

Education Tips; 上手なメールの書き方

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(・∀・)イイネ!! が1000をはるかに超えていたのを見て、びっくりしたからです。

それだけ関心がある? 日頃悩んでる? 知りたい?














        will   ⇒ would

        can   ⇒could


 では、今日のVOA  How to Write a Good Email  !!!

Have a fun!!!







How to Write a Good Email

November 07, 2020





今日のEducation Tipsでは、"どうすればメールをより効果的にすることができますか?"という質問にお答えします。


  • the subject line,
  • the opening,
  • the body, and
  • the closing.






Subject line 件名




Meeting Tomorrow at 10am to Discuss New Changes


Question About Future Classes


Opening an email メールの書き出し





Good Morning/Afternoon,

Hello, or Hello [name],





Dear [name of department],


To Whom it May Concern,



Dear [title] [family name],

As in, Dear Mister Brown,

親愛なる[敬称] [苗字]
Dear Mister Brown, ブラウンさんへ、のように


Body 本文





My name is Patricia Jones. I am sending this email to get some more information about the job you advertised.





I wanted to know if you are currently accepting applications. If so, where can I send my information? Additionally, will you be meeting people in-person or online?


現在募集かどうかを知りたいのですが、募集中の場合は私の情報をどこに送ればいいですか? また、直接会ったり、オンラインで会ったりするのでしょうか?




Closings 締めくくり




Kind regards,


Thank you,



Example email メールの例










Regards,          敬意を込めて

     Kind regards,

  Warm regards,

  Best regards,

Sincerely,                                   誠意を込めて

   Sincerely yours,


Best wishes,         ご多幸をお祈りします

Thank you in advance,            宜しくお願いします





Your friend,




Lots of love,

With love,





愛をこめて送りましょう♪♫🎶 💕




How to Write a Good Email


November 07, 2020

Email is one of the most important ways through which we communicate. It has become part of most everyone’s day-to-day life.

Writing a good email can mean the difference between someone reading it and writing back, and someone ignoring it all together. Do you have questions on how to make your message more effective?

Today on Education Tips, we will answer the question, “How can I make my emails better?”

Emails are made up of four different parts:

  • the subject line,
  • the opening,
  • the body, and
  • the closing.

Let us explore how to make each of these parts better.

Subject line

The subject line is what the other person, or receiver, will read first. The subject line is usually the most important part of an email. It should be short but contain enough details that the receiver recognizes the subject of the email. A good subject line sets the expectations for the email. A bad subject line can mean the receiver will not read the email.

Some people will add the word “important” to the subject line, but this does not provide enough information. Instead of writing “important,” two better choices for subject lines are:

Meeting Tomorrow at 10am to Discuss New Changes
Question About Future Classes

Opening an email

As in any form of writing, you should know your audience. The opening of an email depends on things like how formal the relationship is.

If you are sending an email to a friend or someone you work with, two good openings or greetings are:

Good Morning/Afternoon,
Hello, or Hello [name],

If you are sending the email to someone you do not know and it is a formal situation, some possible openings are:

Dear [name of department],
To Whom it May Concern,

In a formal situation, when you know the name of the person, a good opening is simply:

Dear [title] [family name],
As in, Dear Mister Brown,


The body of the email is where you ask for what you need or make clear your reason for writing the email. This could be asking them a question or keeping them informed. The body of the email should prioritize the most important information. It should be direct, and it is wise to keep it short.

If the person you are emailing does not know you, you should introduce yourself in the first few lines. You might write:

My name is Patricia Jones. I am sending this email to get some more information about the job you advertised.

After you have introduced yourself and given your reason for writing, you can follow this with the body of your email. The most important information should come first. This makes your email clear to your receiver and saves them time. Here is an example.

I wanted to know if you are currently accepting applications. If so, where can I send my information? Additionally, will you be meeting people in-person or online?

It is important to clearly explain yourself in as few words as possible. Try to keep your email short, but polite. This is important because you want to make yourself clear to your receiver.


The last part to a good email is the closing. It is usually one or two words that let the receiver know that this is the end of the email. The ending should include your name and tell the receiver where you work and what you do. A few different closings are:

Kind regards,
Thank you,

Some applications create an automatic signature for the sender. This is useful because it saves time when you are writing.

Example email

So, what does a completed email look like? Here is an example email:

Sample Email with a Subject, Greeting, and Closing
Sample Email with a Subject, Greeting, and Closing


If you follow these suggestions, you will find that you receive more responses to your emails. Effective email writing is important especially now when so much of what we do is online.

I’m Gregory Stachel.

And I’m Jill Robbins.


Gregory Stachel wrote this story for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor.



Words in This Story


audience n. the people who watch, read, or listen to something

formaladj. of language: suitable for serious or official speech and writing

prioritizev. to make (something) the most important thing in a group

introducev. to make (someone) known to someone else by name

applicationn. formal and usually written request for something (such as a job, admission to a school, a loan, or such

politeadj. having or showing good manners or respect for other people

automaticadj. of a machine or device: having controls that allow something to work or happen without being directly controlled by a person

signaturen. a person's name written in that person's handwriting or, on an electronic message, the person’s name and other contact information

responsen. something that is said or written as a reply to something


Now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.


