















New Evidence for Large Ancient Ocean on MarsNovember 06, 2022

November 06, 2022










This image was captured by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover using its onboard Right Navigation Camera (Navcam). It was received on Apr. 21, 2021. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
This image was captured by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover using its onboard Right Navigation Camera (Navcam). It was received on Apr. 21, 2021. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)




研究チームは、火星の衛星画像からデータを収集しました。そして、これらの画像を組み合わせて、火星の北半球のtopography 地形図を作成しました。




この成果は、Journal of Geophysical Research誌:惑星:に掲載されました。


This image is the result of a study of Mars carried by out by researchers, led by scientists at Penn State University, who say say they created maps that provide evidence that the planet once had a large northern ocean. (Image Credit: Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)
This image is the result of a study of Mars carried by out by researchers, led by scientists at Penn State University, who say say they created maps that provide evidence that the planet once had a large northern ocean. (Image Credit: Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)
この画像は、ペンシルベニア州立大学の科学者が率いる研究者たちによって行われた火星の研究の結果で、彼らは、この惑星がかつて大規模な北方海域を持っていたという証拠を示す地図を作成したと言っている。(画像出典:Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)






 ベンジャミン・カルデナス氏はこの研究の共同執筆者です。彼はペンシルバニアにあるペンシルバニア州立大学の地球科学の教授です。彼は、現在Aeolis Dorsaとして知られているー火星の研究領域ーの声明の中で、地球上で水が形成された尾根の”最も密集したコレクション”を含むと述べています。




カルデナス氏は、この研究結果は、火星のその領域にある可能性のある海が非常に活発で興味深いものであることを示していると述べています。「それはダイナミックなものでした。海水面は著しく上昇しました。」と彼は述べます。「そのbasin 盆地に沿って岩石がat a fast rate高速で沈殿していました。ここでは多くの変化が起きていたのです。」





This composite image made from a series of June 15, 2018 photos shows a self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in the Gale Crater. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)
This composite image made from a series of June 15, 2018 photos shows a self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in the Gale Crater. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)
2018年6月15日の一連の写真から作られたこの合成画像は、ゲール・クレーターにいるNASAの火星探査機キュリオシティの自画像です。(NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)


研究チームは、NASAの火星探査機Curiosity, キュリオシティの大きな目標は、火星に古代の生命の痕跡を探すことであると指摘しています。現在、キュリオシティは火星の南半球にあるゲール・クレーター内で活動しています。過去には、ゲール・クレーター周辺で過去の水系の証拠も見つかっています。






New Evidence for Large Ancient Ocean on Mars

This photo, compiled from 28 images, shows the view from NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover on April 9, 2020. It shows the landscape of the Stimson sandstone formation in Gale Crater. (Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

Researchers say they have discovered new evidence that Mars once had a large northern ocean. The finding adds to existing evidence that ancient Mars had the right conditions to possibly support some form of life.

Today, Mars has a cold, desert climate. Any water is believed to be in the form of ice because of the planet’s extremely cold temperatures. But there is a rich amount of evidence suggesting that rivers, lakes and even oceans once existed on Mars.

For example, a 2015 study by the American space agency NASA suggested that 4.3 billion years ago, Mars likely had an ocean that covered nearly half of Mars’ northern hemisphere.

Another NASA-supported study, published in January, estimated that three billion years ago, the climate in much of the planet’s northern hemisphere was very similar to present day Earth. The study noted that at the time, Mars likely had a much thicker atmosphere than today and had an active, northern ocean.

This image was captured by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover using its onboard Right Navigation Camera (Navcam). It was received on Apr. 21, 2021. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
This image was captured by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover using its onboard Right Navigation Camera (Navcam). It was received on Apr. 21, 2021. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Now, two American researchers have released a set of maps they say provides new environmental evidence of a large ancient ocean on Mars’ low-lying northern hemisphere.

The team collected data from satellite images of Mars. They then combined these images to create topography maps of the planet’s northern hemisphere.

Using these maps, the researchers said they were able to piece together evidence of shorelines that sat at the edge of a huge body of water about three-and-a-half billion years ago.

The scientists recently published their findings in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

This image is the result of a study of Mars carried by out by researchers, led by scientists at Penn State University, who say say they created maps that provide evidence that the planet once had a large northern ocean. (Image Credit: Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)
This image is the result of a study of Mars carried by out by researchers, led by scientists at Penn State University, who say say they created maps that provide evidence that the planet once had a large northern ocean. (Image Credit: Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)

The team said it used software developed by the United States Geological Survey to map data collected by spacecraft operated by NASA. The research uncovered more than 6,500 kilometers of ridges that are believed to have been formed by flowing water.

The scientists say the ridges likely represent the leftover evidence of eroded river systems and an ancient ocean floor. The team said its research also suggested large levels of sediment, providing further evidence of a large ocean.

Benjamin Cardenas was a co-writer of the study. He is a professor of geosciences at Penn State University in Pennsylvania. He said in a statement the area of Mars studied – now known as Aeolis Dorsa – contains “the densest collection” of water-formed ridges on the planet.



Cardenas said the study’s findings demonstrate the possible ocean in that area of Mars was very active and interesting. “It was dynamic. The sea level rose significantly,” he said. “Rocks were being deposited along its basins at a fast rate. There was a lot of change happening here.”

Cardenas added that areas on our own planet containing water-formed ridges and sediment provide researchers with much useful information about an area’s climate and life forms. “If scientists want to find a record of life on Mars, an ocean as big as the one that once covered Aeolis Dorsa would be the most logical place to start,” he said.

This composite image made from a series of June 15, 2018 photos shows a self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in the Gale Crater. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)
This composite image made from a series of June 15, 2018 photos shows a self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in the Gale Crater. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)

The team noted that the major goal of NASA’s Mars explorer, Curiosity, is to look for signs of ancient life on the planet. Currently, Curiosity is operating within the planet’s Gale Crater, which is in the southern hemisphere of Mars. In the past, researchers have also found evidence of past water systems around Gale Crater.

In addition to providing more evidence of a large ocean, Cardenas suggested the new study also provides useful information on Mars’ ancient climate and developmental history. “Based on these findings, we know there had to have been a period when it was warm enough and the atmosphere was thick enough to support this much liquid water at one time,” he said.





Words in This Story


topography – n. the shape and other physical characteristics of a piece of land

shoreline – n. the edge of a sea, lake or wide river

ridge – n. a long, narrow piece of land

erode – v. to rub away over time

sediment – n. the material that sinks to the bottom of a liquid

dynamic – adj. continuously changing or developing

deposit – v. to leave something somewhere

logical – adj. reasonable and based on good judgment