





民主主義国家”包括的社会 ”への移行に成功していると示している韓国、台湾、モーリシャスは現在独裁国家の脅威に晒されている現状




”Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty”必読します!!




Nobel Prize Brings Attention to Worldwide Inequality

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announces the Nobel Prize in economics, which goes to Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James A Robinson, in Stockholm, Sweden, October 14, 2024. (TT News Agency/Christine Olsson via REUTERS )
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announces the Nobel Prize in economics, which goes to Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James A Robinson, in Stockholm, Sweden, October 14, 2024. (TT News Agency/Christine Olsson via REUTERS )

The Nobel Committee has brought attention to worldwide inequalities by awarding its economic prize to three Americans: Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson.

The Nobel committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said the three won the 2024 Nobel Economics Prize “for studies of how institutions are formed and affect prosperity.”

Committee chair Jakob Svensson said, “Reducing the vast differences in income between countries is one of our time’s greatest challenges.” He added that their research has provided “a much deeper understanding of the root causes of why countries fail or succeed.”

The wealthiest 20 percent of the world’s countries are now around 30 times richer than the poorest 20 percent, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences noted. The difference continues although poor countries have become relatively richer.

In 2021, the World Inequality Report said that the poorest half of the world’s population owned just two percent of wealth while the richest 10 percent controlled 76 percent of wealth.

Acemoglu and Johnson work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, while Robinson conducts his research at the University of Chicago.

Their findings are included in the 2012 book Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty written by Acemoglu and Robinson.

In their work, the winners studied the city of Nogales, which sits on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Despite sharing the same geography, climate, many of the same ancestors and a common culture, life is different on either side of the border. In Nogales, Arizona, to the north, people are relatively wealthy and live long lives; most children complete high school. To the south, in Mexico’s Nogales, Sonora, people are much poorer, and the city suffers from organized crime and corruption.

The difference, the economists said, is a U.S. system that protects property rights and gives citizens a say in their government.

The book includes evidence from ancient Rome to modern-day Nogales. It says that “inclusive institutions” make countries richer. It also says democracy, the rule of law and the protection of property rights prevent a small ruling class from owning most resources and wealth.

Reached by the academy in Athens, Greece, the Turkish-born Acemoglu said he was surprised and shocked by the award. He said the research honored by the prize underscores the value of democratic institutions.

“I think broadly speaking the work that we have done favors democracy,” he noted.

Acemoglu and Robinson had to explain why some countries with less-than-democratic systems, like Singapore and China, have become much wealthier.

Robinson told the Associated Press that he does not believe China can continue its economic prosperity under a repressive political system.

“There’s many examples in world history of societies like that that do well for 40, 50 years,” Robinson said by phone. “What you see is that’s never sustainable...The Soviet Union did well for 50 or 60 years. Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world at the time of the First World War. What our theory predicts is that’s a transitory situation.”

Robinson said many societies have successfully made the transition to what he, Acemoglu and Johnson call an “inclusive society.’’

“In the modern world, you’ve seen that in South Korea, in Taiwan, in Mauritius,” he said.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the prize in memory of Alfred Nobel. The prize was established after Nobel’s death.


Words in This Story

institution –n. an established organization

prosperity –n. a state of growing, improving and being successful

vast –adj. very large in extent or size

transitory –adj. taking place over a relatively short period of time; changing over time




Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announces the Nobel Prize in economics, which goes to Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James A Robinson, in Stockholm, Sweden, October 14, 2024. (TT News Agency/Christine Olsson via REUTERS )
2024年10月14日、スウェーデンストックホルムで、ダロン・アセモグル、サイモン・ジョンソン、ジェームズ・A・ロビンソンの3氏に贈られるノーベル経済学賞を発表するスウェーデン王立科学アカデミー(TT News Agency/Christine Olsson via REUTERS )

ノーベル委員会は、3人のアメリカ人に経済賞を授与することで、世界的な不平等に注意を喚起しました: ダロン・アセモグル氏、サイモン・ジョンソン氏、ジェームズ・A・ロビンソン氏です。




委員長のヤコブ・スヴェンソン氏は、「国家間の所得格差the vast differences in incomeの縮小は、現代における最大の課題のひとつである」と述べました。さらにスヴェンソン委員長は、彼らの研究は”なぜ国が失敗したり成功したりするのか、その根本的な原因をより深く理解するためのものである”と付け加えました。




2021年に発表された the World Inequality Report 世界不平等報告書 によれば、世界人口の最貧困層の半分が所有する富はわずか2%であるのに対し、最富裕層の10%は富の76%を支配しているといいます。




