

“climate injustice”気候の不公正:アラスカ島の住民は







VOAで学びましょう!!先住民の村が気候変動の脅威から逃れるために住民投票で移住を決定 米アラスカ州: 気候変動の向こう側






Population on Alaskan Island Faces ‘Dire’ Situation

November 06, 2022















The Rev. Aaron Silco, and his wife, Anna, who are pastors at the Shishmaref Lutheran Church, stand for a photo with their two-month-old son, Aidan, in a cemetery next to the church in Shishmaref, Alaska, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
The Rev. Aaron Silco, and his wife, Anna, who are pastors at the Shishmaref Lutheran Church, stand for a photo with their two-month-old son, Aidan, in a cemetery next to the church in Shishmaref, Alaska, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
2022年10月4日火曜日、アラスカ州シシマレフの教会に隣接する墓地で、生後2カ月の息子エイダンと記念撮影するシシマレフ・ルーテル教会の牧師アーロン・シルコと妻アンナ。(AP写真/Jae C. Hong)







Sitting on their ATVs, seal hunters John Kokeok, right, and Ralph Olanna share a light moment before pulling a boat into the water in Shishmaref, Alaska, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Sitting on their ATVs, seal hunters John Kokeok, right, and Ralph Olanna share a light moment before pulling a boat into the water in Shishmaref, Alaska, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
2022年10月1日土曜日、アラスカ州シシュマレフで、ボートを海に引き込む前に、ATVに座って、アザラシハンターのジョン・コケオク(右)とラルフ・オランナは軽いひと時を共有している。(AP写真/Jae C. Hong)












アラスカにはシシュマレフなど、温暖化で困っている町がたくさんあります。小さな町に住む人たちの多くは、島に最初に住んだ人たちの血を引くnative people先住民です。


Joe Eningowuk, 62, and his grandson, Isaiah Kakoona, 7, stand for a photo in the lagoon while getting ready for a camping trip in Shishmaref, Alaska, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Joe Eningowuk, 62, and his grandson, Isaiah Kakoona, 7, stand for a photo in the lagoon while getting ready for a camping trip in Shishmaref, Alaska, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
2022年10月1日土曜日、アラスカ州シシュマレフでキャンプ旅行の準備をしながら、ラグーンの中で写真撮影に臨むジョー・エニングウク(62)と孫のイザヤ・カコナ(7)。(AP写真/Jae C. Hong)





「私は、私たちが移動しなければならなくなるのが怖いのです・・・」と彼は言っています。彼は政府がこの状況を "緊急事態だ......しかし、今のままでは、今まで見たこともないような暴風雨が来ている "と言って欲しくないようです。




Dressed in an Inuit-style parka, Annsoph Nayokpuk, 6, stands for a photo in Shishmaref, Alaska, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Dressed in an Inuit-style parka, Annsoph Nayokpuk, 6, stands for a photo in Shishmaref, Alaska, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
イヌイットスタイルのパーカーを着たアンソフ・ナヨクプク、6歳、は、2022年10月5日水曜日、アラスカ州シシュマレフで写真撮影に臨んでいる。(AP写真/Jae C. Hong)










エリザベス・マリノ氏は、この状況を "気候の不公正 "と呼びます。









Population on Alaskan Island Faces ‘Dire’ Situation

The Alaska Native village of Shishmaref sits on the sinking barrier island Sarichef in the Chukchi Sea near the Bering Strait. The island lies between the United States and Russia, where it is increasingly threatened by the effects of climate change.

The village is home to about 600 members of the Inupiat People. They live simply, without running water and other modern technology.

Rising sea levels, flooding, increased erosion and loss of protective sea ice and land is a huge concern for the villagers. Some want to leave.

In fact, the community has voted in support of proposals to resettle elsewhere. Yet, more than six years after the last vote, Shishmaref remains in place. The planned move costs more than the village can pay.

So, the community carries on toward a troubling future.

The villagers continue their traditions. They celebrate birthdays, baptisms and school graduations. Their lives center on their homes, the local school and one of the world’s northernmost Christian churches.

