今日のVOAニュースはDwarf Planet Ceres !!
いざ、宇宙の旅へ !!!
Dwarf Planet Ceres Has Salty Ocean Deep Underground
セレスは、Mars 火星と Jupiter木星の間にある小惑星帯(矮惑星帯または矮小惑星帯)の中で最大の天体です。新しい研究では、科学者たちは、この準惑星の冷たい表面の下に塩分を含んだ大きな水があることを示唆しています。
この研究は今月初め、Nature Astronomy誌、Nature Geoscience誌、Nature Communications誌に発表されました。
NASAのジェット推進研究所の惑星科学者ジュリー・キャスティロ氏は、セレスの貯水池に生命が存在する可能性を調べることに、現時点で大きな関心があると述べています。”寒くて塩分が豊富に含まれていることを考えれば” まさにその通りである、と彼女は付け加えています。
惑星の定義:Draft planet
- 太陽系の惑星(注1)とは、(a)太陽の周りを回り、(b)十分大きな質量を持つので、自己重力が固体に働く他の種々の力を上回って重力平衡形状(ほとんど球状の形)を有し、(c)自分の軌道の周囲から他の天体をきれいになくしてしまった天体である。
- 太陽系のdwarf planetとは、(a)太陽の周りを回り、(b)十分大きな質量を持つので、自己重力が固体に働く他の種々の力を上回って重力平衡形状(ほとんど球状の形)を有し(注2)、(c)自分の軌道の周囲から他の天体をきれいになくしておらず、(d)衛星でない天体である。
- 太陽の周りを公転する、衛星を除く、上記以外の他のすべての天体(注3)は、small solar system bodiesと総称する。
注2:基準ぎりぎりの所にある天体をdwarf planetとするか他の種別にするかを決めるIAUの手続きが、今後、制定されることになる。
注3:これらの天体は、小惑星、ほとんどのtrans-Neptunian object、彗星、他の小天体を含む。
冥王星は上記の定義によってdwarf planetであり、trans-Neptunian object天体の新しい種族の典型例と認められる。
※冥王星・セレス・2003UB313はdwarf planetですが、dwarf planetは惑星ではありません。dwarf planetは今後の観測によって増える可能性がありますが、惑星が増える可能性は低いでしょう。
Dwarf Planet Ceres Has Salty Ocean Deep Underground
Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between the planets Mars and Jupiter. In a new study, scientists suggest this dwarf planet contains a large body of salty water under its cold surface.
The researchers describe Ceres as an “ocean world” - a place that could have the right conditions to support living organisms.
The study was released earlier this month in the publications Nature Astronomy, Nature Geoscience and Nature Communications.
The research is based on data gathered by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, which flew as close as 35 kilometers to the surface of Ceres in 2018. The study provides evidence that the dwarf planet remains geologically active with cryovolcanism - volcanoes that produce icy material.
The scientists say their findings confirm the presence of a reservoir of salty water below the surface that has been slowly freezing. Planetary scientist and Dawn lead investigator Carol Raymond told the Reuters news agency it is this finding that makes Ceres an ocean world, even though liquid does not cover the whole dwarf planet.
“In the case of Ceres, we know the liquid reservoir is regional scale but we cannot tell for sure that it is global. However, what matters most is that there is liquid on a large scale,” Raymond said.
Ceres is about 950 kilometers around. The scientists centered their work on a 92-kilometer-wide crater formed when a large object hit Ceres about 22 million years ago. The crater has two bright areas caused by salt collections from liquid that reached the surface.
The scientists say the liquid started in a salt water reservoir hundreds of kilometers wide about 40 kilometers below the surface. When the large object crashed into Ceres, breaks in the dwarf planet’s surface created openings for salty water to escape.
There are several other solar system bodies beyond Earth where there at least appear to be oceans below the surface. These include Jupiter’s moon Europa, Saturn’s moon Enceladus, Neptune’s moon Triton and the dwarf planet Pluto.
Water is considered a major necessity for life. Scientists want to study whether Ceres was ever home to microbial life.
Planetary scientist Julie Castillo of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said there is major interest at this point in examining the possibility of life in Cerer’s reservoir. That is especially true “considering it is cold and getting quite rich in salts,” she added.
Words in This Story
asteroid belt – n. a gathering of any one of thousands of small planets that circle around the sun
dwarf planet – n. an object in space that looks like a small planet but lacks certain technical qualities that are required for it to be classed as such
geologically – adv. in a way that relates to rocks, land, or processes of land formation
reservoir – n. a place where a liquid is stored
regional – adj. a part of a country or world that is different or separate from other parts in some way
scale – n. the size or level of something especially in comparison to something else
global – adj. involving the entire world
crater – n. a large round hole in the ground made by the explosion of a bomb or by something falling from the sky
microbial – adj. an extremely small living thing that can only be seen with a microscope
quite – adv. to a very noticeable degree or extent