彼らの研究結果は、アセモグル氏とロビンソン氏著書の2012年に出版された Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty なぜ国家は失敗するのか:権力、繁栄、貧困の起源 に収録されています。








この本には、古代ローマから現代のノガレスまでの証拠が含まれています。”包括的な制度”が国を豊かにするとい言っています。また、民主主義、法の支配、財産権の保護は、少数の支配階級ruling classがほとんどの資源と富を所有することを防ぐといいます。












ロビンソン氏は、多くの社会が、彼、アセモグル氏、ジョンソン氏の言う ”包括的社会 ”への移行に成功していると言っています。













Study: Pregnancy Changes the Brain

FILE - A pregnant woman stands for a portrait in Dallas, May 18, 2023. (AP Photo/LM Otero, File)
FILE - A pregnant woman stands for a portrait in Dallas, May 18, 2023. (AP Photo/LM Otero, File)

When a brain scientist at the University of California, Irvine got pregnant at the age of 38, she saw a rare chance. Neuroscientist Liz Chrastil wanted to see how her brain changed while she was pregnant.

Chrastil was among a group of researchers who presented their findings in a new study. It offers the first detailed map of one woman’s brain through the steps of pregnancy, also called gestation.

Researchers say that motherhood affects nearly every part of the brain.

The researchers studied the effects of pregnancy in only one person: Chrastil. But their study has started a large international research project that aims to scan the brains of hundreds of women. The study could one day provide information about disorders like postpartum depression. Postpartum means after birth has taken place.

Chrastil said it has been a very long process. “We did 26 scans before, during and after pregnancy…” She said some of the findings were very noteworthy, or in her words “remarkable.” Chrastil is co-writer of the study that researchers published in Nature Neuroscience in September.

More than 80 percent of the parts of the brain studied had reductions in the amount of gray matter, where thinking takes place. This is an average of about four percent of the brain. This amount is nearly the same as the amount of reduction that happens during puberty. Puberty is the biological changes that cause a person to become a fertile adult.

However, the researchers said the reduction is probably not a bad thing. It might mean that networks of interconnected nerve cells called “neural circuits” are preparing for a new time in a woman's life.

The team began following Chrastil shortly before she became pregnant through in vitro fertilization. During the pregnancy and for two years after she gave birth, they continued doing MRI brain scans and blood tests to see how her brain changed. During this time, Chrastil’s sex hormones, like estrogen, increased and decreased. Some of the changes continued past pregnancy.

Emily Jacobs is with the University of California, Santa Barbara and was also a co-writer of the study. Jacobs said earlier studies had taken scans of the brain before and after pregnancy. But she said, none had shown changes in the brain as they were taking place.

Unlike past studies, this one centered on many inner areas of the brain as well as the cerebral cortex, the outermost area, said Joseph Lonstein. He is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at Michigan State University and was not involved in the research.

Lonstein said it is “a good first step to understanding much more about whole-brain changes that could be possible in a woman across pregnancy and postpartum.”

Research in animals has linked some brain changes with qualities that could help the animal care for an infant. The new study does not deal with what the changes mean in terms of human behavior.

However, Lonstein said that it does describe changes in brain areas involved in social cognition, or thinking. This is how people act with others -- for example, how they understand their thoughts and feelings.

The researchers have partners in Spain, and they are developing what they call the Maternal Brain Project. The Ann S. Bowers Women’s Brain Health Initiative and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative support the project. The researchers say they hope scientists can use findings from more than one woman to predict problems such as postpartum depression.

“There is so much about the neurobiology of pregnancy that we don’t understand yet,…” Jacobs said.

She added that this is not because women and pregnancy are too complex. More is not known about pregnancy and the brain, she said, because “biomedical sciences have historically ignored women’s health.”



Words in This Story

neuroscientist –n. a person who studies the nervous system including the brain

gestation –n. the period of carry young in the uterus from conception to birth

scan –n. the process of using a device to make an image of the inside the body using sound, x-rays, or other radiation : also a verb

in vitro fertilization –adj. fertilization of an egg in a laboratory dish or test tube specifically : fertilization by mixing sperm with eggs surgically removed from an ovary followed by uterine implantation of one or more of the resulting fertilized eggs —abbreviation IVF

MRI –n. magnetic resonance imaging, also : the procedure in which magnetic resonance imaging is used

hormone –n. a product of living cells that circulates in body fluids (as blood) or sap and produces a specific and often stimulating effect on cells usually at a distance from the place where it is made

maternal –adj. of, relating to, belonging to, or characteristic of a mother

initiative –n. a plan or program intended to solve a problem

cerebral cortex –n. the layer of gray matter that covers the outside of the cerebral hemispheres in the brain and is associated with higher cognitive functions, such as language, learning, perception, and planning.

