















Artificial Intelligence Tool Aims to Identify, Predict Smells

September 15,2022





このシステムは、人工知能(AI)を搭載しています。このツールは、Google、大学、Monell Chemical Senses Centerの研究者によって開発され、テストされました。チームは最近、その方法の結果を発表し、出版物Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesの論文でそのプロセスを説明しました。




研究チームは、匂いは、私たちが色を識別して測定するのと同じような方法– つまり感覚マップを使用して識別されると言います。例えば、地図–従来のカラーホイールのような– さまざまな色を表示することができます。このような地図は、色の組み合わせを提示し、その色が互いにどのように混ざり合っているかを示します。


しかし、研究者たちは、歴史的に "匂いに関する有用な地図が欠落していた "と述べています。これは、匂いに関係する分子は、はるかに複雑だからです。色を見るために使われる光子(photon )粒子以上のものに依存しています。






Google AIのチームは、新たに開発したツールを "主臭マップ "と呼んでいます。このマップの主な目的は、”分子の匂い特性を予測すること”だと言います。


また、ニューラルネットワークモデルは、正しいにおい予測をするためには、どの分子の特性が必要かを特定するために訓練されました。研究者らは、AIを搭載したマップによって、"新しい匂いとそれを作り出す分子を予測と発見することができる "と報告しています。










研究者らは、このツールが、世界最大の健康問題の一つである – 昆虫を介して広がる病気との戦いに役立つと報告しました。このシステムは、ある分子が蚊を人間から遠ざける効果をどれくらい持っているかを測定することができると言います。






※DEET(ジエチルトルアミド):分子量 191.27。 凝固点 −45 ℃、沸点 285 ℃で、常温では無色液体。





Artificial Intelligence Tool Aims to Identify, Predict Smells

A visitor smells a rose as she attends the Chelsea Flower Show in London, Britain, May 26, 2022. (REUTERS/Toby Melville)

American researchers have created a technology tool that aims to identify and re-create different smells.

The system is powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The tool was developed and tested by researchers at Google, universities and the Monell Chemical Senses Center. The team recently released results of their method and described the process in an article in the publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The researchers said smells, also called odors, are produced by molecules released into the air. Those molecules then enter our noses and are processed there by “sensory receptors.” Those receptors send signals to the brain to help us recognize smells.

The team said smells are identified in a way similar to how we identify and measure colors – using sensory maps. For example, maps – like the traditional color wheel – can show many different colors. Such maps present color combinations and show how the colors blend with each other.

But the researchers said that historically, “useful maps for smell have been missing.” This is because the molecules related to smell are much more complex. They depend on more than photon particles used to see colors.

In addition, the researchers said that while the human eye has just three sensory receptors for color, the human nose has more than 300 for smell.

The scientists built on past research to produce a neural network model that aims to create a “map” to identify molecules related to smells. A neural network is a computer processing system built to act like the human brain.

The team from Google AI calls the newly developed tool a “principal odor map.” The main purpose of the map is to “predict the odor properties of molecules,” the researchers said.

The neural network models were also trained to identify which molecular characteristics were needed to make correct smell predictions. The researchers reported that the AI-powered map permits them to “predict and discover new odors and the molecules that produce them.”

The team said their research suggests there are probably billions of molecules that are likely odorous, but have not yet been smelled. Since the mapping tool was shown to recognize an odorous molecule from its structure, “this guides us to discover new classes of odorants…” the researchers said.

For the experiments, the researchers said they collected the largest ever set of data on odor descriptions for different molecules.

For comparison purposes, they used human subjects to identify the smells of 400 molecules using 55 different descriptions. The team said that when compared to the human odor identifications, the neural network model repeatedly performed better than the human subjects.

The team said such a tool can be used across many different fields, including the health care, food and fragrance industries.

The researchers reported that the tool can be used to help fight one of the world’s biggest health problems – diseases spread through insects. They said the system can measure how effective a molecule is at keeping mosquitos away from humans.

The team said it discovered a series of new molecules that can repel mosquitos with at least the same effectiveness as DEET, a chemical commonly used in insect repellants.

This discovery, the researchers said, can lead to the development of less costly, longer lasting, and safer repellants than those containing DEET. Such repellants could be used “to reduce the worldwide incidence of diseases like malaria, potentially saving countless lives,” the team added.



Words in This Story

artificial intelligence – n. the development of computer systems with the ability to perform work that normally requires human intelligence

blend – v. to mix two or more things together

photon – n. a single unit of light

characteristic – n. a typical or noticeable quality that makes one person or thing different from others

fragrance – n. a sweet of pleasant smell

repel – v. to force away something unwanted

incidence –n. the number of times something happens