















New Study: Black Hole May Be Larger Than Expected

2 hours ago /February 28, 2021


FILE - 地球から約7,200光年の距離にある伴星の周りを周回している、いわゆる恒星質量ブラックホールを持つ「はくちょう座X-1星系」の画像。(国際電波天文学研究センター/Handout via REUTERS)




ブラックホールは非常に巨大な宇宙空間の物体で、その重力は非常に強力で、光さえも逃がしません。ブラックホール、Cygnus 白鳥座X-1は1964年に発見されました。このブラックホールは、2人の有名な科学者の間で友好的な賭けの対象となったことでよく知られています。






天の川銀河の中心にあるブラックホールのように、非常に大きなブラックホールもあります。これらは ”超巨大” ブラックホールと呼ばれています。太陽の何百万倍もの大きさになることもあります。これより小さいブラックホールは、”恒星質量”ブラックホールと呼ばれています。これらのブラックホールは、単一の星の質量を持っています。


Cygnus はくちょう座X-1は、天の川銀河で最大の恒星質量を持つブラックホールとして知られています。カーティン大学とオーストラリアの国際電波天文学研究センターのジェームズ・ミラー・ジョーンズ氏は、地球から見られる最も強力なX線の一つであると述べています。ミラー-ジョーンズは、出版物 Scienceサイエンスに掲載された研究を主導しました。


Cygnus白鳥座X-1は、物理学者アルバート・アインシュタインのgeneral relativity一般相対性理論の下で予測された最高の速度に近づいて速く回転している、とミラー・ジョーンズ氏は付け加えています。


ブラックホールは、それが公転する星の表面から来る物質を持ち込みます。この星は “blue supergiant” ”青い超巨星”と呼ばれる非常に大きな星で、太陽の約40倍の質量を持ちます。




今回の研究では、電波望遠鏡 超長基線アレー のデータを用いています。米国内の10の観測局で構成されています。















 40 times    :40倍


答えは:  tens of times



millions of times:何百万倍

a few tens of thousands :数万年


※tens of thousands :何万もの


Tens of thousands of people came into the baseball studium.









New Study: Black Hole May Be Larger Than Expected

FILE - An artist's impression of the Cygnus X-1 system, with a so-called stellar-mass black hole orbiting a companion star some 7,200 light years from Earth. (International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research/Handout via REUTERS


A recent study found that the first black hole ever discovered is a lot bigger than scientists first thought.

Black holes are extremely massive space objects whose gravity is so powerful not even light escapes. The black hole, Cygnus X-1, was discovered in 1964. It is well-known for being the object of a friendly bet between two famous scientists.

Researchers found that new observations of Cygnus X-1 showed it is 21 times our sun’s mass. That is about 50 percent more massive than scientists had believed.

While it is still one of the closest black holes known, the scientists found it is farther away than earlier estimates suggested. It is 7,200 light years away. A light year is the distance light travels in one year.

Some black holes, like the one at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, are extremely large. These are called “supermassive” black holes. They can be millions of times more massive than the sun. Smaller black holes are called “stellar-mass” black holes. They have the mass of a single star.

Cygnus X-1 is the Milky Way’s largest-known stellar-mass black hole. It is among the strongest X-ray sources seen from Earth, said James Miller-Jones of Curtin University and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Australia. Miller-Jones led the study that appeared in the publication Science.

Cygnus X-1 turns so quickly that it comes close to the highest rate predicted under physicist Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, Miller-Jones added.

The black hole brings in material that comes from the surface of the star that it orbits. This star is a “blue supergiant,” a very large star about 40 times our sun’s mass.

Cygnus X-1 started to exist 4 million to 5 million years ago as a star up to 75 times more massive than the sun. But then it collapsed into a black hole a few tens of thousands of years ago.

The research included data from the Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope. It is made up of 10 observation stations in the United States.

After Cygnus X-1 was first identified as a possible black hole, a friendly bet was made between two physicists, Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne. Hawking bet against the object being a black hole, while Thorne bet that it was one. Hawking eventually admitted that the evidence suggested Cygnus X-1 was a black hole.

Miller-Jones, the leader of the recent study said, “Indeed, I did not have any wagers riding on these findings.”





Words in This Story


bet – n. an agreement in which people try to guess what will happen and the person who guesses wrong has to give something (such as money) to the person who guesses right; a wager

source – n. the place where something starts from

wager – n. an agreement in which people try to guess what will happen and the person who guesses wrong has to give something (such as money) to the person who guesses right; a bet