VOAラーニングイングリッシュの「Words and Their Stories」です。
(Words and Their Stories、毎回訳に苦労します。。。)
Steal someone's thunder!!
先に進め:'Steal My Thunder'
Go Ahead: 'Steal My Thunder'
すでに知っていることですね。でもこれは知ってた?You can also steal thunder!雷を盗むこともできるんです!
表現としては、雷も同じように作用します。あなたがsteal someone’s thunder(人の考えを横取りする,人のお株を奪う,人を出し抜く)とき、あなたはその人から注意を奪います。
同じ意味の言葉がたくさんあります。You beat them. You best them. You surpass them.彼らを打ち負かす。彼らを凌駕する。
天気の世界では、この2つの表現があります:outshine (~に光り勝つ)とeclipse(~力を奪う)です。もし同僚を出し抜くなら、彼女に光り勝つか、または彼女から力を奪うのです。彼女から注意を奪い、自分がつかむのです。
また、outperform(~を 凌ぐ )と、演劇からはupstage(人の人気を奪う)という2つの言葉があります。もしあなたが友人を凌いだり、人気を奪ったら、you have stolen his thunder.(あなたは友人の雷を盗んだことになります。)
もっと良いことをするだけでYou can steal thunder (ひとのお株を奪うことができるのです)
アナウンサー:チョコレートケーキで最優秀ケーキ賞を受賞したタニシャ・ハイタワーさんにおめでとうございます。ではベストパイの受賞者を発表します その前に発表があります 迷子のお子供さんがいます。 ティミーちゃんのご両親は メインステージに来てください...
クラリーゼ:まあ、その通りだわ、ジャクソンさん。私はこの5年間、有名なチェリーパイで優勝しています。でも、あなたには分からないわ。もしかしたら 今年は他の誰かが優勝するかもしれません。 どうかな でも、たぶん
クラリーゼ:しー。. 優勝者が発表されますよ。
アナウンサー:ベストパイの勝者は... ダグ・ジョンソンさん、彼の チェリーパイです。 おめでとう ダグ!
あなたもまた、その人より先に何かをすることで、人を出し抜くことができます。誰かが何かをしたり、言ったりする計画があることを知っているとしましょう - 何か良いことを。そこで、あなたが先に何かをしたり、言ったりすることを計画します。
Go Ahead: 'Steal My Thunder'
And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.
On this program we teach common English expressions and how to use them.
Many English expressions come from weather. We have talked about many in past shows. Recently we talked about lightning and how it never strikes twice … except when it does.
Well, today we talk about the noise that comes with lightning. Thunder!
Thunder is an awesome sound. It is nature’s warning system. It tells us that something extremely powerful and deadly -- lightning -- may be coming soon.
All this you already know. But did you know this? You can also steal thunder!
That’s right -- in English expressions you can.
If you think about it, thunder is pretty amazing. From low rumblings to sharp cracks, it is easy for thunder to take our attention away from what we are doing. We stop and look to the sky. Is it going to rain? Am I in danger of getting hit by lightning?
As an expression, thunder works the same way. When you steal someone’s thunder, you steal attention away from them.
We have many words that mean the same thing. You beat them. You best them. You surpass them.
Staying in the world of weather we have these two expressions: outshine and eclipse. If you steal a co-worker’s thunder, you outshine her or eclipse her. You take attention away from her and put it on you.
We also have these two words: outperform and, from theater, upstage. If you outperform or upstage your friend, you have stolen his thunder.
You can steal thunder by simply doing something better.
Here is an example set in a baking competition. This is where people bake something like bread, pies, or a cake and then are judged.
ANNOUNCER: Congratulations to Tanisha Hightower for winning the award for Best Cake with her chocolate cake. In a minute, we will announce the winner for Best Pie. But first, some announcements. We have a lost child. Will the parents of little Timmy please come to the main stage area …
JACKSON: Well, Clarise, we all know that you will win the Best Pie award. You win every year for your cherry pie.
CLARISE: Well, that is true, Jackson. I have won for the last five years with my Famous Cherry Pie. But you never know. Maybe this year someone else will win. I doubt it. But maybe.
ANNOUNCER: And now …
CLARISE: Shh. They are going to announce the winner.
ANNOUNCER: … the winner of the Best Pie is … Doug Johnson for his cherry pie. Congratulations to Doug!
CLARISE: What! There must be a mistake! My cherry pie always wins! And who is Doug Johnson??
JACKSON: He is someone who just totally stole your thunder.
You can also steal a person’s thunder by doing something before that person. Let’s say you know that someone plans to do or say something – something good. So, you plan to do or say it first.
But remember, it only counts as “stealing thunder” if your words or actions are a success or get a lot of praise.
You can steal my thunder any time
And that’s the end of this Words and Their Stories. Until next time … I’m Anna Matteo!
Words in This Story
rumbling – n. a low, heavy, continuous sound or series of sounds
crack – n. a sudden loud, sharp sound
surpass – v. to become better, greater, or stronger than
outshine – v. to do better than (someone or something) : to earn more respect or attention than (someone or something)
eclipse – v. to do or be much better than (someone or something)
outperform – v. to perform better than
upstage – v. to draw attention away from
praise – n. spoken or written words about the good qualities of someone or something : an expression of approval for someone or something
ingredient – n. one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc.
charity – n. an organization that helps people who are poor, sick, etc.