psychology –n. the science of mind and behavior


研究: 妊娠が脳を変える

FILE - A pregnant woman stands for a portrait in Dallas, May 18, 2023. (AP Photo/LM Otero, File)

カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校の脳科学者が38歳で妊娠したとき、彼女はめったにないチャンスをつかみました。神経科学者Neuroscientist[[US] njùrousáiəntist ]のリズ・クラスティル氏は、妊娠中に自分の脳がどのように変化するかを確かめたかったのです。





研究者たちは、たった一人の人間の妊娠の影響を研究しました: クラスティルです。しかし、彼らの研究は、数百人の女性の脳をスキャンすることを目的とした大規模な国際研究プロジェクトを開始しました。この研究によって、産後うつpostpartum depressionのような疾患についての情報が得られる日が来るかもしれません。産後とは出産後のことです。


クラスティル氏は、この研究は非常に長いプロセスだったと言っています。「妊娠前、妊娠中、妊娠後と26回のスキャンを行いました。いくつかの発見は非常に注目に値するものでした、彼女の言葉を借りれば “remarkable驚くべきこと” ということでした。クラスティル氏は、研究者たちが9月にNature Neuroscience ネイチャー・ニューロサイエンス誌に発表した研究の共同執筆者です。






チームは、彼女が体外受精in vitro fertilizationで妊娠する少し前から、クラスティル氏の追跡調査を開始しました。妊娠中と出産後の2年間、MRIによる脳スキャンと血液検査を続け、彼女の脳がどのように変化したかを調べました。この間、エストロゲンなどの性ホルモンが増減しました。いくつかの変化は妊娠を過ぎても続きました。




過去の研究とは異なり、今回の研究では、脳の一番外側にある大脳皮質cerebral cortex[səríːbrəl kɔ́ːrteks]だけでなく、脳の内側にも多くの領域があるとジョセフ・ロンシュタイン教授は述べます。彼はミシガン州立大学神経科学と心理学psychologyの教授であり、この研究には関与していません。






しかし、ロンシュタイン氏は、社会的認知、つまり思考に関わる脳領域の変化については述べていると言います。人は他人に対してこう振る舞う -- 例えば、自分たちの考えや感情をどのように理解しているか。


研究者たちはスペインにパートナーを持ち、母性脳プロジェクトMaternal Brain Projectと呼んでいるものを展開しています。アン・S・バウワーズ女性脳健康プログラムInitiativとチャン・ザッカーバーグプログラムがこのプロジェクトを支援しています。研究者たちは、科学者たちが複数の女性から得られた知見を利用して、産後うつ病などの問題を予測できるようになることを願っていると言います。






本文のYou Tubeを見るとより分かります。壮大な地球を守る大計画です。





Europe Launches Spacecraft to Explore Asteroid Hit by NASA

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Monday, Oct. 7, 2024 at Cape Canaveral, Fla., carrying a European spacecraft to an asteroid. (AP Photo/John Raoux)
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Monday, Oct. 7, 2024 at Cape Canaveral, Fla., carrying a European spacecraft to an asteroid. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

This artist’s illustration depicts NASA’s DART spacecraft, which will be launched to crash into an asteroid to see how the crash affects the space object’s path. (Image Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL)
This artist’s illustration depicts NASA’s DART spacecraft, which will be launched to crash into an asteroid to see how the crash affects the space object’s path. (Image Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL)

But the Hera mission seeks to closely examine Dimorphos to get more details on how the asteroid was changed in the strike by DART. Data collected by the ESA spacecraft will be used together with information gathered by NASA to develop future planetary defense plans.

American astronomer Derek Richardson, from the University of Maryland, told reporters before the launch, "The more detail we can glean the better as it may be important for planning a future deflection mission should one be needed.”

Officials from ESA have described the $400 million mission as a “crash scene investigation.” Hera project manager Ian Carnelli said the spacecraft was “going back to the crime site and getting all the scientific and technical information.”

Hera’s trip to the asteroid is expected to take about two years. Next year, the probe plans to get a big gravitational push as it flies past Mars. It should arrive in the area around Dimorphos in December 2026.


Before it was hit by DART, Dimorphos circled a larger asteroid from about 1,189 meters out. Scientists believe the orbit is now closer and that Dimorphos changed its shape. Astronomers have also found evidence the asteroid is likely moving differently.

Examinations of the DART mission have suggested that rather than being a single hard rock, Dimorphos was more of a collection of rubble pieces held together by gravity. Investigators have said they believe the DART crash might have "completely deformed" the asteroid.