The Rev. Aaron Silco, and his wife, Anna, who are pastors at the Shishmaref Lutheran Church, stand for a photo with their two-month-old son, Aidan, in a cemetery next to the church in Shishmaref, Alaska, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
The Rev. Aaron Silco, and his wife, Anna, who are pastors at the Shishmaref Lutheran Church, stand for a photo with their two-month-old son, Aidan, in a cemetery next to the church in Shishmaref, Alaska, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Aaron Silco leads the local Lutheran Church. He called the concern about the shrinking land and floods “too much of a burden” for the community. He said if the villagers think about climate change too often, it will hurt their ability to live their lives. It will take away from things such as birthday parties, funerals and sporting events.

“There is still life happening,” Silco said.

Rich Stasenko agrees. He moved to Shishmaref in the 1970s. He calls the community “resourceful” and “resilient.”

Sitting on their ATVs, seal hunters John Kokeok, right, and Ralph Olanna share a light moment before pulling a boat into the water in Shishmaref, Alaska, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Sitting on their ATVs, seal hunters John Kokeok, right, and Ralph Olanna share a light moment before pulling a boat into the water in Shishmaref, Alaska, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

“I don’t see victims here,” he said.

The problem

In the 30 years since 1992, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association says temperatures in Alaska have gone up by 1.4 degrees Celsius.

That area of the Arctic had been warming twice as fast as the rest of the world. Now it is warming three times faster.

The island already does not have much space where people can live. It is only about five kilometers long and 400 meters wide. It used to be protected by a large layer of ice that is melting. The lack of ice means more flooding and more problems from storms. The sea is reclaiming the coast. About 14 homes had to be moved inland in 2002.

There are many towns in Alaska like Shishmaref that are having problems due to warming weather. Most of the people that live in the small towns are native people who are related to the first people to live on the islands.

Joe Eningowuk, 62, and his grandson, Isaiah Kakoona, 7, stand for a photo in the lagoon while getting ready for a camping trip in Shishmaref, Alaska, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Joe Eningowuk, 62, and his grandson, Isaiah Kakoona, 7, stand for a photo in the lagoon while getting ready for a camping trip in Shishmaref, Alaska, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

The U.S government’s accountability office says climate change is expected to make their problems worse.

Lloyd Kiyutelluk is president of the local tribal council.

“I’m scared that we will have to move …” he said. He does not want the government to say the situation is “an emergency … but the way things are, we’re getting storms that we’ve never seen before.”

Government leaders warned that the island would have a problem during a storm in September. Officials said it could bring the worst flooding in 50 years. As the storm moved through the Bering Strait, it cut electricity, destroyed an important road and flooded a human waste treatment center.

Dressed in an Inuit-style parka, Annsoph Nayokpuk, 6, stands for a photo in Shishmaref, Alaska, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Dressed in an Inuit-style parka, Annsoph Nayokpuk, 6, stands for a photo in Shishmaref, Alaska, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Molly Snell, 35, talked about the storm. She said she hoped the village would not be forced to evacuate.

“The right storm, with the right wind could take out the whole island,” she said. She said the island is more “vulnerable” due to climate change.

Who is to blame?

Over time, the community has changed its ways. However, the people of Shishmaref have not contributed much to climate change. Most of the greenhouse gases to blame are produced by populations in Europe and continental North America.

Elizabeth Marino calls that situation an example of “climate injustice.”

Marino is an anthropologist, or an expert on humans and their communities. She studied the people of Shishmaref and wrote a book about her findings.



Words in This Story

erosion –n. the gradual destruction of something by natural forces such as wind and water

baptism –n. a ceremony that makes a person a member of the Christian church

graduation –n. the act of receiving a diploma from a school, college or university

church –n. a building used for Christian religious services

burden –n. something difficult to manage, accept or deal with

resilient –adj. able to become strong again after something bad happens

layer –n. a piece of material that lies on top of or below something else

council –n. a group of people who are chosen to make rules, laws or decisions about something

evacuate –v. to remove someone from a dangerous place

vulnerable –adj. easily hurt or harmed

contribute- v. to help to cause something to happen















New Evidence for Large Ancient Ocean on MarsNovember 06, 2022

November 06, 2022










This image was captured by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover using its onboard Right Navigation Camera (Navcam). It was received on Apr. 21, 2021. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
This image was captured by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover using its onboard Right Navigation Camera (Navcam). It was received on Apr. 21, 2021. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)




