


因みに:方言は dialect  , 訛りは accent


方言は、共通語に対して、ある特定の地域だけで使用される言葉。 地域の違いが生み出す音韻・語彙・文法的な相違。














Native Americans Describe the ‘Rez Accent’

July 03,2022 



An accent 訛りとは、ある国のある地域や地方の人々の間では起こるが、別の地域の人々には起こらない、ある言語の言葉の言い方のことです。








そのひとつが、"rez 訛り "と呼ばれるアメリカ先住民英語です。アメリカやカナダの多くの先住民のコミュニティで話されています。この "rez "という単語は、"reservation "という単語を短くしたものです。Reservationsとは、アメリカやカナダにある土地のうち、アメリカ先住民、先住民(インディアン:※先住民を指す古い言い方)が住むために別に確保されている地域のことです。












ニューマークさんともう一人の学生、ナコール・ウォーカーさんは、英語以外の言語を研究するプロジェクトを任されたとき、rez 訛りを調べることにしました。二人は、rez 訛りがこれまで研究されたことがないことに気がきました。






彼らは、北米のさまざまな部族や民族の75人との議論やインタビューを記録しました。彼らの研究結果は、2016年9月にLanguage in Societyに掲載されました。


ダートマスさんのチームは、先住民族のコミュニティは異なる英語の方言を話していますが、これらの話し方はprosody patterns韻律パターンを共有していることを発見しました。Prosodyプロソディーは、言語の”音楽”を表現します。声の音の高さや低さであるピッチ;リズム、強調された音節と強調されていないsyllables音節のビート;そしてイントネーション、話すときのピッチの変化が含まれます。


ジェームズ・スタンフォード氏は、ダートマス大学の社会言語学者です。学生たちの勉強を指導してくれました。最も重要なのは、ピッチとイントネーションが歌のように上下することだと彼は言います。この機能は、1998年の映画Smoke Signalsエヴァン・アダムズ演じる”トーマス・ビルド・ザ・ファイヤー”という登場人物にちなんで命名されました。この映画は、先住民族が初めて制作・出演した作品です。











ニューマーク氏は、1880年代に先住民族居留地に置かれた際、異なる先住民族が交流したことから、rez訛りが生まれた可能性があると考えています。先住民やFirst Nationsインディアンの子供たちは、強制的に学校に入れられ、英語を話さなければなりませんでした。


また、1950年代から1960年代にかけて、アメリカ政府がいくつかの居留地を閉鎖し、先住民を都市に送り出したことも、rez訛りの始まりかもしれません。子供たちは英語を話し、お互いに交流することを余儀なくされたのです。「彼らは皆、一緒に英語を学び、自分たちの英語を作っていたのです 。」と、ニューマーク氏はいいます。










Native Americans Describe the ‘Rez Accent’
Native American students high fiving as they pass each other at the University of California, Riverside, June 26, 2014.

An accent is a way of saying the words in a language that happens among people of one area or region of a country, but not another.

Many people who study languages, linguists, predicted in the 1960s that accents would disappear in America. As Americans moved across the country, they said English would become standardized, meaning that it would be spoken the same way everywhere.

Schooling, mass media like television and radio, people moving to the United States from other places and increased car and airplane travel would all add to the standardization of English.

But sociolinguist William Labov of the University of Pennsylvania says, while some accents in America are disappearing, others are growing stronger.

One of these regional accents is Native American English, known as the “rez accent.” It is spoken in many Indigenous communities in the United States and Canada. The word “rez” is shortened from the word “reservation.” Reservations are areas of land in the United States and Canada that are kept separate for Native Americans or Indigenous people to live in.

Kalina Newmark is from the Sahtu Region in Canada’s Northwest Territories. Her ancestors were called the Dene people, but she does not speak her tribe’s language of Slavey.

“My mom can understand and speak it, but she didn't pass it on to us. She learned it from her great-grandmother. My grandmother chose not to pass along the language because she wanted to make it easier for her children when they went to school,” Newmark said.

Newmark went to Dartmouth College in the U.S. state of New Hampshire. The school is known for its Indigenous student population.

There, she met other Indigenous students from all over North America. Newmark noticed something very interesting about everyone’s pronunciation. The English they spoke shared some similar qualities, although they came from different language backgrounds.