今日のテーマは;風 Wind

そして、Get wind of・・・

   (hear) through the grapevine の表現です。










Want to Know a Secret? Maybe You'll 'Get Wind of It'









私たちが “get wind of something,” 「何かの風を受ける」ということは、今まで秘密にされていたニュースや情報を耳にするということです。当然ながら、その秘密の空気がさらにそれを面白くします。

この表現を使うときは、このことを覚えておきましょう。get wind of something何かの風を受けるときには、間接的にその情報を知ることになります。言い換えれば、私たちはその情報を二次的に、またはthrough the grapevine人づてに、知ることになります。私たちはソースから直接それを聞くことはありません。




時には、風によって送られてくる情報やニュースは悪いもので、ただのゴシップやトークであり、本当に全く役に立たないものがあります。例えば、誰かに「あの人が失業したって聞いた?」と聞かれたら 私は「ああ、昨日それを聞いたわ 」と答えるでしょう。



でも、彼に何かを隠しておくのはとても難しいことです。彼はおせっかいで、たくさんの質問をしてきます。「なぜ僕の友達に電話するの?」 「なぜそんなに食べ物や飲み物を買っているの?"」「僕のためにパーティーを計画してるの?」とか。









Want to Know a Secret? Maybe You'll 'Get Wind of It'


A man rides his bicycle while palm trees sway in the wind as Hurricane Zeta approaches Cancun, Mexico October 26, 2020. (REUTERS/Jorge Delgado/File Photo)


Wind is a powerful force in nature. High wind speeds from tornadoes, hurricanes and other violent storms can cause great destruction.

But wind can also be a force for good.

It can turn machinery that produces energy.

The blades of wind turbines catch the breeze at the Saddleback Ridge wind farm in Carthage, Maine, March 19, 2019.
The blades of wind turbines catch the breeze at the Saddleback Ridge wind farm in Carthage, Maine, March 19, 2019.


It can help boats sail great distances. In the wild, wind can provide life-saving information to some animals. And it doesn’t need to be a strong wind. For example, a scent or smell carried by a light breeze can tell a deer about the presence of a hunter just a few meters away.

The wind can provide useful information to people, too!

When we “get wind of something,” we hear some news or information that has been kept private. Naturally, this air of secrecy makes it even more interesting.

When using this expression, remember this: When we get wind of something, we become aware of the information through indirect means. In other words, we learn of it second-hand or through the grapevine. We do not hear it straight from the source.

Wind has destroyed many umbrellas all across the world. Here, a Taiwanese man holds an umbrella against powerful gusts of wind generated by typhoon Lekima in Taipei, Taiwan, Friday, Aug. 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying)
Wind has destroyed many umbrellas all across the world. Here, a Taiwanese man holds an umbrella against powerful gusts of wind generated by typhoon Lekima in Taipei, Taiwan, Friday, Aug. 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying)


The wind might give others information that we want to keep quiet. For example, the leaders of the company were worried about investors getting wind of the factory fire. If the investors knew, they would probably withdraw their money and invest elsewhere.

Here is another example: The filmmakers did not want the media to get wind of the actor’s latest arrest. After all, she is playing a police officer in the movie.

At times, the information or news sent by the wind is bad, just gossip or talk, and not really helpful at all. For example, if someone asks me, “Did you hear that so-and-so lost his job?” I can answer, “Yeah, I got wind of that yesterday.”

But sometimes the news or information is not bad. It is just something you want to keep secret.

Like the time I tried to plan a surprise party for my best friend. I did not want him to get wind of it. That would ruin the surprise.

But it is so difficult keeping anything from him. He is nosy and asks a lot of questions, such as: “Why are you calling all my friends?” Why are you buying so much food and drinks?” “Are you planning a party for me?”

So much for that surprise party.

Now this expression is not always about learning private information or keeping secrets. The wind can send us information that we need to make good decisions.

For example, I was just about to buy tickets to a big three-day, outdoor music event. But then I got wind that my favorite performer (and the only reason I was going) had cancelled. Thank goodness a friend of a friend of a friend told me or I would not have known!




Words in This Story


breeze – n. a light gentle wind

aware – adj. knowing that something (such as a situation, condition, or problem) exists

indirect – adj. not going straight from one point to another : not said or done in a clear and direct way

secondhand – adj. not original : taken from someone who was not directly involved

through the grapevine – idiomatic expression to learn something through an informal means of communication, especially gossip

source – n. a cause or starting point

gossip – n. information about the behavior and personal lives of other people

nosy – adj. informal + disapproving : wanting to know about other people's lives, problems, etc.

ticket – n. a piece of paper that allows you to see a show, participate in an event, travel on a vehicle, etc.
















