

‘Top Gun’めぐる権利訴訟の行方は


”2020年1月24日” ”2021年5月”。










Family Sues Paramount Pictures over Rights to ‘Top Gun’





大ヒット映画 Top Gun は、1986年に公開されました。この映画は、戦闘機パイロットの訓練風景を描いた実話をもとに、3年前に雑誌に掲載されたものです。パラマウント社は、エフド・ヨネイ氏が書いた物語の権利を買い取り、映画を製作し、大成功を収めました。


今、ヨネイ氏の妻と息子は、その新作映画 Top Gun: Maverick についてパラマウント社を訴えています。

映画『トップガン マーヴェリック』公式サイト








ヨネイ氏の物語は、“Yogi”とその友人“Possum" が米国海軍のパイロットになるための訓練を受けることを中心に描かれています。1983年5月号のCalifornia誌に掲載されました。その後すぐに、パラマウント・ピクチャーズがこの作品の映画化権を買い取ったのです。トップガンは1986年に公開され、その年のトップセールス映画となりました。


訴えによると、パラマウントは2018年からヨネイ家が権利回復を計画していることを知っていたと言います。訴訟によると、母子は先月、パラマウント社に手紙で停止命令を送ったということです。A cease-and-desist order 停止命令とは、ある行為を止めるよう誰かに要求するものです。


パラマウント社はヨネイ側の命令に答えました。同社は、2020年1月24日までに映画はほぼ完成しており、雑誌の記事の影響は受けていないと言います。ヨネイ側は、エフドの話がなければ新作は開発されなかったと主張しています。そして、訴訟では、トップガン :マーヴェリックの撮影が終了したのは2021年5月で、ヨネイ側が財産を回収してから1年以上経ってからだと言います。











Family Sues Paramount Pictures over Rights to ‘Top Gun’
FILE - Tom Cruise arrives at the opening for the film Top Gun: Maverick on the USS Midway Museum in San Diego, California, U.S., May 4, 2022. (REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni)

The major hit movie Top Gun was released in 1986. The film was based on a true story about fighter pilots in training and was published in a magazine three years earlier. Paramount Pictures bought the rights to the story written by Ehud Yonay and made the film to great success.

Now, the wife and son of Yonay are suing Paramount about its new movie, Top Gun: Maverick.

Shosh Yonay and Yuval Yonay brought the legal action to a California federal court Monday. They say that they control the rights to Ehud’s story and that they became its owners again on January 24, 2020.

The lawsuit accuses Paramount of releasing the new film without the rights to do so legally.

A spokesperson for Paramount Pictures said in a statement that the claims are without standing.

Yonay’s story centered on “Yogi” and his friend “Possum" as they train to become pilots for the United States Navy. It was published in the May 1983 issue of California magazine. Soon after, Paramount Pictures bought the movie rights to the piece. Top Gun was released in 1986 and went on to become the top-selling film of the year.

The lawsuit says that Paramount had known since 2018 that the Yonays planned to recover the rights. The lawsuit says the mother and son sent a cease-and-desist order in a letter to Paramount last month. A cease-and-desist order demands that someone stop an action.

Paramount answered the Yonays’ order. The company said that the film had been mostly completed by January 24, 2020, and that it was not influenced by the magazine story. The Yonays argue that the new film would not have been developed without Ehud’s story. And the lawsuit says that Top Gun: Maverick did not finish filming until May 2021, more than a year after the Yonay’s recovered the property.

The Top Gun sequel has been in development for years. Production and release was delayed many times, most recently and extensively as a result of the pandemic. The film opened in theaters on May 27 and has spent two weeks as the top-selling movie. It has already made close to $560 million in theater admissions sales worldwide.




Words in This Story

sue  v. to use a legal process by which you try to get a court of law to force a person, company, or organization that has treated you unfairly or hurt you in some way to give you something or to do something

sequel — n. a book, movie, etc., that continues a story begun in another book, movie, etc.

lawsuit  n. a process by which a court of law makes a decision to end a disagreement between people or organizations