Ignacio Tanco is the flight director for the Hera mission. He told The Associated Press that some large rocks and other materials could still be following the asteroid. This, he said, could present a damage risk to the spacecraft.

“We don't really know very well the environment in which we are going to operate,” Tanco said. "But that's the whole point of the mission is to go there and find out.”


Hera will be equipped with two nanosatellites. One will land on Dimorphos and capture data on the asteroid with radar. The other will study the makeup of Dimorphos from farther out.

ESA and NASA will use the data to create plans for a possible asteroid strike that could cause wide destruction on Earth. Astronomers believe an asteroid wider than one kilometer – which could cause a worldwide disaster – is estimated to strike Earth about every 500,000 years.

An asteroid around 140 meters – which is a little smaller than Dimorphos but could still take out a major city – is predicted to hit Earth around every 20,000 years.

Currently there are no known 140-meter asteroids on a path to strike Earth. However, scientists have said only 40 percent of those space rocks are believed to have been identified.


Words in This Story

asteroid – n. a rocky object that goes around the sun like a planet

glean – v. to discover something slowly or with difficulty

deflect – v. to make something change direction by hitting or touching it

scene – n. the place where something happens

rubble – n. pieces of broken rocks or bricks from a destroyed building or structure


A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Monday, Oct. 7, 2024 at Cape Canaveral, Fla., carrying a European spacecraft to an asteroid. (AP Photo/John Raoux)
2024年10月7日月曜日、フロリダ州ケープカナベラルのケープカナベラル宇宙軍基地から、小惑星に向かう欧州の宇宙船を載せて離陸するスペースX社のファルコン9ロケット。(AP Photo/John Raoux)





This artist’s illustration depicts NASA’s DART spacecraft, which will be launched to crash into an asteroid to see how the crash affects the space object’s path. (Image Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL)
この図はNASADART宇宙船を描いたもので、小惑星に衝突させるために打ち上げられ、衝突が宇宙物体の進路にどのような影響を与えるかを確認する。(画像出典:NASA/Johns Hopkins APL)


アメリカの天文学者であるメリーランド大学のデレク・リチャードソン氏は、打ち上げ前に記者団に対し、「将来の偏向deflectionミッションが必要になった場合の計画を立てる上で重要かもしれないので、より詳細な情報を収集するgleanことができればできるほど良い 」と語りました。 

ESAの関係者は、この4億ドルのミッションを ”事故現場scene調査 ”と表現しています。ヘラのプロジェクト・マネージャーであるイアン・カーネリ氏は、宇宙船は ”犯罪現場に戻り、すべての科学的・技術的情報を得る ”と述べました。





ESANASAは、地球に広範囲な破壊をもたらす可能性のある小惑星衝突の計画を立てるために、そのデータを使用します。天文学者は、幅1キロ以上の小惑星– これは世界的な災害を引き起こす可能性があります約50万年ごとに地球に衝突すると推定しています。










Han Kang, First South Korean Writer to Win Nobel in Literature

FILE - Han Kang speaks to the media after winning the Man Booker International prize for fiction for her book 'The Vegetarian' in London, Tuesday, May, 16, 2016. Kang has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)
FILE - Han Kang speaks to the media after winning the Man Booker International prize for fiction for her book 'The Vegetarian' in London, Tuesday, May, 16, 2016. Kang has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)

South Korean writer Han Kang won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday. The Swedish Academy’s Nobel Committee said her work “confronts historical traumas and exposes the fragility of human life.”

Born in 1970, Han Kang is the first South Korean to win the literature prize. Kang began her career in 1993 with the publication of several poems in Literature and Society. She published her first story in 1995 with Love of Yeosu.

In 2016, Kang won the Man Booker International Prize for The Vegetarian. It tells the story of a woman’s decision to stop eating meat and her family’s worry about her mental health. The novel was the first of her books to be translated into English and was seen as her major international breakthrough.

In a talk with the Booker Prizes, published last year, Kang said the book was written during a difficult period in her life. She questioned whether she could finish the story or even survive as a writer.

"I was suffering from severe arthritis…To this day, I feel awkward when I hear about the novel's ‘success,'” she said.

In the novel Human Acts, Kang explored the 1980 killing of hundreds of students and unarmed civilians by the South Korean military in the city of Gwangju, where she grew up.

"In seeking to give voice to the victims of history, the book confronts this episode with brutal actualization and, in so doing, approaches the genre of witness literature," the Academy said.

