- グーグル、ニュース出版社に10億ドルを支払う
- ここまでのいきさつ、ざっくり
- What's European Publishers Council (EPC)?
- Another story
- 焦点:グーグルと欧州メディア、「広告独占」で熾烈な攻防
- Google to Pay $1 Billion to News Publishers
Google to Pay $1 Billion to News Publishers
October 08, 2020
アルファベット社のトップであるスンダル・ピチャイ氏は先週、グーグル・ニュース・ショーケースと呼ばれる新製品をドイツで最初に発売すると発表しました。同社はDer Spiegel、Stern、Die Zeitなどのドイツの新聞社と契約に達しました。ブラジルでは, アルファベット社は、出版物のFolha de São Paulo, Band とInfobae. との契約を結んでいます。
「この金銭的な誓約-これまでで最大のもの-は、出版社に支払いを行い、これまでとは異なる種類のオンラインニュース体験のための...高品質のコンテンツを作成することになります 」とピチャイ氏は述べています。
ドイツの出版社、シュピーゲルグループ はこのプロジェクトを歓迎しました。
シュピーゲルグループ のステファン・オットリッツ 氏は、「グーグルは、ドイツで質の高いジャーナリズムをサポートすることに真剣に取り組んでいることを示しています。我々は最初から[ニュース・ショーケース]に参加できることを嬉しく思っています」と述べました。
欧州出版社評議会European Publishers Council (EPC)はこのプロジェクトに批判的でした。同評議会のメンバーには、News UK、The Guardian、Pearson、The New York Times、Schibstedが含まれています。
アンジェラ・ミルズ・ウェイド氏は、EPC(European Publishers’ Council )のエグゼクティブ・ディレクターを務めています。彼女は、この製品を発売することで、グーグル社は条件を口述することができ、公正な交渉のための条件を作るために設計された法律に影響を与える可能性があると述べています。同時に、グーグルはニュース制作の資金調達に貢献しているとも言えると彼女は指摘します。
欧州出版社評議会(European Publishers Council)のエグゼクティブディレクター、アンジェラ・ミルズ=ウェイド氏も、「このライセンスの枠組みがどこまで幅広いものになるのか、まだわからない。コンテンツをライセンスしたいすべてのパブリッシャーに開かれたものであるべきだ」と、同じ意見だ。同評議会は、ほかのパブリッシャー業界団体とともにEU指令のパブリッシャーの権利を支持している。
What's European Publishers Council (EPC)?
出典:The European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA)
The European Publishers Council is a high level group of Chairmen and CEOs of leading European media corporations actively involved in multimedia markets spanning newspaper, magazine, book, journal, internet and online database publishers, and radio and TV broadcasting.
The EPC is not a trade association but a high level group of the most senior representatives of newspaper and magazine publishers in Europe. Members have been working since 1991 to review the impact of proposed European legislation on the press, and then express an agreed opinion to the initiators of the legislation, politicians and opinion-formers with a view to influencing the content of final directives and regulations. The overall objective has always been to encourage good law-making for the media industry.
Angela Mills Wade
Executive Director, EPC - Chair, EDAA
Angela Mills Wade has been the Executive Director of the European Publishers’ Council (EPC) since 1991. Previously, Angela worked as Head of European Affairs and Special Issues at the UK Advertising Association; European Executive for the ITV Companies’ Association and Assistant European Executive at the Retail Consortium.
Another story
Google to Pay $1 Billion to News Publishers
Google’s parent company Alphabet announced plans this month to pay one billion dollars to news media for their stories over the next three years.
Reuters news agency says the move could help Alphabet win over a powerful group at a time of growing concern about technology companies and the rules that govern them.
For years, traditional news media have fought the world’s most popular internet search engine. News publishers want to be paid for their stories, pictures and other content. European media groups have been leading the fight.
The head of Alphabet, Sundar Pichai, announced last week that a new product called Google News Showcase will launch first in Germany. The company has reached agreements with German newspapers including Der Spiegel, Stern, and Die Zeit. In Brazil, Alphabet has deals with the publications Folha de São Paulo, Band and Infobae.
Google News Showcase will also use content from news media in Belgium, India, the Netherlands and other countries. About 200 publishers in six countries have signed up to the product. The six are Argentina, Australia, Britain, Brazil, Canada and Germany.
“This financial commitment - our biggest to date - will pay publishers to create... high-quality content for a different kind of online news experience,” Pichai said.
Google’s parent company Alphabet reported a net profit of $34.3 billion on earnings of almost $162 billion last year.
The product will give publishers the ability to choose and present their stories on Google News. The service will be offered first on Android devices and then on products made by Apple.
German publisher the Spiegel Group welcomed the project.
The Spiegel Group’s Stefan Ottlitz noted, “Google shows that they are serious about supporting quality journalism in Germany. We are happy to be part of [News Showcase] from the start.”
The European Publishers Council was critical of the project. The council’s members include News UK, The Guardian, Pearson, The New York Times and Schibsted.
Angela Mills Wade is Executive Director of the EPC. She said that by launching this product, Google can dictate terms and conditions, and possibly affect legislation designed to create conditions for a fair negotiation. At the same time, she noted, the company can say it is helping to finance news production.
Publishers in France have often criticized Google. Yet the company is now negotiating with them. Australia wants to force Google and Facebook to share money earned from advertising with local media.
Other internet publishers are also critical of Google. They note the company is paying news organizations but not weather websites or for other content.
Words in This Story
content – n. the ideas, facts, or images that are in a book, magazine, speech, or movie
commitment – n. the promise to do or give something
journalism – n. the activity of writing for newspapers, magazines or news websites or preparing news for broadcasts