




今回は、Coral”!!  VOAで英語を学びましょう!!


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Kenya’s Efforts to Protect Its Coral

June 29,2022 







ダイバーのヤティン・パテル氏と彼のチームは、REEFolution Foundationの一員です。ダイバーたちは、ケニア沖のワシニ島沖で活動しています。


Yatin Patel leads his team to the Indian Ocean in Shimoni, Kenya, June 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Yatin Patel leads his team to the Indian Ocean in Shimoni, Kenya, June 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
チームを率いてインド洋に向かうヤティン・パテル氏(2022年6月13日、ケニア・シモニにて)(AP Photo/Brian Inganga)




パテル氏はAP通信に、「我々は、サンゴの苗床を作るのに、野生の個体群から採取したcoral fragmentsサンゴの破片を使用します。成長した後、サンゴ園に運ばれます。」話してくれました。






Coral reef restoration ranger Yatin Patel measures a human-made reef structure in the Indian Ocean near Shimoni, Kenya on June 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Coral reef restoration ranger Yatin Patel measures a human-made reef structure in the Indian Ocean near Shimoni, Kenya on June 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
2022年6月13日、ケニアのシモニ付近のインド洋で、人為的な礁の構造を測定するサンゴ礁再生レンジャーのヤティン・パテル氏。(AP Photo/Brian Inganga)










「ブルーファイナンス」の新しい波 | 日経ESG




【RI特約記事】投資家や銀行が「ブルーファイナンス原則」を支持 | QUICK ESG研究所

2018年3月7日から9日、メキシコで世界海洋サミット(The Economist World Ocean Summit 2018)が開催された。8日には、欧州委員会WWF、英国プリンス・オブ・ウェールズ慈善財団が設立した国際持続可能性ユニット(International Sustainability Unit)と欧州投資銀行(EIB: European Investment Bank)の共同で「持続可能なブルーエコノミーファイナンス原則(Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles)(以下、ブルーファイナンス原則)」が制定され、投資家からの支持を集めた。ルクセンブルクに拠点をおく運用会社Althelia Ecosphere、英国の運用会社アビバ・インベスターズ、フランスの大手銀行グループBPCE、EIB、ベンチャーキャピタルのSeventure Partners、保険大手Willis Towers Watsonや世界銀行などの機関投資家も本原則を支持している。また、欧州委員会サステナブル金融に関するハイレベル専門家グループ(HLEG: High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance)も支持を表明した。

 ブルーファイナンス原則は、海洋保護がもたらす物質的な恩恵に焦点を当て、投資家に持続可能な海洋資源への支援を促す。内容は、国連のSDGs(持続可能な開発目標)に沿っており、特に目標14 「海の豊かさを守ろう」で掲げられた「海洋と海洋資源を持続可能な開発に向けて保全し、持続可能な形で利用する」を支持している。海洋資源保護に取組むだけでなく、社会、環境および経済にもたらすメリットを積極的に推進する。EIBは「この活動が広がれば、人類による海洋資源の管理方法が変わる可能性がある」としている。


Coral reef restoration ranger Dosa Mshenga Mchambi heads into the Indian Ocean near Shimoni, Kenya on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Coral reef restoration ranger Dosa Mshenga Mchambi heads into the Indian Ocean near Shimoni, Kenya on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
2022年6月14日(火)、ケニアのシモニ付近でインド洋に向かうサンゴ礁再生レンジャー、ドーサ・ムシェンガ・ムチャンビ。(AP写真/Brian Inganga)




3月上旬、気候変動に関する政府間パネルは、アフリカの沿岸国や島嶼国が直面する脅威について厳しい警告を発しました。それによると、インド洋西部のcoral reefsサンゴ礁が完全に崩壊する危機に瀕していると言います。


ワシニ島のサンゴプロジェクトは、アフリカの東海岸に数多く存在するプロジェクトの一つです。この地域は、海水温の上昇により、coral bleachingサンゴの白化という問題に直面しています。例えば1998年には、インド洋の広大な地域—ソマリアから南アフリカまで—のサンゴが大きな影響を受けました。



Fish swim near some bleached coral at Kisite Mpunguti Marine park, Kenya, Saturday, June 11, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Fish swim near some bleached coral at Kisite Mpunguti Marine park, Kenya, Saturday, June 11, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
2022年6月11日土曜日、ケニアのキシテ・ムプングティ海洋公園で、白化したサンゴの近くを泳ぐ魚たち。(AP写真/Brian Inganga)





サンゴの白化は、極端な温度と太陽によってサンゴがalgae藻類を放出することで起こります。これにより、サンゴは色を失い、白っぽくなります。サンゴは白化現象に耐えることができますが、bleaching events白化現象はサンゴに大きなストレスを与えてしまいます。


ティム・マクラナハン氏は、ニューヨークに本部を置く非政府組織、the Wildlife Conservation Society,野生生物保護協会の専門家です。彼によると、1998年の深刻な白化現象に加え、1983年にも白化現象が起きていると言います。さらに近年では、2005年、2010年、2016年にも小規模な現象が起きています。




ワシニサンゴの再生プロジェクトは、この地域だけではありません。Nature Seychellesは自然保護非政府組織(NGO)です。インド洋西部で最初にサンゴの植え替えを始めたのはこの団体です。このプロジェクトは現在も進行中です。現在、タンザニアでも同様の取り組みが行われています。



Damaged reef is visible off the island of Kisite Mpunguti, Kenya, Wednesday, June 15, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Damaged reef is visible off the island of Kisite Mpunguti, Kenya, Wednesday, June 15, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
2022年6月15日(水)、ケニアのキシテ・ムプングティ島沖に見える損傷したサンゴ礁。(AP写真/Brian Inganga)



















Kenya’s Efforts to Protect Its Coral

A coral reef restoration worker cleans a human-made reef structure in the Indian Ocean near Shimoni, Kenya on Monday, June 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)

An environmental organization is restoring threatened coral reefs in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa.

