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Leaders of China, Russia Grow Closer
中国のXi Jinping習近平国家主席とロシアのVladimir Putinプーチン大統領は、それぞれの国に対する支配力を強めています。現在、2人の指導者は "戦略的パートナーシップ "を形成しています。
Vladimir Putinプーチンは、少なくとも2036年まで政権を維持できる法律に署名しました。68歳の彼は、20年以上も大統領を務めています。
Xi Jinping習近平は、Mao Zedong毛沢東以来、共産主義中国で最も強力な指導者の一人となりました。習近平の下で、政府は政治的敵対者や芸術家、知識人を投獄したり、黙らせたりしています。北京の政府は、香港やチベットなどの活動家を武力で弾圧してきました。そして、習氏とその共産党は情報を強力にコントロールしています。
Xi Jinping習近平は2018年に大統領の任期制限を撤廃し、権力の維持を可能にしました。また、彼は後継者を選んでいません。Sun Zhengcai,孫政才という後継者になりそうな人物は、汚職容疑で終身刑になりました。
プーチン政権下のロシア政府は、政治的反論をほとんど許しません。Alexei Navalnyアレクセイ・ナヴァルニー氏は、プーチンの有力な批判者です。しかし、ドイツで治療を受けた後、ロシアに帰国したところで逮捕されました。ナヴァルニー氏は、プーチンのせいだとする毒殺事件から回復しました。この野党活動家は、2年以上の禁固刑に処せられています。
Leaders of China, Russia Grow Closer
China’s President Xi Jinping and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin are gaining more control over their countries. Now, the two leaders are forming a “strategic partnership.”
These efforts put the two in competition with the West and the United States for influence.
Putin signed a law that lets him stay in power until at least 2036. At 68, he has been president for more than 20 years.
Xi has become one the most powerful leaders in Communist China since Mao Zedong. Under Xi, the government has imprisoned or silenced political opponents, artists and intellectuals. The government in Beijing has suppressed activists in Hong Kong, Tibet and other places with force. And Xi and his Communist Party have strong control over information.
Xi removed presidential term limits in 2018, permitting him to remain in power. He has also not chosen a successor. One man who might have taken his position, Sun Zhengcai, was sentenced to life in prison on corruption charges.
The Russian government under Putin permits little political dissent. Alexei Navalny is an influential Putin critic. But he was recently arrested following his return to Russia after receiving medical treatment in Germany. Navalny was recovering from a poisoning he blames on Putin. The opposition activist was sentenced to more than two years in prison.
Russia’s interference in U.S. presidential elections has pushed relations with the United States to their lowest levels since the end of the Cold War. The Cold War was a period of intense competition between the former Soviet Union and America. U.S. President Joe Biden recently called Putin a “killer” and announced new economic restrictions on Russia.
Putin has tried to build an alliance with Xi to limit the effects of American restrictions. China has aided Russia with projects like energy supplies in Crimea, an area Russia seized from Ukraine in 2014. It has also replaced Western products in Russia with Chinese products.
Both leaders, however, will face difficulties in keeping power. Russia’s economy is dependent on oil exports and is vulnerable to changes in the world markets. Western trade restrictions have slowed the Russian economy. Poverty and high unemployment have added to growing dissatisfaction among the Russian people.
The coronavirus health crisis in China seemed like it would hurt Xi’s hold on power. Last month, the World Health Organization released a report on its findings of how the virus started in China. But China controlled the virus better than other countries and Xi remained popular.
The Chinese leader, however, needs to be sure that his long term in power will not lead to the excesses of the years under Mao. Mao’s brutal administration led to many reforms in China after his death.
Daniel Blumenthal is the director of Asian Studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Xi, in his words, “knows his people fear and loathe Maoism so he has to also pretend he is not Mao.”Alexander Gabuev is with Carnegie Moscow Center. He has written that China has helped Russia withstand U.S. pressure.
“This assistance also allowed Moscow to become more assertive elsewhere in the world, from being present in the Middle East and Africa to supporting the Venezuelan regime and interfering in U.S. elections,” he said.
Russia and China are also building military ties. Russia has provided China with new military technologies. And the two militaries have held joint exercises. The increased cooperation has some experts concerned that the two traditional competitors could be forming closer ties.
“We don’t need it,” Putin said in October. But "it’s quite possible to imagine it.”
Words in This Story
intellectual- n. - a smart person who enjoys serious study and thought
successor- n. a person who has a job, position, or title after someone else
vulnerable- adj. open to attack, harm, or damage
excess- n.- behavior that is considered wrong because it goes beyond what is usual, normal, or proper
brutal- adj. extremely cruel or harsh
loathe- adj.-to hate (someone or something) very much
pretend –v. to act as if something is true when it is not true
withstand- v. - to not be harmed or affected by (something)
assertive- adj. confident in behavior or style
regime –n. a form of government