These especially could be heard during times of socializing. The accent was even present for students who had not learned their ancestral language.

Newmark and another student, Nacole Walker, decided to examine the rez accent when they were given a project to study a non-English language. They realized that the rez accent had never been studied before.

Walker is a Lakota person from the Standing Rock Reservation in the states of North and South Dakota. She said linguists have studied other forms of English, like African American English, and Chicano English, which is spoken by Mexican Americans.

“We knew something unique was happening [with indigenous English] and wanted to narrow it down,” Walker said.

They recorded discussions and interviews with 75 people from different tribes and Nations all over North America. Their findings were published in Language in Society in September of 2016.

The Dartmouth team found that Indigenous communities speak different English dialects, but these ways of speaking shared prosody patterns. Prosody describes the “music” of a language. It includes pitch, how high or low the sounds of the voice are; rhythm, the beat of stressed and unstressed syllables; and intonation, or the changes in pitch when speaking.

James Stanford is a sociolinguist at Dartmouth. He guided the students in their study. He said that the most important quality is how the pitch and intonation rises and falls like a song. The feature was named after the character, “Thomas Builds-the-Fire,” played by Evan Adams from the 1998 film Smoke Signals. The movie was the first to be made and performed by Indigenous people.

The group identified another feature that appeared unique to Indigenous populations: the pitch rises at the end of their sentences. Stanford said that in Standard English, speakers usually end their sentences by dropping their pitch levels lower. Indigenous speakers end their sentences with a middle or higher pitch.

The final important feature is the timing of the syllables, or the rhythm. Some language experts describe languages like French and Spanish as syllable-timed. “Each syllable takes up the same amount of time,” Stanford said.

English is not syllable-timed. It is stress-timed, meaning that only stressed syllables are said at regular places in speech. The unstressed syllables are shortened. The team noted that the rez accent of English is syllable-timed.



Where did the “Rez” accent come from?

Newmark thinks that the rez accent possibly came from different Native tribes interacting in the 1880s when Indigenous peoples were placed on reservations. The Native American and First Nations children were forced into schools and had to speak English.

The rez accent also might have had its beginning in the 1950s and 1960s when the US government closed some reservations and sent Native American into cities. The children were forced to speak English and interact with each other. “They were all learning English together,” said Newmark, “and making an English of their own.”

Twyla Baker is a citizen of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation. She is also president of an indigenous college on the Fort Berthold Reservation in the state of North Dakota. She said that the Rez accent is a form of adaptation. She said that before Native Americans came into contact with Europeans, the tribes connected with each other. They traveled, traded, and built political connections with other tribes. This led to many Indigenous people learning four or five languages.

Baker knows that many people think that the rez accent is not correct English. They may even make fun of it. But she wants Indigenous people not to feel bad about who they are, where they come from and how they speak English.

“I would love for our young people to feel that they are accepted not just in the spaces that they occupy in Indian Country, but when they step off the reservation,” Baker added.



Words in This Story


indigenous – adj. produced, living or existing in a certain place or environment

pronunciation – n. the way in which a word is normally or correctly said

unique –adj. unlike anything else

interview –n. a meeting in which people talk to each other to get information

dialect – n. a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area and that uses some of its own words, grammar, and pronunciations

pattern – n. a regular and repeated way in which something happens

syllable – n. a part a word is naturally divided into when pronounced

character – n. a person who appears in a story, book, play, movie, or television show

feature – n. usual quality or important part of something

standard – n. a level of quality, achievement, etc., that is considered acceptable or desirable

adaptation – n. the state of adapting or changing

To Me vs. For Me

Hello!! How's everybody doing?

Today, I'll deliver this below as a reference!!


To Me vs. For Me

July 01, 2022



Hello! This week on Ask a Teacher, we will answer a question from Maria, a teacher from Brazil, about the difference between “to me” and “for me.”



If I am asking a student to read in class, should I say “to me” or “for me?” I would to know which one is correct.

Could you read it to me? or

Could you read it for me?

Thanks a lot,



Dear Maria,

Thank you for writing to us. Both of these questions can be correct. The choice of “to me” or “for me” depends on the meaning you would like to express.

In the examples you sent us, “to” and “for” are both used as prepositions. Prepositions are a word or group of words that is used with a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show physical direction, location, time, or to introduce an object.

