













研究結果: 地球上の生命の発展に雷が役立った可能性

Study: Lightning May Have Helped Life Develop on Earth


地球が形成された後に発生したlightning strikes落雷が、生命の誕生に必要な化学元素を解き放った可能性があるという新しい研究結果が発表されました。



※ phosphorus:[US] fɑ́sfərəs | [UK] fɔ́sfərəs リン 


 リンは、生命の形成に重要な元素です。リンは、細胞構造の形成や、ほぼすべてのliving organisms生物に存在するDNAを支える重要な元素です。しかし、初期の地球では、リンは水に溶けない鉱物の中に閉じ込められていたと考えられています。

※ living organisms:生物、生体



※ meteorites: 【míːtiəràit】隕石

※ organic molecules:有機分子



※ vaporize:【véipəràiz】 蒸発・気化する、蒸発・気化させる 

※ soluble : [US] sɑ́ljəbəl | [UK] sɔ́ljubəl





※ quintillion – n. a number equal to 1 followed by 18 zeros/〈米〉10の18乗、100京


この研究成果をまとめた論文が、このほど英科学誌Nature Communicationsに掲載されました。







研究者たちは、2016年にイリノイ州シカゴ郊外の家の近くに雷が落ちたときに形成された、異常に大きなフルグライトも調べました。「我々の研究は、落雷による生物学的に利用可能なリンの生成が過小評価されている可能性を示しています 。」と、研究の共同執筆者であるジェイソン・ハーベイ氏はロイターに語っています。同氏は英国のリーズ大学の地球化学の教授です。



※ carbon   :炭素

   hydrogen :水素

   nitrogen   :窒素

   oxygen  :酸素

   sulfur    :硫黄

















Study: Lightning May Have Helped Life Develop on Earth 

In this photo taken Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017 a strike of lightning illuminates the sky over Annaberg-Buchholzer, southeastern Germany. (Bernd Maerz/dpa via AP)

A new study suggests lightning strikes that hit Earth after its formation may have unlocked a necessary chemical element to support the beginning of life.

Researchers say the lightning may have supplied enough phosphorus to Earth during the first billion years after the planet was formed. Scientists believe life started on Earth about 3.5 to 4.5 billion years ago.

Phosphorus is an important element for the formation of life. It helps form cell structures and supports DNA, the material present in nearly all living organisms. But on early Earth, phosphorus is believed to have been locked inside minerals that cannot dissolve in water.

Until now, it was widely believed that meteorites that struck Earth were mainly responsible for the presence of “bioavailable” phosphorus. Some meteorites contain a phosphorus mineral called schreibersite, a highly reactive mineral that can form organic molecules.

The main piece of fulgurite used in the study. (Credit: Benjamin Hess)
The main piece of fulgurite used in the study. (Credit: Benjamin Hess)


But when lightning strikes the ground, it can create glassy rocks called fulgurites by super-heating and sometimes vaporizing rocks on the surface. This process frees the phosphorus locked inside. As a result, these fulgurites can contain schreibersite, which is soluble in water, where life is thought to have formed.

Researchers in the United States and Britain estimated that early Earth saw 1 to 5 billion lightning strikes hit Earth each year - compared to about 560 million yearly today. That would add up to 1 quintillion strikes after a billion years, forming at least 1 billion fulgurites.

A study describing the research results recently appeared in the publication Nature Communications.

The researchers said phosphorus minerals caused by lightning strikes were found to have been higher by about 3.5 billion years ago. This is about the age of the earliest-known fossils widely accepted to be those of microorganisms, the researchers found.

“Lightning strikes, therefore, may have been a significant part of the emergence of life on Earth,” said Benjamin Hess, a Yale University graduate student in earth and planetary sciences. He was the lead writer of the study.

Hess told Reuters news agency that unlike meteorite hits that generally decrease over time, lightning strikes can happen continuously over a planet’s history. He added that this means lightning strikes may also be a very important element for providing the phosphorus needed for the emergence of life on other Earth-like planets.

A cut sample of fulgurite being analyzed using Raman spectroscopy at the University of Chicago. (Yale University)
A cut sample of fulgurite being analyzed using Raman spectroscopy at the University of Chicago. (Yale University)


The researchers also examined an unusually large fulgurite formed when lightning struck near a home outside Chicago, Illinois in 2016. “Our research shows that the production of bioavailable phosphorus by lightning strikes may have been underestimated,” study co-writer Jason Harvey told Reuters. He is a professor of geochemistry at Britain’s University of Leeds.

Among the materials considered necessary for life are water, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus, along with an energy source.

Scientists believe the earliest bacteria-like organisms were formed in Earth’s early waters. But there is a debate over when this happened and whether it happened in warm and shallow waters or in deeper waters.

Hess said that new research does not completely cancel the theory that meteorites could have been another source of life-giving phosphorus.

"Meteor impacts around the time of the emergence of life are far less than thought a decade ago," Hess said. "But I don't see our work as a competition against meteorites as a source of phosphorus. The more sources, the better," he added.









