






Türkiye [tɜːkijɛ]  





トルコは ‘Türkiye‘’として知られることを望んでいる(和訳)

Turkey Wants to Be Known as ‘Türkiye’

June 07,2022





現在、その名称は "Türkiye "です。  ※Türkiye [tɜːkijɛ]




"Türkiye "はトルコ語で国名を発音する方法です。この動きは、トルコが七面鳥やそれに関連するいくつかの好ましくない意味から自らを切り離そうとする動きの一部と見られています。


12月、レジェップ・タイップ・エルドアン大統領は、トルコの文化や価値観をよりよく表すために”Türkiye”を使用するよう命じました。この命令には、輸出製品に”Made in Turkey”の代わりに”Made in Türkiye”を使用するよう要求することも含まれていました。トルコの政府機関は公式文書に”Türkiye”を使い始めました。



今年初め、政府は英語での名称変更に向けた取り組みの一環として、あるビデオを公開しました。このビデオでは、世界各地から訪れた観光客が有名な場所で「ハロー・トゥルキエ」と声をかけている様子が映し出されています。政府関係者によると、"国際的なプラットフォームにおいて、国の名称として’Türkiye’の使用をより効果的に促進するために "このキャンペーンを始めたということです。



Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stands with a military honour guard, in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 1, 2022. Cavusoglu sent a letter to the U.N. formally requesting that his country be referred to as "Türkiye," the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stands with a military honour guard, in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 1, 2022. Cavusoglu sent a letter to the U.N. formally requesting that his country be referred to as "Türkiye," the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)
2022年6月1日(水)、トルコのアンカラで、軍の儀仗兵とともに立つメヴルト・カヴソグル外相。カヴソグル氏は国連に書簡を送り、自国を「Türkiye」と表記するよう正式に要請したと、国営通信が報じた。(AP写真/Burhan Ozbilici)



  ※  Czech  [tʃek] /  Czechia [ˈt͡ʃɛkiə]


トルコの英語国営放送TRT Worldは、"Türkiye "という名称を使うようになりました。しかし、この変更に慣れるにつれ、ジャーナリストが誤って "Turkey "と言ってしまうこともあるそうです。


TRTワールドは今年初めの記事で、この決定について説明しています。ネットで”Turkey”と検索すると、北アメリカ原産の大型鳥である七面鳥に関連する他の結果が表示されるのだとTRTワールドは言っています。同ネットワークは、ケンブリッジ辞典では、"turkey "は "ひどく失敗するもの "や "愚かな人、愚かな人 "として定義されていると付け加えています。


TRT Worldは、トルコ人は自国が "Türkiye "と呼ばれることを好むと主張し、"他人がどのように認識すべきかを決めるという国の目的に沿っている "と述べました。







Turkey Wants to Be Known as ‘Türkiye’
People sit at Kugulu public garden decorated with national flags and images of Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, in Ankara, Turkey June 2, 2022. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

The United Nations confirmed earlier this month that it had accepted a request from Turkey to change the country’s official name.

Now, its name is "Türkiye."

Stéphane Dujarric is a spokesman for the U.N. secretary general. He said that the change was in effect “from the moment” they received the request letter. The information came from the Turkish news organization Anadolu Agency.

“Türkiye” is how the country’s name is pronounced in Turkish. The move is seen as part of a push by Turkey to separate itself from the turkey bird and some undesirable meanings related with it.

In December, president Recep Tayyip Erdogan ordered the use of “Türkiye” to better represent Turkish culture and values. The order included a demand that “Made in Türkiye” be used instead of “Made in Turkey” on exported products. Turkish government agencies began using “Türkiye” in official documents.

Earlier this year, the government released a video as part of its efforts to change its name in English. The video shows visitors from around the world saying “Hello Türkiye” at famous places. Government officials said they began the campaign “to promote more effectively the use of ‘Türkiye’ as the country’s national and international name on international platforms.”

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stands with a military honour guard, in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 1, 2022. Cavusoglu sent a letter to the U.N. formally requesting that his country be referred to as "Türkiye," the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stands with a military honour guard, in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, June 1, 2022. Cavusoglu sent a letter to the U.N. formally requesting that his country be referred to as "Türkiye," the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

It is not clear whether the name will become widely used internationally. In 2016, the Czech Republic officially registered its shortened name, Czechia. While some international organizations use the name, many still refer to the country as the Czech Republic.

Turkey’s English-language state broadcaster TRT World has started using the name “Türkiye.” But sometimes journalists will accidentally say the word “Turkey” as they get used to the change.

TRT World explained the decision in an article earlier this year. They said that searching for “Turkey” online brings up other results related to the turkey, a large bird native to North America. The network added that in the Cambridge Dictionary, “turkey” is defined as “something that fails badly” or “a stupid or silly person.”

TRT World argued that Turks prefer their country to be called “Türkiye,” in “keeping with the country’s aims of determining how others should identify it.”




Words in This Story

promote – v. to help something to grow or develop

platform – n. a means or opportunity to communicate ideas or information to a group of people