SAVE THE EARTH!!ですが、もう元には戻らないような。。。しかしながら火星に住むまでには何十年。。。
From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report.!!!
Global Warming Causes Earlier Pollen Season
スタンリー・ファインマン医師が アレルギー専門医としてスタートした時 彼は患者に薬を飲み始めて 花粉の季節に備えて 3月の中旬から準備をするように言っていました。
他の調査は北アメリカのアレルギーの季節がより長く、より悪くなっていることを示しています。しかしこの1 つである、Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences 科学の全米アカデミー紀要出版されましたものは、60 箇所の報告地点からの最も完全な情報を持っています。それはまた人間によって引き起こされる気候変動とより早く、より激しい花粉の季節の間の科学的な関係を読み解く最初の調査です。
ビル・アンデレッグ氏は、この研究の主執筆者です。彼は、"気候変動はここにあり、私たちが取りこむすべての呼吸の中にある "と言います。ユタ大学の科学者はAP通信(AP)に「明らかに気温が温暖化しており、二酸化炭素が空気中の花粉をより多く発生させている」と語っています。
1990年以来、早まった花粉の季節の約半分は気候変動にリンクしていました — ほとんどがより暖かい温度からです。しかし、植物による二酸化炭素の供給がその一端を担っていたとアンデレッグ氏はいいます。
彼女はAP通信に 「喘息は、治療と生産性の損失の面で、米国経済に年間推定800億ドルの費用がかかっている"と語っています。つまり、花粉シーズンの長期化は、"アレルギーに悩む個人だけでなく、米国経済にとっても脅威となる "ということです。
他にも問題はあります。サプコタ氏は最近、春の早い時期のアレルギーと喘息の入院リスクの増加との関連性を発見しました。別の研究では、花粉の量が原因で学生のテストの成績が悪くなることがわかったとアンデレッグ 氏は述べています。
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 米国疾病対策予防センターは、花粉から身を守る方法についていくつかのアドバイスを提供しています。
● アレルギー治療薬や喘息治療薬は、医療従事者のアドバイスに従って服用する。
● 外出中は目に触れないようにする。
● 外出後は、肌や髪の毛に付着した花粉を落とすために洗う。
● 屋外に出た後は着替えをする。
● 花粉の季節には窓を閉めておく。
英語の小窓 the warner... , the earlier....
the + 形容詞 ,the + 形容詞 の形。
The eairier/sooner, the better. が一番多いですね。
Global Warming Causes Earlier Pollen Season
When Dr. Stanley Fineman started as an allergist, he told patients to start taking medications and prepare for pollen season in the middle of March.That was about 40 years ago. Today, he tells them to start around the middle of February.Since 1990, pollen season across the United States and Canada has been starting earlier, about 20 days earlier. And pollen loads, the amount of pollen released by plants, are 21 percent higher.The main reason for this, a new study found, is global warming.Other studies have shown North America’s allergy season getting longer and worse. But this one, published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, has the most complete information coming from 60 reporting stations. It is also the first study to make scientific connections between an earlier and more intense pollen season with human-caused climate change.The study says the warmer the Earth gets, the earlier spring starts for animals and plants, especially plants that release pollen. Additionally, trees and plants produce more pollen when they get carbon dioxide.
Bill Anderegg is the lead writer of the study. He said, “climate change is here and it’s in every breath we take.” The University of Utah scientist told the Associated Press (AP), “This is clearly warming temperatures and more carbon dioxide putting more pollen in the air.”Scientists are not sure why trees are giving off the allergy-causing particles earlier than grasses. But Anderegg said just look at cherry blossoms opening earlier in Japan and Washington, D.C. as an example.Scientists involved in the study also considered that parks and cities were getting greener. They also compared what is happening now in our environment to computer models of an Earth without human-caused warming and rising carbon dioxide in the air.Since 1990, about half of the earlier pollen season was linked to climate change — mostly from warmer temperatures. But plant-feeding carbon dioxide, Anderegg said, played a part.However, since the 2000s, he said, about 65 percent of early pollen seasons can be blamed on warming. And about 8 percent of the increased pollen load can be blamed on climate change.Chris Downs of St. Louis, Missouri does not need a study to show that he already has problems with breathing, headaches, and red itchy eyes. His allergies usually hit in March. But the last two years, they came in early February, along with blooms of trees and flowers.“As a kid I never saw anything start blooming in February,” Downs said, “Now I see a handful of years like that.”For Amir Sapkota, this is not just a matter of sneezing and watery eyes. There are more serious health concerns. The University of Maryland scientist said the pollen is a risk for other diseases including asthma.She told the AP, “Asthma costs the U.S. economy an estimated $80 billion per year in terms of treatment and loss of productivity.” So, a longer pollen season is a threat to both “individuals suffering from allergies as well as the U.S. economy.”There are other problems as well. Sapkota recently found a connection between earlier spring allergies and an increased risk in asthma hospitalizations. Another study, Anderegg said, found that students do worse on tests because of pollen levels.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has some advice on how to protect yourself against pollen:
- Take your allergy and/or asthma medications as advised by your health care provider.
- Do not touch your eyes while you are outside.
- Wash after being outside to remove pollen from your skin and hair.
- Change your clothes after being outdoors.
- Keep windows closed during pollen season.