研究チームは、火星の衛星画像からデータを収集しました。そして、これらの画像を組み合わせて、火星の北半球のtopography 地形図を作成しました。




この成果は、Journal of Geophysical Research誌:惑星:に掲載されました。


This image is the result of a study of Mars carried by out by researchers, led by scientists at Penn State University, who say say they created maps that provide evidence that the planet once had a large northern ocean. (Image Credit: Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)
This image is the result of a study of Mars carried by out by researchers, led by scientists at Penn State University, who say say they created maps that provide evidence that the planet once had a large northern ocean. (Image Credit: Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)
この画像は、ペンシルベニア州立大学の科学者が率いる研究者たちによって行われた火星の研究の結果で、彼らは、この惑星がかつて大規模な北方海域を持っていたという証拠を示す地図を作成したと言っている。(画像出典:Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)






 ベンジャミン・カルデナス氏はこの研究の共同執筆者です。彼はペンシルバニアにあるペンシルバニア州立大学の地球科学の教授です。彼は、現在Aeolis Dorsaとして知られているー火星の研究領域ーの声明の中で、地球上で水が形成された尾根の”最も密集したコレクション”を含むと述べています。




カルデナス氏は、この研究結果は、火星のその領域にある可能性のある海が非常に活発で興味深いものであることを示していると述べています。「それはダイナミックなものでした。海水面は著しく上昇しました。」と彼は述べます。「そのbasin 盆地に沿って岩石がat a fast rate高速で沈殿していました。ここでは多くの変化が起きていたのです。」





This composite image made from a series of June 15, 2018 photos shows a self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in the Gale Crater. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)
This composite image made from a series of June 15, 2018 photos shows a self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in the Gale Crater. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)
2018年6月15日の一連の写真から作られたこの合成画像は、ゲール・クレーターにいるNASAの火星探査機キュリオシティの自画像です。(NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)


研究チームは、NASAの火星探査機Curiosity, キュリオシティの大きな目標は、火星に古代の生命の痕跡を探すことであると指摘しています。現在、キュリオシティは火星の南半球にあるゲール・クレーター内で活動しています。過去には、ゲール・クレーター周辺で過去の水系の証拠も見つかっています。






New Evidence for Large Ancient Ocean on Mars

This photo, compiled from 28 images, shows the view from NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover on April 9, 2020. It shows the landscape of the Stimson sandstone formation in Gale Crater. (Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

Researchers say they have discovered new evidence that Mars once had a large northern ocean. The finding adds to existing evidence that ancient Mars had the right conditions to possibly support some form of life.

Today, Mars has a cold, desert climate. Any water is believed to be in the form of ice because of the planet’s extremely cold temperatures. But there is a rich amount of evidence suggesting that rivers, lakes and even oceans once existed on Mars.

For example, a 2015 study by the American space agency NASA suggested that 4.3 billion years ago, Mars likely had an ocean that covered nearly half of Mars’ northern hemisphere.

Another NASA-supported study, published in January, estimated that three billion years ago, the climate in much of the planet’s northern hemisphere was very similar to present day Earth. The study noted that at the time, Mars likely had a much thicker atmosphere than today and had an active, northern ocean.

This image was captured by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover using its onboard Right Navigation Camera (Navcam). It was received on Apr. 21, 2021. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
This image was captured by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover using its onboard Right Navigation Camera (Navcam). It was received on Apr. 21, 2021. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Now, two American researchers have released a set of maps they say provides new environmental evidence of a large ancient ocean on Mars’ low-lying northern hemisphere.

The team collected data from satellite images of Mars. They then combined these images to create topography maps of the planet’s northern hemisphere.

Using these maps, the researchers said they were able to piece together evidence of shorelines that sat at the edge of a huge body of water about three-and-a-half billion years ago.

The scientists recently published their findings in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

This image is the result of a study of Mars carried by out by researchers, led by scientists at Penn State University, who say say they created maps that provide evidence that the planet once had a large northern ocean. (Image Credit: Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)
This image is the result of a study of Mars carried by out by researchers, led by scientists at Penn State University, who say say they created maps that provide evidence that the planet once had a large northern ocean. (Image Credit: Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State)

The team said it used software developed by the United States Geological Survey to map data collected by spacecraft operated by NASA. The research uncovered more than 6,500 kilometers of ridges that are believed to have been formed by flowing water.

