


”平和、癒し、善のシンボル ”であった鉤十字。


ハーケンクロイツ:鉤十字のドイツ語。(ドイツ語: Hakenkreuz)

 スワスティカ:鉤十字の英語(英語: swastika)








Religious Groups Aim to Redefine Symbol Linked to War, Hatred




シーター・デオ 博士は最近、ディワリと呼ばれるヒンズー教の光の祭典を祝ったとき、それが不快に思われるとは思いませんでした。しかし、彼女はニューヨーク市にある自分のビルの職員から、"swastika(鉤十字)卍が描かれている"という理由でディワリの飾りを取り外すようにと手紙を受け取ったのです。




Hindus light candle outside the stairs of a temple as they celebrate Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Monday, Oct. 24, 2022. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan)
Hindus light candle outside the stairs of a temple as they celebrate Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Monday, Oct. 24, 2022. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan)
2022年10月24日月曜日、インド支配下カシミール地方スリナガルで、ヒンドゥー教の光の祭典ディワリを祝い、寺院の階段の外でろうそくを灯すヒンドゥー教徒たち。(AP写真/Mukhtar Khan)











シェリー・ルード・ワーニック氏は、北米ユダヤ連盟のホロコースト生存者ケア・センターのディレクターです。ワーニック氏は、ホロコーストの生存者はこのシンボルを見ると、再びhorrors恐怖を感じる可能性があると述べています。彼女は、「私は鉤十字を憎しみのシンボルとして認識しています "と言い続けています。


ティーブン・ヘラー氏は、鉤十字: 贖罪を超えたシンボル? という本を書きました。彼は、鉤十字は愛する人を殺された多くの人にとって感情的なシンボルであると述べています。ヘラー氏の曾祖父はホロコーストで亡くなっています。






鉤十字は先史時代から使われてきました。言葉自体は古代言語のサンスクリット語にルーツがあり、"幸福の印 "を意味します。


インドにあるジャイナ教という宗教では、鉤十字は4種類の誕生を表しています。仏教では "“manji.まんじ "と呼ばれます。仏教の寺院の目印によく使われます。中国では "Wàn ワン"と呼ばれています。




A groom stands behind a sheet bearing the Hindu swastika during a ritual at a mass wedding ceremony in Virar, on the outskirts of Mumbai, India, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)
A groom stands behind a sheet bearing the Hindu swastika during a ritual at a mass wedding ceremony in Virar, on the outskirts of Mumbai, India, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)
2012年1月29日日曜日、インド・ムンバイ郊外のヴィラールで行われた集団結婚式での儀式で、ヒンドゥー教の鉤十字が描かれたシートの後ろに立つ新郎。(AP写真/Rajanish Kakade)

ヴィカス・ジャイン氏はオハイオ州クリーブランド市の医師です。彼と彼の妻は、子供たちの友達が訪ねてきたとき、"違いがわからないだろう "という理由で、このシンボルの画像を家に隠さなければならなりませんでした。

鉤十字はまた、世界中の多くのindigenous 先住民のコミュニティにとって重要なシンボルでした。それらは1万年以上前のものも発見されており、現在はウクライナの国立歴史博物館で見ることができます。










この団体は、公共の場でハーケンクロイツを示すことを違法とするカリフォルニア州の新しい法律を支持しています。この法律は、神聖なシンボルとしての鉤十字を犯罪にするものではありません。しかし、どちらのシンボルも "鉤十字 "であるとしています。






「人々が、インド人の少女がスワスティカという名前になり、学校でbe harassed 嫌がらせを受ける可能性があることを知れば、これらを2つの別のシンボルとして見るべきことを理解するでしょう」とケルマン氏は話しています。


In this file photo taken Jan. 27, 2020, people are seen arriving at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, for observances marking 75 years since the camp's liberation by the Soviet army. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)
In this file photo taken Jan. 27, 2020, people are seen arriving at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, for observances marking 75 years since the camp's liberation by the Soviet army. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)
2020年1月27日撮影のファイル写真で、ポーランド・オシフィエチムのナチス・ドイツの死の収容所アウシュビッツ=ビルケナウ跡地に、ソ連軍による収容所解放から75年を記念する行事に参加する人々が到着している様子。(AP写真/Czarek Sokolowski)









Religious Groups Aim to Redefine Symbol Linked to War, Hatred

Sheetal Deo and her husband, Sanmeet Deo, hold a Hindu swastika symbol in their home in Syosset, N.Y., on Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)

When Dr. Sheetal Deo celebrated the Hindu festival of lights called Diwali recently, she did not think it would be considered offensive. But she got a letter from officials at her building in New York City telling her to remove her Diwali decorations because it “had a swastika on it.”

The swastika is a cross with right angles at the ends. It is believed to have long been used as a symbol of peace and good luck in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist religions and several cultures.

