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US Investigates Crashes Involving Tesla Cars Using ‘Autopilot’


















NHTSAは、オンラインで公開された文書で調査を開始したことを発表しました。テスラは公式にコメントしていません。テスラの社長であるイーロン・マスク氏は、オートパイロットシステムを繰り返し擁護してきました。4月には、オートパイロットを使用しているテスラ車は、"現在、(平均的な)車よりも事故の確率が10倍低くなっている "とツイートしています。






フランスの報道機関AFPに対する声明の中で、NHTSAの広報担当者は、"現在市販されている自動車には、自分で運転できるものはない "ということを一般の人々に知ってもらいたいと述べています。 

同報道官は、運転支援プログラムは安全性を向上させ、ドライバーが事故を回避したり、事故の重症度を軽減したりすることができると指摘しています。しかし、広報担当者は、"自動車に搭載されているすべての技術や機器と同様に、ドライバーはそれらを正しく、責任を持って使用しなければならない "と付け加えています。


NTSBのジェニファー・オメンディー委員長は、NHTSAの新しい調査を賞賛しました。ホメンディ委員長によると、NTSBはNHTSAに対し、運転支援システムの基準を策定するよう求めています。また、自動車メーカーに対しては、"自動車両制御システムの使用を、そのシステムが設計された条件に限定するシステムセーフガード "の使用を要求しています。非営利団体「Center for Auto Safety」の代表であるJason Levine氏も、今回の調査を歓迎しています。同氏は、NHTSAがようやく長年の要求に応え、「衝突や負傷、死亡につながるような悪用が予見される技術を道路に投入したテスラを調査すべきだ」と述べました。さらにLevine氏は、調査の対象を緊急車両以外の事故にも拡大すべきだと考えています。 


















The US Investigates Crashes Involving Tesla Cars Using ‘Autopilot’

The agency closed an earlier investigation into Autopilot in 2017 without taking any action. After its new investigation, the NHTSA could decide again to take no action. Or it could demand a vehicle recall, which could place limits on how, when and where Autopilot operates.

In a statement to the French press agency AFP, an NHTSA spokesperson said the agency wants the public to know that "no commercially available motor vehicles today are capable of driving themselves."

The spokesperson noted that driver assistance programs can improve safety, help drivers avoid accidents and reduce the severity of crashes. But the spokesperson added that, “as with all technologies and equipment on motor vehicles, drivers must use them correctly and responsibly."

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has said Autopilot was operating in at least three deadly Tesla crashes in the U.S. since 2016. It has criticized Tesla's lack of system safeguards for Autopilot, and NHTSA's failure to take steps to ensure the safety of the system.

This July 8, 2018, file photo shows Tesla 2018 Model 3 sedans sitting on display outside a Tesla showroom in Littleton, Colo. (AP Photo/David Zalubowsi, File


The U.S. government is investigating a series of crashes involving Tesla cars that were using the American automaker’s driver assistance systems.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said this week it had identified 11 crashes involving Tesla models that struck emergency vehicles that were parked on the road. Those accidents resulted in one death and 17 injuries.

Three of the 11 crashes took place in California, while others were in Florida, Texas, Massachusetts and other states. The four latest crashes happened in 2021, including one in July.

The NHTSA said it had confirmed that the Tesla cars involved were using either the company’s Autopilot or Traffic-Aware Cruise Control systems just before the crashes. Both systems use a series of cameras and sensors to assist drivers.

In this April 2, 2021 file photo new electric cars are parked at a Tesla delivery location and service center in Corte Madera, Calif. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, file)

In this April 2, 2021 file photo new electric cars are parked at a Tesla delivery location and service center in Corte Madera, Calif. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, file)

Tesla says its Autopilot system is designed to permit full self-driving capabilities. But the company says when using this tool, drivers should still keep their hands on the steering wheel and be ready to take control if the system fails to work.

When turned on, Autopilot requires drivers to agree to keep their hands on the steering wheel at all times. The system also includes sensors to identify pressure on the steering wheel and issues warnings if it thinks the driver is not holding the wheel.

The company’s Traffic-Aware Cruise Control is designed to keep the vehicle at similar speeds as surrounding traffic.

The NHTSA said most of the accidents took place after dark. But it noted that the parked emergency vehicles used safety measures, such as flashing lights, flares or road markers.



The agency said the investigation will cover 765,000 Tesla vehicles. That number includes nearly every vehicle the company has sold in the U.S. since the start of the 2014 model year.

The NHTSA announced it had begun its investigation in documents published online.

Tesla has not officially commented. Telsa chief Elon Musk has repeatedly defended the Autopilot system. In April, he tweeted that Tesla vehicles using Autopilot were “now approaching 10 times lower chance of accident than (an) average vehicle."

now approaching 10 times lower chance of accident than (an) average vehicle."



 The agency closed an earlier investigation into Autopilot in 2017 without taking any action. After its new investigation, the NHTSA could decide again to take no action. Or it could demand a vehicle recall, which could place limits on how, when and where Autopilot operates.In a statement to the French press agency AFP, an NHTSA spokesperson said the agency wants the public to know that "no commercially available motor vehicles today are capable of driving themselves."The spokesperson noted that driver assistance programs can improve safety, help drivers avoid accidents and reduce the severity of crashes. But the spokesperson added that, “as with all technologies and equipment on motor vehicles, drivers must use them correctly and responsibly."The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has said Autopilot was operating in at least three deadly Tesla crashes in the U.S. since 2016. It has criticized Tesla's lack of system safeguards for Autopilot, and NHTSA's failure to take steps to ensure the safety of the system.


A Tesla charges at a station in Topeka, Kan., Monday, April 5, 2021. The president and the auto industry maintain the nation is on the cusp of a gigantic shift to electric vehicles and away from liquid-fueled cars, but biofuels producers and some of their

A Tesla charges at a station in Topeka, Kan., Monday, April 5, 2021. The president and the auto industry maintain the nation is on the cusp of a gigantic shift to electric vehicles and away from liquid-fueled cars, but biofuels producers and some of their

The chair of the NTSB, Jennifer Homendy, praised the NHTSA’s new investigation. She said the board has urged the agency to develop standards for driver assistance systems. It has also called for requirements for automakers to use “system safeguards that limit the use of automated vehicle control systems to those conditions for which they were designed."Jason Levine, head of the nonprofit Center for Auto Safety, also welcomed the new investigation. He said the NHTSA had finally answered longstanding calls “to investigate Tesla for putting technology on the road that will be foreseeably misused in a way that is leading to crashes, injuries, and deaths.” Levine added that he thinks the investigation should be expanded to include crashes beyond those just involving emergency vehicles. 




Words in This Story

 park – v. to leave a vehicle in a particular place for a period of time
steering – n. the controlling of a vehicle in one direction or another
flash – v. to shine brightly and suddenly
flare – n. a piece of safety equipment that produces a bright signal
approach – v. to come close in distance or time
recall – v. to order the return of something
commercial – adj. relating to buying and selling things
automate –v. to use machines and computers instead of people to do something
foreseeable – adj. as far in the future as you can imagine