Words in This Story


dissolve – v. to turn from a solid into a liquid

meteorite – n. a piece of rock or metal that has fallen to the ground from outer space: a meteor that reaches the surface of the Earth without burning up entirely

quintillion – n. a number equal to 1 followed by 18 zeros

fossil – v. part of an animal or plant from thousands of year ago, preserved in rock

emerge – v. to appear from somewhere

source – n. something that provides what is wanted or needed

shallow – adj. not deep ​

impact – n. an act or event in which something strikes another thing

decade – n. a period of 10 years










そうですよね! billion   10億。









0の数 英語 日本語訳
0が12個 trillion 一兆


【kwɑdríljən | kwɔdíljən】











quintillion (百京) 1,000,000,000,000,000,000

sextillion (十垓) 



地球が形成された後に発生したlightning strikes落雷が、生命の誕生に必要な化学元素を解き放った可能性があるという新しい研究結果が発表されました。




phosphorus[US] fɑ́sfərəs | [UK] fɔ́sfərəs リン 


 リンは、生命の形成に重要な元素です。リンは、細胞構造の形成や、ほぼすべてのliving organisms生物に存在するDNAを支える重要な元素です。しかし、初期の地球では、リンは水に溶けない鉱物の中に閉じ込められていたと考えられています。

※living organisms:生物、生体



meteorites: míːtiəràit】隕石

organic molecules:有機分子



vaporize:véipəràiz】 蒸発・気化する、蒸発・気化させる 

soluble : [US] sɑ́ljəbəl | [UK] sɔ́ljubəl





quintillion – n. a number equal to 1 followed by 18 zeros/〈米〉10の18乗、100京


この研究成果をまとめた論文が、このほど英科学誌「Nature Communications」に掲載された。




研究者たちは、2016年にイリノイ州シカゴ郊外の家の近くに雷が落ちたときに形成された、異常に大きなフルグライトも調べました。"我々の研究は、落雷による生物学的に利用可能なリンの生成が過小評価されている可能性を示している "と、研究の共同執筆者であるジェイソン・ハーベイ氏はロイターに語った。同氏は英国のリーズ大学の地球化学の教授である。






Study: Lightning May Have Helped Life Develop on Earth


In this photo taken Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017 a strike of lightning illuminates the sky over Annaberg-Buchholzer, southeastern Germany. (Bernd Maerz/dpa via AP)

A new study suggests lightning strikes that hit Earth after its formation may have unlocked a necessary chemical element to support the beginning of life.

Researchers say the lightning may have supplied enough phosphorus to Earth during the first billion years after the planet was formed. Scientists believe life started on Earth about 3.5 to 4.5 billion years ago.

Phosphorus is an important element for the formation of life. It helps form cell structures and supports DNA, the material present in nearly all living organisms. But on early Earth, phosphorus is believed to have been locked inside minerals that cannot dissolve in water.

Until now, it was widely believed that meteorites that struck Earth were mainly responsible for the presence of “bioavailable” phosphorus. Some meteorites contain a phosphorus mineral called schreibersite, a highly reactive mineral that can form organic molecules.

The main piece of fulgurite used in the study. (Credit: Benjamin Hess)
The main piece of fulgurite used in the study. (Credit: Benjamin Hess)


But when lightning strikes the ground, it can create glassy rocks called fulgurites by super-heating and sometimes vaporizing rocks on the surface. This process frees the phosphorus locked inside. As a result, these fulgurites can contain schreibersite, which is soluble in water, where life is thought to have formed.

Researchers in the United States and Britain estimated that early Earth saw 1 to 5 billion lightning strikes hit Earth each year - compared to about 560 million yearly today. That would add up to 1 quintillion strikes after a billion years, forming at least 1 billion fulgurites.

A study describing the research results recently appeared in the publication Nature Communications.

The researchers said phosphorus minerals caused by lightning strikes were found to have been higher by about 3.5 billion years ago. This is about the age of the earliest-known fossils widely accepted to be those of microorganisms, the researchers found.

“Lightning strikes, therefore, may have been a significant part of the emergence of life on Earth,” said Benjamin Hess, a Yale University graduate student in earth and planetary sciences. He was the lead writer of the study.

Hess told Reuters news agency that unlike meteorite hits that generally decrease over time, lightning strikes can happen continuously over a planet’s history. He added that this means lightning strikes may also be a very important element for providing the phosphorus needed for the emergence of life on other Earth-like planets.

A cut sample of fulgurite being analyzed using Raman spectroscopy at the University of Chicago. (Yale University)
A cut sample of fulgurite being analyzed using Raman spectroscopy at the University of Chicago. (Yale University)


The researchers also examined an unusually large fulgurite formed when lightning struck near a home outside Chicago, Illinois in 2016. “Our research shows that the production of bioavailable phosphorus by lightning strikes may have been underestimated,” study co-writer Jason Harvey told Reuters. He is a professor of geochemistry at Britain’s University of Leeds.

Among the materials considered necessary for life are water, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus, along with an energy source.

Scientists believe the earliest bacteria-like organisms were formed in Earth’s early waters. But there is a debate over when this happened and whether it happened in warm and shallow waters or in deeper waters.

Hess said that new research does not completely cancel the theory that meteorites could have been another source of life-giving phosphorus.

"Meteor impacts around the time of the emergence of life are far less than thought a decade ago," Hess said. "But I don't see our work as a competition against meteorites as a source of phosphorus. The more sources, the better," he added.