Books by South Korean writer Han Kang are displayed in the Swedish Academy after she was named the 2024 laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature in Stockholm, Sweden, October 10, 2024. (REUTERS/Tom Little)
Books by South Korean writer Han Kang are displayed in the Swedish Academy after she was named the 2024 laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature in Stockholm, Sweden, October 10, 2024. (REUTERS/Tom Little)

One of two South Korean Nobel winners

Kang is the second South Korean to win a Nobel Prize. Former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000 for his efforts to restore democracy in the South and improve relations with North Korea.

The literature prize has long faced criticism that it is too centered on European and North American writings. It has also been awarded mainly to male writers. Kang is only the 18th woman to receive the award among more than 100 winners.

Past winners of the prize include well-known writers like Irish poet W.B. Yeats, American writer Ernest Hemingway and Colombia's Gabriel Garcia Marquez. In 2016, American singer Bob Dylan also received the prize “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”

Mats Malm is Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy. He told reporters, “I was able to talk to Han Kang over the phone. She was having an ordinary day, it seems, she had just finished supper with her son."

The prize comes with a money award of $1.1 million.



Words in This Story

trauma – n. a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time

fragile – adj. easily broken or damaged

novel – n. a long written story usually about imaginary characters and events

arthritis – n. a disease that causes the joints of the body to become swollen and painful

brutal – adj. very direct and accurate in a way that is harsh or unpleasant

genre - n. a particular type or category of literature or art

supper – n. the evening meal — used especially to refer to an informal meal that you eat at home




FILE - Han Kang speaks to the media after winning the Man Booker International prize for fiction for her book 'The Vegetarian' in London, Tuesday, May, 16, 2016. Kang has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)
ロンドンにて、著書「The Vegetarian」でマン・ブッカー国際小説賞を受賞した後、メディアに向かって話すハン・カン。カン氏はノーベル文学賞を受賞。(AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)

韓国の作家Han Kangハン・カン氏が木曜日、2024年のノーベル文学賞を受賞しました。スウェーデン・アカデミーのノーベル委員会は、彼女の作品が ”歴史的トラウマtraumasに立ち向かい、人間の生命のもろさfragilityを露呈している ”と述べています。


1970年生まれのハン・カン氏は、文学賞を受賞した初の韓国人です。1993年にLiterature and Society文学と社会に詩を数編発表し、キャリアをスタートさせました。1995年にLove of Yeosu麗水の恋で初の小説を発表しました。


2016年、カン氏はThe Vegetarianベジタリアンでマン・ブッカー国際賞を受賞しました。この作品は、肉食をやめることを決意した女性と、彼女の精神的健康を心配する家族の物語です。この小説は彼女の著作の中で初めて英訳され、国際的な大ブレイクとなりました。




「私は重度の関節炎arthritis[US] ɑrθráitis を患っていました......今日に至るまで、この小説の ’成功 ’について聞くと気まずい気持ちになります。」と彼女は話しました。


カン氏は小説Human Acts人間の行為で、1980年に彼女が育った光州市で韓国軍によって数百人の学生や非武装の市民が殺害された事件を扱いました。


”歴史の犠牲者に声を与えようとする中で、この本はこのエピソードに残酷なbrutal 現実化で立ち向かい、そうすることで証人文学というジャンルに近づいている”とアカデミーは述べています。


Books by South Korean writer Han Kang are displayed in the Swedish Academy after she was named the 2024 laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature in Stockholm, Sweden, October 10, 2024. (REUTERS/Tom Little)
2024年10月10日、スウェーデンストックホルムで、2024年のノーベル文学賞受賞者に選ばれ、スウェーデン・アカデミーに展示された韓国人作家ハン・カン氏の著書。(REUTERS/Tom Little)



カン氏は、ノーベル賞を受賞した2人目の韓国人です。韓国のKim Dae-jung キム・デジュン元大統領は2000年、韓国の民主主義回復と北朝鮮との関係改善に尽力したとしてノーベル平和賞を受賞しました。




過去の受賞者には、アイルランドの詩人W.B.イェーツ氏、アメリカの作家アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ氏、コロンビアのガブリエル・ガルシア・マルケス氏といった有名作家がいます。2016年には、アメリカの歌手ボブ・ディラン氏も、”偉大なアメリカの歌の伝統の中で新しい詩的表現を創造した ”として同賞を受賞しています。




賞金110万ドル。 (1$=150円換算で1億6500万円)











Tech Tip: Instagram’s New Tools to Protect Young Users

In this file photo, students use their cellphones as they leave for the day the Ramon C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts High School in downtown Los Angeles, Aug. 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)
In this file photo, students use their cellphones as they leave for the day the Ramon C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts High School in downtown Los Angeles, Aug. 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)

Meta’s Instagram service recently introduced some built-in tools designed to protect young users. The changes also give parents more control over their children’s accounts to improve safety and limit the amount of time spent on the social networking app.

