





パリ協定2015年12月合意、2020年始動 産業革命以前(1850-1900)と比べてそれ以降の世界の気温上昇を2℃より十分低く抑えよう (1.5℃以下に抑える努力をしよう。)となっていますが。。。





研究成果: 気候変動の測定には熱だけでなく湿度が重要(和訳)

Study: Humidity, Not Heat Alone, Is Important in Measuring Climate Change

February 06, 2022









この研究は、1月31日に科学誌 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences米国科学アカデミー紀要 に掲載されました。


研究チームは、嵐などの異常気象で生じるエネルギーは、空気中の水分量に関係すると指摘しています。このため、科学者チームは特殊な大気測定法を用いることにしました。それは、equivalent potential temperature等価ポテンシャル温度、theta-e(θ-e)と呼ばれるものです。この複雑な測定法は、ある領域の空気中の熱量を示すのに使われます。これは、ケルビン温度という温度の科学的測定法で表されています。


ヴィーラバドラン ラマナサン氏は、この研究を書いた一人で、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校スクリップス海洋学研究所の気候科学者です。ラマナサン氏は、「気候変動の要因は2つ:気温と湿度です」と言います。「そして、これまで、我々は、温度という点だけで、地球温暖化を測定してきました。」














ドナルド  ウェブルス氏はイリノイ大学の気候科学者です。彼はこの研究には参加していません。しかし、ウェブルス氏は、水蒸気は極端な降雨に重要であるため、この考えは理にかなっていると言います。彼は、"熱と湿度の両方が重要である "と言っています。


キャサリン  マッハ氏は、マイアミ大学の環境科学者。彼女もまた、この研究には参加していません。マッハ氏は、湿度は、”現在と将来にむけた人間の健康と幸福に対する暑さの影響を形成するのに重要だ” と述べています。 







Study: Humidity, Not Heat Alone, Is Important in Measuring Climate Change
FILE - A villager under dark clouds in Balasore area in Odisha, India on May 25, 2021, ahead of a powerful storm heading toward the eastern coast. (AP Photo/File)


A new study has found that water in the air, not just heat, is important in measuring global warming.

The combination of increasing heat and humidity can lead to increased weather extremes. The researchers said, when considering humidity and heat, the temperature increase was two times greater than earlier estimates.

The researchers said temperature by itself is not the best way to measure the effects of climate change. They said using temperature underestimates conditions in the tropical areas of the world.

The study was published January 31 in the science publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The research team noted that the energy created in extreme weather, such as storms, is related to the amount of water in the air. For this reason, the team of scientists decided to use a special atmospheric measurement. It is called equivalent potential temperature, or theta-e. The complex measurement is used to show the amount of heat in an area of air. It is expressed in a scientific measurement for temperature known as degrees Kelvin.

Veerabhadran Ramanathan was one of the writers of the study. He is a climate scientist at the University of California San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “There are two drivers of climate change: temperature and humidity,” Ramanathan said. “And so far, we measured global warming just in terms of temperature.”

But by adding the energy from humidity, “the extremes — heat waves, rainfall and other measures of extremes — correlate much better,” he said.

Warm air can hold more water, or moisture, than cold air. For every degree Celsius that air temperature increases, it can hold seven percent more water. When the water vapor in the air becomes liquid, it releases heat or energy, “that’s why when it rains, now it pours,” Ramanathan said.

He added that water vapor is a powerful heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere that increases climate change.

From 1980 to 2019, the researchers said the average world surface air temperature increased by 0.79 degrees Celsius. But when they considered energy from humidity, the researchers found their temperature measurement had increased by 1.48 degrees Celsius. In the tropics, they said the warming was as much as 4 degrees Celsius.

Ramanathan said when looking at surface air temperature, it appears that warming is strongest in North America, areas further from the tropics and at the poles.

But that is not the case, he said. The high humidity in the tropics creates more storm activity, from normal storms to severe ocean storms.

Donald Wuebbles is a climate scientist at the University of Illinois. He was not part of the study. But Wuebbles said the idea makes sense because water vapor is important in extreme rainfall. He said, “Both heat and humidity are important.”

Katharine Mach is an environmental scientist at the University of Miami. She also was not part of the study. Mach said humidity is important “in shaping the impacts of heat on human health and well-being, at present and into the future.”




Words in This Story


humidity – n. the amount of moisture in the air

tropics – n. the part of the world that is near the equator where the weather is very warm

correlate – v. to have a close connection with something

vapor – n. a substance that is in the form of a gas or that consists of very small drops or particles mixed with the air

pole – n. either end of the imaginary line around which something (such as the earth) turns

impact – v. to have a strong and often bad effect on (something or someone)





国際社会は現在、パリ協定の下で世界の平均気温の上昇を2度より十分に低く保ち、1.5度以下に抑えようと取り組んでいるが、世界の平均気温はすでに産業革命以前(1850-1900年を基準とする)と比べて2011-2020年平均で1.09度上昇していることが分かった。2018年発表の特別報告書では、2006-2015 年平均で0.87度上昇したと報告されており、依然として気温上昇に歯止めがかかっていない状態だ。なお2018年の報告書から0.22度上昇したことになるが、このうちの約0.1度は予測技術の向上による増加分という。
