

ついに確認! 第3のエネルギー場”両極電場 ”





NASA Rocket Confirms Existence of Earth’s Hidden Electric Field

This image shows the Endurance rocket lifting off from the Ny-Ålesund launch center in Svalbard, Norway, on May 11, 2022. (Image Credit: NASA/Brian Bonsteel)
This image shows the Endurance rocket lifting off from the Ny-Ålesund launch center in Svalbard, Norway, on May 11, 2022. (Image Credit: NASA/Brian Bonsteel)

The American space agency NASA says it has confirmed the long-suspected existence of an electric field that surrounds Earth.

A rocket named Endurance gathered the information that led to the confirmation. Endurance launched from Norway on May 11, 2022. The launch site was the closest possible to the North Pole.

Endurance reached a top altitude of 768 kilometers. The rocket captured data on the electric field during its 19-minute flight before splashing down in the sea, off the coast of Greenland.

NASA says that since the 1960s, spacecraft flying over Earth’s poles have recorded collections of particles flowing from the planet’s atmosphere into space. But the cause of these outflows long remained a mystery. Scientists lacked the technology and tools to confirm an electric field and further explore it.

But the development in recent years of new observation methods and instruments led NASA to plan the Endurance mission. So the agency built the rocket and a new data instrument and planned the launch.


NASA scientist Glyn Collinson, an expert in space instrument design, led the Endurance mission.

Collinson explains in a video that scientists believe the electric field they searched for was one of three energy fields affecting Earth. The others are gravitational and magnetic. Scientists are calling the third energy field the “ambipolar electric field.”

A NASA statement says scientists believe the ambipolar field is an influential driver of the “polar wind.” They described the wind as “a steady outflow of charged particles into space that occurs above Earth’s poles.” Scientists believe the ambipolar electric field counteracts some of the effects of gravity.

This electric field lifts the charged particles in Earth’s upper atmosphere “to greater heights than they would otherwise reach,” NASA said. Scientists had theorized this electric field began at around 250 kilometers high. This is where atoms in our atmosphere break apart into negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions. This activity helps form a part of Earth’s atmosphere known as the ionosphere.

Glyn Collinson, leader of NASA's Endurance mission, reviews the instrument used to confirm the existence of the ambipolar electrical field during a rocket reassembly operation on site in Svalbard, Norway. (Image Credit: NASA Wallops/Brian Bonsteel)
Glyn Collinson, leader of NASA's Endurance mission, reviews the instrument used to confirm the existence of the ambipolar electrical field during a rocket reassembly operation on site in Svalbard, Norway. (Image Credit: NASA Wallops/Brian Bonsteel)

NASA noted the Endurance mission permitted researchers to successfully identify and measure “a planet-wide electric field thought to be as fundamental to Earth as its gravity and magnetic fields.” A study describing the team’s results recently appeared in the publication Nature.

NASA said studying the ambipolar electric field is important because it “may have shaped our planet’s evolution in ways yet to be explored.” In addition, the agency said further study of this field can help scientists better understand other planets and possibly find ones with conditions that may support life.

Leader Collinson said that, during the mission, the instrument on the rocket was able to measure an electrical voltage of 0.55 volts. He said this level is very low, about the same voltage used to power a watch battery. But, he noted that 0.55 volts was “just the right amount” to explain the outflows of particles driving the polar wind.

Collinson said he finds the results “incredibly important” because the newly confirmed electric field can counter the effects of gravity and “basically lifts the skies up.” He described the field as a kind of “conveyor belt that’s lifting this atmosphere up into space.”


Alex Glocer is a project scientist for the Endurance mission and was a co-writer of the study. He said he agrees with those findings. “That’s more than enough to counter gravity – in fact, it’s enough to launch them upwards into space at supersonic speeds,” Glocer said. Supersonic describes speeds that are greater than the speed of sound.

The team said the study results suggest the ambipolar electric field also greatly increases the density of the ionosphere at higher atmospheric positions.

