


今週の”Words and Their Stories”

'Rolling Stones Gather No Moss'「転がる石に苔は生えない







転がる石に苔は生えない 'Rolling Stones Gather No Moss' Ⅰ








さて、数年前、この表現は別のWords and Their Storiesで取り上げられ、ロックンロールとの関係を説明していました。作家のシェリー・ゴルスト氏は、「転がる石に苔は生えない」という表現は、いくつかの方法で理解できると説明しています。











転がる石のことを考えてみてください。苔の心配をすることなく、のんきに移動しています。”転がる石 "である人々は、責任を伴う制限なしに生きています。彼らは、彼らが選んだときに彼らが選んだ場所に行きます。そして、どこにも長居しないので、愛着がわきません。またはコケ。


転がる石は、しばしば移動する”遊牧民”と表現することもできます。メリアムウェブスターのオンライン辞書の専門家は、遊牧民を "場所から場所へ移動する人々のグループのメンバー "と定義しています。多くの場合、遊牧民は食べ物を探すために移動します。



その中でも特に優れているのが、1972年のテンプテーションズ(The Temptations)の曲です。"パパはローリングストーンだった "は、家族を捨てた男についてです。曲の中で母親は息子が知らない父親のことを説明しようとします。




転がる石に苔は生えない 'Rolling Stones Gather No Moss' Ⅱ  September 21, 2014





このことわざが最初に使われたのは1500年代と言われています。しかし、1960年代に入ると、ロックンロール音楽の世界で"rolling stone"という表現が有名になりました。それがロックグループの名前になり、歌になり、雑誌になったのです。

専門家によると、すべてはアメリカのシンガーでギタリストのマディ・ウォーターズの歌から始まったといいます。彼は1983年に亡くなるまで、アメリカのトップ・ブルース・ミュージシャンの一人でした。彼の音楽はエルヴィス・プレスリーボブ・ディランなどの歌手に影響を与え、1950年、マディ・ウォーターズは "Rollin' Stone "という曲を録音しました。

イギリスのロックグループは、マディ・ウォーターズの曲からグループ名を取ったと言われています。The Rolling Stones ローリング・ストーンズが初ライブを行ったのは1962年。グループのメンバーは自分たちを "世界最高のロックンロールバンド "と呼んでいました。



1967年 ヤン・ウェナーという青年が "ローリング・ストーン "という 雑誌を創刊し、ロック音楽とそれが生み出した大衆文化についての記事を掲載していました。1971年には、”ローリング・ストーン”はロック・ミュージックとカウンターカルチャーの代表的な出版物となりました。現在でも人気があります。


Greaest British Band in 60's

1950年代~ アメリカ音楽の輸入からの発展

1960年代~    ロックの開花









知るって、楽しい!! Fun fun fun!!!

そして、いつか語れる Fan になりたい!!

How fantastic it wii be!!








原文 'Rolling Stones Gather No Moss' Ⅰ


FILE - A picture shows a balanced sculpture built during the European Stone Stacking Championships 2019 in Dunbar, Scotland, on April 21, 2019. (Photo by Andy Buchanan / AFP)

On today’s program, we will talk about the expression: A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Most of you probably know that a stone is the same thing as a rock. But what about moss?

Well, moss is a very soft, green plant. It has very small leaves and does not flower. It loves shade and water. So, moss grows well on wet ground, trees and rocks. In fact, rocks and stones that line shady creeks and rivers are often mossy.

Moss grows slowly and is a rootless plant. It spreads well over non-moving surfaces. In fact, to prevent moss from growing on stones in your garden, you can just move the rocks around, turning them over now and then.

Why? Because “A rolling stone gathers no moss.”

Now, years ago this expression was covered in another Words and Their Stories. That story explained the expression’s connection to rock-and-roll. Writer Shelley Gollust explained that "a rolling stone gathers no moss" can be understood in a couple of ways.

It can mean that a person who never settles down in one place will not gather wealth or long-lasting relationships. The moss that slowly spreads across the rock represents the money and friends we make over time.

How does it feel?
To be on your own,
With no direction home,
A complete unknown,
Like a rolling stone.

But there is another way we use this expression.

Think about a rolling stone. It leads a carefree existence, on the move with no moss to worry about. People who are “rolling stones” live without the restrictions that come with responsibilities. They go where they choose when they choose. And, they don’t stay anywhere long enough to form attachments. Or moss.

A free spirit is also a term we use to describe such a person. They are not tied down with lots of traditional responsibilities.

A rolling stone could also be described as “nomadic,” often moving. Experts at the Merriam-Webster online dictionary define a nomad as a “member of a group of people who move from place to place.” Often nomads move around to find food.

However, these days we can use the word “nomadic” to describe anyone who moves around a lot.

Now, the rolling stone lifestyle has been explored in many songs including work by Muddy Waters and Bob Dylan.

One of the best came from The Temptations in 1972. “Papa Was a Rolling Stone” is about a man who leaves his family. In the song the mother tries to explain the father her son never knew.

Papa was a rolling stone (my son, yeah)
Wherever he laid his hat was his home …

And that’s the end of this Words and Their Stories. Until next time … I’m Anna Matteo.


In the Comments Section, let us know how you view this expression. Is it good or bad be a rolling stone?

Anna Matteo wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Caty Weaver was the editor. The first song used in this show is Bob Dylan singing "Rolling Stone" and the second is The Temptations singing "Papa Was a Rolling Stone."


Words in This Story Ⅰ 


shadyadj. sheltered from the sun's light

creek n. a stream of water usually larger than a brook and smaller than a river

gather – v. something brought together

carefree – adj. having no worries or troubles

free spirit – n. a person who thinks and acts in an uninhibited way without worrying about normal social rules

nomadic adj. roaming about from place to place : characteristic of or being a nomad or group of nomads



'Rolling Stones Gather No Moss' Ⅱ  September 21, 2014

A Sotheby's employee shows the handwritten lyrics for Bob Dylan's 'Like a Rolling Stone' song that is part part of a collection from; 'A Rock and Roll History: Presley to Punk' at Sotheby's auction house in New York, June 20, 2014

Today we explain a very old saying that has had a big influence on rock and roll music. That saying is: "a rolling stone gathers no moss." It has several meanings. One meaning is that a person who never settles down in one place will not be successful. Another is that someone who is always moving, with no roots in one place, avoids responsibilities.

This proverb was said to be first used in the 1500s. But in the 1960s, the expression "rolling stone" became famous in the world of rock-and-roll music. It became the name of a rock group, a song and a magazine.

Experts say it all started with a song by the American singer and guitarist Muddy Waters. He was one of the country’s top blues musicians until his death in 1983. His music influenced singers like Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan. In 1950, Muddy Waters recorded a song called “Rollin’ Stone.”

A British rock group is said to have taken its name from Muddy Waters’ song. The Rolling Stones performed for the first time in 1962. The group’s members called themselves “the world’s greatest rock and roll band.”

In 1965, Bob Dylan released his song “Like a Rolling Stone.” It is one of his best-known and most influential works.

It is an angry song about a woman who was once rich and successful. But now she is on her own, “with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone.”

In 1967, a young man named Jann Wenner started a magazine he named “Rolling Stone.” The magazine reported on rock music and the popular culture that the music created. By 1971, "Rolling Stone” had become the leading rock music and counterculture publication. It is still popular today.