今日の Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English!!
ほんと人生って、面白い!! Amazing!!
- 実に'小さな世界'
- "small world" あるルール?!
- 英語の小窓ーLet's say........!
- It Really Is a 'Small World'
- Words in This Story
It Really Is a 'Small World'
例えば、私が休暇でブラジルに旅行に行ったとしましょう。その時、ホテルで誰を見かける? 里帰りの同僚 - ケイティ! 彼女に会うために、私は家からとても遠くに旅行してきたことになります。「ケイティ!ここであなたに会うなんて嬉しいわ!世界はなんて狭いの!」こんな言葉がぴったりですね。
世界のように広い場所で知り合いに出くわすのは、いつも驚くべきことです。この驚きを表すために、 "small world "と言えます。
さて、時には、出来事と人が意外な形でつながっていることもあります。そんな時も "small world "と言えます。
「彼、あなたの先生なの?英語の先生は何百人もいるわ。なのにこの確率! なんて狭い世界なの!」
通常、“it’s a small world” と言うのは、ありそうもない、ありえない、予想外のつながりに驚きを示すために言います。
一般的に言うと、"It's a small world "は、世界が実際よりもずっと小さく感じられることがあるということを意味します。そして、それは良い感じになることがあります。
"It's a Small World "は、ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーのテーマパークにある水上ボートの名前でもあります。そして、乗っている間に流れる曲の名前でもあります。
ディズニーパークスのウェブサイト上で, リチャード-シャーマン氏 - “It’s a Small World” に詞を提供した男性 - 曲とそれが何を意味するかについて語っています。
"small world" あるルール?!
It's a small world after all,
Anna Matteoさんは、偶然と記していますが、スピリチュアルなものを感じるのは、わたしだけでしょうか。
英語の小窓ーLet's say........!
How many copies do you need?
(正解)Let's say, five.
Let's say を聴いた瞬間、フリーズしてしまいました。
Let's learn English!!
It Really Is a 'Small World'
The Earth is a big place. The U.S. space agency NASA says the Earth has a diameter of about 12,800 kilometers. And the organization Population Reference Bureau estimates that about 7.5 billion people live on our planet. That is a lot of people!
So, it can really come as a surprise when you see someone in a place where you do not expect to see them. This can make the world feel very small.
For example, let’s say I travel all the way to Brazil for a vacation. Then, at my hotel, who do I see? My co-worker from back home -- Caty! I have traveled very far from home only to see someone I know from home! That would be a great time to say: “Caty! Fancy seeing you here! What a small world!”
It is always surprising to run into someone we know in a place as big as … the world! We can say some form of “small world” to show this surprise.
Now, sometimes events and people are connected in a surprising way. In these situations, we can also say “small world.”
For example, let’s say you make a new friend. You two met while playing on the same sports team. You start talking about where your live and what you do. And as the two of you talk more, you both find out that you have the same English teacher!
You can say, “He’s your teacher, too? There are hundreds of English teachers. What are the odds! It is such a small world!”
These are all examples of coincidences. You were not expecting to find these connections between people, places, or events.
And sometimes it is not always a pleasant surprise.
Let’s say I go to an art show in New York City. Now, on any given day there are probably many art shows taking place in the Big Apple. But the one I go to just happens to be showing the artwork of my former boyfriend. Really? He’s the artist? Small world.
In a larger explanation, this expression means that although the world seems really big, we can still meet people we know in the most unexpected places.
Usually, we say “it’s a small world” to show surprise at a connection that seems unlikely, improbable, and against the odds.
Generally speaking, “It’s a small world” means that sometimes the world can feel a lot smaller than it is. And that can be a good feeling.
"It's a Small World" is also the name of a water-based boat ride at Walt Disney Company theme parks. And it is the name of the song you hear throughout the boat ride.
The ride shows children from around the world in traditional costumes. They are dancing, playing, and singing.
On the Disney Parks website, Richard Sherman -- the man who wrote the words to “It’s a Small World” -- talked about the song and what it means.
Sherman said Walt Disney wanted a simple song – one that could be performed in English and many other languages. He added that people everywhere share the same feelings. So, everyone should respect each other and love each other … after all!
Words in This Story
diameter – n. the distance through the center of something from one side to the other
reference – adj. used to tell people where information can be found
bureau – n. an office or organization that provides services or information to the public
fancy – v. to imagine something; usually used with “that” Fancy that!
odds – n. the probability that one thing is so or will happen rather than another
coincidence – n. a situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or expected
improbable – adj. unlikely to be true or to occur
theme park – n. an amusement park in which the structures and settings are based on a central theme