Instagram says the new tools aim to “reassure parents that teens are having safe experiences.” The main change was the establishment of Teen Accounts, which Meta says was developed “with parents and teens in mind.”

The Associated Press offers the following tips as a guide for parents to get the most out of the new tools.

What limits will young users have?

Instagram already restricts anyone under 13 from signing up for the service. Now, teen accounts will automatically be set to private. That means they will have to accept or reject requests from new followers. Other users will not be able to see a teen user's posts and videos or communicate with the account.

Teens will also face messaging restrictions. They can only receive direct messages from people they are following or who follow them. But they can still send messages to other accounts.

Teen Accounts will also restrict certain kinds of material, or content. This will include sensitive subjects such as videos of people fighting or content that pushes methods to improve appearance. In addition, Instagram's anti-bullying tools will be set to the highest level to prevent offensive words and phrases in comments and direct message requests.

To restrict usage time, teens will get a message to stop using the app after it has been open for more than an hour. This message can be ignored, however.

Can the new limits be changed?

The new limits will be turned on automatically for all teens. But 16 and 17-year-olds will have the ability to turn them off. Children under 16 will need parental permission to do so.

Teens might also seek to lie about their age to get around the restrictions. But Meta has made it more difficult for them to do so. Young users are required to confirm their ages by uploading an identification card or by sending a short video of themselves.

Instagram says it will also begin testing artificial intelligence (AI) software early next year that will aim to prevent false birth dates from being accepted.

New controls for parents

If a parent does not think the limits for their child are strong enough, they can add more protective controls. For example, a parent has the ability to see who their teen has traded messages with within the past seven days.

The new tools also provide controls for parents to set daily limits for Instagram use. A parent can also block a teen from using Instagram during specific times of the day and follow subjects they are seeing.

How to set up parental controls

To set up additional controls, a parent first needs to set up family supervision on his or her account. On the mobile app, this can be done by going into settings and scrolling to find the family center to activate the tools.

Next, the Teen Account will have to invite a parent. This will be in the form of a link the teen can send by text message to the parent. After accepting the invite, the teen user has 48 hours to confirm the parent's response.

Can I use the teen settings right away?

The restrictive tools will be automatically activated for anyone under 18 who now signs up for Instagram in the U.S., Britain, Canada and Australia. For existing accounts, the restrictions will be put in place by mid-November.

The protections will be available for teens in the European Union’s 27 countries beginning later this year. And the rest of the world will get Teen Accounts for Instagram in January. Meta says it will also bring the changes to other services like Facebook next year.



Words in This Story

app – n. a small computer program that can be put onto a mobile phone or other electronic device

reassure – v. to say something to stop someone from worrying

automatic – adj. working by itself with little human control

supervise – v. to watch a person or activity to make sure things are being done correctly, safely, etc.



Tech Tip:若いユーザーを守るインスタグラムの新ツール

In this file photo, students use their cellphones as they leave for the day the Ramon C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts High School in downtown Los Angeles, Aug. 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)
2024年8月13日、ロサンゼルスのダウンタウンにあるラモン・C・コルティネス・スクール・オブ・ビジュアル・アンド・パフォーミング・アーツ高校で、下校時に携帯電話を使う生徒たち。(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)



インスタグラムは、この新しいツールは ”10代の若者が安全な体験をしていることを親に安心させるreassure ”ことを目的としていると言います。主な変更点は10代カウントの設置で、メタは ”親とティーンを念頭に置いて ”開発されたとしています。










































広報誌「厚生労働」2024年3月号 特集|厚生労働省




Two Americans Win Nobel Prize in Medicine for microRNA Discovery

This photo combo shows 2024 Nobel Prize winners in physiology or medicine Gary Ruvkun, American molecular biologist, left, and Victor Ambros,, Oct. 7, 2024, in Newton, Mass. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)
This photo combo shows 2024 Nobel Prize winners in physiology or medicine Gary Ruvkun, American molecular biologist, left, and Victor Ambros,, Oct. 7, 2024, in Newton, Mass. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Two Americans have won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of genetic material called microRNA.

Victor Ambros is a professor at the University of Massachusetts and Gary Ruvkun is a Harvard University professor.

The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute, a group of 50 professors, decided to award the two for identifying genetic molecules that help control how genes work.

The Nobel Assembly said the discovery is “proving to be fundamentally important for how organisms develop and function.”