Words in This Story


dissolve – v. to turn from a solid into a liquid

meteorite – n. a piece of rock or metal that has fallen to the ground from outer space: a meteor that reaches the surface of the Earth without burning up entirely

quintillion – n. a number equal to 1 followed by 18 zeros

fossil – v. part of an animal or plant from thousands of year ago, preserved in rock

emerge – v. to appear from somewhere

source – n. something that provides what is wanted or needed

shallow – adj. not deep ​

impact – n. an act or event in which something strikes another thing

decade – n. a period of 10 years










そうですよね! billion   10億。





quadrillion:kwɑdríljən | kwɔdíljən 】  100兆 10の15乗

quintillion  :100京

sextillion       :10


0の数 英語 日本語訳
0が12個 trillion 一兆
0が15個 quadrillion
0の数 英語 日本語訳
0が12個 trillion(トリリオン) 一兆
0が15個 quadrillion(クァドリリオン) 千兆
0が18個 quintillion(クインティリオン) 百京
0が21個 sextillion(セクスティリオン) 十垓
0が18個 quintillion(クインティリオン) 百京
0が21個 sextillion(セクスティリオン) 十垓



quintillion (百京) 1,000,000,000,000,000,000

sextillion (十垓) 








今日のVOAニュース、Le'ts begin!!!









Google’s New Device Will Track Your Sleep, if You Let it



Googleは火曜日、最新のホームアシスタントデバイス Nest Hub を披露しました。声を認識し、写真や動画、ニュースや天気を表示するだけでなく、睡眠をトラッキングすることも可能だといいます。




Nest Hubをベッドの横に置いておくと、あなたの寝姿を追うことができます。これは、Soliと呼ばれる新しいコンピューターチップが動きを感知するためです。



Google社によると、新しいNest Hubは、毎週、その人の睡眠時間と睡眠の質を示すレポートを作成します。また、いびきをかいたり、咳をしたり、よく目が覚めたりしていないかどうかも表します。この技術を開発するために、1万5千人の人々を11万夜にわたって調査したとGoogleは述べています。




ジェフ・チェスターもその一人です。彼はCenter for Digital Democracyのディレクターを務めています。「Googleの目標は、あなたの体のすべての細胞を収益化することです」と彼は言います。


Googleは最近、手首に装着する健康管理機器を製造するFitBit社を買収しました。テクノロジーの専門家の中には、Googleが Nest Hub と FitBit を連携させる方法を見つけるかもしれないと考える人もいます。











Google’s New Device Will Track Your Sleep, if You Let it

Google's Kayitta Johnson gives a demonstration of the Nest Hub Max at the Google I/O conference in Mountain View, Calif., Tuesday, May 7, 2019. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)


A new product from Google may help people solve their sleep problems, but some privacy rights groups are concerned.

Google showed off its newest Nest Hub home assistant device on Tuesday. In addition to recognizing your voice, showing pictures, videos, news and weather, it can also track your sleep.

The basic model costs about $100 and the sleep-tracking technology will be available for free for the rest of 2021. The sleep tracker makes Google’s product different from a similar home assistant from Amazon.



If you put the Nest Hub beside your bed, it can follow how you sleep. That is because of a new computer chip called Soli, which can sense motion.

Some people may like the new technology because they would not have to wear another device to bed. Some companies make products people can wear on their wrist to track their sleep.

Google says the new Nest Hub will create reports each week that show how long and how well a person sleeps. It will also show if they snore, cough or wake up often. The company said it studied 15,000 people over the course of 110,000 nights to develop the technology.

For people who want to know more about their sleep, the device sounds like a good idea. But, people who pay attention to privacy are worried what Google might do with the information it is gathering.

Jeff Chester is one of those people. He is the director of the Center for Digital Democracy. “Google’s goal is to monetize every cell of your body,” he said.

Google recently bought FitBit, a company that makes a health tracker people can wear on their wrist. Some technology experts think Google may find a way for the Nest Hub to work with the FitBit.

Google says the sleep tracker has a lot of privacy protections. For example, it will only work if the user turns it on. The company said it will not use a person’s sleep information to try to sell advertising.

But Chester said he is not so sure that promise will be kept.









Words in This Story


track –v. to watch or follow the progress of (someone or something)

snore –v. to breathe noisily while sleeping

wrist –n. the part of the body where the hands join the arms

digital –adj. using or characterized by computer technology

privacy –n. the state of being away from public attention: not public

monetize –v. to change something so that money can be made from it








Let's go to the Journey to the faraway Universe !!!







Research Group Proposes Way to Travel Faster than Speed of Light









そのため、最新の研究では、通常の物質の説明を超えた理論が中心となっています。光よりも速い移動を可能にするためには、通常とは異なる物理的性質を持つhypothetical particles” (仮説の粒子)や物質の状態が必要だといいます。




この論文では、強力な推進システムの基礎となる、研究者たちがsolitons ソリトンと呼ぶ一連の波を作り出すことで、超高速移動を可能にする計画が述べられています。ソリトンとは、エネルギーをほとんど失うことなく、速度と形状を保ったまま移動するコンパクトな波のことです。


今回の研究では、このような方法を用いれば、あらゆる速度での移動が可能になることが示唆されています。この研究成果は、最近発行されたClassical and Quantum Gravityに掲載されました。




レンツはロイター通信に対し、このようなwarp drive” 技術を使えば、移動時間を大幅に短縮できると語っています。それによって、将来的には遠くの宇宙天体への旅行が可能になるかもしれません。


太陽系外で最も近い恒星は、Proxima Centauriプロキシマ・ケンタウリです。その距離は約4.25光年です。A light year光年とは、光が1年で進む距離のことです。




研究者たちの計画は、光速よりも速い旅行の希望を約束するものであり、"人類が生きている間に遠くの星間旅行ができる "という可能性を秘めています。













Research Group Proposes Way to Travel Faster than Speed of Light

In this file photo, guests explore "Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge" near a Millennium Falcon starship at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California, U.S., May 29, 2019. (REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni/File Photo)

n science fiction movies, there are many examples of spaceships racing through space at the speed of light or faster. But is faster-than-light travel possible?

