

COVAX その意義












Report: Poor Countries May Not Get Vaccine Until 2024







Gaviは、世界保健機関(WHO)、疫病対策革新連合(Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations)とともにCOVAXワクチンキャンペーンを主導しています。






「COVAX機関の設立成功に失敗するリスクは非常に高い 」と内部報告書は述べています。ロイター通信が報じたところによると、この報告書やGaviが作成した他の文書は、Gaviの指導者が出席した最近の会議で議論されたものだといいます。




















あるWHOの幹部によると、WHOはPfizer ファイザー社やModernaモデナ社とCOVID-19ワクチンの導入を検討しているといいます。これは、現在の市場価格よりも低価格で貧しい国々にワクチンを提供するための世界的な早期発売プログラムの一環です。














この機関はワクチン債を発行しており、援助資金供与者が購入に同意すれば、来年には15億ドルもの資金調達が可能だとGaviの文書には書かれています。COVAXはまた、主にBill and Melinda Gates Foundationビルとメリンダ・ゲイツ財団を中心とした民間の援助資金供与者からお金を得ています。











What is COVAX?

Covax:COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility



Gavi is co-leading COVAX, the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. This involves coordinating the COVAX Facility, a global risk-sharing mechanism for pooled procurement and equitable distribution of eventual COVID-19 vaccines.



COVAX Facility partners


COVAX is the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator

The ACT Accelerator is a ground-breaking global collaboration to accelerate the development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines.

COVAX is co-led by Gavi, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and WHO. Its aim is to accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines, and to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in the world.


COVAXは、Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) アクセラレータのワクチンの柱です。


COVAXは、Gavi、Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)、WHOが共同で運営しています。その目的は、COVID-19ワクチンの開発と製造を加速させ、世界のすべての国に公正かつ公平なアクセスを保証することです。





Boost for global response to COVID-19 as economies worldwide formally sign up to COVAX facility


About Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is a public-private partnership that helps vaccinate half the world’s children against some of the world’s deadliest diseases. Since its inception in 2000, Gavi has helped to immunise a whole generation – over 760 million children – and prevented more than 13 million deaths, helping to halve child mortality in 73 developing countries. Gavi also plays a key role in improving global health security by supporting health systems as well as funding global stockpiles for Ebola, cholera, meningitis and yellow fever vaccines.  After two decades of progress, Gavi is now focused on protecting the next generation and reaching the unvaccinated children still being left behind, employing innovative finance and the latest technology – from drones to biometrics – to save millions more lives, prevent outbreaks before they can spread and help countries on the road to self-sufficiency. Learn more at www.gavi.org and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

The Vaccine Alliance brings together developing country and donor governments, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry, technical agencies, civil society, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other private sector partners. View the full list of donor governments and other leading organizations that fund Gavi’s work here.


Gavi, the Vaccine Allianceは官民パートナーシップであり、世界の子どもたちの半数が世界で最も致命的な病気にかからないようにワクチンを接種することを支援しています。2000年の発足以来、Gaviは7億6,000万人以上の子どもたちに予防接種を行い、1,300万人以上の死亡を防ぎ、73カ国の発展途上国の子どもの死亡率を半減させることに貢献してきました。また、エボラ出血熱コレラ髄膜炎、黄熱病ワクチンの世界的な備蓄資金を提供するだけでなく、保健システムを支援することで、世界の保健安全保障を向上させる上で重要な役割を果たしています。 20年の進歩を経て、Gaviは現在、次世代を守り、ワクチンを接種していない子供たちに手を差し伸べることに注力しています。革新的な資金とドローンからバイオメトリクスまでの最新技術を活用して、何百万人もの命を救い、感染が拡大する前に発生を防ぎ、自給自足への道を歩む国々を支援します。詳細は www.gavi.org をご覧ください。



Donor profiles

Our donors




Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, helps vaccinate almost half the world’s children against deadly and debilitating infectious diseases


As part of its mission to save lives, reduce poverty and protect the world against the threat of epidemics, Gavi has helped vaccinate more than 822 million children in the world’s poorest countries, preventing more than 14 million future deaths



Gavi’s impact draws on the strengths of its core partners, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and plays a critical role in strengthening primary health care (PHC), bringing us closer to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), ensuring that no one is left behind.




Gavi also works with donors, including sovereign governments, private sector foundations and corporate partners; NGOs, advocacy groups, professional and community associations, faith-based organisations and academia; vaccine manufacturers, including those in emerging markets; research and technical health institutes; and developing country governments.








