



2番目のは、まさに映画を見ているような・・・I've got goosebumps.







NASA’s Webb Telescope Confirms First Exoplanet

January 15, 2023



NASA のジェームス・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡は、太陽系外惑星を初めて確認しました。太陽系外惑星とは、太陽系外の星を周回する惑星のことです。








もうひとつの宇宙望遠鏡は、Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite、TESS、と呼ばれています。TESSは、太陽系外の惑星を追加で発見する目的で2018年に打ち上げられました。



太陽系外惑星はLHS 475bと命名され、研究者によると、太陽系外惑星としてはかなり地球に近いということです。オクタンス座から約41光年の距離にあります。光年とは、光が1年で進む距離のことです。















NASAが運用する望遠鏡のうち、太陽系外惑星の大気に関する情報を収集できるのはウェッブだけです。しかし今回は、LHS 475bがどのような大気を持っているのかを確認するためのデータが十分でないと研究者たちは言います。



一般に、科学者たちはコンピュータモデルと望遠鏡のデータを使って、太陽系外惑星の大気を研究しています。研究チームのもう一人のメンバーであるエリン・メイ氏は、ウェッブ望遠鏡は一連の異なる分子を簡単に識別することができると述べています。「しかし、我々はまだ惑星の大気についてdefinitive conclusions決定的な結論を出すことはできません。」と彼女は付け加えました。


一方、研究者たちは、太陽系外惑星の大気に何が存在するかは確認できないが、何が存在しないかについては非常に確実であると述べます。たとえば、LHS 475b にメタンが大部分を占めるような厚い大気が存在するはずはないと、ルスティグ=ヤーガー氏は話します。






そして、ルスティグ-ヤーガー氏 は、「我々は、それらの大気がどのようなものであるかについて、やっと表面を削り始めたところです"」と付け加えました。



NASA’s Webb Telescope Confirms First Exoplanet

This illustration depicts the exoplanet LHS 475 b, a rocky planet the same size as Earth. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Leah Hustak (STScI)

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has made its first confirmation of an exoplanet. An exoplanet is a planet that orbits a star outside our solar system.

The American space agency says the exoplanet is almost exactly the same size as Earth.

Researchers from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland examined new data collected by the Webb to make the confirmation.

Past observations made by another NASA telescope provided some evidence that the exoplanet existed. But the Webb’s confirmation made the discovery official.

The other space telescope is called the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS. TESS was launched in 2018 with the goal of discovering additional planets outside our solar system.



The exoplanet has been named LHS 475 b. The researchers said it is quite close to Earth for an exoplanet. It sits about 41 light-years away in the constellation Octans. A light-year is the distance light travels in one year.

Exoplanets are difficult for telescopes to identify. One reason is that bright light from the stars they orbit can hide them. The search process includes observing drops in the light level of stars. Such drops could be caused by a planet passing, or transiting, in front of a star.

Researchers said the Webb was able to confirm the existence of the exoplanet using the transiting observation method. They said the confirmation came quickly after just two transit events.

NASA has said the Webb telescope was developed to be able to provide a high level of detail in its observations. It is equipped with the latest technology to observe infrared waves. These waves are a kind of electromagnetic energy that cannot be seen with the human eye. NASA says the telescope’s instruments can find infrared waves through gas and dust to observe distant objects.



Jacob Lustig-Yaeger helped lead the research. He said in a statement that the telescope data made it easy to make a clear confirmation. “There is no question that the planet is there.”

The finding was recently presented at a conference of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, Washington.

Another leader of the team, Kevin Stevenson, added that he found the confirmation “impressive” because the exoplanet is small and rocky, which makes identification more difficult.

Of all of NASA’s operating telescopes, only the Webb is equipped to collect information on the atmospheres of exoplanets. But in this case, the researchers said they do not have enough data to confirm what kind of atmosphere LHS 475 b has.



Scientists generally use computer models and telescope data to study the atmospheres of exoplanets. Another member of the research team, Erin May, said the Webb telescope can easily identify a series of different molecules. “But we can’t yet make any definitive conclusions about the planet’s atmosphere,” she added.

While the researchers said they cannot confirm what is present in the exoplanet’s atmosphere, they are very sure about what is not present. For example, LHS 475 b cannot have a thick atmosphere that is mostly methane, Lustig-Yaeger said.

The team even noted it is possible that the exoplanet has no atmosphere at all. Some of the available data suggests the exoplanet may have an atmosphere of pure carbon dioxide. But the researchers said they plan to gather more data in future observations to help them learn about atmospheric conditions.

NASA says it has so far confirmed more than 5,000 exoplanets. But Lustig-Yaeger noted that the Webb telescope is much better equipped to discover small, rocky exoplanets. He said this will likely lead to a lot more exoplanet confirmations.

And, Lustig-Yaeger added, “We have barely begun scratching the surface of what their atmospheres might be like.”



Words in This Story

impressive – adj. making a good or marked impression

definitive – adj. clear and not likely to change

conclusion – n. an opinion reached after considering all information about something

scratch the surface – idiom. to deal with only a small part of a subject or problem