Coral is a sea animal that builds hard, undersea structures that provide food and shelter for many forms of ocean life.

Diver Yatin Patel and his team are part of the REEFolution Foundation. The divers are working in the waters off Wasini Island off the coast of Kenya.

Yatin Patel leads his team to the Indian Ocean in Shimoni, Kenya, June 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Yatin Patel leads his team to the Indian Ocean in Shimoni, Kenya, June 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)

Their goal is to clean the coral nurseries and measure the size of the growing corals. The coral grows on structures made from materials such as plastic pipes and steel nets.

Patel told the Associated Press, “We use coral fragments collected from wild populations to establish the nurseries. After growing, they are taken to the coral garden.”

The area is jointly supervised by the foundation and the island’s community. Together they have planted over 8,000 corals each year since 2012. They have also placed about 800 human-made reef structures in the water to restore Wasini’s coral gardens.

However, the project is threatened by growing costs and a planned fishing port in Shimoni, about three kilometers away on Kenya’s coast.

Coral reef restoration ranger Yatin Patel measures a human-made reef structure in the Indian Ocean near Shimoni, Kenya on June 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Coral reef restoration ranger Yatin Patel measures a human-made reef structure in the Indian Ocean near Shimoni, Kenya on June 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)

The United Nation’s Ocean Conference

The United Nation’s Ocean Conference is taking place between June 27 and July 1 in Lisbon, Portugal. The gathering plans to make protection and restoration efforts for coral reefs one of its goals.

Small island states and coastal African nations will be trying to learn more about “blue financing” methods. This reportedly includes a plan to provide $625 billion aimed at protection and restoration of coral. The money will help aid communities that use oceans for their livelihoods. Earlier promises for aid reef restoration by the European Union and coral reef insurance will also be discussed.

Coral reef restoration ranger Dosa Mshenga Mchambi heads into the Indian Ocean near Shimoni, Kenya on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Coral reef restoration ranger Dosa Mshenga Mchambi heads into the Indian Ocean near Shimoni, Kenya on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)

The threat of decreasing fish populations caused by dying corals adds to the problems of east African countries. Millions of people in this area already face a food crisis because of a lack of rain in East Africa. The war in Ukraine has also affected food supplies in the area.

In early March, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a severe warning about the threats faced by African coastal and island nations. It said the coral reefs in the western Indian Ocean are in danger of a complete collapse.

The Wasini Island coral project is one of many across Africa’s eastern coast. That area faces the problem of coral bleaching because of warming ocean waters. In 1998, for example, huge areas of the Indian Ocean’s corals — from Somalia to South Africa — were badly affected.

Fish swim near some bleached coral at Kisite Mpunguti Marine park, Kenya, Saturday, June 11, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Fish swim near some bleached coral at Kisite Mpunguti Marine park, Kenya, Saturday, June 11, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)

What is coral bleaching?

Coral bleaching happens when extreme temperatures and the sun make corals release algae. This causes them to lose their color and turn white. Corals can survive bleaching events, but they put corals under great stress.

Tim McClanahan is an expert at the Wildlife Conservation Society, a non-governmental group based in New York City. He said in addition to the severe bleaching event of 1998, there was also one in 1983. In more recent years, there were also smaller events in 2005, 2010, and 2016.

Scientists have worried for many years about coral bleaching along the western Indian Ocean. Studies to better understand these events continue. Many, McClanahan said, are directly linked to climate change.

The Wasini coral restoration project is not the only one in the area. Nature Seychelles is a conservation non-governmental organization. It started the first coral replanting effort in the western Indian Ocean. That project is still ongoing. Tanzania now has a similar effort.

Damaged reef is visible off the island of Kisite Mpunguti, Kenya, Wednesday, June 15, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)
Damaged reef is visible off the island of Kisite Mpunguti, Kenya, Wednesday, June 15, 2022. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)

But Wasini’s corals are in bad condition, said McClanahan.

“There are some areas in Tanzania, Mozambique, and Madagascar that are in better condition. We are working to protect those reefs,” he said. He added that protection programs are much more successful than those that aim to restore badly bleached corals.

“We found it expensive and also over the long term many of the corals we planted died,” he said of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s coral restoration attempts. “The restoration efforts will not solve this big scale problem.”

The Wasini reefs restoration project also faces a threat from a proposed deep-sea fisheries port in Shimoni.

An environmental report seen by The Associated Press says that building the port will be harmful to corals, fish, and other marine life.




Words in This Story

restore –v. to bring back to or put back into a former or original state : restoration –n. the act or process of returning something to its original condition by repairing it or cleaning it

nursery –n. a place where plants or similar life is grown

fragment –n. a small piece taken from a larger object

garden –n. an area where plants are grown usually in a well-planned way

marine –adj. having to do with the sea or large bodies of water

insurance –n. an agreement in which a person or group makes regular payments to a company and the company promises to pay money if the person or group suffers a loss

stress –n. something that causes physical or emotional tension

scale –n. the level of something (“at a large scale” describes a big amount)