Hindus light candle outside the stairs of a temple as they celebrate Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Monday, Oct. 24, 2022. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan)
Hindus light candle outside the stairs of a temple as they celebrate Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Monday, Oct. 24, 2022. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan)

In the West and Russia, however, the swastika, also called hakenkreuz, is linked to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany. The symbol is also linked to the Holocaust in which millions of Jews and other people were killed during World War II. Groups tied to acts of hate have continued to use the swastika.

However, the Associated Press (AP) reports that there has been a movement to reclaim the earlier meaning of the swastika in the past 10 years among Asian immigrants and Native Americans.

Deo said she believes these communities should not apologize for using their symbol because of its misuse in the past.

"To me, that's intolerable," Deo said.

But to many others, especially in the Jewish communities, giving the swastika a second chance is not possible.

Shelley Rood Wernick is a director of the Jewish Federations of North America's Center on Holocaust Survivor Care. Wernick said Holocaust survivors could feel the horrors again when they see the symbol. She went on to say, “I recognize the swastika as a symbol of hate."

Steven Heller wrote a book called Swastika: Symbol Beyond Redemption? He said the swastika is an emotional symbol for so many whose loved ones were murdered. Heller’s great-grandfather died during the Holocaust.

“A rose by any other name is a rose. In the end, it's how a symbol affects you visually and emotionally,” Heller said.

The swastika’s meaning in other cultures

The swastika has been used since prehistoric times. The word itself has roots in Sanskrit, an ancient language, and means “the mark of well being.”

In the religion of Jainism found in India, the swastika represents four kinds of births. In Buddhism, it is called “manji.” It is often used to mark the place of Buddhist temples. And in China, it is called “Wàn.”

The symbol is common in India. It is seen in doorways, on cars, and in other places. It is usually drawn with red and yellow colors.

A groom stands behind a sheet bearing the Hindu swastika during a ritual at a mass wedding ceremony in Virar, on the outskirts of Mumbai, India, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)
A groom stands behind a sheet bearing the Hindu swastika during a ritual at a mass wedding ceremony in Virar, on the outskirts of Mumbai, India, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)

Vikas Jain is a doctor in the city of Cleveland, Ohio. He and his wife have had to hide images in their home with the symbol because when their children’s friends visit "they wouldn't know the difference."

The swastika was also an important symbol to many indigenous communities around the world. They can be found on objects dating back more than 10,000 years which now can be seen in the National Museum of the History of Ukraine.

In the early 1900s, Native American artists used it in their crafts, including silver work, clothes, and pottery. But after the Nazis used it, leaders of the Hopi, Navajo, Apache, and other tribes approved an agreement in 1940 to ban the symbol from use.

Patricia Anne Davis is a member of the Choctaw and Dineh nations. She said it was a symbol of peace, healing, and goodness until the Nazis changed its meaning. She added that it is time to bring back the first meaning of the symbol.

Difference between swastika and hakenkreuz

The Coalition of Hindus of North America is one of the groups aiming to separate the swastika from the Nazi’s “cross” called hakenkreuz.

The group supports a new law in the state of California that makes it illegal to show the hakenkreuz in public. The law does not criminalize the swastika as a sacred symbol. However, it says both symbols are “swastikas.”

Jeff Kelman is a Holocaust historian based in the state of New Hampshire. He believes the hakenkreuz and swastika can be separated. Kelman is presenting this idea to Jewish communities.

He is hopeful that the symbol can be redefined as a good thing because he sees his message being understood by so many people, including Holocaust survivors.

"When they learn an Indian girl could be named Swastika and she could be harassed in school, they understand how they should see these as two separate symbols,” Kelman said.

In this file photo taken Jan. 27, 2020, people are seen arriving at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, for observances marking 75 years since the camp's liberation by the Soviet army. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)
In this file photo taken Jan. 27, 2020, people are seen arriving at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, for observances marking 75 years since the camp's liberation by the Soviet army. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

Greta Elbogen is an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor. Members of her family were killed at ­ Auschwitz-Birkenau during World War II. She said that she was surprised to learn of the swastika’s history.

Elbogen said this new information about the symbol means she does not fear the symbol that was used to frighten her.

"Hearing that the swastika is beautiful and sacred to so many people is a blessing. It's time to let go of the past and look to the future,” Elbogen said.



Words in This Story

decoration – n. something that decorates or beautifies

symbol – n. a place, action, object, or event, that expresses or represents a particular idea or quality

faith  n. strong religious belief or strong belief in someone or something

intolerable  adj. too bad, harsh, or severe to be accepted

horror – n. an experience or thing that causes great fear or dread

indigenous – n. native to a place

harassed – v. to annoy or bother (someone) in a constant or repeated way

legacy – n. something that comes from someone in the past that affects the present

sacred — adj. greatly honored by a religion