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Presidential Election Could Change More Than Chile’s Leader



チリでは、日曜日に大統領選の投票が行われ、7人の候補者が国のトップの座を狙っています。Public opinion studies 世論調査では、2人の候補者がレースをリードしています:Jose Antonio Kast  ホセ・アントニオ・カスト氏とGabriel Boricガブリエル・ボリック氏です。



riots :暴動【発音】ráiət

チリは、General Augusto Pinochet アウグスト・ピノチェット将軍の軍事独裁政権の後、30年以上にわたって民主主義を維持してきました。概して穏健な政党が国をリードしてきたのです。チリの経済成長は目覚しく、南米の模範とされています。


Nicholas Watsonニコラス・ワトソン氏は、アドバイザリービジネスTeneoのラテンアメリカ専門家です。今回の選挙は、1990年以降で最も重要な政治的”変化”を意味すると述べています。世論調査によると、カスト氏もボリック氏も選挙に勝つための十分な票を獲得できないとされています。しかし、第2部の投票では、お互いに単独で対決できるだけの票を獲得できると予想されています。










 Yasna Provoste on the center-lefton  中道左派のヤスナ・プロボステ氏やSebastian Sichel on the moderate right セバスチャン・シシェル氏といった主流派の候補者は、有権者の注目を集めていません。

首都サンティアゴのエンジニアリング会社に勤める37歳のLuz Vergaraルース・ベルガラさんは、「チリは今、緊急に変化を必要としている」と語っています。彼女は、”私に安心感を与えてくれる”というカスト氏に投票するつもりです。

環境エンジニアのRomina Aliagaロミーナ・アリアガさんは、チリが大きな変化を必要としていることに同意しつつも、改善をもたらすであろうボリック氏を支持しています。






Presidential Election Could Change More Than Chile’s Leader
Chilean presidential candidates, from left, Gabriel Boric, Jose Antonio Kast, Yasna Provoste, Sebastián Sichel, Eduardo Artes, and Marco Henriquez-Ominami, pose for a photo prior to the presidential debate in Santiago, Chile, Nov. 15, 2021. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix, Pool)

Chilean citizens vote Sunday to choose a president. Seven people are competing for the country’s top position. Public opinion studies show two candidates leading the race: Jose Antonio Kast and Gabriel Boric.

Kast and Boric are widely considered to hold extreme political positions: Kast as a conservative, Boric as a liberal.

The vote is the first presidential ballot in Chile since a civil uprising began in 2019 over economic inequality. Demonstrations as well as riots took place for months. Two years later, an effort to rewrite the country’s constitution is in process.

Chile has been a democracy for more than 30 years following the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Generally moderate political parties have led the country. Chile has experienced so much economic growth that it is seen as the model to follow in South America.

Political observers say the decision Sunday could shake that image.

Nicholas Watson is a Latin American expert with the advisory business Teneo. He said the election represents the most important political “shift” since 1990. Public opinion studies suggest that neither Kast nor Boric will have enough votes to win the election. But they are expecting to win enough to face each other alone in a second part of voting.

Both represent a new political generation outside the mainstream. Parties have long been considered center-left or center-right, meaning they propose moderate policies.

Boric has said he wants to "bury" Chile's political model. Kast, who has praised Pinochet's economic policies, wants to reduce the size of the government and lower taxes.

Stand out

In Latin America, Chile stands out.

World Bank measurements on the rule of lawregulation, governance and political stability in Chile place it as stronger than its big neighbors: Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Peru. It is a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and considered a model of free trade.

Its economic model is rooted in market policies of Western economists under Pinochet in the 1970s and 80s. It has been copied by others. They hoped to reproduce Chile’s stable economic growth.

But, critics of the model say that growth was not evenly spread. They say it created a few rich business leaders above normal Chileans. And they say Chileans have paid high costs for private healthcare and education and receive little retirement pay.

More mainstream candidates, such as Yasna Provoste on the center-left and Sebastian Sichel on the moderate right have gotten less attention from voters.

"Chile urgently needs change today," said 37-year-old Luz Vergara, who works for an engineering company in the capital, Santiago. She plans to vote for Kast who she said “gives me some security.”

Environmental engineer Romina Aliaga agrees that Chile needs major change but supports Boric, who she said will make improvements.

The country needs “to move forward and not go backwards on issues such as environmental policies, gender equality, and abortion,” the 28-year-old said.




Words in This Story


shift –n. to change or to cause something to change to a different position or condition

mainstream –n. the thoughts, beliefs, and choices that are accepted by the largest number of people

regulation –n. an official rule or law that says how something should be done

stability –n. the quality or state of something that is not easily changed or likely to change

gender –n. the state of being either male or female

abortion –n. a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus
























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