










Facing Shortages, US States Lower Teachers’ Requirements

August 30, 2022





Education Weekと全米教育委員会の調べによると、12の州で最近教員資格をめぐる規則が変更されたか、変更を検討中であることがわかりました。一部の州では、教師になるために大学の学位すら必要ありません。また、教員採用試験の合格をより容易にすることを検討している州もあります。


米国における教師不足の原因や程度については、広く議論がなされています。しかし、教師を代表する団体である全米教育協会(NEA)は、学校が30万人の教師や学校職員の不足に直面していると述べています。また、Education Week誌が昨年発表した学校関係者の調査では、40%が教師不足は "非常に深刻 "または "深刻 "であると答えています。そして、パンデミックはこの問題を悪化させました。














アリゾナ州では教師が急務です。」と、この法案を提出した共和党のリック・グレイ州議会上院議員は言います。この法律は、"未来の教育者に門戸を開き、教室で活躍するための準備をさせる "ものです。




ジャクリーン・ロドリゲス氏は、米国教師教育大学協会で副会長を務めています。彼女はK-12 Diveのインタビューで、アリゾナ州法は”準備不足の人”が教室をリードすることで生徒に害を及ぼすと述べます。また、教師になる準備ができていない者は、成功せず、その職に留まる可能性も低くなると付け加えています。















Facing Shortages, US States Lower Teachers’ Requirements

Students are lined up outside of the Adams' campus of Oyster Adams Bilingual School as they wait to check-in for the first day of school, Monday, Aug. 29, 2022 in Washington, DC. (Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Some American states are dealing with teacher shortages by lowering the requirements to become public school teachers.

Education Week and the Education Commission of the States found that 12 states either recently changed or are considering changing rules surrounding teacher certification. In some states, a college degree is not even required to become a teacher. Others are considering making it easier to pass a teacher exam.

The cause and extent of the shortages in the United States are widely debated. But the National Education Association (NEA), an organization representing teachers, says that schools are facing a shortage of 300,000 teachers and school workers. And in a study of school officials released by Education Week last year, 40 percent said teacher shortages were either “very severe” or “severe.” And the pandemic worsened the problem.

States are hoping that by making it easier to become a teacher, more people will enter the profession. But critics say the plans will put unprepared and unqualified teachers into classrooms.

Teacher certification is done on a statewide, rather than a national level. Requirements vary, but certification requires at least a college degree, and sometimes an advanced degree, like a master's or higher. It also requires completion of a state-approved teacher education program and the passage of a teacher exam.

In Florida, a law went into effect in July that permits military veterans without a college degree to earn teacher certification. They must have completed some college classes, but a degree is not required.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, said in a statement that the law is a way to thank military families for their service.

“We … know that our veterans have talents and skills that they can offer our students,” he said. “This new opportunity expands Florida’s existing programs that help our veterans take their talents to our schools, and it will help Florida remain a national leader in education.”

In Arizona, a new law permits people to become teachers without college degrees as long as they are attending college and supervised by a certified teacher.

“There is an urgent need for teachers in Arizona,” said Republican state Senator Rick Gray who introduced the bill. The law will “open the door to future educators and prepare them to be in the classroom.”

But education experts say these new policies damage teaching as a profession and hurt students.

Jacqueline Rodriguez is a vice president at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. She said in an interview with K-12 Dive that the Arizona law harms students by having an “unprepared person” lead the classroom. She added that those who are unprepared to teach will not be successful and less likely to stay in the position.

Christopher Morphew is head of the Johns Hopkins University School of Education in Baltimore, Maryland. He said teacher shortages could be addressed with better pay and working conditions for teachers.

“I don't think you can ask people to take out $50,000 in loans (to pay for teacher education programs at universities) and then teach for $40,000 a year,” he said.

A new study by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) found that teaching earns far less than other professions that require similar college degrees. In 2021, teachers were paid 23.5 percent less than people with similar degrees, EPI found.

U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said lowering standards for teachers is “unfortunate” in an interview with CBS.

“Unless we’re serious about providing competitive salaries for our educators, better working conditions, so that they can continue to grow ... we’re going to constantly deal with shortage issues, especially in our areas that are harder to teach or where there are less candidates,” he said.



Words in This Story

certification — n. official approval to do something professionally or legally

extent — n. the range, distance, or space that is covered or affected by something or included in something

unqualified— adj. not having the skills, knowledge, or experience needed to do a particular job or activity

veteran — n. someone who fought in a war as a soldier, sailor, etc.

opportunity — n. an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done

talent — n. a special ability that allows someone to do something well

supervise — v. to be in charge of ; to watch and direct

interview — n. a meeting at which people talk to each other in order to ask questions and get information

salary — n. an amount of money that an employee is paid each year