Astronomers Discover Source of Fast Radio Burst





この画像は、2020年11月にNASAが提供したビデオアニメーションから得られたもので、マグネター-中性子星として知られる恒星残骸の超減磁版-から噴出する強力なX線バーストを描いている。(Chris Smith (USRA)/NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center via AP)




科学者たちは、高速ラジオバーストと呼ばれるこれらの信号について約13年前から知っていました。そして、それが我々の銀河系の外からやってくるのを見てきました。このことが、何が原因なのかを知ることを難しくしています。さらに難しくしているのはその高速さ-- 数千分の1秒という速さで起こるということです。
























NATIONAL GEOGRPHIC 銀河系(天の川銀河)内での検出は初
























  • 中性子星
  • マグネター
    中性子星の一種で、自転周期は2~12秒ほどで、自転がきわめて速く、減速していく種族。突発的なX線増光や、ミリ秒スケールのショートバーストと呼ばれる現象を引き起こすこともあり、表面の磁場の強さが1010-11テスラにも及ぶ強磁場の天体であると考えられている。榎戸輝揚チームリーダーはNICER チームの科学検討部会 Magnetar & Magnetosphere グループのリード役としてマグネター観測をとりまとめている。
  • 超新星爆発
    質量の大きい恒星が、星内部での核融合反応の燃料を使い果たし、重力崩壊を起こして潰れると超新星爆発が起きる。超新星は可視光で明るく輝くだけでなく、X線や電波まで多波長での観測が行われ、超新星 SN1987Aでは超新星ニュートリノも検出された。超新星爆発の後には、中性子星ブラックホールが残されることがあり、周囲には超新星残骸が形成される。
  • X線望遠鏡 NICER
    2017年に国際宇宙ステーションに搭載された大面積のX線望遠鏡で、中性子星の質量と半径を精密に測定し、中性子内部の状態方程式を観測的に解明することを目指すプロジェクト。56個のX線望遠鏡が組み合わされており(軌道上では52個が稼働している)、1.5keV付近では過去最高の 1,900 cm2という大有効面積を持ち、高い集光能力を有する。NICERはNeutron star Interior Composition ExploreRの略。
  • スウィフト衛星
    ガンマ線バースト(Gamma-ray burst, GRB)を解明することを目指して2004年に打ち上げられた宇宙望遠鏡。正式な名称はThe Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory。バースト現象を検出するためのBurst Alert Telescope(BAT)、X線での撮像や分光観測の可能なX-ray Telescope(XRT)、そして紫外、可視光帯域での撮像や分光観測の可能な Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT)を搭載している。超新星爆発中性子連星の合体で発生するガンマ線バーストだけではなく、マグネターが放射するバースト現象も見つけることができるため、マグネターの発見にも大いに貢献してきた衛星である。
  • 高速電波バースト(FRB
    宇宙論的な距離から到来しているミリ秒のタイムスケールを持つ電波での突発バースト現象。電波で極めて明るく、その起源は分かっておらず、近年の天文学でのホットな研究対象になっている。日本語訳は定着していないものの、高速電波バーストと訳される場合が多い。これらのバースト現象のいくつかは、繰り返し同一天体から発生している場合(Repeating FRB)も報告され、対応する母銀河も報告されている。FRBはFast Radio Burstの略。





























Astronomers Discover Source of Fast Radio Burst

This image from video animation provided by NASA in November 2020 depicts a powerful X-ray burst erupting from a magnetar – a supermagnetized version of a stellar remnant known as a neutron star. (Chris Smith (USRA)/NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center via AP


A little luck helped astronomers solve a mystery in space: What causes powerful but super-fast energy signals that move through the universe?

Scientists have known about these signals, called fast radio bursts, for about 13 years. And they have seen them coming from outside our galaxy. This makes it harder to know what is causing them. What makes it even harder is that they happen so fast -- in a few one-thousandths of a second.

Then in April, a rare but much weaker burst from inside our own galaxy was found by two dissimilar telescopes. One of the telescopes was a California doctoral student’s handmade equipment, which included metal cookware. The other was based at a $20-million Canadian space observation center.

This undated photo provided by Caltech shows radio astronomer Christopher Bochenek with a STARE2 station he developed near the town of Delta, Utah. (Caltech via AP)
This undated photo provided by Caltech shows radio astronomer Christopher Bochenek with a STARE2 station he developed near the town of Delta, Utah. (Caltech via AP)

They linked the fast radio burst to a strange kind of star called a magnetar that is 32,000 light-years from Earth. That information comes from four studies in Wednesday’s journal publication Nature.

It was not only the first fast radio burst linked to a source; it was also the first coming from our galaxy. Astronomers say there could be other sources for these bursts. But they are now sure about one of the sources: magnetars.

Magnetars have 1.5 times the mass of our sun, crowded into a space the size of New York’s Manhattan area. They have huge magnetic fields that are full of energy, and sometimes bursts of X-rays and radio waves suddenly come from them. That information comes from Ziggy Pleunis. He is an astrophysicist at McGill University and co-writer of the Canadian study.

The magnetic field around these magnetars “is so strong any atoms nearby are torn apart,” said astronomer Casey Law. He is with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and was not involved in the research.

This November 2016 photo provided by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment collaboration shows the CHIME radio telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory in Kaleden, British Columbia, Canada. (Andre Renard/University of Toront
This November 2016 photo provided by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment collaboration shows the CHIME radio telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory in Kaleden, British Columbia, Canada. (Andre Renard/University of Toront

There are maybe 12 or so of these magnetars in our galaxy. They are very young and part of the star birth process. And our Milky Way galaxy is not as full of star births as other galaxies, said Shami Chatterjee of Cornell University. He was not part of either discovery team.

This burst in less than a second had about the same amount of energy that our sun produces in a month. And that is still a lot weaker than radio bursts from outside our galaxy, said Christopher Bochenek. The Caltech radio astronomer helped discover the burst with his handmade equipment.

The radio bursts are not dangerous to us, not even the more powerful ones from outside our galaxy, astronomers say.