The scientists say the ridges likely represent the leftover evidence of eroded river systems and an ancient ocean floor. The team said its research also suggested large levels of sediment, providing further evidence of a large ocean.

Benjamin Cardenas was a co-writer of the study. He is a professor of geosciences at Penn State University in Pennsylvania. He said in a statement the area of Mars studied – now known as Aeolis Dorsa – contains “the densest collection” of water-formed ridges on the planet.



Cardenas said the study’s findings demonstrate the possible ocean in that area of Mars was very active and interesting. “It was dynamic. The sea level rose significantly,” he said. “Rocks were being deposited along its basins at a fast rate. There was a lot of change happening here.”

Cardenas added that areas on our own planet containing water-formed ridges and sediment provide researchers with much useful information about an area’s climate and life forms. “If scientists want to find a record of life on Mars, an ocean as big as the one that once covered Aeolis Dorsa would be the most logical place to start,” he said.

This composite image made from a series of June 15, 2018 photos shows a self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in the Gale Crater. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)
This composite image made from a series of June 15, 2018 photos shows a self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in the Gale Crater. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)

The team noted that the major goal of NASA’s Mars explorer, Curiosity, is to look for signs of ancient life on the planet. Currently, Curiosity is operating within the planet’s Gale Crater, which is in the southern hemisphere of Mars. In the past, researchers have also found evidence of past water systems around Gale Crater.

In addition to providing more evidence of a large ocean, Cardenas suggested the new study also provides useful information on Mars’ ancient climate and developmental history. “Based on these findings, we know there had to have been a period when it was warm enough and the atmosphere was thick enough to support this much liquid water at one time,” he said.





Words in This Story


topography – n. the shape and other physical characteristics of a piece of land

shoreline – n. the edge of a sea, lake or wide river

ridge – n. a long, narrow piece of land

erode – v. to rub away over time

sediment – n. the material that sinks to the bottom of a liquid

dynamic – adj. continuously changing or developing

deposit – v. to leave something somewhere

logical – adj. reasonable and based on good judgment










Meta Demonstrates AI-Powered Speech-to-Speech Translation System






















今年初め、メタ社は2つの新しいAIプロジェクトを発表しました。1つはNo Language Left Behindと呼ばれるものです。ザッカーバーグ氏はビデオの中で、この取り組みは世界の”何百もの”言語をカバーする翻訳システムを作るためのものだと述べています。


もうひとつは、Universal Speech Translatorと呼ばれるものです。このプロジェクトの目標は、”あらゆる言語の音声翻訳”を可能にするシステムを構築することだと、同社は声明で述べています。メタ社のホッキョク語に関する最新のシステムは、Universal Speech Translatorプロジェクトの一環として開発されたものです。











Meta Demonstrates AI-Powered Speech-to-Speech Translation System

FILE - Logo of Meta Platforms is seen in Davos

Facebook parent company Meta has built a technology tool designed to directly translate spoken speech from one language to another.

Meta recently released a video that demonstrated how the artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tool can translate between English and the Hokkien language.

In the video, Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg explained that the project required different, unusual development methods. That is because Hokkien is mainly a spoken language. It does not have a widely used written form.

Generally, developers of translation systems train AI models on very large amounts of written text in the target languages. This arms the system with many different language examples and combinations in an effort to produce the most correct results.

In general, AI-powered translation systems have improved greatly in recent years. It is now easier than ever to get translation help online or on devices to make international communication better.



But one problem with such systems is that there are delays linked to the translation process. For example, when the system records spoken speech, the words are first converted into text and then translated by an AI system. Then, the translated words are converted back into speech so they can be heard.

The unusual part of the Meta project is that the development team did not have large amounts of Hokkien language text to feed into the AI system.

Hokkien is a version, or dialect, of Chinese. It is spoken by millions of people in the southeastern Chinese province of Fujian. It is also spoken by many people in Taiwan and some communities in Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. The language is generally passed down through generations of families.

Meta notes that Hokkien is one of nearly 3,500 living languages that are mainly spoken and do not have a widely used writing system. The company says its AI developers are aiming to create speech-to-speech translation tools that would cover most of the world’s languages.



Earlier this year, Meta announced two new AI projects. One is called No Language Left Behind. Zuckerberg said in a video that effort is designed to create translation systems to cover “hundreds” of world languages.

