

朝の通勤時、BBCを聞いていると必ずスポーツ速報でポロの試合結果が流れます。「へえ〜、そうなんだ!! ポロ人気ってすごいんだ〜!!」と思って聞いていました。もちろん男子です!! イングランドはもちろんインド、ニュージーランド、スペイン、オーストラリア、アルゼンチン、チリなどの国名が聞こえて、馴染みがなかったので驚きでした。NZは旅行で壁画を見ていたのですが。




VOAで英語を 学びましょう!!




Women Polo Players Get Their First World Cup

April 16,2022





イタリア・アルゼンチン出身のポロ選手、カミラ・ロッシ選手はイタリア代表。10年前は女子のチームはなかったと彼女は言います。彼女がこのスポーツを始めたころは、男子のチームでプレーしていました。当時は、男子に変な目で見られていた(the boys gave her funny looks.)そうです。







Ana Cardoso of Brazil shows her helmet to members of the American team before the Women's Polo World Championship, in Pilar, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina April 8, 2022. (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)
Ana Cardoso of Brazil shows her helmet to members of the American team before the Women's Polo World Championship, in Pilar, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina April 8, 2022. (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)
女子ポロ世界選手権の前に、アメリカチームのメンバーにヘルメットを見せるブラジルのアナ・カルドーゾ選手(アルゼンチン・ブエノスアイレス郊外、ピラールで2022年4月8日撮影)。(REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)
















Members of women's polo teams from Argentina and the United States practice before the Women's Polo World Championship, in Pilar, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina April 8, 2022. (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)
Members of women's polo teams from Argentina and the United States practice before the Women's Polo World Championship, in Pilar, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina April 8, 2022. (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)
アルゼンチン、ブエノスアイレス郊外のピラールで開催される女子ポロ世界選手権の前に練習するアルゼンチンと米国の女子ポロチームのメンバーたち(2022年4月8日撮影)。(REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)






クララ・カッシーノアルゼンチン出身の選手です。彼女は、"女子ポロの成長には目を見張るものがある "と語っています。彼女は、このスポーツが今、男性よりも女性の方が急速に成長していることを指摘しています。




Argentina's Azucena Uranga and Ireland's April Kent compete for the ball at the Women's Polo World Championship.
Argentina's Azucena Uranga and Ireland's April Kent compete for the ball at the Women's Polo World Championship.


アズセナ・ウランガ選手は、アルゼンチンからの参加です。彼女はワールドカップのイベントを "信じられないような機会 "と呼びました。










Women Polo Players Get Their First World Cup
The women's polo World Cup took place over the last week in Argentina. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

For the past week, Argentina was home to the first-ever women’s polo World Cup. The event, held from April 9 to 16, included teams from Argentina, the United States, England, Ireland, Brazil and Italy.

Italian-Argentine polo player Camila Rossi plays for Italy. Ten years ago, she said, there were no teams for girls. When she started the sport, she played on boys’ teams. Back then, she added, the boys gave her funny looks.

For American Erica Gandocomar, the tournament is “a dream come true.” She said that for a long time, leaders of the sport in the United States refused to start a women’s team.

Polo has been dominated by men for a long time,” she said. “And now … women are being heard.”

Ana Cardoso of Brazil shows her helmet to members of the American team before the Women's Polo World Championship, in Pilar, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina April 8, 2022. (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

Ana Cardoso of Brazil shows her helmet to members of the American team before the Women's Polo World Championship, in Pilar, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina April 8, 2022. (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)


Horacio Areco is the Argentina president of the International Polo Federation. He said it is “impressive how many women started playing” in recent years.

History of polo

Sports historians say polo is one of the world’s oldest team sports. Until recently, it was always played by men.

The sport is played with two teams on a field about 275 meters long. Each team has four players who ride horses. They score points by hitting a ball through the other team’s goal. The players on horseback use long wooden sticks called mallets to hit the ball.

The game came to Argentina with the arrival of immigrants from Great Britain in the 1800s.

Today, Argentina has a long polo tradition. It also trains horses for the sport and sends them to polo players around the world. The horses can cost up to $100,000.

Members of women's polo teams from Argentina and the United States practice before the Women's Polo World Championship, in Pilar, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina April 8, 2022. (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

Members of women's polo teams from Argentina and the United States practice before the Women's Polo World Championship, in Pilar, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina April 8, 2022. (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)


New age for polo

Rossi said with the arrival of the World Cup, the sport can be promoted and grown around the world.

Clara Cassino is a player from Argentina. She said “the growth of women’s polo has been so impressive.” She noted that the sport is now growing more quickly for women than for men.

About five years ago, another women’s polo competition took place in Argentina. It was held at the same time as a men’s tournament. Many of today’s players say that tournament made Great Britain and the United States more interested in starting women’s teams.

Argentina's Azucena Uranga and Ireland's April Kent compete for the ball at the Women's Polo World Championship.
Argentina's Azucena Uranga and Ireland's April Kent compete for the ball at the Women's Polo World Championship.

Azucena Uranga is a member of the team from Argentina. She called the World Cup event “an incredible opportunity.”

Uranga’s father, Delfin, is the president of Argentina’s polo association. He said his country’s leadership in the sport is important, because other countries often follow Argentina’s example.

“It sends a message to the world,” he said. “To give women an opportunity to compete at the same level as men.”




Words in This Story

tournament – n. a sports competition that involves many players and teams over a number of days

dominate – v. to have control over something or someone

impressive – adj. deserving attention or admiration

promote – v. to make people aware of something through advertising

incredible – adj. difficult or impossible to believe