Report: Poor Countries May Not Get Vaccine Until 2024


FILE - In this Wednesday, May 30, 2018 file photo, a healthcare worker from the World Health Organization prepares Ebola vaccines to give to frontline aid workers, in Mbandaka, Congo.



One organization leading the effort to get COVID-19 vaccines to poorer countries says in a report that the plan faces a “very high” risk of failure.

Reuters news agency examined documents from the report, which has not been made public. The report was prepared for high-level officials at Gavi, an alliance of governments, drug companies, aid groups and international organizations.

Gavi leads the COVAX vaccine campaign along with the World Health Organization, or WHO, and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.

COVAX is the main plan to vaccinate people in poor and middle-income countries against COVID-19. It aims to give out at least two billion vaccine doses by the end of 2021. That would cover 20 percent of people most at risk in 91 of the countries, which are mostly in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

But Gavi’s internal report says the COVAX program is struggling from a lack of money. The plan also faces supply risks and complex contract agreements that could make it impossible to reach its goals.

“The risk of failure to establish a successful COVAX facility is very high,” the internal report says. The report and other documents prepared by Gavi were discussed at recent meetings attended by Gavi’s leadership, Reuters reports.

The failure of the facility could leave people in poor nations without COVID-19 vaccines until 2024, one document says. The risk of failure is higher because the plan was set up so quickly, it notes.

Gavi hired financial services company Citigroup last month to provide advice on how to avoid financial risks. In one document, Citi advisors said the biggest risk was from parts of contracts that permit countries not to buy vaccines through COVAX.

Asked about the documents, a Gavi spokesman said the group remains sure it can reach its goals.

The WHO did not respond to a request for comment. In the past, it has let Gavi take the lead in public comments about the COVAX program.

Supply deals

COVAX’s plans depend on less costly vaccines that have not yet been approved.

It has so far reached non-binding supply agreements with AstraZeneca, Novavax and Sanofi for a total of 400 million doses. And it may be able to order several hundred million more shots, one of the Gavi documents says.

But the three companies have faced difficulties in their trials that could delay some possible approvals to the second half of 2021 or later.

This could also increase COVAX’s financial needs. Its current plan is based on an average cost of $5.20 per dose, one document says.

A top WHO official said the agency was in talks with Pfizer and Moderna to include their COVID-19 vaccines. That would be part of an early worldwide release program that may provide the vaccines to poor countries at a lower cost than current market prices.

Other shots are being developed worldwide and COVAX wants to expand its possibilities to include vaccines from other companies.

Rich countries have ordered most of the current supply of COVID-19 vaccines. They are also planning to donate some extra doses to poor countries. But it is not clear whether that effort would involve COVAX.

Financial pressure

COVAX says it needs $4.9 billion more to meet its target of vaccinating at least 20 percent of people in poor countries in the next year. It has already raised $2.1 billion.

The facility faces the chance of failure if vaccine prices are higher than expected. It could also fail if the supply is delayed or if the additional money is not fully raised, the documents say.

So far, Britain and European Union countries are the main donors to COVAX. The United States and China have offered no financial support. The World Bank and other multi-party financial groups are offering poor countries low-cost loans to buy and deploy vaccines through COVAX.

The facility is issuing vaccine bonds that could raise as much as $1.5 billion next year if donors agreed to buy them, a Gavi document says. COVAX is also getting money from private donors, mainly the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

But even under the best financial conditions, COVAX could still face failure. The problem lies in financial risks caused by its complex deal-making process.

COVAX signs advance purchase contracts with companies for vaccine supplies. Donors or countries who can buy them must pay for them.

But under COVAX contracts, countries could still refuse to buy pre-ordered supplies if they favor other vaccines. They can also refuse if they are able to get vaccines through other means, either faster or at better prices.

The facility could also face losses if countries were not able to pay for their orders, or even if herd immunity happened too quickly. This would make the vaccines unnecessary, the Citigroup report said. Citigroup proposed a method to avoid these risks, including through changes to supply contracts.



Words in This Story


dose – n. the amount of a medicine, drug, or vitamin that is taken at one time

internal – adj. existing or occurring within an organization, such as a company or business

facility – n. something that makes an action, operation, or activity easier

non-binding (agreement) – n. an agreement that is not legally enforceable

bond – n. an official document in which a government or company promises to pay back an amount of money that it has borrowed

advance – adj. made, sent, or provided at an early time

herd immunity – n. a form of protection from infectious disease that happens when a large percentage of people have become immune, whether through previous infections or vaccination