The other is called the Universal Speech Translator. The goal of that project is to build a system that can produce “speech-to-speech translation across all languages,” the company said in a statement. Meta’s latest system involving Hokkien was developed as part of its Universal Speech Translator project.

“The ability to communicate with anyone in any language — that’s a superpower people have dreamed of forever, and AI is going to deliver that within our lifetimes,” Zuckerberg said.

Meta said it used several different methods to create the new system to translate to and from Hokkien and English. The team trained its AI models on written text examples from another version of Chinese, Mandarin, which is similar to Hokkien.



In addition, Meta developers used an encoding tool designed to compare spoken Hokkien to similar English text. The team also worked closely with Hokkien speakers to make sure the results were correct.

Meta said it aims to use the same methods used for Hokkien to create speech-to-speech translation systems for many more languages in the future.

The company said, however, that its Hokkien translation model “is still a work in progress.” It noted that the system is currently only able to translate one full sentence at a time.



Words in This Story


translate – v. to change words from one language into another

artificial intelligence – n. the development of computer systems with the ability to perform work that normally requires human intelligence

text – n. written words

convert – adj. to change the appearance, form or purpose of something

encode – vto represent complex information in a simple or short way









Colorado Could Become First US State to Reuse Water


































コロラド州キャッスルロックにある105 West Brewing Co.のオーナーは、ビールを開けて味見した後、今度は他の人たちにこのビールを振る舞いました。








Colorado Could Become First US State to Reuse Water

Eric Seufert, owner and manager of 105 West Brewing Co., poses for a photo at his brewery room Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022, in Castle Rock, Colo. (AP Photo/Brittany Peterson)

Colorado’s water quality agency recently gave early approval to rules about direct potable reuse. It is a process of treating sewage and sending it directly for use without first putting it in a large water body.

Should the move be approved in a final vote in November, the western state would become the first in the United States to adopt direct potable reuse rules, state and federal officials say.

Kevin Reidy of the Colorado Water Conservation Board said that as Colorado's population increases, drinking water reuse is an important way to deal with reduced water supplies.

The water reuse treatment process usually involves disinfecting wastewater with ozone gas or ultraviolet light to remove viruses and bacteria. Then the water is put through barriers with very small openings, or pores, that remove solids and dangerous materials known as contaminants.

The process is gaining interest as communities deal with long periods without enough rain. While many U.S. states do not directly forbid this kind of water reuse, statewide rules could bring quicker adoption, said Reidy.

There are no exact federal rules for direct potable reuse. However, reuse projects must meet federal health rules for drinking water.

Florida, California and Arizona are now working on rules for direct potable water reuse. And several other states are beginning the process or have existing projects. As the water level of the Colorado River continues to drop, Arizona faces deep water cuts, while pressure grows for California to give up more of its share.

Denver and Colorado Springs — Colorado's most populous cities — already recycle most of their water through exchanges with other cities and for non-drinking uses, such as watering parks. Both cities expect to someday reuse water for drinking purposes, but officials are concerned their reusable supplies from the stressed Colorado River soon could face cuts.

Greg Fisher of Denver Water was concerned about the time it takes to build a large direct potable reuse system.

“If you’ve built a big direct potable reuse system and you don’t have it even for a few years, that causes some problems,” he said.

“If we are relying on those reusable (drinking water) supplies to meet our customers’ needs, our ability to meet their needs is put at risk,” Fisher added.

Creative uses of recycled water

Still, some people in Colorado are already making creative use of recycled water.

When Eric Seufert brewed a test batch of beer in 2017 with water from recycled sewage, he was not too concerned about the outcome. The engineering company that contacted him about the test explained the process, and together they drank samples of recycled water. Seufert quickly understood the process was not too different from how water is normally treated.

“Every … river in this country has someone putting in their wastewater after they’ve treated it,” he said.

After opening the beer and having a taste, the owner of 105 West Brewing Co. in Castle Rock, Colorado now served it to others.

Seufert already knows he can make good beer from recycled water. He is more worried about keeping the cost of business down.

“I’m concerned that the resources will be there for the planned growth in an affordable way for this region,” Seufert said. “But, as of now, I trust that” state officials “are working on it.”



