心は、すでにポンペイへ ♫🎶
- ポンペイのファストフード店の発掘で古代の味が明らかに
- thermopolium テルモポリウム
- Dig of Pompeii Fast-Food Place Reveals Ancient Tastes
- Words in This Story
Dig of Pompeii Fast-Food Place Reveals Ancient Tastes
December 31, 2020
ポンペイ考古学公園報道局から提供されたこの画像は、イタリアのナポリ近郊にあるポンペイ考古学公園内のテルモポリウムを撮影したもの。ルイージ・スピナさん@Luigi Spina (提供)
ポンペイ考古学公園のchief Massimo Osanna マッシモ主任は土曜日に約80のそのようなファーストフード店がポンペイで見つけられたと話します。しかし、今回の発見は、テルモポリウムとして知られているこのようなホットーフードードリンク系の飲食店が完全に発見されたのは初めてです。
カウンターの正面には、アヒルと鶏を示す芸術作品が含まれていました。これらの絵は食堂を明るくし、食品の広告としても機能していたと思われます。また、革紐につながれた(on a leash)犬が描かれていました。
Valeria Amoretti ヴァレリア・アモレッティ氏はポンペイの人類学者です。彼女によると、初期の研究では、”描かれた画像が、少なくとも部分的には、内部で効果的に売られていた食べ物や飲み物をどのように表現していたかが確認されている” といいます。
この発掘現場での驚きの発見の一つは、犬の完全な骨格でした。発掘に携わった科学者は、その犬は ”カウンターに描かれているような大きな筋肉質の犬” ではなかったと指摘しています。アモレッティ氏によると、非常に小さな成犬で、肩の高さは20~25センチだったといいます。彼女はそのような小さな犬が古代の遺跡から見つかることはまれだと言います。発見は時にローマ人が犬の "選択的な繁殖" を行なっていたことを示しているのかもしれません。
科学者はまたその場所で青銅のサービング装置、9 つの食糧容器、2,3の飲み物の容器、オイルのための容器を見つけました。
thermopolium テルモポリウム
Thermopolium - 4 definitions - Encyclo
テルモポリウム(英語;thermopolium, ギリシャ語; θερμοπώλιον,発音;thermopolia)
The term heat is employed in ordinary language in different senses. Some scientists distinguish four principal applications of the term:
- Sensation of heat.
- Temperature, or degree of hotness.
- Quantity of thermal energy.
- Radiant heat, or energy of radiation.
Dig of Pompeii Fast-Food Place Reveals Ancient Tastes
Scientists in Italy have uncovered a fast-food eatery in the ancient Roman town of Pompeii. The remains help in the understanding of foods that were popular among Pompeii’s citizens.
Pompeii Archaeological Park’s chief Massimo Osanna said Saturday that about 80 such fast-food eateries have been found at Pompeii. But the latest find is the first time such a hot-food-drink eatery — known as a thermopolium — was completely uncovered.
Some of the thermopolium's counter area was partly dug up in 2019 during work to repair Pompeii’s ruins. Since then, archaeologists have kept digging. They uncovered a large counter area with wide holes on its top. The counter held deep containers for hot food.
The front of the counter included works of art showing ducks and chickens. The images brightened the eatery and also likely served as food advertisements. Another painting shows a dog on a leash.
Valeria Amoretti is an anthropologist at Pompeii. She said early studies confirm “how the painted images represent, at least in part, the foods and beverages effectively sold inside.”
She noted that small pieces of duck bones were found in one of the food containers. Remains from goats, pigs, fish and snails also were found. At the bottom of a wine container were remains of ground fava beans. In ancient times, the beans were added to wine for taste and to lighten its color, Amoretti said.
Massimo Osanna added, “We know what they were eating that day.” He was talking about the day of Pompeii’s destruction in 79 A.D. The food remains are examples of “what’s popular with the common folk,” Osanna told Italy’s Rai state TV. He added that wealthy Romans did not eat at such street-food businesses.
One surprise find at the dig was the complete skeleton of a dog. The scientists involved in the dig noted it was not a “large muscular dog like that painted on the counter. Instead it was a very small adult dog, whose height at shoulder level was 20 to 25 centimeters, Amoretti said. She added it is rare to find remains from ancient times of such small dogs. The find may show that Romans at the time were carrying out “selective breeding” of dogs.
The scientists also found a bronze serving device, nine food containers, a couple of drink containers and a container for oil at the site.
Successful restaurant owners know that a good location is important for business. The operator of this ancient fast-food eatery seemed to have found a good place for doing business. Osanna noted that right outside the eatery was a small square with a fountain. Another thermopolium was nearby.
Pompeii was destroyed by the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which is near present-day Naples. Much of the ancient city still lies uncovered. The site is one of Italy’s most popular areas for visitors.
Words in This Story
leash - n. a long, thin piece of rope, chain, etc., that is used for holding a dog or other animal
anthropologist - n. a scientist who studies the human races, origins, societies, and cultures
beverage - n. something you can drink
breeding - n. the activity of keeping and caring for animals or plants in order to produce more animals or plants of a particular kind
fountain - n. a device or structure that sends a stream of water into the air in a garden, park, etc.