“To” and “for” in the examples you sent are used to introduce an object, but the meanings are different.

We will take a closer look at these differences.

To me

“To” is used to show the physical direction of an action. But in your example, the use slightly changes.

Could you read it to me?

In your example, “to” is used to show who the action of reading is directed towards.

The object of the preposition is “me”, receiving the action of reading.

It is like asking:

Could you direct your reading towards me?

You could have also said:

Could you read it to us?

In this example “us” would be the whole class.

For me

The preposition of “for” can have many meanings.

Could you read it for me?

The preposition of “for” in this example means “in place of,” “to help,” or “on behalf of.”

“Me” is again the object of the preposition.

So, instead of you reading a story, you are asking the student to read a story in place of you or to help you by reading it.


If something is directed towards you and you are receiving the action, use “to me.”

Another example is:

Could you bring my science book to me?

Here you are asking someone to bring your book to you. You will receive it and take it with you.

But if you ask,

Could you bring my science book for me?

you are requesting that someone brings your book in place of you bringing it. They will take it with them to class, instead of you taking it.

“For me” is used if you are asking someone to do something on behalf of you, in place of you doing it, or to help you.
















US Supreme Court Places Limits on Environmental Agency

July 01,2022 











木曜日の判決で、高裁はドナルド・トランプ前大統領のAffordable Clean Energy ruleアフォーダブル・クリーン・エナジー規則を打ち消した2021年の下級審判決を覆すことになりました。バイデン政権が維持したくないとしているその規制は、既存の発電所からの排出を規制するEPAの権限に制限を設けるものです。
















FILE - A coal-fired power plant is silhouetted against the morning sun in Glenrock, Wyoming, July 27, 2018. (AP Photo/J. David Ake, File)
FILE - A coal-fired power plant is silhouetted against the morning sun in Glenrock, Wyoming, July 27, 2018. (AP Photo/J. David Ake, File)
FILE - 2018年7月27日、ワイオミング州グレンロックで、石炭火力発電所が朝日をバックにシルエット。(AP写真/J. David Ake、ファイル)






民主党のチャック・シューマー上院院内総務は、この判決を批判しました。彼は、この判決を "危険なほど見当違いで、忌まわしいもの "と呼んでいます。


シューマー氏は、銃や人工妊娠中絶に関する裁判所の判決と同様に、木曜日の判決も”より多くの不必要な死を引き起こすだろう- この例では、気候危機を悪化させ、我々の空気と水の清潔さと安全性を低下させる汚染物質が増えるから”と述べています。


共和党のケビン・クレイマー上院議員は、この判決を賞賛しています。この判決は、"議会は決して連邦政府が州のために温室効果ガスの排出を規制することを意図していない "ことを再確認したと述べています。









US Supreme Court Places Limits on Environmental Agency

FILE - Steam billows from a coal-fired power plant Nov. 18, 2021, in Craig, Colo. The Supreme Court on Thursday, June 30, 2022, limited how the nation’s main anti-air pollution law can be used to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday established limits on the federal government’s power to reduce carbon emissions from power plants.

The ruling immediately affects President Joe Biden's plans to deal with climate change by cutting the release of carbon gases into the atmosphere. It also raises new legal questions about government agencies' power to set rules and regulations.

Scientists say greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat and cause the atmosphere to warm.

The court's six-to-three ruling restricted the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal- and gas-fueled electricity plants under the Clean Air Act anti-pollution law. The court's six conservatives were in the majority decision with the three liberals disagreeing.

With Thursday’s ruling, the high court overturned a lower court decision in 2021 that had struck down former President Donald Trump's Affordable Clean Energy rule. That regulation, which the Biden administration has said it does not want to keep, would set limits on the EPA’s power to regulate emissions from existing power plants.

The Biden administration aims to cut the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions in half by the end of 2030. It says it wants to have an emissions-free power industry by 2035. Power plants produce about 30 percent of carbon dioxide released in the U.S.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion for the court. He wrote that the Clean Air Act does not give the EPA the power to place limits on emissions in the way it proposed. He said Congress must speak clearly on this subject.

“A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body,” he wrote.

Conservative activists have long supported measures to reduce agency power in what some called a "war on the administrative state." They want lawmakers in Congress to authorize action on issues of broad importance and societal impact.

