








Fossil from Germany Provides New Details about Ancient Flying Reptiles

A life restoration of two individuals of the newly identified Jurassic Period pterosaur species Skiphosoura bavarica are pictured in flight, in this illustration released on November 18, 2024. (Gabriel Ugueto/Handout via REUTERS)
A life restoration of two individuals of the newly identified Jurassic Period pterosaur species Skiphosoura bavarica are pictured in flight, in this illustration released on November 18, 2024. (Gabriel Ugueto/Handout via REUTERS)

Scientists say a fossil found in Germany is providing new details about flying reptiles that lived on Earth about 147 million years ago.

The fossil was discovered in 2015 in the southeastern German state of Bavaria. It contains the remains of a newly identified species called Skiphosoura bavarica.

Skiphosoura is considered a pterosaur, an ancient flying reptile. It lived toward the end of the Jurassic Period. Researchers say the creature played an important part in the development of ecosystems during the age of the dinosaurs.

The reptile had a wing reach of about 2 meters for traveling and a set of sharp teeth to help capture and eat other animals. Skiphosoura would have been one of the largest fliers in its ecosystem. Researchers say the discovered fossil was in good shape, with nearly every bone remaining in the skeleton. This has permitted the team to learn new details about this pterosaur.

One of the leaders of the fossil examinations is David Hone of Queen Mary University of London. He told Reuters news agency he thinks the fossil find was "of huge importance."

Hone was the lead writer of a study describing the team’s work in the publication Current Biology. He added that Skiphosoura has provided new information about the evolution of pterosaurs. "It also brings other pterosaur finds we had already made into focus,” Hone said.

He added that the discovery also helps better explain “where they go in the family tree of pterosaurs” and permits scientists to show this development from early to later forms.

"The teeth are quite long and sharp. They are for puncturing and holding," Hone said. He noted these were likely used to catch smaller animals such as lizards, small mammals, insects and possibly fish.

Pterosaurs are considered ancestors of the dinosaurs. They were the first of three groups of vertebrates – animals with a backbone – to enjoy powered flight. Pterosaurs disappeared about 66 million years ago in the mass extinction that also took out most of the dinosaurs after an asteroid struck Earth.

Scientists divide pterosaurs into two major groups - the early non-pterodactyloids and the later pterodactyloids. The early group's members had a short head, short neck, long tail and a long fifth toe on the foot. The later ones had a large head, long neck, short tail, long wrist and short fifth toe.

The team says the discovery of Skiphosoura – along with another species that lived 170 million years ago in Scotland – have helped shape important events in pterosaur development.


Words in This Story


fossil – n. something (such as a leaf, skeleton, or footprint) from a plant or animal that lived in ancient times and that you can see in old rocks

species – n. a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants

ecosystem – n. all the living things in a particular area, as well as the ways the things affect each other and the environment

focus – n. special attention you give something

puncture – v. to make a hole in something

extinct – adj. not existing anymore

asteroid – n. a rocky object that goes around the sun like a planet




A life restoration of two individuals of the newly identified Jurassic Period pterosaur species Skiphosoura bavarica are pictured in flight, in this illustration released on November 18, 2024. (Gabriel Ugueto/Handout via REUTERS)
2024年11月18日に公開されたイラストで、新たに確認されたジュラ紀翼竜の一種、スキップホスーラ・ババリカ(Skiphosoura bavarica)の飛行中の2個体を復元したもの。(Gabriel Ugueto/Handout via REUTERS)

科学者たちはドイツで発見された化石fossil から、約1億4700万年前に地球上に生息していた空飛ぶ爬虫類reptilesに関する新たな情報が得られたと発表しました。


この化石は2015年にドイツ南東部のBavaria(バヴェリア)バイエルン州で発見されました。Skiphosoura bavarica(スキップホスーラ・バヴァリカ)と呼ばれる新たに解明された種speciesの遺骸が含まれています。


(Skiphosoura)スキップホスーラは翼竜pterosaur[térəsɔ̀ː]、古代の空飛ぶ爬虫類と考えられています。(Jurassic Period[ʒəˈræs.ɪk])ジュラ紀末期に生息していました。研究者らは、この生物が恐竜時代の生態系ecosystemsの発展に重要な役割を果たしたと言います。




化石調査のリーダーの一人が、ロンドン大学クイーン・メアリー校のデビッド・ホーン氏です。彼はロイター通信の取材に対し、この化石の発見は ”非常に重要である ”と語っています。


ホーン氏は、Current Biology誌に掲載された研究チームの研究を説明する主執筆者です。彼は、スキップホスーラは翼竜の進化に関する新しい情報を提供したと付け加えています。「この発見は、我々がすでに発見していた他の翼竜の発見にも焦点focusを当てるものです。」とホーン氏は言います。


この発見は、”翼竜家系図the family treeの中で翼竜がどこに位置するのか”を説明するのに役立ち、科学者らに初期型から後期型への進化を示すことができます。




翼竜は恐竜の祖先と考えられています。脊椎動物vertebrates[və́ːtəbrət]背骨を持つ動物の3つのグループの中で、動力飛行を楽しんだ最初のグループです。翼竜は約6600万年前、小惑星asteroidが地球に衝突したのち、恐竜の大半も絶滅した大量絶滅the mass extinctionで姿を消しました。




スキップホスーラの発見は – 1億7000万年前にスコットランドに生息していた別の種とともに– 翼竜の発達における重要な出来事の解明に役立った、と研究チームは語っています。