SF映画の名前にちなんで。
「キャンプに到着したとき、私たちに同行した地質学者に尋ねました、 今までにこのような物を見たことがあるかどうかと。」「彼らの困惑した表情が全てを物語っていましたね。」と、チリ古生物学の研究者ロドリゴ・オテロ氏は語ってくれました。
この卵は恐竜ではなく、爬虫類の一種モササウルス属のものかもしれないと、研究チームは考えている様です。肉食海生爬虫類モササウルスは当時、この地域に広く分布していとのこと。 この卵が発見された場所では、モササウルスの子どもや首長竜プレシオサウルスと呼ばれる他の海生爬虫類などの骨が見つかっていることも、研究チームの説を補強しているそうです。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News
エピオルニス(Elepahnt Bird) 世界最大の鳥
「世界最大の鳥」めぐる論争、ついに決着 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
巨大な飛べない鳥エピオルニス(象鳥)の想像図(2018年9月25日提供)。(c)AFP PHOTO / Zoological Society of London / Jaime CHIRINOS
「The Thing」の由来
SF映画ジョン・カーペンター監督『遊星からの物体X』で南極大陸で発見された謎の物体にちなんで「The Thing(物体)」だそうです。
原文 Antarctica’s ‘Football’ Fossil Is World’s Second-Biggest Egg
Scientists recently reported an unusual finding: the discovery of the second-largest egg known to exist. The egg, a 68 million-year-old fossil, was found on Seymour Island, off the coast of Antarctica.
The fossil is said to be about the size of a football – without the air inside. It measures around 29 centimeters by 20 centimeters. It is only a little smaller than the eggs of the large elephant birds of Madagascar, which died off some time ago, scientists said.
While birds and many dinosaurs produced hard-shelled eggs, the Antarctic egg has a soft shell.
“This new egg is the very first fossil egg from Antarctica, and the largest soft-shelled egg ever discovered,” said Lucas Legendre. He is a paleontologist at the University of Texas at Austin. He was the lead writer of the report published in the journal Nature.
Legendre compared the egg to a football that had lost its air. “One side is flattened, suggesting that is where it came in contact with the sea floor. Its eggshell is very thin, and poorly mineralized, like in the eggs of lizards and snakes,” he said.
At the time the egg was made, the only creatures in Antarctica that were large enough to lay it were seagoing reptiles. The discovery of the fossil makes researchers question the idea that these animals only gave birth to live young.
The bones of the mother were not found, so scientists were not able to say which animal laid it. Among the likely creatures to have laid it are species of mosasaurs and plesiosaurs. The former could reach lengths of 15 meters, while the latter could reach lengths of 10 meters, Legendre said.
Mosasaurs and plesiosaurs died off at the same time as the dinosaurs. They disappeared after an asteroid, a small, rocky object, reportedly struck Earth some 66 million years ago.
Scientists from the University of Chile and Chile’s Museum of Natural History found the unusual fossil in 2011. Unsure about what it was, they called it “The Thing,” after the name of a science-fiction film.
“When we arrived at camp, we asked the geologists that accompanied us if they had ever seen anything like it,” said University of Chile paleontology researcher Rodrigo Otero. “Their expression of bewilderment said it all.”
Words in This Story
fossil – n. something (such as a plant leaf, skeleton, or footprint) that is from an animal or organism which lived in ancient times
dinosaur – n. one of many creatures that lived on Earth millions of years ago
paleontologist – n. a scientist that deals with the fossils of animals and plants that lived very long ago especially in the time of dinosaurs
journal – n. a magazine or other publication that specializes on a subject or activity
lay – v. to produce an egg from inside the body
reptile – n. a group of animals that includes snakes, crocodiles and turtles
species – n. a group of living organisms made up of similar individuals
geologist – n. a scientist who studies rocks and/or soil to learn about the history of the Earth and its life
bewilderment – n. the feeling of being unable to think clearly