Collinson said, “Any planet with an atmosphere should have an ambipolar field. Now that we’ve finally measured it, we can begin learning how it’s shaped our planet as well as others over time.”


Words in This Story

pole – n. either part of an axis of a sphere and especially of Earth's axis

counteract – v. the reduce a bad effect of something else

fundamental – adj. relating to the most important or main part of something

evolution – n. a gradual process of change and development

battery – n. an object that provides electricity for things such as radios, toys, cars, etc.

conveyor belt – n. a continuous moving piece of rubber or metal that is used to transport objects from one place to another


NASA ロケット、地球に隠された電場の存在を確認(和訳)

This image shows the Endurance rocket lifting off from the Ny-Ålesund launch center in Svalbard, Norway, on May 11, 2022. (Image Credit: NASA/Brian Bonsteel)
2022年5月11日、ノルウェースヴァールバル諸島のナイ・オレスン発射場から飛び立つエンデュランスロケット。(画像出典:NASA/Brian Bonsteel)











(⬆️めちゃめちゃ感動的な動画です!! Don't miss it!!)個人的感想です。 




コリンソン氏はビデオで、科学者たちは、彼らが探した電場は地球に影響を与える3つのエネルギー場のうちの1つだと考えていると説明しています。他のものは引力(重力)と磁気です。科学者たちは3つ目のエネルギー場を ”両極電場 ”と呼んでいます。 


NASAの声明によれば、科学者たちは両極電場ambipolar fieldが ”極風 ”の影響力のある原動力influential driver であると考えていると述べています。彼らはこの風を ”地球の極の上空で発生する、宇宙への荷電粒子charged particlesの安定した流出 ”と説明しています。科学者たちは、両極電場が重力の影響の一部を打ち消していると考えています。 


この電場は、地球の上層大気にある荷電粒子を”他の方法では到達できない高さまで”持ち上げるとNASAは述べています。科学者たちは、この電場は高さ250kmあたりから始まると理論化theorizeしていました。これは、大気中の原子atomsがマイナスの電荷を帯びた電子negatively charged electronsとプラスの電荷を帯びたイオンpositively charged ionsに分裂する場所です。この活動は、電離層ionosphereとして知られる地球の大気の一部を形成するのに役立っています。


Glyn Collinson, leader of NASA's Endurance mission, reviews the instrument used to confirm the existence of the ambipolar electrical field during a rocket reassembly operation on site in Svalbard, Norway. (Image Credit: NASA Wallops/Brian Bonsteel)NASAエンデュランス・ミッションのリーダーであるグリン・コリンソン氏は、ノルウェーのスヴァールバルでロケットの再組み立て作業中に、両極電場の存在を確認するために使用された機器を確認している。(画像出典:NASA Wallops/Brian Bonsteel) 
NASAは、エンデュランス・ミッションによって研究者たちが”地球の重力や磁場と同様に地球の基本fundamental であると考えられている惑星全体の電場”の特定と測定に成功したと述べています。この研究チームの成果は、最近Natureネイチャー誌に掲載されました。




コリンソンリーダーは、今回のミッション中、ロケットの計測器は0.55ボルトの電圧を測定することができたと言っています。このレベルは非常に低く、腕時計の電池に使われる電圧とほぼ同じだと彼は述べています。しかし彼は、0.55ボルトは極風を駆動する粒子の流出を説明するのに ”ちょうどいい ”量だと指摘しています。 


コリンソン氏は、新たに確認された電場が重力の影響を打ち消し、”基本的に空を持ち上げる ”ことができるため、この結果は ”信じられないほど重要である ”と述べました。彼は、この電場は一種の ”ベルトコンベアー ”のようなもので、大気を宇宙へと持ち上げている、と表現しました。

(⬆️子供にも見せてあげたい興味深くて面白いビデオです!!)Enjoy it!! 個人の感想です。 





