

Valentine's Day! & 片思い

Tourch Songs   Tourdh Singers

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勉強になります。ふだんの会話に使えるフレーズでいっぱいの今日のVOA, Words and Their Stories from VOA Learning English !!




Let's get started for today's study!!! with love!!!










'Carrying a Torch for Someone' Can Hurt A Lot

55 minutes ago /2021/2/14









バレンタインデーを利用して、誰かへの愛を宣言する人もいます。ただ、注意が必要です。愛の宣言は真剣な行動です。また、好きな人が友達でもある場合は、友情を危険にさらすことになりかねません。一旦「愛してる 」と言ったら、もう後戻りはできません。言い換えれば there is no putting that genie back in the bottle.(明らかになったことは、元に戻らない)














イギリスの”松明”は アメリカの”松明”とは違う


イギリス英語では、トーチとは単純な懐中電灯のことです。しかし、アメリカでは、トーチとは、火、または炎を棒につけたものです。you carry a torch for someoneと言うことは、その人への燃えるような愛を心の中に持っているということです。しかし、たいていの場合、あなたはその人を遠くから密かに愛しています。そして、その強い気持ちは返ってこないことが多いのです。


私たちは、このタイプの失恋を表現するための特別な方法があります -unrequited love( 片思い)。それは--  本当には言っていない、返されない愛を言う高度な方法です。私は、どこにも行かない暗い、孤独な、行き止まりの道を下って一方向に旅する愛のようにunrequited love 片思いの愛を記述するのが好きです。


Carry a torch


1900年代初頭には  "to carry a torch for someone" という慣用句が使われるようになりました。同じ頃 “torch song” and “torch singer” も一般的な用語になりました。私たちの多くは、誰かを密かに恋したことがあります。だからtorch songs (感傷的な失恋、片思いの歌)が一般的になったのです。

Baby, baby, baby!

Baby, baby, baby!

Give me love,

Come back to me,

Come back to me ...






Torch singers たちの歌声は、片思いの愛の炎が心の奥底で燃えているように、まるで痛みに満ちているかのように聞こえます。Torch songs は、あなたが愛する人があなたを愛し返してくれることを心から憧れ--願い、期待に満ちています。



Out of the Blue




Tourch Songs






'Carrying a Torch for Someone' Can Hurt A Lot


In this July 31, 2015, file photo, a full moon rises behind the torch of the Statue of Liberty as seen from Liberty State Park in Jersey City, N.J. But what does it mean "to carry a torch for someone"? Read on to find out! (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

February 14 is Valentine’s Day in the United States!

For many people, it is a romantic day. It’s the day to show your love for that special someone in your life, usually a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife.

Of course, you should do that every day. But on Valentine’s Day there is a special pressure to do so with a gift. Popular gifts for this holiday include flowers, candy and a card or maybe a nice dinner out in a restaurant.

Some people use Valentine’s Day to declare their love for someone. Just be careful. A declaration of love is a serious move. And, if the person you love is also a friend, you may put your friendship at risk. There is no turning back once you say the words, “I love you.” In other words, there is no putting that genie back in the bottle.

Or maybe it happens the other way around for you. Maybe Valentine’s Day is the day you find out that you have a secret admirer. That happened to me once and it was very awkward.

One Valentine’s Day many years ago, an old flame of mine showed up at my door unexpectedly, out of the blue. In one hand he had chocolates, in the other some beautiful flowers. He told me that he never stopped thinking of me and that he still loved me. I was shocked. I had not seen him in over a year. Then my shock turned to pity because I did not feel the same way. While he had carried a torch for me for all those months, I had gotten over him a long time ago.

Still, I invited him in for a cup of tea. After all, he had just flown into town. When I told him that I did not feel the same way, he did not waste a minute. He turned to my roommate, handed her the flowers and asked, “What about you?”

Both of us shouted the same thing.

“Get out!”

So, I guess he wasn’t carrying a torch for me after all.

British "torch" not the same as American "torch"

In British English, a torch is a simple flashlight. But in the U.S., a torch is fire, or a flame, on a stick. If you say you carry a torch for someone, you mean you are carrying a flaming love for them in your heart. But usually, you secretly love them from a distance. And often, those strong feelings are not returned.

We have a special way to describe this type of heartbreak – unrequited love. That is an advanced way of saying unreturned love -- which we don’t really say. I like to describe unrequited love as love traveling in one direction down a dark, lonely, dead-end street, going nowhere.

Carry a torch

People started using the idiom "to carry a torch for someone" in the early 1900s. Around the same time, “torch song” and “torch singer” also became common terms. Many of us have carried a torch for someone. That is why torch songs became common.

Baby, baby, baby!

Baby, baby, baby!

Give me love,

Come back to me,

Come back to me ...

Torch singers sound as if they are filled with pain as the unrequited flame of love burns deeply inside them. Torch songs are filled with yearning -- wishing and hoping with all your heart that the person you love will love you back.




Words in This Story


romantic – adj. of, relating to, or involving love between two people

declare – v. to say or state (something) in an official or public way : to say (something) in a strong and confident way

put the genie back in the bottle – phrase Try to suppress something that has already been revealed or done

secret admirer – n. someone who shows that he or she thinks highly of a person (as by sending flowers) but keeps his or her identity a secret from that person

awkward – adj. likely to embarrass

old flame – n. a former lover

pity – n. sympathetic sorrow for one suffering, distressed, or unhappy

carried a torch – phrase : To be in love with someone, especially secretly and/or unrequitedly.