Words in This Story

sewage – n. waste material (such as human urine and feces) that is carried away from homes and other buildings in a system of pipes

wastewater – n. water that has been used in a home or business

recycle – v. to use (something) again; to make something new from (something that has been used before)

batch – n. an amount of something that is made at one time

sample – n. a small amount of something that gives you information about the thing it was taken from

affordable – adj. not costly, inexpensive

region – n. a part of a country, of the world, etc., that is different or separate from other parts in some way








Britain’s Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns after Six Weeks

October 20, 2022









トラス氏は、「私は当選したときの委任を果たすことができません」 と述べました。彼女は、「したがって、私は保守党のリーダーを辞任することを通知するために国王陛下に話しています。」と述べました。






※ be not up to the job: その仕事には向かない


その前日、トラス氏は "ファイターであり、諦めない "と政権維持を約束したばかりでした。トラス氏は謝罪し、就任して6週間の間に過ちを犯したことを認めました。しかし、プログラムを変更することによって、"国の経済的安定のために責任を取り、正しい決定をした "と彼女は述べます。












Britain’s Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns after Six Weeks

British Prime Minister Liz Truss announces her resignation, as her husband Hugh O'Leary stands nearby, outside Number 10 Downing Street, London, Britain October 20, 2022. (REUTERS/Henry Nicholls)

British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned Thursday after only six weeks in office.

Truss was brought down by economic policy that shook financial markets and divided her Conservative Party.

A party leadership election will be completed within the next week to replace Truss. She will be the shortest-serving prime minister in Britain's history. The earlier record-holder, George Canning, died in office after 119 days in 1827.

Truss said, “I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected.” She said, “I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative Party.”

Conservative lawmakers have increasingly called on Truss to step down after she was forced to drop most of her economic policy. The program announced on September 23 sent the British pound lower, creating disorder in the financial markets.

“It’s time for the prime minister to go,” said lawmaker Miriam Cates. Another, Steve Double, said of Truss: “She isn’t up to the job, sadly.” And legislator Ruth Edwards said, “it is not responsible for the party to allow her to remain in power.”

Just a day earlier Truss had promised to stay in power, saying she was “a fighter and not a quitter.” Truss apologized and admitted she had made mistakes during her six weeks in office. But she said that by changing the program she had “taken responsibility and made the right decisions in the interest of the country’s economic stability.”

But Truss could not hold on after a senior minister quit her government and a vote in the House of Commons turned chaotic.

Truss was elected leader of the Conservatives and became Prime Minister following the resignation of Boris Johnson. Party lawmakers said her most likely replacement could be former finance minister Rishi Sunak, or Penny Mordaunt, who came third in the race to become the next prime minister six weeks ago.

A national election does not have to be held until 2024. But opposition leader Keir Starmer of the Labor Party said, “Britain cannot afford the chaos of the Conservatives anymore. We need a general election now.”



Words in This Story

mandate –n. the power to act that voters give to elected leaders

allow –v. to permit something to happen

chaotic –adj. in a state of complete disorder











Israeli Company Thinks Europe Is Ready for 'New' Meat

October 17, 2022

















3D printed plant-based vegan meat dishes, produced by Israeli start-up Redefine Meat, are displayed in Rehovot, Israel October 6, 2022. (REUTERS/Nir Elias)
3D printed plant-based vegan meat dishes, produced by Israeli start-up Redefine Meat, are displayed in Rehovot, Israel October 6, 2022. (REUTERS/Nir Elias)
2022年10月6日、イスラエルのレホボトで展示された、イスラエルのスタートアップ企業「Redefine Meat」が製造した3Dプリントによる植物由来のビーガン用肉料理。(REUTERS/Nir Elias)






「我々の製品が、高品質の肉を販売しているジラウディミート社から販売されるようになったということは、ビーガン製品に妥協がないことを示しているのです」 と彼は言っています。




FILE - Vegetarian sausages from Beyond Meat Inc, the vegan burger maker, are shown for sale at a market in Encinitas, California, U.S., June 5, 2019. (REUTERS//File Photo)
FILE - Vegetarian sausages from Beyond Meat Inc, the vegan burger maker, are shown for sale at a market in Encinitas, California, U.S., June 5, 2019. (REUTERS//File Photo)
FILE - 米カリフォルニア州エンシニータスのマーケットで販売されている、ビーガンバーガーメーカーのビヨンド・ミート社のベジタリアンソーセージを示す(2019年6月5日撮影)。(REUTERS//ファイルフォト)







Israeli Company Thinks Europe Is Ready for 'New' Meat

The physical attributes of 3D printed plant-based vegan meat produced by Israeli start-up Redefine Meat are compared with traditional meat in a laboratory in Rehovot, Israel October 6, 2022. (REUTERS/Nir Elias)

People in Europe are soon to have another choice when looking for meat at food stores or choosing a meal at a restaurant.

