













Scientists Identify Misunderstanding about Uranus

FILE - An image of the planet Uranus taken by the NASA spacecraft Voyager 2 in 1986. (NASA/JPL/Handout via REUTERS )
FILE - An image of the planet Uranus taken by the NASA spacecraft Voyager 2 in 1986. (NASA/JPL/Handout via REUTERS )

In 1781, German-born British astronomer William Herschel made Uranus the first planet discovered with a telescope. But, 243 years later, we still do not know much about this cold planet, the third largest in our solar system. And some of what we thought we knew about it turns out to be untrue.

Much of the knowledge about Uranus was collected when NASA's robotic spacecraft Voyager 2 flew past it in 1986. But scientists have since learned that the craft visited at a time of unusual conditions. An intense solar wind event at the time led to misleading observations about Uranus, and especially its magnetic field.

Observations in a solar wind event

The solar wind is a high-speed flow of charged particles coming from the sun. The researchers took a second look at eight months of data from around the time of Voyager 2's visit and found that it flew near Uranus just a few days after the solar wind had reduced the planet's magnetosphere to about 20 percent of its usual size.

magnetosphere is an area of space surrounding a planet that is controlled by the planet's magnetic field. The magnetosphere protects the planet from solar and cosmic particle radiation.

The Voyager 2 observations led scientists to think Uranus’ magnetosphere lacked in plasma and had very intense belts of highly energetic electrons.

Plasma is often called the fourth state of matter after solids, liquids and gases. In the night sky, plasma gives out light in the form of stars, nebulas, and even the auroras above the north and south poles. Plasma is a common feature in the magnetosphere of other planets, so scientists did not understand why there would not be much of it observed around Uranus.

Jamie Jasinski studies space plasma at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He is the lead writer of the study published recently in the publication Nature Astronomy.

"We found that the solar wind conditions present during the flyby only occur 4 percent of the time. The flyby occurred during the maximum peak solar wind intensity in that entire eight-month period," Jasinski said. "We would have observed a much bigger magnetosphere if Voyager 2 had arrived a week earlier.”

Such a visit would likely have shown that the Uranus magnetosphere is like those of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, the solar system's other large planets, the researchers said.

Future exploration

Uranus looks blue green because of the methane contained in its atmosphere. The planet is big enough to fit 63 Earths inside it. Among the solar system's eight planets, only Jupiter and Saturn are larger.

Uranus orbits almost 20 times further from the sun than Earth does. And it has 28 known moons and two sets of rings.

Data collected by Voyager 2 had suggested that its two largest moons - Titania and Oberon - often orbit outside the magnetosphere. But the new study shows that they usually stay inside the protective space, making it easier for scientists to magnetically detect possible subsurface oceans.

"Both are thought to be prime candidates for hosting liquid water oceans in the Uranian system…," Jet Propulsion Laboratory planetary scientist and study co-writer Corey Cochrane said.

Scientists want to learn whether subsurface oceans on moons in the outer solar system have conditions that could support life. So, on October 14, NASA launched a spacecraft on a mission to Jupiter's moon Europa to try to answer that question.

"A future mission to Uranus is crucial to understanding not only the planet and magnetosphere, but also its atmosphere, rings and moons," Jasinski said.



Words in This Story

nebula – n. a cloud of gas or dust in space that can sometimes be seen at night

aurora (_ borealis, or Northern Lights– n. large areas of green, red, blue, or yellow light that sometimes appear in the night sky in far northern regions

occur – v. to happen

peak – adj. at the highest point or level

detect – v. to discover or notice the presence of (something that is hidden or hard to see, hear, taste, etc.)

prime – adj. most important

crucial – adj. very important




FILE - An image of the planet Uranus taken by the NASA spacecraft Voyager 2 in 1986. (NASA/JPL/Handout via REUTERS )
FILE - 1986年、NASAの探査機ボイジャー2号が撮影した天王星の画像。(NASA/JPL/Handout via REUTERS )


   ※ Uranus :天王星 発音記号[jʊrənəs]音声で確認してくださいね










science.nasa.gov    ※上記の和訳は本文の下に掲載




プラズマはしばしば、固体、液体、気体に次ぐ物質の第4の状態と呼ばれます。夜空では、プラズマは星や星雲 nebulas、さらには北極や南極の上のオーロラauroras[ərɔ́ːrəという形で光を放つ。プラズマは他の惑星の磁気圏では一般的な特徴であるため、科学者たちはなぜ天王星周辺でプラズマがあまり観測されないのか理解できませんでした。

※ auroras:オーロラでは通じない!ərɔ́ːrə:アローラ]カタカナ表記するとすれば。


ジェイミー・ジャシンスキー氏はNASAのジェット推進研究所で宇宙プラズマを研究しています。彼は、最近Nature Astronomy誌に発表された研究の主執筆者です。


「我々は、近傍通過flyby 時の太陽風の状態は4%の確率でしか起こoccurらないことを発見しました。近傍通過は、8ヶ月間の太陽風強度の最大ピーク時に起こりました。「もしボイジャー2号が1週間早く到着していたら、もっと大きな磁気圏を観測できたでしょう。













prime – adj. most important

crucial – adj. very important










磁気圏とは、惑星の磁場が支配する惑星の周りの領域のことです。太陽系の他の惑星にも磁気圏はありますが、地球は岩石惑星の中で最も強い磁気圏を持っています: 地球の磁気圏は広大な彗星型の泡であり、地球の居住性に重要な役割を果たしています。地球の磁気圏は広大な彗星型の泡であり、私たちの惑星が居住する上で重要な役割を果たしています。地球上の生命は当初、この磁気圏に守られて発達し、現在も維持されています。磁気圏は、太陽からの放射線や宇宙粒子線、太陽風による大気の侵食(太陽から流れ出る荷電粒子の絶え間ない流れ)から母星を守っています。




磁気圏研究に貢献しているNASAの太陽物理学ミッションは以下の通り: 磁気圏研究に貢献しているNASAの太陽物理学ミッションには、放射線帯相対論的電子損失のための気球アレイ、ジオテイル、磁気圏マルチスケールミッション、サブストーム中のイベントとマクロスケールの相互作用の時刻歴、2つの広角画像中性原子分光計、およびヴァン・アレン・プローブがあります。さらに、木星を観測するジュノーなど、NASAの他のミッションの観測装置も、他の惑星の磁気圏を観測しています。
