




私は、ピアノの発表会でライトに照らされ頭が真っ白になったことがあります。今思い出しても。。。I was a deer in the headlight!!


今日は、Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English!!








Deer Caught in Headlights






アメリカの多くの地域では、鹿に関する道路の警告標識を目にすることでしょう。大人の鹿は小動物ではありません。平均的なオスの体重は約135kg! 鹿は時々、スピードの速い車の通り道に飛び込んでくることがあります。時には命に関わることもありまするのです。



人が極度の驚き、恐怖、混乱の状態にあるとき、私たちは彼らが like deer caught in headlight (ヘッドライトに照らされた鹿のよう)だと言います。彼らは非常に怯えているように見えるので、明確に考えることができません。彼らは何をすべきかわからないので、何もしません。

時にはフレーズを短くして "“like a deer in headlights.” "ヘッドライトに照らされた鹿のようにと言うこともあります。

これは “doe-eyed"”メス鹿のようなパッチリ目 "と呼ばれるのとは少し違います。 A doe とは成長したメスの鹿です。 くりくりした愛らしい眼をした人は無邪気でなにも知らないのです。周りの状況に気づいていないのです。

さて、このことを覚えておいてください。私たちは普段、命に関わるような状況でないときに“like a deer caught in headlights””ヘッドライトに照らされた鹿のような”という表現を使います。

例えば、舞台恐怖症の人は、ヘッドライトに照らされた鹿のように見えることがしばしばあります。私が劇中で演技をしているとしましょう。私は自分のセリフをすべて分かっていて、準備ができていると感じています。しかし、初日の夜、観客を見渡し、彼らの顔を見ながら、私は固まってしまいます。自分のセリフもすべて忘れて、空間を見つめて、何も話すことができません。見ている人はこう言うかもしれません「アンナはどうしたの?彼女は何もしないで突っ立っているだけでいいのか?まるでヘッドライトに照らされた鹿のようだ" と言われるかもしれません。

だから、今度あなたが本当に驚いたり、怖がるときは、凍りつき、目を見開いたあなた自身を見つけるかもしれません - ヘッドライトの中の鹿のように。


DEER 鹿の呼び方


一般的な鹿は deer ですが、雄鹿、雌鹿、小鹿など様々な呼び名があります。




doe(ドーゥ):雌鹿 (雌のうさぎ、やぎ、羊なども)



hart(ハート):雄鹿 (主にイギリス)

stag(スタグ):雄鹿 (特にアカシカの雄)

buck(バック):雄鹿 (トナカイやうさぎなどの雄も)







Deer Caught in Headlights


On April 10, 2019, these deer were photographed early one morning in a field near Hildesheim, Germany. And they kind of have the "stare" that deer are known for – "caught in headlights." (Photo: by Moritz Frankenberg/dpa via AP

On this program we teach common words and expressions in American English. Today we talk about an animal found in many parts of the United States -- deer.

Washington, D.C. is home to many deer. They are sweet-looking, especially the baby fawns with their white spots. In the city, they are fun to watch, but they do cause trouble.

Deer eat plants in a housing area in Romford, Romford, Britain, April 3, 2020. (REUTERS/Peter Cziborr)
Deer eat plants in a housing area in Romford, Romford, Britain, April 3, 2020. (REUTERS/Peter Cziborr)


They make a lot of gardeners angry because deer eat almost everything!

In many parts of America, you will see road warning signs about deer. Adults are not little animals. An average male weighs about 135 kilograms! Deer sometimes leap into the path of fast-moving traffic. This can have serious, sometimes deadly, results.

This deer leaps in a snow covered field near the village of Karpavichi, about 50 km north of Minsk, Dec. 14, 2016. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)
This deer leaps in a snow covered field near the village of Karpavichi, about 50 km north of Minsk, Dec. 14, 2016. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)


And, that is what brings us to today’s expression – like a deer caught in headlights.

Deer will often stop suddenly in the middle of a road and stare into the lights of a vehicle coming toward them. They appear frozen in place, or “caught” in the headlights.

When people are in a state of extreme surprise, fear or confusion, we say they are like deer caught in headlights. They seem so frightened that they can not think clearly. They do not know what to do, so they do not do anything.

Sometimes we shorten the phrase and simply say, “like a deer in headlights.”

This is a little different from being called “doe-eyed.” A doe is a grown female deer. People who are doe-eyed are innocent, clueless. They are unaware of what’s going on around them.

Now, please keep this in mind. We usually use “like a deer caught in headlights” in situations that are not life-threatening.

For example, people who have stage fright often look like a deer in headlights. Let’s say I am acting in a play. I know all my lines and feel ready. But on opening night, as I look out into the audience and see all those faces … I freeze. I forget all my lines and stare into space, unable to speak. Someone watching might say, “What is wrong with Anna? Is she supposed to just stand there doing … nothing? She’s like a deer caught in headlights.”

So the next time you are really surprised or scared, you may find yourself looking frozen and wide-eyed -- like a deer in headlights.



Words in This Story


fawn – n. a deer that is less than a year old

leap – v. to jump over something : to move quickly

stare – v. to look at someone or something for a long time often with your eyes wide open

stage fright – n. nervousness felt at appearing before an audience

audience – n. a group of people who gather together to listen to something (such as a concert) or watch something (such as a movie or play) : the people who attend a performance