












研究結果 :米国西部の干ばつは過去1,200年で最悪と判明(和訳)

Study: Drought in US West Is Worst in 1,200 Years




科学者たちは新しい研究で、干ばつの強さの40%は人為的な気候変動に関連していると報告しています。この研究は、最近Nature Climate Changeに掲載されました。







In this file photo, a car crosses Enterprise Bridge over Lake Oroville's dry banks on May 23, 2021, in Oroville, Calif. (AP Photo/Noah Berger, File)
In this file photo, a car crosses Enterprise Bridge over Lake Oroville's dry banks on May 23, 2021, in Oroville, Calif. (AP Photo/Noah Berger, File)
2021年5月23日、カリフォルニア州オロビルで、オロビル湖の乾いた土手にかかるエンタープライズ・ブリッジを渡る車(ファイル写真)。(AP Photo/Noah Berger, File)






「私の人生で2002年のような年を再び見ることはないだろうと思っていたら、実際、20年後に同じ干ばつを見たのです 」と彼は言います。2002年と2021年の干ばつレベルは非常に近かったのです。しかし、最も乾燥した年は1580年です。




In this file photo, water drips from a faucet near boat docks sitting on dry land at the Browns Ravine Cove area of drought-stricken Folsom Lake in Folsom, Calif., on May 22, 2021. (AP Photo/Josh Edelson, File)
In this file photo, water drips from a faucet near boat docks sitting on dry land at the Browns Ravine Cove area of drought-stricken Folsom Lake in Folsom, Calif., on May 22, 2021. (AP Photo/Josh Edelson, File)
2021年5月22日、カリフォルニア州フォルサムの干ばつに苦しむフォルサム湖のブラウンズ・ラビーン・コーブ地区で、乾いた土地に置かれたボートドックの近くの蛇口から水が滴り落ちているファイル写真。(AP写真/Josh Edelson、ファイル)




数年前、ウィリアムズは現在の干ばつを研究し、長く深い "メガドロ "と見なされる条件を満たしていると述べました。しかし、2019年は雨の多い年になったので、西部の干ばつは終わりを迎えるかもしれないと彼は言っていたのです。しかし、その後、2020年後半から2021年にかけて、アメリカ西部は干上がりました。






In this file photo, Matt Lisignoli walks through an irrigation canal that ran dry in early August after the North Unit Irrigation District exhausted its allocated water on Sept. 1, 2021, near Madras, Oregon. (AP Photo/Nathan Howard, File)
In this file photo, Matt Lisignoli walks through an irrigation canal that ran dry in early August after the North Unit Irrigation District exhausted its allocated water on Sept. 1, 2021, near Madras, Oregon. (AP Photo/Nathan Howard, File)




「気候変動は文字通り南西部の水源と森林を焼いており、気候変動をすぐに止めなければ、もっとひどくなる可能性があります 」と、オーバーペック氏は述べています。











Study: Drought in US West Is Worst in 1,200 Years
In this file photo, a kayaker paddles in Lake Oroville as water levels remain low due to continuing drought conditions in Oroville, Calif., on Aug. 22, 2021. (AP Photo/Ethan Swope, File)

Researchers say the severe drought affecting the American West worsened last year and is now the driest in at least 1,200 years.

The scientists report in a new study that 40 percent of the drought’s intensity is linked to human-caused climate change. The study recently appeared in Nature Climate Change.

The researchers found that 2021 was especially dry. The United States government’s Drought Monitor map shows that 55 percent of the American West is currently suffering drought conditions.

Over the past 10 years, California and other western states have experienced severe water shortages. This led to widespread usage restrictions and raised concerns about future water supplies for farming and drinking.

In this file photo, a car crosses Enterprise Bridge over Lake Oroville's dry banks on May 23, 2021, in Oroville, Calif. (AP Photo/Noah Berger, File)
In this file photo, a car crosses Enterprise Bridge over Lake Oroville's dry banks on May 23, 2021, in Oroville, Calif. (AP Photo/Noah Berger, File)

Overall levels of snow and rain have not been enough to make up for the shortages.

Park Williams is a climate specialist with the University of California, Los Angeles. He helped lead the study. Williams told The Associated Press that the current drought actually began in 2002, which was one of the driest years on record.

“I was wondering if we’d ever see a year like 2002 again in my life and in fact, we saw it 20 years later, within the same drought,” he said. The drought levels in 2002 and 2021 were very close. But the single driest year was 1580.

Scientists say climate change from the burning of fossil fuels has caused hotter temperatures and increased evaporation in the air.

In this file photo, water drips from a faucet near boat docks sitting on dry land at the Browns Ravine Cove area of drought-stricken Folsom Lake in Folsom, Calif., on May 22, 2021. (AP Photo/Josh Edelson, File)
In this file photo, water drips from a faucet near boat docks sitting on dry land at the Browns Ravine Cove area of drought-stricken Folsom Lake in Folsom, Calif., on May 22, 2021. (AP Photo/Josh Edelson, File)

In the study, Williams and his team tested soil for dryness in a series of U.S. states across the West and areas in northern Mexico. The researchers used modern measuring equipment and examined tree rings to make estimates dating back as far as the year 800.

A few years ago, Williams studied the current drought and said it met the requirements to be considered a long and deep “megadrought.” But he said 2019 turned out to be a wet year, so he thought the western drought might be coming to an end. But the American West then dried up in late 2020 and 2021.

Williams used 29 models to create a hypothetical world with no human-caused warming. Then, he compared that to what happened in real life. Such a comparison is a scientifically accepted method to identify whether an extreme weather event was caused by climate change.

Williams found that 42 of the drought conditions were directly linked to human-caused warming. Without climate change, he said, the megadrought would have ended earlier because 2005 and 2006 would have been wet enough to break it.

In this file photo, Matt Lisignoli walks through an irrigation canal that ran dry in early August after the North Unit Irrigation District exhausted its allocated water on Sept. 1, 2021, near Madras, Oregon. (AP Photo/Nathan Howard, File)
In this file photo, Matt Lisignoli walks through an irrigation canal that ran dry in early August after the North Unit Irrigation District exhausted its allocated water on Sept. 1, 2021, near Madras, Oregon. (AP Photo/Nathan Howard, File)

Jonathan Overpeck is with the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. He was not involved in the latest study. But he called it “an important wake-up call.”

“Climate change is literally baking the water supply and forests of the Southwest, and it could get a whole lot worse if we don’t halt climate change soon,” Overpeck said.

Williams said there is a direct link between drought and higher temperatures and the increase in wildfires that have affected the West for years. This is because the fires need dry fuel created by drought and heat.

Williams said the current megadrought can be ended with a few good rainy years. But, with continuing climate change, another extreme dry period could quickly start again, he added.




Words in This Story


drought – n. a long period of time during which there is very little or no rain

fossil fuel – n. fuels such as coal, oil, or natural gas formed in the earth from dead plants or animals

evaporate – v. to turn from a liquid into a vapor

hypothetical – adj. a situation or idea that has been suggested but does not yet exist or has been proven to be true

literally – adv. with the meaning of each individual word given exactly