The ones that come from outside our galaxy and travel millions or billions of light-years are very powerful. They are tens of thousands to millions of times more powerful than anything we have found in our galaxy, explains Daniele Michilli, an astrophysicist at McGill University. He is co-writer of the study and part of the Canadian team.

Scientists think the bursts may happen more than 1,000 times a day outside our galaxy. But finding them is not easy.

“You had to be looking at the right place at the right millisecond,” Cornell’s Chatterjee said. “Unless you were very, very lucky, you’re not going to see one of these.”

Astronomers have no idea how often the bursts happen inside our own Milky Way galaxy.

“We still don’t know how lucky we got,” Bochenek said. “This could be a once-in-five-year thing or there could be a few events to happen each year.”

Bochenek’s antennae cost about $15,000. Each is “the size of a large bucket," he said. It’s a piece of 6-inch metal pipe with two pieces of round metal cookware around it, the doctoral student explained. They are simplistic instruments designed to look at a huge piece of the sky. And they are meant to see only the brightest of radio flashes.

Bochenek imagined he had possibly a 1-in-10 chance of catching a fast radio burst in a few years. But after just one year, he made a valuable discovery.

The Canadian observatory in British Columbia is much more developed but is aimed at a much smaller piece of the sky. And it was able to find the source of the magnetar in the constellation Vulpecula.

The bursts are affected by all the material they pass through in space. This might help astronomers understand and map the unseen-to-us material between galaxies and “weigh” the universe, said Jason Hessels. He is chief astronomer for the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy and was not part of the research.

Astronomers have had as many as 50 different ideas about what causes these fast radio bursts, including aliens. They say that magnetars may not be the only answer.



Words in This Story

galaxy – n. any one of the very large groups of stars that make up the universe

source – n. the cause or origin of something

x-ray – n. powerful invisible rays that can pass through various objects

antenna – n. a device (such as a wire or a metal rod) for sending or receiving radio or television signals

bucket – n. an open container with a handle that is used for carrying things, such as liquids

alien – n. a creature that comes from somewhere other than




 まさに今日、November 08, 2020  ミャンマー総選挙なのです。






VOAニュースより、Another Election2020!!






A Crushed Student Movement, Little Hope Before Myanmar's Election

November 06, 2020










このキャンペーンは、激しい弾圧を受けています。グループのメンバーのうち9人が実刑判決を受け、うち2人は5年の懲役を言い渡されました。彼らは ”公然わいせつ罪” で投獄されたのです。他の10人のメンバーは警察に拘束され、少なくとも12人が身を隠しています。






ビルマ学生連盟は3月、”もう戦争はしない” キャンペーンを開始しました。学生たちはラカイン州での戦争を非難する看板を掲げたり、ビラを配ったりしました。


ミャンマーはこの告発を否定しています。反乱を終わらせるために 正当に行動したと言っているのです。

現在、ラカイン州では、政府軍とアラカン軍との間で、別の紛争が起きています。アラカン軍は、ラカイン州自治権拡大のために戦う 民族武装グループです。


国中の都市や町で学生たちはビラを配りました。"独裁は失敗しなければならない "という内容です。また、ラカイン州でのインターネットの制限を解除するよう政府に要求しています。











「これは武力紛争を促進する可能性がある 」と彼は言いっています。








「スーチー政権に大きな経済的成果はなく、また国民の一部に多少の不満はあっても、結局のところ、今回の総選挙では政策論議は置き去りにされ、ビルマ族中心の管区域においてはスーチーの人気投票、少数民族中心の州においては民族のアイデンティティ投票ということになるのではないだろうか。 」 







根本的に欠陥がある選挙だと、Human Right Watchは断言しています。












A Crushed Student Movement, Little Hope Before Myanmar's Election

State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s de facto leader, fills out a ballot in her country's election, in voters in Naypyitaw, the nation’s capital, Oct. 29, 2020.


Hnin is a teacher in Myanmar. As a girl, she had great respect for Aung San Suu Kyi, the former opposition leader who now leads the country. But when Myanmar holds elections on Sunday, Hnin will not vote for her.

This will be the second general election since the end of military rule in 2015.

Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) is expected to win again on the strength of its leader’s strong popularity. Hnin, however, says the Nobel Peace Prize winner failed to keep her promise to unite the country, also known as Burma.

“I have no more trust in her,” said the young woman. She added “the path she is trying to take towards democracy is impossible.”

Aung San Suu Kyi’s party won by a very large victory in 2015. Myanmar in 2020, however, is facing problems that she does not seem able to solve. In addition to the coronavirus health crisis, there is rising economic hardship and growing ethnic and civil conflicts.

Hnin is one of many activists from a student group responsible for anti-government protests and leaflet campaigns across the country in recent months.

The All Burma Federation of Students Union is calling for a boycott of the general election.

Its campaign has been met with a sharp crackdown. Nine of the group’s members have been sentenced to prison, two of them to five years. They were jailed for “public mischief,” among other charges. Ten other members are in police detention and at least 12 more are in hiding.

Representatives of the NLD and the government did not answer requests for comment from Reuters news agency.

Aung San Suu Kyi’s defenders say the students are not being realistic. Change cannot happen quickly after 50 years of military rule, they say.

‘Better future’

The All Burma Federation of Students Union began a “no more war” campaign in March. The students put up signs and gave out leaflets condemning the war in Rakhine state.