A new research paper written by an American physicist has proposed a theory for how faster-than-light travel could be possible. The research was carried out by Erik Lentz, who did the work at Germany’s University of Goettingen.

Lentz and his team believe that travel to distant stars and planets could be possible in the future. But this can happen only if space vehicles travel faster than the speed of light.

Light can travel at about 300,000 kilometers in one second. Physicist Albert Einstein’s famous theory of relativity suggests that it is not possible to travel faster than light.

As a result, the latest research on the subject has centered on theories beyond normal explanations of matter. They call for “hypothetical particles” and states of matter with unusual physical properties to permit faster-than-light travel.

This kind of matter either cannot be found or cannot be manufactured in necessary amounts, the paper states. The new paper places more importance not on theoretical research, but on a possible engineering solution.

The research describes a plan to permit superfast travel by creating a series of, what the researchers call, solitons to provide the basis for a powerful propulsion system. A soliton is a compact wave that keeps its speed and shape while moving with little loss of energy.

The research suggests that such a method could permit travel at any speed. The results recently appeared in the publication Classical and Quantum Gravity.

The method “uses the very structure of space and time arranged in a soliton to provide a solution to faster-than-light travel,” said a press release explaining the process.

Lentz told Reuters news agency that such a “warp drive” technology could be used to sharply reduce travel times. That could make future travel to distant space objects possible.

The nearest star beyond our solar system is Proxima Centauri. It is about 4.25 light years away. A light year is the distance it takes light to travel in one year.

Lentz said that using traditional rocket fuel, it would take about 50,000 to 70,000 years to reach Proxima Centauri. A trip using nuclear propulsion technology would take about 100 years, he said. But a light speed trip would take only four years and three months, Lentz added.

The researchers’ plan promises the hope of faster-than-light-speed travel, which could lead to “distant interstellar travel within a human lifetime.”

Lentz said a lot of work will be needed to make the method become a reality. To be useful, it would require lowering the energy needed down to the level of modern nuclear power reactors. A way to develop and speed up the solitons must also be created, he added.

Lentz sees the research and development process as difficult, but not impossible. He said additional steps could happen over the next several years, with a fully operational version possible within the next 10 years.

He added that the first truly light speed trips could be tested in the years afterward. “I would like to see this technology in use in my lifetime,” Lentz said.



Words in This Story


hypothetical – adj. involving or based on a suggested idea or theory; based on a hypothesis

propulsion – n. a force that moves something forward

compact – adj. smaller than other things of the same kind

arrange – adj. organized in a certain order or position

warp – adj. related to speed that is extremely fast, even faster than light, usually found in works of science fiction

interstellar – adj. between the stars

prototype – n. a first model of something that serves as the basis for future developments





今回も続いて ”時” の表現をとりあげます。



Lentz sees the research and development process as difficult, but not impossible. He said additional steps could happen over the next several years, with a fully operational version possible within the next 10 years.

He added that the first truly light speed trips could be tested in the years afterward. 


(時に絡んだ ”later, in”  は前回のブログをみてくださいね。)


over the next several years :今後数年間で

within the next 10 years  : 10年以内には

in the years afterward.    :その後数年のうちに




今、騒がれている アストラゼネカワクチン。
















EU: アストラゼネカワクチン、血栓増加との関連なし


EU: AstraZeneca Shot Not Linked to Increase of Blood Clots

March 18, 2021







EMAを率いるのはEmer Cooke氏。彼女は木曜日に記者団に対し、「我々の科学的立場は、このワクチンがCOVID-19から市民を守るための安全で効果的な選択肢であるということです。"」と述べました。






※  a causal link :因果関係


同機関は、報告された血栓の数が一般の人々の予想よりも少なかったとしています。このことから、EMAは、"血栓の全体的なリスクの増加はない "という結論に達したと報告しています。




























EU: AstraZeneca Shot Not Linked to Increase of Blood Clots

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili receives a shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine against the coronavirus disease in Tbilisi, Georgia March 18, 2021. (Georgian Presidential Press Service/Handout via REUTERS)

 The European Union’s drug control agency says the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is safe.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Thursday announced its findings from an examination of medical records on millions of people who had received the drug. It began the examination following reports that a small number of people experienced blood system blockages, or clots, after receiving the vaccine. Last week, several European countries suspended use of AstraZeneca's vaccine as a result.

The EMA spoke after an extraordinary meeting to discuss concerns among its member countries and others.

Emer Cooke leads the EMA. She told reporters Thursday, “Our scientific position is that this vaccine is a safe and effective option to protect citizens against COVID-19.”

Cooke added, “If it were me, I would be vaccinated tomorrow.”

However, she said the agency “cannot rule out definitively a link” between blood clots and the vaccine.

European Medicines Agency Executive Director, Emer Cooke
European Medicines Agency Executive Director, Emer Cooke

The EMA said it looked at about 25 cases of rare blood clots out of 20 million people that received the vaccine by March 16. The agency said, “a causal link with the vaccine is not proven, but is possible,” adding that the issue should be studied further.

