


#MeToo movement 








なんとも暗いVOA ニュースですが、






テニスプレイヤー、主催者が問う:彭帥(Peng Shuai)はどこ? (和訳)

Tennis Players, Organizers Ask: Where Is Peng Shuai?




元世界ランキング1位でメジャー大会を4度制覇した大坂さんは、水曜日にソーシャルメディアに投稿し、彭帥Peng Shuai (ペング・シュアイ)はどこにいるの?と尋ねる人々に加わりました。




24歳の大坂選手は、彭帥Peng選手とその家族が "安全で大丈夫であること "を願っていると述べました。Pengさんは11月4日、ソーシャルメディアへの投稿で、元副首相に何度も断ったにもかかわらず、セックスを強要されたと書いていました。この投稿は、中国のソーシャルメディア企業Weiboの彼女のアカウントから削除されました。中国の完全に国営のメディアは、この事件に関するすべての報道をブロックしています。



35歳のPengさんは、元副首相で与党共産党の全権を握る政治局常務委員の張高麗Zhang Gaoli氏から、3年前のテニスのラウンド後にセックスを強要されたと書いています。彼女によると、事件の間、Zhang氏の妻がドアを守っていたといいます。また、彼女の投稿によると、7年前に一度だけセックスをしたことがあり、その後も彼に思いを寄せていたといいます。現在75歳のZhang氏は、2013年から2018年まで副首相を務め、2012年から2017年までは政治局常務委員を務めていました。


FILE - Then Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli is seen during a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, March 16, 2016.

FILE - Then Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli is seen during a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, March 16, 2016.FILE - 2016年3月16日、中国・北京の人民大会堂で会議中の中国副首相・張高麗氏(当時)




Novak Djokovic,ノバク・ジョコビッチをはじめとする他の有力選手たちは、この事態にショックを受けています。女子および男子のプロテニス大会の主催者は、全面的な調査を求めています。

Pengさんの投稿から1週間以上が経過した時点で、女子テニス協会WTA)のSteve Simonティーブ・サイモン会長は声明を発表し、「Peng Shuaiをはじめとするすべての女性は耳を傾けられるべきであり、検閲を受けるべきではありません。」と述べました。また、彼女の性的暴行の告発は真剣に扱われなければならないと付け加えました。

男子大会の主催者も月曜日に続き、テニス専門家協会(ATP)のAndrea Gaudenziアンドレア・ゴーデンツィ会長は、テニス関係者が "WTA選手のPeng Shuai氏の当面の安全と所在をめぐる不確実性に深く懸念している "と述べました。さらに、調査を求めるWTAの呼びかけを「別途、全面的に支持する」としました。



中国テニス協会は "彼女は安全 "とコメント


WTAchief Simonサイモン主席は日曜日、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙に、組織の誰もPeng氏と直接話していないと語っています。彼は、中国テニス協会から、彼女は "安全であり、物理的な脅威にさらされていない "と聞いたと述べました。






Tennis Players, Organizers Ask: Where Is Peng Shuai?
China's Shuai Peng in action during the match against Japan's Nao Hibino on Jan. 21, 2020 at the Australian Open in Melbourne, Australia. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji)

Tennis star Naomi Osaka says she has been shocked to hear about a Chinese player has who not spoken publicly since she accused a former top Chinese government official of sexual assault.

The Japanese former number-1-ranked, four-time major winner posted on social media on Wednesday to join those asking: where is Peng Shuai?

Osaka wrote on her social media account: "Not sure if you've been following the news, but I was recently informed of a fellow tennis player that has gone missing shortly after revealing that she has been sexually abused. Censorship is never ok at any cost."



The 24-year-old Osaka said she hoped Peng and her family "are safe and ok." Peng wrote in a social media post on November 4 that a former vice premier had forced her to have sex even though she said no to him many times. The post was removed from her account on Chinese social media company Weibo. China's entirely state-controlled media has blocked all reporting on the case.

Peng won 23 doubles championships, including at Wimbledon in 2013 and the French Open in 2014. She was a semifinalist in singles at the U.S Open in 2014. Peng last played at the top level in the Qatar Open in February of 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic restricted travel.

Peng also played in three Olympics — 2008, 2012, and 2016. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been silent about her statement. The IOC and China are organizing the Beijing Winter Olympics that start February 4.

Peng, 35, wrote that Zhang Gaoli, a former vice premier and member of the ruling Communist Party's all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee, had forced her to have sex following a round of tennis three years ago. She said Zhang's wife guarded the door during the incident. Her post also said they had sex once seven years ago and she had feelings for him after that. Zhang, now 75, was a vice premier between 2013 and 2018 and served on the Politburo Standing Committee between 2012 and 2017.

FILE - Then Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli is seen during a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, March 16, 2016.
FILE - Then Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli is seen during a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, March 16, 2016.

Other players comment

Other leading players, including Novak Djokovic, expressed shock at the situation. Organizers of the women's and men's professional tennis competitions have called for a full investigation.

More than a week after Peng’s post, Women's Tennis Association (WTA) Chairman Steve Simon released a statement, saying "Peng Shuai, and all women, deserve to be heard, not censored." He added that her accusation of a sexual assault must be treated seriously.

The men's competition organizers followed Monday, with Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) Chairman Andrea Gaudenzi saying tennis officials were "deeply concerned by the uncertainty surrounding the immediate safety and whereabouts of WTA player Peng Shuai." He added, "Separately, we stand in full support of WTA's call” for an investigation.

Peng’s accusation was the first against an important government official since the #MeToo movement took hold in China in 2018. Since then, the government has suppressed accusations of sexual assault against officials.

Chinese Tennis Association says “she is safe”

WTA chief Simon told The New York Times on Sunday that no one at the organization has talked directly to Peng. He said he had been told by the Chinese Tennis Association that she was safe "and not under any physical threat."

China's State Council Information Office and the Chinese Tennis Association did not immediately answer requests for comment after the WTA issued its statement.





Words in This Story


sexual assault – n. the crime of touching someone in an unwanted sexual way

fellow – adj.  used to describe people who belong to the same group or class or who share a situation, experience, or the like

reveal – v. to make (something) known

censor – v. to examine books, movies, letters, etc., in order to remove things that are considered to be offensive, immoral, harmful to society, etc.

doubles – n. a tennis game played by two players on each side