




(^^♪ ワクワクしてしまう自分を抑えられず。。。


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Mysterious Monolith Removed by Group Saying ‘Leave No Trace’

December 02, 2020







写真家のロス・バーナーズさんは、先週の金曜日に4人の男たちがそれを取り壊すのを見たとインスタグラムに書いています。男性達は "それが飛び出して、大音響で地面に着陸したとき、一方にそれを戻すことを決める前に片方を地面にほぼ押し付けていました。"

男性は "それが飛び出して、大きな音を立てて地面に落ちたとき、彼らは他の人にそれを押し返すことを決めた前に、ほぼ一方の側に地面にそれを押した"












この神秘的な構造物は国際的な注目を集め、多くの人がその創造者について疑問を抱く原因となっています。ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、2011年に亡くなった芸術家ジョン・マクラッケン氏の作品ではないかとの見方もあると報じています。息子のパトリック・マクラッケン氏は同紙に、父が2002年に 「人里離れた場所にアートを残して後で発見されたい 」と語っていたことを伝えています。





















(mono- : 一つの,lith: 岩石) 

以前、ご紹介したVOAニュースの中で書いたことがあるのですが、スタンリー・キューブリック監督の”2001年宇宙の旅” というSF映画の中に登場する”長方形の黒い物体=モノリス”。
















Mysterious Monolith Removed by Group Saying ‘Leave No Trace’



Bernards wrote one of the men said “this is why you don’t leave trash in the desert.” The group broke the monolith into pieces, loaded it onto a carrier and left, saying “leave no trace.”

Bernards did not take photos of the removal. But he posted a cell phone photo of the men taking down the monolith. It was said to be taken by his friend.

On Tuesday, Andy Lewis of Utah confirmed that he and his team had removed the monolith. He wrote on Facebook, “On the night of November 27, 2020, at about 8:30pm— our team removed the Utah Monolith. We will not be including any other information, answers, or insight at this time.” Lewis also added a short video showing a group of men removing the object.

The local sheriff’s office has said it is not planning an investigation into the disappearance of the monolith, which had been placed without permission on public land. But officials also said they would accept new information from any of the hundreds of visitors who walked out to see the otherworldly object in the desert.

The mysterious structure brought international attention and caused many to wonder about its creator. The New York Times reported that some believe it was the work of artist John McCracken who died in 2011. His son, Patrick McCracken, told the paper that his father said in 2002 “he would like to leave art in remote places to be discovered later.”

Bernards wrote one of the men said “this is why you don’t leave trash in the desert.” The group broke the monolith into pieces, loaded it onto a carrier and left, saying “leave no trace.”

Bernards did not take photos of the removal. But he posted a cell phone photo of the men taking down the monolith. It was said to be taken by his friend.

On Tuesday, Andy Lewis of Utah confirmed that he and his team had removed the monolith. He wrote on Facebook, “On the night of November 27, 2020, at about 8:30pm— our team removed the Utah Monolith. We will not be including any other information, answers, or insight at this time.” Lewis also added a short video showing a group of men removing the object.

The local sheriff’s office has said it is not planning an investigation into the disappearance of the monolith, which had been placed without permission on public land. But officials also said they would accept new information from any of the hundreds of visitors who walked out to see the otherworldly object in the desert.

The mysterious structure brought international attention and caused many to wonder about its creator. The New York Times reported that some believe it was the work of artist John McCracken who died in 2011. His son, Patrick McCracken, told the paper that his father said in 2002 “he would like to leave art in remote places to be discovered later.”

For Bernards, the visitors' damage to the area convinced him that the desert is better off without the structure.

“Leave the art to places where art should be and let Mother Nature have her space for art,” he said.

Utah is not the only place a monolith has appeared. A similar metal structure was found on a hill in northern Romania, in the city of Piatra Neamt. It has also disappeared. Whoever placed the object did not get a permit, Mayor Andrei Carabelea said in a Facebook post. He added that teenagers from outer space might be responsible for both structures.

“I am honored they chose our city,” he said.




Words in This Story


monolith - n. a stone that was put in position by people as a monument or for religious reasons​

pop - n. to suddenly break open or come away from something often with a short, loud noise​

trash – n. things that are no longer useful or wanted and that have been thrown away

trace - n. remains

sheriff – n. an elected official who is in charge of enforcing the law in a county or town of the U.S​

remoteadj. far remote

teenagern. a person between the ages of 13-19



GEORGES PETROP 12/03/2020 4:33 PM

IT is a very interessing subject because i did not know tha people could be make this kind of thing for the art.