The agency said that the number of reported blood clots was lower than expected in the general population. This led to the conclusion, the EMA reported, that “there is no increase in the overall risk of blood clots.”

Resuming vaccination programs

About 13 European nations had suspended the use of AstraZeneca vaccine after reports of possible blood clots linked to the shots.

On Thursday, Italian Premier Mario Draghi welcomed the decision by the EMA. He said Italy would restart AstraZeneca vaccinations as early as Friday.

When the AstraZeneca vaccine was approved for emergency use in Britain last December, the shot was described as the “vaccine for the world.” It costs much less than vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. It also does not require extreme cold storage, making it easier to use in countries with limited resources.

COVAX is an international program to deploy coronavirus vaccines to people around the world. It hopes to provide at least 2 billion shots, mainly from AstraZeneca, to poor countries around the world.

Two other vaccines are approved for emergency use in Europe. One is from Pfizer-BioNTech and the other is a Moderna product. In the United States, health officials have approved vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson for emergency use.



Words in This Story


option - n. a choice or possibility

circulate - v. to move from group to group

variant - n. a virus that is different in someone than the other

emerge - v. to become known

confidence - n. feeling or belief that something is good






“This is at a time when we need to stop the virus circulating," he said, "to reduce the chances of further variants emerging."      


at a time  :一度に、同時に、1回に

ですが、   ➕ when  となると???


at a time when :(when以下)という時に





 英語の小窓 2  




He said Italy would restart AstraZeneca vaccinations as early as Friday.















as early as Friday.:早ければ金曜日には   ですね。



遅くとも金曜日には  といいたい時は

as late as Friday




この金曜日には、といいたい時は、in this Friday   !!




AstraZeneca is planning to seek U.S. government approval in the coming months.



in the coming months :今後数ヶ月間に    ですね。


では、  in 2 year  だったらどうなるでしょうか?


         未来形 ➕ in  ➕ 数字  で、「〜後に」を表しますね。


 in は”今”を起点にして期間、時間を表す時に使います。


例  He will be there in 2 hours.

            I'm going to lunch in 30 minutes.




今ではなく”ある時点” から「〜後に」はどう表したでしょうか?


そうですね。Later !!

       過去形 のお話も 未来のお話もOK




She got fired. But she found a job 6 days later.

We met 2010. And we got married 2 years later.

He's going to N.Y. tomorrow.  2 days later, he's coming bach to Tokyo to meet his freiend.




あとで行くね!  なんて具体的な時間や期間がない時は

I will be there later.   





in   今が起点  

later ある時点が起点
















Here we go!!   英語を学ぼう!!







College Educators Form Alliance to Defend Free Expression

2 hours ago/2021/14/Jan.



米国の大学教育者約200名が、Academic Freedom Alliance(AFA)という非営利団体を結成しました。この団体は、大学教育者が"制裁や処罰を恐れずに発言し、指導し、出版する"ことを支援することを目的としていると、ウェブサイトで述べています。






プリンストン大学のKeith E. Whittingtonキース・E・ウィッティントン氏は、この同盟の学術委員会の責任者です。同盟の学術委員会の責任者であるプリンストン大学のキース・E・ウィッティントン氏は、表現の自由の問題について全国的な議論を進める方法を模索していると述べています。

Academic Freedom Alliance logo.

Academic Freedom Alliance logo.

表現の自由とは、約100年前に教授たちによって提唱された“academic freedom,” 学問の自由という考え方を存続させたいと考えているそうです。ポイントは3つあります。1つ目は、外部からの干渉を受けずに授業を行う自由。2つ目は、学術的な問題について研究したり、執筆したりする際に、大学の指導者がその成果を一般に公開することを妨げないこと。3つ目は、大学の指導者に妨害されることなく、公の場でその時々のアイデアについて話すことができることです。










AFAのメンバーには、作家であり政治活動家でもあるCornel Westコーネル・ウェスト氏、彼は最近、ハーバード大学で終身在職権を得られずに退学、ヴァンダービルト大学を退任したCarol Swainキャロル・スウェイン教授などがいます。また、テキサス大学ロースクール憲法研究者Sanford Levinson サンフォード・レビンソン氏;受賞歴のある作家Charles Johnsonチャールズ・ジョンソン氏、ワシントン大学元教授;ニューヨーク大学元教授でアメリカ自由人権協会元会長のNadine Strossenナディーン・ストローゼン氏などが参加しています。


FILE - Cornel West speaks at a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., at the Whittemore Center Arena at the University of New Hampshire, Feb. 10, 2020, in Durham, N.H. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

FILE - 2020年2月10日、ニューハンプシャー大学のWhittemore Center Arenaで開催された民主党大統領候補バーニー・サンダース上院議員(I-Vt.)のキャンペーン集会で演説するコーネル・ウエスト氏(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)








メンバーの中には、言論の自由に関する紛争に巻き込まれた人もいます。例えば、ノースウェスタン大学Laura Kipnisローラ・キプニス教授が2015年に書いた文書について、一部の学生が批判しました。その文書の中でキプニス氏は、教師と生徒が交際することを学校が禁止していることに異議を唱えました。


また、ハーバード大学教授で言語研究者のLaura Kipnisスティーブン・ピンカー氏は、2011年に米国言語学会のメンバーから、人種差別や性差別に鈍感であると批判されました。




