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New Pronoun Causes Debate in French Society
New Pronoun Causes Debate in French Society
November 27, 2021
Le Robert, one of France's leading dictionaries, said recently that it added a new pronoun to its online list of words.
The publication’s researchers noticed growing usage of the pronoun in recent months.
The pronoun is "iel.” It can be used with non-binary people - people who do not identify themselves as male or female.
In English, "they" has been in use for several years by people who do not identify themselves as male or female. Some well-known people – including U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris – put their pronoun on Twitter, in emails and on documents. This shows readers which pronoun to use with them.
The move by Le Robert created debate in a country where the rules of language are very important. It also has created debate in the French press and on social media, with several politicians taking issue with the term.
The French government is against the idea. The Education Ministry resisted earlier attempts to make such changes in language teaching at schools.
Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer does not support teaching what is called inclusive writing. That is writing that uses new kinds of pronouns such as “iel.”
"Inclusive writing is not the future of the French language," Blanquer wrote on Twitter recently.
He added that he supported parliament member Francois Jolivet's protest against Le Robert's move.
In a letter to the Academie Francaise, Jolivet wrote that the use of the words "iel, ielle, iels and ielles" would lead more people to accept the "woke ideology," which would destroy French values.
Jolivet added that the dictionary’s action “undermines our common language...and divides users rather than uniting them.”
Le Robert director Charles Bimbenet said dictionaries include many words that express different ideas. But the dictionaries themselves do not necessarily support these ideas. Since the word "iel" is used more and more, it is useful to include the term in the dictionary.
Bimbenet added, "The Robert's mission is to observe the evolution of a diverse French language as it evolves and to report on it. Defining the words that speak of the world is to help understand it better.”
Words in This Story
dictionary –n. a book that contains words listed in alphabetical order and that gives information about the words' meanings, forms and how to say them
woke – adj. paying attention to perceived injustice or racism in society
undermine – v. to make (someone or something) weaker or less effective usually in a secret or gradual way
evolution –n. a process of slow change and development
diverse –adj. made up of people or things that are different from each other
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男女の枠にとらわれない ノンバイナリーとは?
ノンバイナリーとは、自分の性認識に男性か女性かという枠組みをあてはめようとしない考え方を指す。バイナリー(binary)とは二つの要素で構成されているものを指す言葉で、ジェンダーバイナリー(gender binary)に由来する。ジェンダーバイナリーは、性別を男性か女性の二択のみの生物的性で分類する考え方のことであるのに対して、ノンバイナリーとは男女二元論にとらわれない考え方と言ってよいだろう。
ノンバイナリーをカミングアウトしている有名人の一人、ノア・カルロス(Noah Caros)さん。2018年にモデルになった2年間でアレキサンダーワン(AlexanderWang)やコーチ(coach)、ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッド(VivienneWestwood)などのランウェイを歩くトップモデルとなった。ノアさんのジェンダーを超えた世界観は、多くの人々をひきつけている。実はノンバイナリーの概念そのものは新しいものではない。ナバホ族などのネイティブアメリカン、ニュージーランドのマオリ族、オーストラリアの先住民には、昔からノンバイナリーが社会で認められていた。なお、リベラルな風土のカナダではノンバイナリーのバービー人形が販売されている.
ドイツのように出生証明書の性別欄に「第三の性」を記載することを認める国も増えてきました。昨年の”World of the year"には性別を問わない代名詞「they」が選ばれました。
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