Rakhine borders Bangladesh. In 2017, Myanmar's military began attacking villages in Rahkhine, killing and raping ethnic Rohingyas who lived there and burning their homes. More than 730,000 Rohingyas were forced to flee to Bangladesh. The United Nations condemned Myanmar's military action as genocidal.

Myanmar denies the accusation. It says it acted rightfully to end a rebellion.

Now in Rakhine there is another conflict between government troops and the Arakan Army. The Arakan Army is an ethnic armed group fighting for greater self-rule for Rakhine State.

The army has denied targeting civilians in the latest conflict. Many people have been killed and tens of thousands displaced in the fighting. The Myanmar government says the Ararkan Army is a terrorist organization.

In cities and towns across the country, the students have given out leaflets that say “dictatorships must fail.” They also urge the government to lift restrictions on the internet in Rakhine.

Hnin said she sympathized with victims of the war because she grew up in an area also affected by conflict.

The government did nothing to stop the conflict and was a “puppet” of the army, she said. She blames the 2008 constitution, written by the military, that gives the army major powers.

‘Deep freeze’

Maya Tudor teaches at the Blavnik School of Government at Oxford University in Britain. She studies countries moving toward democracy.

Tudor said the NLD had failed to make democratic changes, choosing instead to increase controls on the media and arrest critics.

Government ministers have said peoples’ expectations for the NLD’s first years in office were unrealistically high. They also said the government had removed some of the worst laws from the days of military rule and planned additional reforms.

Ethnic-based parties are expected to pull some votes away from the NLD in the election on Sunday. Voting has been cancelled in more than 50 areas because of unrest.

Richard Horsey is an expert on Myanmar with the International Crisis Group. He said ethnic minorities no longer see Aung San Suu Kyi as their natural leader as they did in 2015. Instead, they now see her as their enemy.

“This could drive more armed conflict,” he said.





Words in This Story


leaflet – n. a printed and often folded sheet of paper that is usually given to people for no cost

disillusionment – n. causing someone to stop believing that something is good, true, valuable, etc.

crackdown – n. a serious attempt to punish people for doing something that is not allowed

mischief – n. behavior or activity that is annoying but that is not meant to cause serious harm or damage

monk – n. a member of a religious community of men who usually promise to remain poor, unmarried, and separated from the rest of society

intent – n. the thing that you plan to do or achieve; an aim or purpose

puppet – n. a person or an organization that is controlled by another person or organization​




















Digital Upskill: Improving Your Technology Skills



 2020年のトップライフレッスンを挙げろと言われたら、私のリストにはおそらくこの言葉が含まれているでしょう:テクノロジースキルは必需品。過去8ヶ月間、多くの人が在宅でオンラインで仕事をしています。この種の仕事には、これまで以上に高いレベルのコンピュータスキルが必要とされています。今では、そのための言葉さえあります。 "デジタル・アップスキリング" パトリシア・ミラーさんは、フロリダ州タンパのプライスウォーターハウスクーパースPwC)に勤務しています。彼女は同社の ”デジタル・アクセラレーター” プログラムに登録しました。この研修は、PwCの従業員のハイテクスキルを強化するためのものです。ミラーさんはロイター通信に、このクラスを受ける前は、コンピューターコードの書き方を知らなかったと語っています。このプログラムはミラーさんのデジタルスキルをアップグレードするのに役立ったのです。例えば、彼女はPythonと呼ばれるコーディング言語を学びました。ミラーさんは、かつて人事やプロジェクト管理の仕事をしていました。このトレーニングは、オフィスの情報技術(IT)運用チームのリーダーになるのに役立ちました。「そして今では、Pythonのようなコーディングスキルを使えるようになるたびに、ちょっとしたハッピーダンスをしているんですよ 」とミラーさんは言います。デジタルのスキルアップは新しいことではありません。しかし、COVID-19の健康危機は大きな変化をもたらし、これをさらに早く実現させたのです。ジャンニ・ジャコメッリ氏は、ニューヨークに拠点を置き、企業の事業運営に関するアドバイスを行うGenpactジェンパクト社のチーフ・イノベーション・オフィサーです。また、マサチューセッツ工科大学Collective Intelligence Design Labでイノベーションデザインの責任者を務めています。ジャコメッリ氏によると、COVID-19のパンデミックが始まって以来、多くの企業がデジタル技術の活用を急速に進めているといういます。「彼らは、人々がどこにいても、好きなときに、好きなデバイスで学べるようにしています。」とジャコメリ氏は指摘します。企業は、従業員が最新のテクノロジーを ”最新の状態” にしていれば、より成功し、より高い利益を得ることができます。 



今年の夏、キャリアサイリンクトイン社は、需要の高い仕事関連スキルの求人情報を調べました。そのスキルのほとんどがテクノロジー関連のものだったのです。マイクロソフト社と協力して、リンクトイン社は、需要のある仕事のための無料トレーニングを設定しました。その中には、コンピュータ・ソフトウェア開発者、デジタル・マーケティング担当者、IT管理者などのポジションが含まれています。 しかし、デジタル・アップスキルが必要なのはテクノロジー業界だけではありません。 「以前は、技術職と非技術職がありました。今では’仕事’だけが存在しています」とジョー・アトキンソン氏は言います。彼はPwCのチーフプロダクト&テクノロジーオフィサーです。アトキンソン氏は、テクノロジーを使うときは誰もが安心して使えるようにする必要があると付け加えています。専門家は、企業がデジタル・アップスキリングを支援する方法について、いくつかの提案をしています。しかし、これらのガイドラインは、個人や家族にとっても参考になります。 


