



ですが、 同氏は2024年の大統領選に再出馬を表明しキャンペーンを行なっています。







1月6日 委員会がトランプ前大統領の起訴を示唆(和訳)

January 6 Committee Suggests Charges for Former President Trump






容疑は、米国をconspiracy to defraud詐取する陰謀、議会のobstruction of an official proceeding公式手続きの妨害、虚偽陳述の陰謀、そしてinsurrection暴動の幇助などです。


刑事照会と呼ばれる措置は、民主党7人、共和党2人で構成される委員会の最終会合で行われました。民主党の党首が、共和党の2人を含むすべての委員を選びました。同委員会は、共和党が下院を支配する1月3日にdissolve 解散する予定です。


ミシシッピ州のベニー・トンプソン委員長は、「この委員会の活動が正義への道筋を示すのに役立つと確信しています 」と述べました。


トンプソン氏は、トランプ氏が "2020年の選挙に負け、それを知っていた "と述べ、”しかし彼は、結果を覆し、権力の移譲を阻止するための複数のscheme 計画を通じて、政権に留まろうとすることを選んだ ”と付け加えました。トランスファーとは、あるグループから別のグループへの権力の交換を意味します。






報告書の短縮版では、トランプを”1月6日の中心的原因”と呼び、「1月6日の出来事のどれも、彼なしでは起こらなかっただろう 」と、しています。


トランプは選挙を覆すための "複数の陰謀 "に関与しているとしました。その中には、有権者の不正行為に関する虚偽の告発を意図的に広め、議会、司法省、そして副大統領に圧力をかけ、彼の努力に参加させることも含まれていました。委員会によると、この取り組みは、政権を維持するために選挙結果を覆すためのものでした。また、同委員会によると、トランプ氏は1月6日、支持者に議事堂から退去するよう伝えるのを拒否したと言います。報告書の全文は2日に発表される予定です。










1月6日の委員会の報告書について問われたホワイトハウスのカリーヌ・ジャンピエール報道官は、「大統領は我々の民主主義は継続し、依然として脅威の下にあると明言しています 」と述べています。彼女は、「委員会は、まさにその日に起こったことの真実に迫るために、重要な、超党派の仕事をしてきました。そうすることで、同じことが繰り返されないようにすることができるのです」と付け加えました。






January 6 Committee Suggests Charges for Former President Trump

A video presentation plays as the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol holds its final meeting on Capitol Hill, Dec. 19, 2022. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

The U.S. House of Representatives special committee investigating January 6 voted Monday to suggest four criminal charges against former President Donald Trump to the Justice Department.

The charges included conspiracy to defraud the United States, obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress, conspiracy to make a false statement, and aiding an insurrection.

The action, called a criminal referral, came in the final meeting of the committee made up of seven Democrats and two Republicans. The leader of the Democratic Party in the House chose all members of the committee including two Republicans. The committee will dissolve on January 3 when Republicans take control of the House.

Committee chair Bennie Thompson of Mississippi said, “We have every confidence that the work of this committee will help provide a roadmap to justice.”

Thompson said Trump “lost the 2020 election and knew it,” adding, “but he chose to try to stay in office through a multi-part scheme to overturn the results and block the transfer of power." Transfer means the exchange of power from one group to another.

Republican Representative Liz Cheney is the vice chairwoman of the special committee. She said in opening comments: “Every president in our history has defended this orderly transfer of authority, except one.’’

All nine committee members voted to approve its final report. The report will include its findings on the January 6, 2021, attack at the U.S. Capitol building.

A shortened version of the report called Trump the “central cause of Jan. 6th” saying, “None of the events of Jan. 6th would have happened without him.”

It said Trump engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to overturn the election. They included purposely spreading false accusations of voter fraud, pressuring Congress, the Justice Department, and his vice president to join his efforts. The efforts, the committee said, were meant to overturn election results to stay in power. The committee also said Trump refused to tell his supporters to leave the Capitol on January 6. The full report is expected to be released on Wednesday.

The criminal referrals by the committee have no real legal standing. The Justice Department must decide whether to bring legal action against Trump.

The criminal referrals by the committee, however, place additional pressure on Attorney General Merrick Garland and special counsel Jack Smith. Smith is investigating the events of January 6 and Trump’s actions.

Trump has already launched a campaign to run for president again in 2024. He has long said the committee is unfair and political.

Both the Justice Department and the Trump campaign did not immediately answer requests for comments from news agencies.

When asked about the January 6 committee’s report, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “The President has been very clear our democracy continues and remains under threat.” She added, “The committee has been doing important, bipartisan work to get to the truth of what happened on that very day so that we can make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

The Jan. 6 committee also suggested legal actions against five of Trump’s allies. They include Mark Meadows, his final chief of staff, and lawyers Rudolph Giuliani, John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark and Kenneth Chesebro.



Words in This Story

conspiracy –n. a secret plan by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal

defraud –v. to use criminal methods to get money, trick or cheat people

obstruction –n. (legal) the crime of preventing police or law enforcement from learning the truth about a matter being investigated

proceeding –n. (legal, often plural) the process of appearing before a court of law (usually) so that a decision can be made

insurrection –n. an often violent attempt to take control of a government

dissolve –v. to officially end something

scheme –n. a smart often dishonest plan to do something