






with コロナ生活も、疲れてきました~!!!







Russia First to Approve COVID-19 Vaccine, Others Not so Sure







キリル・ドミトリエフ氏はロシア直接投資基金の責任者です。"スプートニクの瞬間 "と評した スプートニク1号は世界初の人工衛星の名前です。ロシアがソビエト連邦の一部だった1957年に打ち上げられました。

ドミトリーフ氏は、新しいCOVID-19ワクチンは "スプートニクV "と命名されるだろうと述べています。彼によると、ロシアはすでに10億回分の投与を求める外国からの要請を受けているといいます。ロシアの国営メディアはまた、このワクチンに取り組んでいる科学者を称賛し、その仕事を他国の羨望の的であるとのべています。



第3相臨床試験  (フェーズ3試験)









世界保健機関(WHO)によると COVID-19対策として 100種類以上のワクチンが開発されています しかし、現在、第3段階試験中のワクチンは6種類の可能性しかありません。








米国や中国、韓国などで相当数の製薬企業、バイオ企業が、ワクチンや治療薬の開発に相次いで乗り出している状況に比べると、日本の製薬企業やバイオ企業の動きは鈍い。ある業界関係者は、「今回の新型コロナウイルスに対して、治療薬やワクチンの研究開発を始めようという日本企業があまりに少ない」と指摘する。背景には、日本の製薬企業の多くが、そもそもワクチンの研究開発基盤を有していないことや、選択と集中を進める中で重点疾患領域から感染症を外しているといった事情がある。ただ、前述の業界関係者は「感染症は、過ぎたら忘れてしまうが、世界の公衆衛生にとっては、常に重要な課題。日本の製薬企業の存在意義をもっと示せないものだろうか……」と嘆いていた。 (上記リンク抜粋)







Russia First to Approve COVID-19 Vaccine, Others Not so Sure


In this photo made from footage provided by the Russian Defense Ministry on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, medical workers prepare to draw blood from volunteers participating in a trial of a coronavirus vaccine at the Budenko Main Military Hospital. (Russian Defense Ministry photo)

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared on Tuesday that Russia has become the first country to approve a vaccine for COVID-19. But some scientists question whether its quick approval without testing a large group of people will lead to a safe vaccine.

Speaking at a government meeting, Putin said that the vaccine, developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Institute, has completed the necessary tests and is safe.

“I know that it works quite effectively, forms strong immunity, and I repeat, it has passed all the needed checks,” said Putin. “We must be grateful to those who made that first step very important for our country and the entire world.”

The Russian leader noted that one of his two adult daughters has received two shots of the vaccine. “She has taken part in the experiment,” Putin said.

Kirill Dmitriev is head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund. He likened the development to a “Sputnik moment.” Sputnik 1 is the name of the world’s first satellite. It was launched in 1957 when Russia was part of the Soviet Union.

Dmitriev said the new COVID-19 vaccine will be named “Sputnik V.” He said Russia had already received foreign requests for one billion doses. Russian state media also praised the scientists working on the vaccine and described the work as the envy of other nations.

The Russian Health Ministry said in a statement that the vaccine is expected to provide immunity from the coronavirus for up to two years. Officials added that medical workers, teachers and individuals in other high-risk groups will be the first to receive the shots.

A handout photo provided by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) shows samples of a vaccine against COVID-19 developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, in Moscow, Russia August 6, 2020.
A handout photo provided by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) shows samples of a vaccine against COVID-19 developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, in Moscow, Russia August 6, 2020.

Phase 3 trials

The Russian announcement came less than two months after the start of human testing of the vaccine. And the vaccine has yet to complete Phase 3 trials – when a new drug is tested against the effectiveness of other treatments.

Other COVID-19 vaccine candidates have been given to volunteers in Phase 3 trials in Britain and the United States. Those vaccines have been developed by the University of Oxford and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Each trial will last for several months and include up to 30,000 people.

Alexander Gintsburg is head of the Gamaleya Institute. He said that the Russian vaccine program will start while Phase 3 trials continue. He told the Interfax agency that, at first, there will be only enough shots for some parts of the country.

The Association of Clinical Trials Organizations (ACTO) represents the world’s top drug makers in Russia. Earlier this week, it urged the health ministry to postpone approval until final testing is successfully completed.

Some international experts have questioned the speed at which Russia approved its vaccine.

Michael Head is a doctor and an expert in Global Health at the University of Southampton. He said, “It is unclear precisely what is actually happening with the Russian vaccine… At this point in time, there is no data on the Russian-led vaccine for the global health community to scrutinize.”

“Normally you need a large number of people to be tested before you approve a vaccine,” said Peter Kremsner from the University Hospital in Tuebingen. “In that respect, I think it’s reckless to do that (approve it) if lots of people haven’t already been tested.”

Duncan Matthews is with Queen Mary University of London. He said news of a possible COVID-19 vaccine was to be welcomed, “but safety must be the priority.”

The World Health Organization says more than 100 possible vaccines are being developed to protect against COVID-19. But only six possible vaccines are currently in Phase 3 trials.

Last month, the United States, Britain and Canada accused Russia of trying to steal Western research into coronavirus vaccines and treatments. In a joint statement, the three governments identified the Russian group Cozy Bear as responsible for the attacks.



Words in This Story


immunity - n. the power to keep yourself from being affected by a disease

check - n. the process of examining something to see if there is anything wrong

grateful - adj. showing thanks

dose - n. the amount of medicine

the envy of - phrase, something that causes someone to want it

scrutinize - v. to examine carefully and critically

reckless - adj. not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions

priority - n. something that is more important than other things and need to be dealt with first