ひとつは、南カリフォルニア大学Greg Pattonグレッグ・パットン教授の例です。昨年の夏、彼はビデオ会議アプリケーションZoomを使って、話し言葉の沈黙を埋めるために使われる言葉について教えていました。


その際、いくつかの中国語の用語を説明したところ、英語での人種侮辱に聞こえると考える学生がいました。パットン氏は停職処分を受けましたが、学校側の調査により“the use of the Mandarin term” ”中国語の使用”には実際の目的があったことが判明し、復帰しました。



また、昨年の夏には、オーバーン大学のJesse Goldberg ジェシー・ゴールドバーグ教授が、ツイッターにメッセージを書き込んだことで、解雇を求める声にさらされました。そのメッセージとは、「警察は人を守らない。彼らは資本を守る。彼らは資本に代わって暴力を振るう道具である。」 オーバーン大学はこのメッセージを非難し、ゴールドバーグを教室から研究職に変更しました。
















College Educators Form Alliance to Defend Free Expression

A view of Princeton University. Keith Whittington, a professor there, is one of the founders of the Academic Freedom Alliance. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)


About 200 college educators in the United States have formed a non-profit organization called the Academic Freedom Alliance (AFA). On its website, the group says it aims to help college educators “speak, instruct, and publish without fear of sanction or punishment.”

The non-profit organization began out of discussions among some professors at Princeton University in the state of New Jersey. They wanted to find ways to fight against what they see as growing intolerance of differing opinions.

The AFA plans to support those they believe have been unjustly attacked and provide money for legal support if needed. Members who are professors with tenure will pay a yearly amount of $50, while others will pay $35. The alliance is also seeking donations.

Keith E. Whittington of Princeton University is head of the alliance’s academic committee. He said the group is looking for a way to advance a national discussion about free expression issues.

Academic Freedom Alliance logo.
Academic Freedom Alliance logo.


He said the group wants to keep alive an idea called “academic freedom,” which was put forward by professors about 100 years ago. It has three points. The first is the freedom to teach without outside interference. The second is the ability to do research and write on academic issues without university leaders preventing the public from seeing the work. The third is the ability to speak in public about ideas of the day without interference from university leaders.

Whittington said, “We still see all those things threatened” at American colleges.

Whittington said college professors have been concerned for a long time about losing their jobs if they express ideas that might be unpopular with students, administrators or people who give money to the school. Some college professors have had their jobs threatened for criticizing university presidents.

“We still see faculty threatened for all those things now,” he said.

Whittington and the founders created the organization to offer some support to those professors. Some, he said, joined the group for that reason.


Members of the AFA include writer and political activist Cornel West, who recently left Harvard University after not receiving tenure, and retired Vanderbilt University professor Carol Swain. Others in the alliance include constitutional researcher Sanford Levinson at the University of Texas School of Law; award-winning writer Charles Johnson, a retired professor at the University of Washington; and Nadine Strossen, a retired professor at New York University and former president of the American Civil Liberties Union.

FILE - Cornel West speaks at a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., at the Whittemore Center Arena at the University of New Hampshire, Feb. 10, 2020, in Durham, N.H. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
FILE - Cornel West speaks at a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., at the Whittemore Center Arena at the University of New Hampshire, Feb. 10, 2020, in Durham, N.H. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Whittington said a number of professors who joined the AFA were nervous, at first, about joining. Some, he said, were worried that their supporters would be concerned if they joined a group that had members who expressed opposing political opinions.

But Whittington described the AFA as “a genuinely cross-ideological group.”

“And it was somewhat difficult to persuade people that they ought to be out in front and standing up for these principles even though sometimes that would mean defending speech that they found pretty unpleasant and very wrongheaded and despite the fact that sometimes that would lead them to be personally criticized.”

Some members have been involved in free speech disputes. For example, some students criticized Northwestern University professor Laura Kipnis for a document she wrote in 2015. In the writing, Kipnis disputed the school’s ban on teachers and students dating each other.

Another, Harvard professor and language researcher Steven Pinker, was criticized in 2011 by members of the Linguistic Society of America for supposed insensitivity to racism and sexism.

Whittington said the alliance would center “on free speech and academic freedom issues.” He named two recent examples of why he says the alliance is needed.

One example involved University of Southern California professor Greg Patton. Last summer, he was teaching using the video conferencing application Zoom about words used to fill silences in spoken language.

He described a few Chinese terms that some students believed sounded like an English-language racial insult. Patton was suspended, and only returned after a school investigation found that “the use of the Mandarin term” had an actual purpose.

FILE - The University of Southern California is pictured in Los Angeles, California, U.S., May 22, 2018. (REUTERS/Mike Blake/File Photo)
FILE - The University of Southern California is pictured in Los Angeles, California, U.S., May 22, 2018. (REUTERS/Mike Blake/File Photo)

Also last summer, Auburn University professor Jesse Goldberg faced calls for his dismissal after writing a message on Twitter. The message included, “The police do not protect people. They protect capital. They are instruments of violence on behalf of capital.” Auburn University denounced the message and reassigned Goldberg from the classroom to a research position.

Whittington said the AFA seeks to fight against efforts “to suppress and sanction professors” who hold non-traditional or unpopular opinions.

“It’s essential, I think, that we continue the struggle. That we continue to try to articulate what these principles are and why they’re important, and we continue to try to defend individual professors who find themselves in the midst of these controversies.”

