














NASA to Launch Newest Mars Explorer to Seek Signs of Life










サンプルを収集するミッションは2026年に計画されています。NASAは、地球に戻れば、「火星に送るには大きすぎて複雑な機器でサンプルを調査することができる 」と述べています。









インジャニューァティプロジェクトのリーダーであるミミ・アウン氏は、AP通信に、ヘリコプターは、雛鳥のように 飛び出し、 地表から約3mの高さまで上昇しようとします、 その後、惑星の非常に薄い大気圏に 突入しようと試みるでしょう。 他にも飛行テストが行われ、その都度少しずつ高く、遠くへの飛行を試みます。アウン氏は、「ライト兄弟の瞬間のようなものだ」と語ってくれました。


















七つの首長国から成るUAEアラブ諸国として初めて探査機を火星に送り込む。米航空宇宙局 (NASA)によると、今年10月に火星は地球から約6200万キロにまで近づく。火星と地球が接近する期間を利用しようと、UAEの他に中国と米国も今月火星探査機を打ち上げる予定になっている。 UAEの火星探査機ホープアラビア語ではアルアマル)は、UAEの建国50周年に当たる2021年2月に火星を回る軌道に投入され、火星の1年(地球の約687日に相当)にわたって火星を周回する計画。








三菱重工は2016年、UAEのドバイ政府宇宙機関(MBRSC)からHOPEの打ち上げ輸送サービスを受注。H2Aの海外顧客からの受注は4件目で、同国からの受注は40号機の観測衛星「ハリーファサット」に続き2件目となる。 (上記記事より抜粋)










NASA to Launch Newest Mars Explorer to Seek Signs of Life

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket that will launch to Mars arrives at Space Launch Complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Tuesday, July 28, 2020, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux

The United States is preparing to return to the planet Mars. The U.S. space agency NASA plans to have a spacecraft, called Perseverance, deploy a rover on the planet’s surface. The vehicle has been called the brainiest Martian rover yet. NASA officials say its mission will be to search for signs of life on the Red Planet.

This will be the space agency’s fifth rover to explore Mars. The first, named Sojourner, was sent in 1997. Then came Spirit and Opportunity, which landed in 2004. The fourth rover, Curiosity, has been exploring the planet since 2012.

The missions have resulted in valuable information. The vehicles helped gather data showing Mars was not always the cold and empty place it is today. Experiments provided evidence that at one time, the planet held several chemical elements that may have supported life. These included running water, organic molecules, and a more favorable climate.

In this Dec. 17, 2019 file photo made available by NASA, engineers monitor a driving test for the Mars rover Perseverance in a clean room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. (J. Krohn/NASA via AP, File)
In this Dec. 17, 2019 file photo made available by NASA, engineers monitor a driving test for the Mars rover Perseverance in a clean room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. (J. Krohn/NASA via AP, File)


In 2018, Curiosity found large amounts of organic molecules in 3.5 billion-year-old rock in an area that once had a large lake. Scientists have yet to show that the molecules were a product of biological processes linked to life as we know it.

NASA says Perseverance “aims to take the next step” in searching for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will also study the planet’s climate and surface materials.

Perseverance is NASA’s largest, heaviest and most technology-loaded vehicle ever sent to Mars. The six-wheeled rover is three meters long, a little over two meters tall and weighs 1,000 kilograms. It has 19 cameras, two microphones and a two-meter-long robotic arm.



A machine connected to the robotic arm will drill down into the surface to gather rock and soil samples. These particles will then be put in special tubes and stored away for eventual return to Earth. NASA says the tubes went through an extreme cleaning and baking process to remove any microorganisms from Earth.

A mission to collect the samples is planned for 2026. NASA said that back on Earth, “we can investigate the samples with instruments too large and complex to send to Mars.”

The rover is equipped with X-ray and imaging systems to study the chemical makeup of Martian surface materials and to identify possible organic compounds.

It will be a long trip for Perseverance, which is expected to reach the Jezero Crater on Mars in February 2021. The area is 45 kilometers wide and sits just north of the planet’s equator.

FILE: Formations made by water and sediment are seen in the Jezero Crater on Mars, the landing site for the Perseverance rover, in this false color image taken by NASA, published on May 15, 2019 and obtained November 15, 2019. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/Handout)
FILE: Formations made by water and sediment are seen in the Jezero Crater on Mars, the landing site for the Perseverance rover, in this false color image taken by NASA, published on May 15, 2019 and obtained November 15, 2019. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/Handout)


Researchers suspect that a river flowed into a large body of water at Jezero between 3 and 4 billion years ago. This was the main reason the crater was chosen for the Perseverance mission, notes NASA project scientist Ken Farley.

The crater area is a promising place “for finding organic molecules and other potential signs of microbial life,” he added.

One experiment planned for Perseverance will involve a device designed to convert carbon dioxide from Mars’ atmosphere into oxygen. The experiment aims to demonstrate a way to produce the important gas, which could be used by astronauts or as fuel on future missions.

This illustration made available by NASA depicts the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter on the red planet's surface near the Perseverance rover, left. NASA is upping the ante with its newest rover headed to Mars. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)
This illustration made available by NASA depicts the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter on the red planet's surface near the Perseverance rover, left. NASA is upping the ante with its newest rover headed to Mars. (NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)


Perseverance also is carrying a small experimental helicopter called Ingenuity. NASA says the 1.8 kilogram-aircraft will attempt its first flight a few months after arrival on Mars. NASA officials hope it will be the first helicopter to ever fly on another planet.

Ingenuity project leader MiMi Aung told The Associated Press the helicopter will start out like a baby bird, attempting to rise about 3 meters off the surface. It will then try to push forward into the planet’s extremely thin atmosphere. Other flight tests will be carried out, with Ingenuity trying to go a little higher and farther each time. “It really is like the Wright brothers’ moment,” Aung said.

If the tests are successful, such helicopters could assist astronauts on future search and collection missions.



Words in This Story


mission – n. an important task, usually involving travel somewhere

microbial – adj. relating to microbes (very small living things)

data – n. information, especially facts or numbers

drillv. to make holes in hard materials with a machine​

sample – n. a small amount of something to represent what the rest is or should be like

baking – n. making something hot by heating it

crater – n. a big hole

equator – n. an imaginary line drawn around the middle of a planet

potential adj. having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future​

convert – v. to cause to change in form