多くの人にとって、仕事が非常に大規模なもので、恐ろしいことでさえあるように思われ、学習が行われません。大きな学習目標を小さなタスク、またはプロジェクトに分割することが役立ちます。「従業員に学習努力のための6時間を見つけるよう求めれば、それは本当に難しいことです 」とアトキンソン氏は言っています。しかし、15分を見つるよう頼めば -- それははるかに簡単です。彼はそれを "一口サイズのアプローチ "と呼んでいます。そして彼はそれが大きな違いをもたらすことができると考えています。




 企業によっては、従業員に一人でパソコンを使ってデジタルスキルを習得させるのは良いアイデアかもしれません。しかし、それは会社全体のためにならないかもしれません。その代わりに、ジェンパクト社のジャコメッリ氏は、企業は会社全体と従業員がどのように相互に作用するかを考えるべきだと提案しています。「従業員が知識を得たり、お互いから学んだりする機会を作るろう 」と、同氏は述べています。この考え方は、多くの家族がどのように運営されているかに例えることができます。家族の誰かが、他の人が持っていない知識を持っているでしょう?それを共有する方法を作りましょう。






「Digital Upskillingとは、AIをはじめとしたテクノロジーの活用方法だけではなく、これからの時代に必要な「アジャイル」「デザイン思考」「リーダーシップ」といったマインドセットの育成を含んでおり、マルチステージ型の人生におけるキャリアに必ず役に立つでしょう。」














 ジェンパクト (GENPACT) は、GE(ゼネラルエレクトリック)から独立して設立された、企業の業務プロセスの変革、最適化、実行を担うサービスプロバイダーで、ニューヨークに本社機能があります。 

Genpact is a global professional services firm delivering digital transformation by putting digital and data to work to create competitive advantage

Genpact は、デジタルとデータを活用して競争上の優位性を創出することで、デジタルトランスフォーメーションを提供するグローバルなプロフェッショナルサービス企業です。




Apple App StoreGoogle PlayでDigital Fitnessコンテンツを、2020年5月13日~2020年7月31日無償提供期間していました。残念ながら現在は利用できません。












Webデザイン   プログラミング














Digital Upskill: Improving Your Technology Skills

FILE - Kelley Miller, working from home because of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, sunbathes as she works at a standing desk she fashioned from a gardening table on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. October 15, 2020. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)
If you asked me to name the top life lessons of 2020, my list would likely include these words: Technology skills are a necessity.For the past eight months, many people have been working online from home. This kind of work requires a higher level of computer skills than ever before.Now, there is even a term for it: “Digital upskilling.”Patricia Miller works for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in Tampa, Florida. She signed up for the company’s “Digital Accelerators” program. The training is designed to strengthen the high-tech skills of PwC’s workforce.Miller told Reuters news agency that before taking the class, she did not know how to write computer code. The program helped Miller to upgrade her digital skills. For example, she learned a coding language called Python.Miller once worked in human resource and project management. The training helped her to become a leader in the office’s information technology (IT) operations team.“And now every time I get to use my coding skills like Python,” Miller said, “I do a little happy dance.”Digital upskilling is not new. However, the COVID-19 health crisis has led to big changes and made this happen even faster.Gianni Giacomelli is chief innovation officer at Genpact, a New York-based business that advises companies on business operations. He also is head of innovation design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Collective Intelligence Design Lab.Giacomelli says that since the COVID-19 pandemic started, many businesses have been fast-tracking their use of digital technologies.“They are enabling people to learn wherever they are, whenever they want, on any device,” he noted.A company can be more successful or earn higher profits if their employees are “up to speed” on the latest technologies.
FILE - South Koreans in traditional scholar costumes use laptops at the digital version of a state examination, which were carried out during the Chosun Dynasty, at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul May 14, 2006.
FILE - South Koreans in traditional scholar costumes use laptops at the digital version of a state examination, which were carried out during the Chosun Dynasty, at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul May 14, 2006.

But what tech skills are we talking about?This past summer, the career website LinkedIn looked at job openings for in-demand work-related skills. Most of the skills were technology related.Working with Microsoft, LinkedIn has set up free training for in-demand jobs. These include positions as a computer software developer, digital marketing representative and IT administrator.But it is not just the technology industry that must digital upskill.“Before, there used to be tech jobs and non-tech jobs. Now there are just ‘jobs’,” said Joe Atkinson. He is PwC’s chief products and technology officer. He added that everyone needs to be at ease when using technology.Experts offer a few suggestions on how companies should support digital upskilling. However, these guidelines can also be helpful for individuals and families.Think smallFor many people, learning just does not get done because the work can seem so massive, even frightening. Breaking larger learning goals into smaller tasks, or projects, can help.“If you ask an employee to find six hours for a learning effort, that’s really hard,” said Atkinson. “But if you ask them to find 15 minutes -- that’s a lot easier.He calls it a “bite-size approach.” And he thinks it can make a big difference.Think as a groupFor some businesses, having an employee learn a digital skill alone on a computer might be a good idea. However, it may not help the company as a whole.Instead, Genpact’s Giacomelli suggests that companies think about the whole company and how employees interact with each other.“Create opportunities for employees to source knowledge and learn from each other,” he said.This idea can be likened to how many families operate. Does someone in the family have knowledge the others do not? Create a way to share it.Create an ongoing learning habitTechnology can change very quickly.For example, the coding language Patricia Miller learned, Python, might be out of date in a few years. So, experts urge you to find ways to always keep learning and improving your technology skills. _______________________________________________________________