Whittington said he hoped the AFA might start off with about 50 professors who could help spread their message. But the group received strong support and gained more members than that.

The group will start by working for its members in case of controversy. But Whittington said it also wants to look out for non-members who may be involved in situations where support from the AFA might be helpful.







Words in This Story


academic –adj. of or relating to schools and education

sanction –n. an action that is taken or an order that is given to force someone to stop doing something

intolerance –n. not willing to allow or accept something

tenure –n. the right to keep a job (especially the job of being a professor at a college or university) for as long as you want to have it

faculty –n. the group of teachers in a school or college

ideological –adj. ideas and beliefs of a group or political party

essential –adj. extremely important and necessary

controversy – n. argument that involves many people who strongly disagree about something : strong disagreement about something among a large group of people

articulate –v. to express (something, such as an idea) in words

Me and Kelly, we hang out. 複合名詞の正解は?

う〜ん!! 悩ましい!!





  Hang in there!!






’Me and My Friends’は文法のルールを破っている?


Are ‘Me and My Friends’ Breaking Grammar Rules?





Me and Eric will be there soon.



今では、心配しなくてもいいと思うようになりました。この20年の間に、英文法の先生たちは、人々が実際にどのように英語を使っているかを知るための強力なツールを開発してきました。その一つが、COCA(Corpus of Contemporary American English)です。コーパスとは、書籍、スピーチ、テレビ番組、オンライン作品などから抽出された言語サンプルの集まりです。研究者はコンピュータを使ってコーパスを研究します。COCAのウェブサイトによると、このような情報を調べる目的は、”ネイティブスピーカーが実際にどのように話したり書いたりしているのか”、人々が個々の単語や表現をどのくらいの頻度で使っているのかを知ることにあります。その結果、文法書に書かれているアドバイスも変わってきています。




そのひとつが、複合主語の扱い方です。文章の主語は、何かをしている人、場所、物などです。主語を文の中の”役者”と呼ぶ人もいます。複合主語とは、複数の人、場所、物が何かをしている、または何かであることを意味します。これらは、"and "などの単語と一緒になって、文の主語となります。




My friend and I are going to eat lunch together today.




I and my friend are going to eat lunch together today.








Andy and I will be studying English tonight.



Andy and me will be studying English tonight.



Me will be studying alone tonight.



I will be studying alone tonight.


しかし、主語を表す代名詞としての "me "の使用は、ますます一般的になってきているようです。Mark Libermanはペンシルバニア大学の言語学教授で、Language Logという言語解説ブログの創設者です。


Libermanによると、COCAを調べた研究者たちは、"me and someone "が "someone and me "よりも "約3倍多い "ことを発見したそうです。複合主語の形である "I and someone" の例は、COCAの中では珍しいことです。




Me and Joe Biden were going to be on this Sunday.

(VOAのレポーターGreta Van-Susterenが出演するテレビ番組にて)


Me and Kelly, we hang out. 

(テレビ番組 Without a Traceにて)


では、英語学習者としてはどうすればいいのでしょうか?複合主語に "Someone and I "を使うのは間違いではありません。それが正しいのです。しかし、このルールを破っても、人々はあなたの言っていることを理解するでしょう。



Good enough for me and Bobby McGee


ここで、"me and someone "という複合主語の素晴らしい音楽的例をご紹介しましょう。1970年に録音されたJanis JoplinのMe and Bobby McGeeです。


Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose


Nothin' – and that’s all that Bobby left me


Feelin' good was easy, Lord, when Bobby sang the blues


Feelin' good was good enough for me


Good enough for me and Bobby McGee



Are ‘Me and My Friends’ Breaking Grammar Rules?

arents always have concerns about the way their children speak. Personally, I am unhappy when I hear my children saying things like,

Me and Eric will be there soon.

Now, I am learning that I should not worry. Over the past 20 years, English grammar teachers have developed some powerful new tools to learn about how people really use English. One such tool is the Corpus of Contemporary American English, or COCA. A corpus is a collection of language samples drawn from books, speeches, television programs and online work. Researchers use computers to study the corpus. The COCA website says the purpose of looking at this body of information is to find out "how native speakers actually speak and write" and how often people use individual words and expressions. As a result, the advice in grammar books has been changing.

Compound subjects

One of those rules is how to handle compound subjects. A sentence’s subject is the person, place or thing that is doing something or being something. Some call the subject the "actor" in the sentence. A compound subject means more than one person, place or thing is doing or being something. They are joined with a word such as "and" to make the subject of a sentence.

Some English language experts say that when you speak about yourself and someone else, you should speak of yourself last. Here is an example.

My friend and I are going to eat lunch together today.

and not:

I and my friend are going to eat lunch together today.

This is not an unbreakable grammar rule but is considered by many to be more polite than putting yourself first.

Object and subject pronouns

In past Everyday Grammar stories, you have probably read about another rule related to this kind of sentence. That is, you should use the subject pronoun "I” and not the object pronoun, "me" when you are an "actor" in a sentence, as in this example.

Andy and I will be studying English tonight.

and not:

Andy and me will be studying English tonight.

One easy way to remember is to take the other subject out of the sentence. For example, you would not say

Me will be studying alone tonight.

You would say,

I will be studying alone tonight.

