





日本のメーカーの場合は中国から国内回帰していますが、このところの円安の影響が追い討ちとなってのこと。ちょっと世界とは事情が異なり、”Made in Japan”のタグを見るのは心細くなります。





アップル、iPhone 14をインドで生産(和訳)

Apple to Produce iPhone 14 in India

September 27,2022



アップルは、iPhone 14をインドで製造すると発表しました。この発表は、メーカーが中国から生産を移している時期に行われました。


アップルは声明の中で、新しい携帯電話について、"新しい技術と重要な安全機能を備えている "と説明しています。声明は、「我々は、インドでiPhone 14を製造することに興奮している。」と付け加えています。







アップルは、2017年に初めてiPhone SEの製造を開始したインドに大きく賭けています。Appleはそこで、数多くのiPhoneをまとめ続けてきました。Appleは2年前にインド向けのオンラインストアを開設しています。地元メディアによると、COVID-19はインドでの大型実店舗の計画を遅らせたということです。




2025年までに、AppleはインドがiPhoneの25%を生産することを期待していると、Press Trust of Indiaは報じています。

テクノロジー市場調査会社Canalysのサンヤム・チャウラシア氏は、「Appleはしばらくの間サプライチェーンの多様化をずっと試みてましたが、米中間の貿易制裁を巡ってここ2年でこうした取り組みが活発化しています 」と述べています。













Apple to Produce iPhone 14 in India

The iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max are displayed at the Apple Fifth Avenue store, Friday, Sept. 16, 2022, in New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

Apple will make its iPhone 14 in India, the company said on Monday. The announcement comes at a time when manufacturers are moving production from China.

Apple described the new phones in a statement, saying they have “new technologies and important safety capabilities.” The statement added, “We’re excited to be manufacturing iPhone 14 in India.”

Apple showed its latest iPhone for the first time earlier this month. The new model will have a better camera, faster processors and longer lasting batteries. The price is expected to remain the same as last year’s phones.

India is the world’s second-largest smartphone market after China. But Apple iPhone sales have not taken a large share of the market there.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pushing for local manufacturing, a main goal for his government since he took office in 2014.

Apple has bet big on India, where it first began manufacturing its iPhone SE in 2017. Apple has continued to put together a number of iPhones there. Apple opened its online store for India two years ago. Local media say COVID-19 delayed plans for a large physical store in India.

The latest model will be shipped out by Foxconn, a major iPhone assembler whose buildings are on the outside of Chennai, a city in southern India.

By 2025, Apple expects India will produce 25 percent of iPhones, reports the Press Trust of India.

Sanyam Chaurasia of Canalys, a technology market research company, said, “Apple has been trying to diversify its supply chain for a while, but these efforts have grown in the last two years over trade sanctions between the U.S. and China."

Last year, Apple manufactured around 7 million iPhones in India.

Chaurasia said the plan to make more iPhones in India may also lead Apple to drop its prices for the Indian market, making it more competitive. “You can adopt a more aggressive pricing strategy if you manufacture locally,” he said.

Most of Apple’s smartphones and tablets are put together by other companies with factories in China. But Apple started asking them in 2020 to look at the possibility of moving some production to Southeast Asia or other places after repeated shutdowns to fight COVID-19 slowed its movement of products.

Apple has not released details, but news reports say the company planned to set up assembly of tablet computers and wireless earphones in Vietnam.

Other companies are keeping or growing manufacturing in China to serve the local market. They are, however, moving export-related work to other countries due to rising wages and other costs as well as the difficulty for foreign business leaders to visit China due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.



Words in This Story


bet – v. to make decisions that are based on the belief that something will happen or is true; to risk losing something (such as money) if your guess about what will happen is wrong

model – n. a particular type or version of a product (such as a car or computer)

assemble – v. to connect or put together the parts of (something, such as a toy or machine)

strategy – n. a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time

diversify - v. to change (something) so that it has more different kinds of people or things

adopt - v. to begin to use or have (a different manner, method, etc.)

tablet - n. a flat, rectangular computing device that is used for connecting to the Internet, watching videos, reading books, etc.