Instead of the usual meat from an animal, they may soon be able to buy a kind made from plants and formed by computers.

The technology uses equipment called a 3-D printer. That kind of printer creates real objects of different materials - not just paper.

The Israeli company Redefine Meat makes the substitute meat. It reached a deal recently with Italy-based importer Giraudi Meats.

Redefine Meat makes an “alternative” food product that it says looks and tastes like meat. It contains plant material like soy, beets, pea protein and coconut fat. It is shaped by the printer to look like meat.

Giraudi Meats is known for bringing in high quality meat from animals and selling it in food stores all around Europe.

Redefine Meat makes its products near Tel Aviv and at a factory in the Netherlands. Its meat will be available at shops and restaurants in France this month. Next it will be sold in Italy, Greece and Sweden.

3D printed plant-based vegan meat dishes, produced by Israeli start-up Redefine Meat, are displayed in Rehovot, Israel October 6, 2022. (REUTERS/Nir Elias)
3D printed plant-based vegan meat dishes, produced by Israeli start-up Redefine Meat, are displayed in Rehovot, Israel October 6, 2022. (REUTERS/Nir Elias)

The product, called New Meat, is already sold in Great Britain, Germany and the Netherlands. Some restaurants pay $40 per kilogram for the New Meat.

A Redefine Meat founder and leader, Eshchar Ben-Shitrit, says the food has all the qualities of real meat just manufactured in a different way. And, he says that production capacity would reach more than 15 metric tons a day this year.

"The fact that our products are now being sold by Giraudi Meats, the same people who sell high-quality meat, shows that they are not compromise vegan products," he said.

Success is not guaranteed in the substitute meat market, however. Another company that makes such products is United States-based Beyond Meat. Over the summer, Beyond Meat said it did not expect sales of its product in 2022 to reach the number it sought. The American company said it will reduce its number of employees and cut other costs.

FILE - Vegetarian sausages from Beyond Meat Inc, the vegan burger maker, are shown for sale at a market in Encinitas, California, U.S., June 5, 2019. (REUTERS//File Photo)
FILE - Vegetarian sausages from Beyond Meat Inc, the vegan burger maker, are shown for sale at a market in Encinitas, California, U.S., June 5, 2019. (REUTERS//File Photo)

Plant-based meats are seen as better for animals and the environment. But after early interest, business experts say people are not often buying alternative meats.

They think that is because alternative meats are more costly than traditional meats in a time where people around the world are worried about rising food costs.



Words in This Story

alternative –adj. different from something traditional

founder –n. a person who starts a company or begins something new









Europe Seeks African Energy Supplies to Replace Russian Natural Gas

October 14,2022








ポーランドとドイツの首脳が、アフリカ西岸に建設中の新しい liquefied natural gas液化天然ガス (LNG)プロジェクトを視察に訪れました。




この新鉱区が、ロシアのウクライナ戦争による欧州のエネルギー危機の解決には役立ちません。しかし、プロジェクトの共同開発者であるBPの幹部、ゴードン・ビレル氏は、この開発は "これ以上ないほどタイムリー "だと述べています。ヨーロッパは、工場や発電所、家庭の暖房に使うロシアの天然ガスの使用を減らそうとしているからです。












An oil platform in Israel's offshore Leviathan gas field is seen from on board the Israeli Navy Ship Atzmaut as a submarine patrols, in the Mediterranean Sea, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021.(AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
An oil platform in Israel's offshore Leviathan gas field is seen from on board the Israeli Navy Ship Atzmaut as a submarine patrols, in the Mediterranean Sea, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021.(AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
イスラエルの沖合リヴァイアサン・ガス田の石油プラットフォームが、潜水艦がパトロールするイスラエル海軍艦船アッツマウトの船上から見える、2021年9月1日水曜日(AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)