In explaining the importance of the work, the group said it “revealed a completely new principle of gene regulation that turned out to be essential for multicellular organisms, including humans.”

RNA and microRNA

RNA takes genetic information from DNA through a process called transcription. RNA then becomes involved in protein production or other activities within the cell.

Ambros and Ruvkun found that microRNA, or very short chains of molecules, are needed for normal genetic development. The committee said changes in the way that microRNA functions can lead to major genetic changes, or mutations, over time. Nobel’s website said the changes can lead to diseases such as cancer, diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

Ambros carried out research that helped lead to the discovery at Harvard University. Ruvkun researched at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Early research

At first, Ambros and Ruvkun were interested in genes that control when genetic developments take place. These developments ensure that different kinds of cells develop at the right time.

The scientists studied the genetic material of a one-millimeter-long worm C. elegans which is commonly used for research. They studied two mutant strains of worms that displayed defects in the timing of activation of genetic programs during development. They wanted to identify the mutated genes in the worms and what the genes did.

After some time, they finally found that microRNA controlled the mutation. They also believe that this mutation has permitted organisms to change, or evolve, over hundreds of millions of years.

Dr. Claire Fletcher is a cancer researcher with Imperial College London. Fletcher said the discovery of microRNA has opened new ways for treating cancer.

Fletcher said that microRNA provides genetic instructions that tell cells to make new proteins. “MicroRNA alters how genes in the cell work,” said Fletcher, who is not associated with the Nobel prize.

“We can take a microRNA that we know alters the activity of that gene and we can deliver that particular microRNA to cancer cells to stop that mutated gene from having its effect,” Fletcher added.

Last year’s Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology was also awarded for developments related to RNA. Hungarian-American Katalin Karikó and American Drew Weissman were recognized for discoveries that enabled messenger RNA, or mRNA, vaccines for COVID-19.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is valued at about $1 million. Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prizes to recognize important discoveries that have aided humanity.

Thomas Perlmann is the Secretary-General of the Nobel Committee. He said it took a long time before Ruvkun came to the phone, but he was “happy, when he understood what it was all about.”


Words in This Story

fundamentally –adv. forming the most basic or important part of something

function –n. the job that something does

principle –n. a fact or law of nature that explains how something works

essential –adj. very important

alter –v. to change


This photo combo shows 2024 Nobel Prize winners in physiology or medicine Gary Ruvkun, American molecular biologist, left, and Victor Ambros,, Oct. 7, 2024, in Newton, Mass. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)
写真は2024年10月7日、マサチューセッツ州ニュートンで撮影された2024年ノーベル生理学・医学賞受賞者のゲーリー・ルブクン氏(左)とビクター・アンブロス氏(AP Photo/Steven Senne)







ノーベル総会は、この発見が 「生物がどのように発達し、機能functionするかにとって根本的にfundamentall重要であることが証明された 」と述べました。


この研究の重要性を説明する中で、このグループは”ヒトを含む多細胞生物にとって不可欠であるessentiaことが判明し、全く新しい遺伝子制御の原理principleを明らかにした ”と述べています。




























トーマス・パールマン氏はノーベル委員会の事務総長です。彼は、ルブクン氏が電話をかけてくるまで長い時間がかかったが、”彼がこの賞の意味を理解したときは嬉しかった 」と語りました。








Spanish Scientist Uses Bacteria to Repair 18th-century Artworks

Jose Luis Regidor, restorer and director of the project, joins Pilar Roig Picazo and Pilar Bosch Roig for a picture at the Church of Santos Juanes, in Valencia, Spain, September 16, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)
Jose Luis Regidor, restorer and director of the project, joins Pilar Roig Picazo and Pilar Bosch Roig for a picture at the Church of Santos Juanes, in Valencia, Spain, September 16, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)

Spanish scientist Pilar Bosch has found a way to use bacteria to repair 18th-century paintings.

Bosch, a microbiologist, tells Reuters she got the idea for the method while considering possibilities for a paper toward her doctoral degree. During this process, she discovered someone else’s paper that suggested bacteria can be used to restore artworks.

At around the same time, Bosch learned that her mother was struggling to find a good method for restoring 18th-century paintings. The paintings, by Spanish artist Antonio Palomino, sat in Santos Juanes – one of the oldest churches in the city of Valencia.

Pilar Roig Picazo, 75, and her daughter Pilar Bosch Roig, 42, work together on the restoration process at Santos Juanes in Valencia, Spain, September 17, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)
Pilar Roig Picazo, 75, and her daughter Pilar Bosch Roig, 42, work together on the restoration process at Santos Juanes in Valencia, Spain, September 17, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)

Bosch said her mother, Pilar Roig, noted how difficult the restoration process at the church was. One reason was the glue used to remove the paintings from the walls in the 1960s. The substance was nearly impossible to remove completely.