But the use of "me" as a subject pronoun seems to be growing more common. Mark Liberman is a Professor of Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania and founder of a language commentary blog called Language Log.

Liberman says that researchers looking at COCA found that "me and someone" is "about three times more common than ‘someone and me.’" Examples of the compound subject form "I and someone" are rare in the COCA.

Here are some examples of this compound subject I found in COCA, with notes about their sources:

Me and Joe Biden were going to be on this Sunday. (on a Television program with VOA reporter Greta Van-Susteren)

Me and Kelly, we hang out. (on a television program, Without a Trace)

So what should you do, as an English learner? You cannot go wrong by using "Someone and I" for your compound subjects. It is correct. But, if you break the rule, people will still understand what you are saying.

Good enough for me and Bobby McGee

We leave you with an excellent musical example of the "me and someone" form of compound subject. Here is Janis Joplin performing Me and Bobby McGee, recorded in 1970.

Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose

Nothin' – and that’s all that Bobby left me

Feelin' good was easy, Lord, when Bobby sang the blues

Feelin' good was good enough for me

Good enough for me and Bobby McGee

I’m Jill Robbins.










Words in This Story


actually – adv. used to stress that a statement is true especially when it differs in some way from what might have been thought or expected

polite adj. having or showing good manners or respect for other people

hang out – phrasal verb. to be or stay somewhere for a period of time without doing much

















Large Planet May Offer Clues about Atmospheres on Distant Worlds

58 minutes ago/2021/14/Jan.





研究者たちは最近、グリーゼ486bと呼ばれるこの惑星は、生命が存在する可能性自体は高くないと述べています。太陽系に比較的近い恒星の軌道上にあるグリーゼ486 bは、金星のように高温で乾燥しており、表面には溶岩の川が流れている可能性があります。





exoplanets:太陽系外惑星 éksəuplæ̀nit】


スペインのCentro de Astrobiología(宇宙生物学センター)のJosé Caballero(ホセ・カバレロ)は、雑誌 Science に掲載された研究の共同執筆者です。


バレロ氏は、この新しい研究の可能性を "太陽系外惑星学のロゼッタストーン "と呼んでいます。これは、古代エジプトの文字を理解するのに役立った古代の石に例えているのです。


























Large Planet May Offer Clues about Atmospheres on Distant Worlds

The surface of the newly discovered exoplanet called Gliese 486 b, a type of planet known as a "hot super-Earth" is seen in an undated artist's impression. (Renderarea/Handout via REUTERS )


Scientists have found a rocky, Earth-like planet that may offer a chance to study other atmospheres. This kind of research could help the hunt for life outside of Earth.

The researchers said recently that the planet, called Gliese 486 b, is not itself likely to have life. Orbiting a star relatively near our solar system, Gliese 486 b is hot and dry like Venus, with possible rivers of lava flowing on its surface.

But its nearness to Earth and its physical qualities make it well- suited for a study of its atmosphere. Such research will use the next generation of telescopes, including the James Webb Space Telescope that the American space agency NASA plans to launch in October.

These telescopes could give scientists data to study the atmospheres of other exoplanets - planets beyond our solar system - including ones that may have life.

José Caballero of the Centro de Astrobiología in Spain was the co-writer of the research that appeared in the journal Science.

Caballero called the new research possible, “the Rosetta Stone of exoplanetology.” He was comparing it to the ancient piece of stone that helped experts understand ancient Egyptian writing.

Scientists have discovered more than 4,300 exoplanets. Some have been large gas planets similar to Jupiter.

Others have been smaller, rocky Earth-like worlds. These are considered candidates for having life. But current scientific instruments tell us little about their atmospheres.

Trifon Trifonov of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany was the lead writer of the research. Trifonov said an exoplanet needs to have certain qualities to work well for atmospheric study.

Gliese 486 b is located about 26.3 light-years - the distance light travels in a year - from Earth, or about 9.5 trillion kilometers. It is among the closest exoplanets. It orbits a star that is smaller, cooler, and less bright than our sun. Gliese 486 b’s mass is 2.8 times greater than Earth’s.

The planet orbits very close to its home star. Its surface temperature is about 430 degrees Celsius and its surface gravity maybe 70 percent stronger than Earth’s.

“Gliese 486 b cannot be habitable, at least not the way we know it here on Earth,” Trifonov said.

Still, Gliese 486 b could prove useful for studying the atmosphere of an Earth-like planet using the James Webb Space Telescope and the future Extremely Large Telescope, which is now being built in Chile.

The chemical mixture of an atmosphere can tell a lot about a planet and its ability to have life.

Cabellero said that what we learn from Gliese 486 b and other Earth-like planets could help scientists better understand the atmospheres of other exoplanets that may have life.







Words in This Story


lava – n. melted rock from a volcano

journal -- n. a magazine that reports on things of special interest to a particular group of people

habitable – adj. suitable or fit to live in





英語の小窓ー語法とコロケーション useful


prove useful for:~に有用であるのが分かる

から "useful "  をとりあげます。


useful 【形】 役立つ、便利な 有益な、価値ある   という意味ですね。

例文:This book is useful for writing her report.

useful to writeのようにto不定詞を持って来れません。usefulの語法上、to不定詞を持ってくることはできないからです。


ですが、仮主語のitが使われたり、I find(~とわかる)というような場合はto不定詞が多く使われます。



This book will be useful to you in learning English.   あなたが英語を学習するのにこの本は役立つでしょう。