Words in This Story

 lesson – n. something learned through experiencedigital – adj. using or characterized by computer technologyaccelerator – adj. a substance that speeds a chemical reactionmanagement – n. the act or art of managing : the conducting or supervising of something (such as a business)code – n. a set of instructions for a computerupgrade – n. to raise or improve the grade of : such asinnovation – n. a new idea, method, or devicefast-tracking – adj. to speed up the processing, production, or construction of in order to meet a goalopportunity – n. a good chance for advancement or progress  


”Once in a Blue Moon" お目にかかれたなら。。。


な、な、なんとまさに”Blue Moon"!!!








’見れたら、幸せになれる’ のだそうな(^^♪






やっぱり、お月さまは。。。Eternity !!






'Once in a  Blue Moon'


2015年7月31日のファイル写真 ニュージャージー州ジャージーシティのリバティ州立公園から見た自由の女神の聖火の後ろにブルームーンが昇る。 ブルームーンは、同じ月の間に月が満月で2回昇るときに起こる。(AP Photo/Julio Cortez)



Blue moon
you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue moon… 
君は見ていた 一人佇む僕を






NASAのウェブサイトによると、"1940年代以降、用語 "ブルームーン "は、暦月に2つ目の満月に使われれている"とあります。これは通常、2年半ごとにしか起こりません。




"blue moon "とは、長い、あるいは長く見える期間のこと。


何かが "once in a blue moon "で起こると言ったら、それは珍しい、めったに起こらないまれなことを意味します。それは非常にめったに起こらないことなのです。これらの言葉はすべてごくまれに起こる何かを表しています。





あまり会わなくなった友人がいるとします。そんな時、 you see him once in a blue moonごくまれに彼に会うの、と言えます。話をして以来、永遠のように感じます。まるでdropped off the face of the Earth地球上から消えてしまったかのように! 同じくこう言えますね、彼に会って以来、永遠に続いているとも。

永遠は長い時間です。だから、 forever and a day 永遠はもっと長いのです!(永遠を超えた永遠。永遠の強調)そして、あなたがあなたの友人を見て以来、forever and a day 永遠だったのです。彼がいなくて寂しいのね! 電話した方がいいわ。



Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shining
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue,
Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shining,
shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue … 







Billie Holliday singing “Blue Moon.”





Patsy Cline singing “Blue Moon.”






2020”Blue Moon"





次回は 2023年 8月 31日 です!!!




'Once in a Blue Moon'

In this July 31, 2015, file photo, a blue moon rises behind the torch of the Statue of Liberty seen from Liberty State Park in Jersey City, N.J. A blue moon happens when the moon rises in its full stage twice during the same month. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)


Today we are talking about a lunar phenomenon – a moon event. It’s called a blue moon.


Blue moon you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue moon…

Experts at the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) explain this lunar event. They say a blue moon is the "extra” moon in a season with four full moons.

The NASA website says that “since the 1940s, the term ‘blue moon’ has also been used for the second full moon in a calendar month.” This usually happens only every two-and-a-half years.

The NASA experts explain that a blue moon is not actually blue in color. In fact, it looks the same as a regular monthly full moon.

What makes a blue moon different is that it does not appear in the sky that often. And this is how we use it as an English expression.

A “blue moon” is a long or seemingly long period of time.

If I say something happens “once in a blue moon,” it is uncommon, infrequent, rare. It happens very seldom. These words all describe something that happens once in a blue moon.

For example, I usually keep busy. So when I’m not working, I like to take sing songs, write stories or read books. But sometimes, I just like to do nothing. So, once in a blue moon, you’ll find me on the couch, watching movies and eating popcorn.

Here’s another example.

Let’s say you have a friend who you do not see very much anymore. You can say you see him once in a blue moon. It feels like an eternity since you have talked. It’s like he has dropped off the face of the Earth! You can also say it has been forever since you have seen him.

Forever is a long time. So, forever and a day is even longer! And it has been forever and a day since you have seen your friend. You miss him! You should call.

And finally, here is our last example. If you have been busy, you may not have had time to practice your English. But just remember, if you only practice once in a blue moon, your English may not improve very quickly.

So, join us again next week for another Words and Their Stories! Until next time … I’m Anna Matteo.


Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shining
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue,
Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on a-shining,
shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue …


Anna Matteo wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Bryan Lynn was the editor. The song at the beginning of the program is Billie Holliday singing “Blue Moon.” The song at the end is Patsy Cline singing “Blue Moon.”




Words in This Story

lunar – adj. of or relating to the moon

phenomenon – n. something (such as an interesting fact or event) that can be observed and studied and that typically is unusual or difficult to understand or explain fully

infrequent – adj. not happening often : not frequent

rare – adj. very uncommon

seldom – adj. not often : almost never

eternity – n. time that seems to be without an end




映像に衝撃、そして” Cancer ” の文字。

しかも Colon Cancer 。


















When Should People Get a Colon Cancer Exam?

