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レポート: 外国人留学生の米国への帰国について (和訳)
Report: International Students Returning to US
November 16, 2021
これらの調査結果は、ニューヨークに拠点を置くInstitute of International Education、IIEがthe U.S. State Department米国国務省と共同でこのほど発表したものです。IIEは毎年、"Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange "を発表しています。
月曜日に行われたプレゼンテーションで、米国国務省とthe U.S. Department of Education米国教育省は、コロナウイルスのパンデミックが教育交流を大きく変えたと述べました。
Matthew Lussenhop マシュー・ルッセンホップ氏は、the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.国務省教育文化局のthe Acting Assistant Secretary次官補代理です。彼は、この20ヶ月間の世界の教育コミュニティの”強さと回復力”に希望を持っていると述べています。アメリカ政府は、より理解のある世界を築くために国際交流がいかに重要であるかを知っていると述べています。
例えば、Vinh Leさんはベトナムからサンフランシスコ大学に留学している学生です。彼は、国内での旅行制限のため、11月1日にカリフォルニアに到着しました。ワクチンを接種することも、アメリカ行きの飛行機に乗るためにホーチミンに行くこともできず、代わりに2ヶ月間、自宅でコンピューターによる授業を受けました。
Andy Borstアンディ・ボースト氏は、イリノイ大学のdirector of undergraduate admissions学部入学担当ディレクターです。Undergraduates学部生とは、まだ大学の学位を取得していない学生のことです。そのような学生が最も増えたといいます。インドはパンデミック前に比べて70%の学生を派遣しました。
彼はこの数字を "国際的な人口が通常に戻った "と言いました。高等教育への需要は "溜まっている "と述べました。
国務省のLussenhop氏は、米国は学生の関心の高まりが今後も続くことを期待していると述べ、それは学生が "米国の教育に価値を見出し続けているからだ "と語っています。
留学生を支持する発言をしたPresident Joe Bidenジョー・バイデン大統領の政権を評価する声もあります。7月には、 Secretary of State Antony Blinken アントニー・ブリンケン国務長官とEducation Secretary Miguel Cardonaミゲル・カルドナ教育長官を含む米国政府関係者が、米国への留学生を歓迎するビデオメッセージを収録しました。
Rachel Banksレイチェル・バンクス氏は、ワシントンに拠点を置くdirector of public policy and legislative planning for NAFSA国際教育支援団体、NAFSAの公共政策・立法計画担当ディレクターです。新政権は、留学生が米国にとって重要な存在であることを世界に向けて発信していると彼女は言います。
Report: International Students Returning to US
A new report finds that more international students are coming to the United States after a sharp drop because of the coronavirus health crisis last year.
About 15 percent fewer international students studied in the U.S. or took classes from U.S. universities online during the school year that ended last spring compared to the year before.
Those findings were released recently by the Institute of International Education, IIE, based in New York City in partnership with the U.S. State Department. The IIE published the yearly “Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange.”
In 2021, the group found that students are coming back to the U.S. About four percent more students came to America for the 2021-2022 school year compared to last year.
During a presentation Monday, the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Department of Education said the coronavirus pandemic changed educational exchange a lot.
Matthew Lussenhop is the Acting Assistant Secretary for the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. He said he is hopeful about “the strength and resilience” of the world’s educational community during the last 20 months. He said the U.S. government knows how important international exchange is to building a more understanding world.
“We will continue to work together to expand access to global learning and engagement opportunities for international and American students, scholars and researchers.”
Fewer new students
IIE research showed that about 55,000 fewer Chinese students studied at U.S. universities last school year. That was the biggest drop. China sends the most students to the U.S. About 30 percent of the international student population in America comes from China. India is second with 18 percent.
The most popular fields of study for international students are engineering, math and computer science. Over 40 percent of international students study those subjects each year.
The pandemic cut by 45 percent the number of new international students studying in the U.S. The report included students taking classes in person and those attending classes by video from home. About 45,000 fewer international students worked on graduate degrees during the 2020-2021 school year compared to the year before. The IIE report showed that the number of students already studying in the U.S. did not change very much, dropping just three percent.
The recent report was not as worrying as some people expected based on the increase in coronavirus infections over the summer. The Associated Press reported that a slowdown in visa processing, vaccinations and international travel for young people were the reasons for the lower numbers.
For example, Vinh Le is a student from Vietnam studying at the University of San Francisco. He only made it to California on November 1 because of travel restrictions at home. He was not able to get vaccinated and to Ho Chi Minh City for a flight to the U.S. Instead, he took classes by computer from home for two months.
He said his professors were “very supportive” and helped him by recording classes so he could watch them in Vietnam.
Some Chinese students who are supposed to be taking classes at New York University, NYU, but cannot get to the U.S., are using the university’s center in Shanghai for study. In normal times, that center is used by NYU’s American students studying in China.
NYU is doing better than in 2019. The school said 14 percent more international students are taking classes this year compared to before the pandemic.
At the University of Illinois, the school lost 28 percent of its international students last school year. But this year, student numbers have returned to the level of 2019-2020.
"A return to normal"
Andy Borst is the University of Illinois director of undergraduate admissions. Undergraduates are students who have not yet earned a college degree. He said those students increased the most. India sent 70 percent more students than before the pandemic.
He called the numbers “a return to normal for our international populations.” He said the demand for higher education was “pent-up.”
Lussenhop, from the State Department, said the U.S. expects the increase in student interest to continue because students “continue to value a U.S. education.”
Some people give credit to the administration of President Joe Biden for speaking in support of international students. In July, U.S. officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona recorded video messages that welcomed international students to the U.S.
Rachel Banks is director of public policy and legislative planning for NAFSA, an organization that supports international education based in Washington. She said the new administration is telling the world international students are important for the U.S.
Experts are worried, however, that the increase in students will only help schools that are already popular. They think smaller schools and community colleges may not recover. Across the U.S., the two-year schools suffered a 24 percent loss of international students.
In addition, researchers are still trying to find out if the jump in students will continue past this school year. Universities in Canada, Australia and Great Britain were competing for students with the U.S. even before the pandemic.
Words in This Story
resilience – n. the ability to be strong enough to recover quickly after a crisis
engagement — n. the act or state of being involved with something scholars – n. someone who has been given a scholarship
graduate degree –n. a degree given by a college or university to someone who has already received an undergraduate degree
pent-up – adj. held or kept inside; not released yet
「アメリカ留学一強時代からの激変。昨年対比で日本人留学生の数が増加 ~『一般社団法 人海外留学協議会(JAOS)による日本人留学生数調査2019』調査レポート~」
2019 年 8月にJAOS会員である留学事業者42社を対象に日本人の留学生数 の調査、『海外留学協議会(JAOS)による日本人留学生数調査2019』を実施しました。その 結果、JAOS加盟の留学事業者42社からの2018年の年間留学生数は80,566人であること、ア メリカ留学一強時代から変化し、新しい留学の選択肢が選ばれ始めていることなどが明らか になりました。※JAOS正会員である留学事業者は42団体 *参考添付:留学渡航国別の日本人留学生数「海外留学協議会(JAOS)による日本人留学生 調査2019」
(Education USA日米教育委員会より)