"My mother had a very difficult problem to solve and I found a paper about bacteria used to clean frescoes in Italy," Bosch said. A fresco is a kind of painting that often appears across a large wall.

Bosch added she decided to write her doctoral paper on the same subject. That was more than ten years ago. Today, she gets to work with her mother on the church restoration. They are using the bacteria method to remove glue from artworks. The $4.46 million project is being financed by local organizations.

Pilar Roig Picazo, 75, and her daughter Pilar Bosch Roig, 42, watch as restorers work on a mural painting removed from the Santos Juanes church in Valencia, Spain, September 17, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)
Pilar Roig Picazo, 75, and her daughter Pilar Bosch Roig, 42, watch as restorers work on a mural painting removed from the Santos Juanes church in Valencia, Spain, September 17, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)

The process involves feeding small amounts of the glue – made from animal collagen – to the bacteria. After a time, the bacteria begins to naturally produce enzymes to break down the glue.

The mother-daughter team then mixes the bacteria with a natural algae-based substance, called a gel, and places it onto the paintings. They say that after about three hours, the gel mixture is removed, leaving the paintings glue-free.

Pilar Roig Picazo, 75, and her daughter Pilar Bosch Roig, 42, work together on the restoration process at Santos Juanes in Valencia, Spain, September 17, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)
Pilar Roig Picazo, 75, and her daughter Pilar Bosch Roig, 42, work together on the restoration process at Santos Juanes in Valencia, Spain, September 17, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)

Bosch’s mother, now 75, noted that in the past, restorers of artworks had to use traditional cleaning methods that "took hours and damaged the painting." She noted that several other relatives in the family also work in art restoration. Bosch agreed, saying the work "certainly runs in the family."

Bosch has also used her bacteria removal process in other restoration projects in Italy and Spain. And, she is now training other scientists to use a different kind of bacteria to clear walls of painted graffiti.

Words in This Story

restore – v. to repair something old

church – n. a building where people go to worship God

glue – n. a substance used to stick things together

graffiti – n. writings or art painted on walls and public places, usually illegally





Jose Luis Regidor, restorer and director of the project, joins Pilar Roig Picazo and Pilar Bosch Roig for a picture at the Church of Santos Juanes, in Valencia, Spain, September 16, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)
Jose Luis Regidor, restorer and director of the project, joins Pilar Roig Picazo and Pilar Bosch Roig for a picture at the Church of Santos Juanes, in Valencia, Spain, September 16, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)
2024年9月16日、修復家兼プロジェクト・ディレクターのホセ・ルイス・レジドール氏が、ピラール・ロイグ・ピカソ氏とピラール・ボス・ロイグ氏とともに記念撮影、スペイン・バレンシアのサントス・フアネス教会で。(REUTERS/Eva Manez)







Pilar Roig Picazo, 75, and her daughter Pilar Bosch Roig, 42, work together on the restoration process at Santos Juanes in Valencia, Spain, September 17, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)
スペイン、バレンシアのサントス・フアネスで修復作業に取り組むピラール・ロイグ・ピカソ氏(75)と娘のピラール・ボス・ロイグ氏(42)、2024年9月17日。(REUTERS/Eva Manez)







Pilar Roig Picazo, 75, and her daughter Pilar Bosch Roig, 42, watch as restorers work on a mural painting removed from the Santos Juanes church in Valencia, Spain, September 17, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)
2024年9月17日、スペイン・バレンシアのサントス・フアネス教会から剥がされた壁画の修復作業を見守るピラール・ロイグ・ピカソ氏(75歳)と娘のピラール・ボス・ロイグ氏(42歳)。(REUTERS/Eva Manez)





Pilar Roig Picazo, 75, and her daughter Pilar Bosch Roig, 42, work together on the restoration process at Santos Juanes in Valencia, Spain, September 17, 2024. (REUTERS/Eva Manez)
スペイン、バレンシアのサントス・フアネスで修復作業に取り組むピラール・ロイグ・ピカソ(75歳)と娘のピラール・ボス・ロイグ(42歳)、2024年9月17日。(REUTERS/Eva Manez)

ボッシュ氏の母親は現在75歳ですが、以前は美術品の修復に伝統的な洗浄方法を用いなければならず、”何時間もかかり、絵画を傷つけていた”と指摘しています。彼女は、家族の他の親族も美術品の修復に携わっていると言及しています。ボッシュ氏もそれに同意し、この仕事は ”確かに一族に受け継がれている ”と語っています。