October 30, 2020


国立がん研究所がん研究センターが2015年に公開したこの顕微鏡画像は、核が赤く染まったヒト大腸がん細胞を示している。(NCI Center for Cancer Research via AP, File)


健康の専門家グループは、成人に 45 歳で大腸がんのテストを受け始めることを望んでいます。それは以前の大腸がん検診のために推奨される年齢よりも 5 年若い年齢です。


米国では、大腸がん率は近年低下しています。しかし、米国予防サービス タスクフォースから公表された最近のスクリーニングの提案では、専門家が 50 歳未満の人々 の大腸がん率の上昇について懸念していることを示しています。


「我々 は若い人たちがより高い率で大腸がんにかかっていることを示すより多くのデータを見てきました。 基本的には、今の45歳は、過去数年において50歳の人が大腸がんにかかるのと同じリスクを持っています。」

予防サービス タスクフォースは、医師のボランティア グループです。彼らは証拠を研究し、医療検査や治療についての推奨事項を提供しています。


大腸の慎重な検査 - 大腸内視鏡検査として知られている - は、通常 5 ~ 10 年ごとに行われます。便ベーステストのような他の検査は、毎年行うことができます。

「大腸がんにかかる人の多くは、兆候も、症状もリスクも現れないのです。ですから、我々 は誰もがスクリーニングを受けることをお勧めするのです 」とクリス氏は言います。


大腸がんは、直腸がんと共に、米国ではがん死亡原因の 3 番目の主要要因です。今年は全国で推定 148,000 人の新たな症例が発生すると予想されています。


初期テストは、積極的な治療を必要とする前に、若い患者ではポリープや早期の癌を識別するのに役立つだろう、と医師ナンシー ユーは述べています。彼女はヒューストンのMDアンダーソンがんセンターで働いています。


専門家は、大腸がんのために人々 をスクリーニングすることはいまだ難しいだろうと考えています。現在、50 歳から 75 歳までの 4 人に 1 人がこの病気の検査を受けたことがありません。大腸がん検診の最新情報では、米国成人の約60%だけだと、クリス氏 は言っています。




































※by 森永乳業



制作:東洋経済 2019/09/10























しかし、短鎖脂肪酸は、”ある善玉菌” によって生産されることがわかっています!!












がん・感染症センター都立駒込病院 消化器内科部長 泉浩医師

順天堂大学 佐藤信名誉教授



※by 森永乳業






Take care of yourself!!





When Should People Get a Colon Cancer Exam?

This microscope image made available by the National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research in 2015 shows human colon cancer cells with the nuclei stained red. (NCI Center for Cancer Research via AP, File)


A group of health experts wants adults to start getting tested for colon cancer at age 45. That is five years younger than the age it formerly recommended for colon cancer screenings.

Screening is a medical term. It means the act of doing a test on a person to look for evidence of a disease or health problem.

In the United States, colon cancer rates have been falling in recent years. But the recent screening proposal, released by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, shows that experts are concerned about rising colon cancer rates in people under the age of 50.

Alex Krist is a family doctor at Virginia Commonwealth University and a member of the Preventive Services Task Force. He spoke to The Associated Press.

“We’ve seen more data showing that younger people are getting colon cancer at higher rates,” Krist said. “Basically, a 45-year-old today has the same risk of getting colon cancer as a 50-year-old from years past.”

The Preventive Services Task Force is a volunteer group of doctors. They study evidence and offer recommendations about medical tests and treatments.

The group is suggesting that adults of average risk for colon cancer be screened from ages 45 to 75. How often the tests are done depends on the kind of screening.

A careful examination of the colon – known as a colonoscopy -- is usually done every five to 10 years. Other exams, such as stool-based tests, can be performed every year.

Most people who get colon cancer have no signs, no symptoms and no risks. And so that’s why we recommend that everyone get screened,” Krist said.

The task force suggestion on screening is not for people who have colon cancer, polyps or a family history of colon cancer or genetic disorders. All of those conditions can increase their risk.

Colon cancer, along with rectal cancer, is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. There will be an estimated 148,000 new cases nationwide this year.

The Task Force’s suggestions are now the same as those from the American Cancer Society. In 2018, the American Cancer Society lowered the screening age from 50 to 45. With the change, doctors should feel at ease recommending colon cancer screens to younger patients, said the cancer group’s Robert Smith.

Earlier testing would help identify polyps or early cancer in younger patients before the disease requires more aggressive treatment, said Doctor Nancy You. She works at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

“We have a lot more treatment options that are less invasive and have better results when we treat cancer at the earlier stages,” You said. “That makes a huge difference to our patients.”

Experts believe it will still be difficult to screen people for colon cancer. Currently, 1 in 4 people between 50 and 75 have never been tested for the disease. Only about 60 percent of U.S. adults are up to date on their colon cancer screenings, Krist said.




Words in This Story


colon – n. the main part of the large intestine

recommend – v. to suggest that someone do (something)

data – n. facts and other information collected for use in studies

stool – n. waste product

symptom – n. a sign or marker of something

polyp -- n. medical : a small mass of a substance that grows inside your body (such as inside your colon or on your vocal cords)

option – n. choice

invasive – adj. medical : involving entry into the body by cutting or by loading or adding an instrument