セネガルのマッキー・サル 大統領は、アフリカ諸国がこれらのプロジェクトから利益を得ることを望んでいます。しかし、アフリカの指導者たちは、すべてのガスを輸出することを望んでいません — 推定6億人のアフリカ人が電気を欠いています。






「ロシアの年間生産量は2700億立方メートルで — これは巨大です。」カウビ氏は言います。「アルジェリアは1,200億立方メートルで、そのうち70.5パーセントが国内市場での消費を目的としています。」














Europe Seeks African Energy Supplies to Replace Russian Natural Gas

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrives for a round table meeting at an EU Summit in Prague, Czech Republic, on Oct 7, 2022. (AP Photo/Petr David Josek, File)

European leaders have been paying a lot of attention to natural gas projects in Africa. The interest comes at a time when European officials are trying to find new energy resources because of reduced natural gas flows from Russia.

New LNG project near Senegal

A new liquefied natural gas (LNG) project off Africa’s western coast has received visits from the leaders of Poland and Germany.

The field is about 80 percent complete. It is near Senegal and Mauritania’s coasts. It is expected to hold about 425 billion cubic meters of gas, five times more than what Germany used in all of 2019. But production is not expected to start until the end of next year.

The new field will not help solve Europe’s energy crisis caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine. But, Gordon Birrell, an executive for project co-developer BP, said the development “could not be more timely.” That is because Europe is seeking to reduce its use of Russian natural gas to power factories, generate electricity and heat homes.

“Current world events are demonstrating the vital role that (liquid gas) can play in underpinning the energy security of nations and regions,” he told an energy industry meeting in West Africa last month.

Europe aims to strike new deals

The 27-nation European Union is getting ready for the possibility of a complete Russian gas cutoff. EU energy ministers have been debating price limits on energy prices in recent weeks. European leaders have visited Norway, Qatar, Azerbaijan and especially countries in North Africa, where Algeria has a pipeline running to Italy and another to Spain.

In July, Italy signed a $4 billion gas deal with Algeria. The deal came one month after Egypt reached an agreement with the EU and Israel to increase sales of LNG. Angola also has signed a gas deal with Italy.

An oil platform in Israel's offshore Leviathan gas field is seen from on board the Israeli Navy Ship Atzmaut as a submarine patrols, in the Mediterranean Sea, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021.(AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
An oil platform in Israel's offshore Leviathan gas field is seen from on board the Israeli Navy Ship Atzmaut as a submarine patrols, in the Mediterranean Sea, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021.(AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

An earlier agreement will let Italy’s biggest energy company start production at two Algerian gas fields this week. But, experts said it is not clear when production will start from the July deal.

Senegalese President Macky Sall wants African countries to benefit from these projects. But African leaders do not want to export all their gas — an estimated 600 million Africans lack electricity.

“It is legitimate, fair and equitable that Africa, the continent that pollutes the least and lags furthest behind in the industrialization process should exploit its available resources to provide basic energy,” Sall told the U.N. General Assembly last month.

Algeria is a major gas supplier. In 2020, Algeria and Egypt made up 60 percent of the natural gas production in Africa. But Algeria cannot make up for Russian gas cuts to Europe, said Mahfoud Kaoubi. He is a professor of economics at the University of Algiers.

“Russia has an annual production of 270 billion cubic meters — it’s huge,” Kaoubi said. “Algeria is 120 billion cubic meters, of which 70.50 percent is intended for consumption on the internal market.”

Egypt also is looking to export more natural gas to Europe. The country is even limiting energy for shopping center air conditioners and streetlights so it can export gas.

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said Egypt hopes to bring in an additional $450 million a month in foreign currency. State media reported that he wants Egypt to use 15 percent less energy at home so it can be exported.

And a new, three-party deal calls for Israel to send more gas to Europe through Egypt, which can liquefy it for export by sea. The EU says it will help the two countries increase gas production and exploration.



Words in This Story


vital – adj. extremely important

underpin – v. to strengthen or support (something) from below

region – n. a part of a country, of the world, etc., that is different or separate from other parts in some way

benefit – v. to be useful or helpful to (someone or something)

legitimate—adj. fair or reasonable; allowed according to rules or laws

lag – v. to move more slowly than others

exploit -- v. to use (someone or something) in a way that helps you

consumption – n. the use of something (such as fuel)