In January, the conservative justices also blocked the Biden administration's vaccine policy for large businesses meant to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

In her dissent, Justice Elena Kagan said the majority’s decision takes away the power that Congress gave the agency to deal with “the most pressing environmental challenge of our time.”

Kagan added that the majority has a clear goal: "Prevent agencies from doing important work, even though that is what Congress directed."

FILE - A coal-fired power plant is silhouetted against the morning sun in Glenrock, Wyoming, July 27, 2018. (AP Photo/J. David Ake, File)
FILE - A coal-fired power plant is silhouetted against the morning sun in Glenrock, Wyoming, July 27, 2018. (AP Photo/J. David Ake, File)

Complicated issues

The justices heard arguments in the case on February 28. That was the same day that a United Nations report warned that the effects of climate change are about to get much worse. It said the warming of the earth would likely make people sicker and hungrier in the coming years.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, criticized the court's ruling. He called it "dangerously misguided and abhorrent.”

Schumer said, like the court’s ruling on guns and abortions, Thursday's decision "will cause more needless deaths - in this instance because of more pollution that will exacerbate the climate crisis and make our air and water less clean and safe."

Senator Kevin Cramer, a Republican, praised the decision. He said the ruling restates that “Congress never intended the federal government to regulate greenhouse gas emissions for the states."

The decision was issued on the final day of rulings for the court's current term. The day also marked the swearing-in of Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first African-American woman on the Supreme Court.



Words in This Story

regulation –n. (usually pl.) an official rule or law that says how something should be done

magnitude –n. size, extent or importance

consequence –n. importance, value

pursuant to –prep. in a way that agrees with or follows something

authorize –v. to give legal or official approval

dissent –n. to publicly disagree with an official opinion, decision, or set of beliefs

exacerbate –v. to make a situation worse than it already is

intend –v. to have something in mind as a purpose or goal





彼らが言う、 golden age まさにnightmare!!








Another Marcos Sworn in as Philippine President

July 01,2022 













Activists hold placards against the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during a protest in Manila, Philippines on Thursday, June 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Basilio Sepe)
Activists hold placards against the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during a protest in Manila, Philippines on Thursday, June 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Basilio Sepe)
2022年6月30日(木)、フィリピンのマニラで行われたフェルディナンド・マルコスJr.次期大統領の就任式に対する抗議行動で、プラカードを掲げる活動家たち。(AP写真/Basilio Sepe)























A screen shows incoming Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte at the inauguration ceremony venue at National Museum on Thursday, June 30, 2022 in Manila, Philippines. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
A screen shows incoming Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte at the inauguration ceremony venue at National Museum on Thursday, June 30, 2022 in Manila, Philippines. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
2022年6月30日(木)、フィリピンのマニラにある国立博物館での就任式会場で、フェルディナンド・マルコス・ジュニア次期フィリピン大統領とロドリゴ・ドゥテルテ退任大統領が映し出されたスクリーン。(AP Photo/Aaron Favila)















Another Marcos Sworn in as Philippine President

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. stands with his mother Imelda Marcos, left, and his wife Maria Louise Marcos, right, during the inauguration ceremony at National Museum on Thursday, June 30, 2022 in Manila, Philippines. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was sworn in as the next Philippine president on Thursday. He is the son of the former Philippine ruler Ferdinand Marcos, who was overthrown in a popular uprising 36 years ago.

In his inaugural speech, Marcos Jr. said his father accomplished many things. He also promised a better future for the country.

Marcos Jr., who is 64, won last month's election by a large majority. The win ended his wealthy family’s years-long hunt to regain the presidency. The first Marcos was driven out of power in 1986.

"We are here to repair a house divided, to make it whole and to stand strong again," the younger Marcos said in his speech.

He gave an emotional 30-minute speech. His sister Imee, a senator, and mother Imelda, a former congresswoman, sat nearby. Marcos Jr. thanked voters for giving him "the biggest electoral mandate in the history of Philippine democracy." He said the country would go far under his power.

Activists hold placards against the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during a protest in Manila, Philippines on Thursday, June 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Basilio Sepe)
Activists hold placards against the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during a protest in Manila, Philippines on Thursday, June 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Basilio Sepe)

The elder Ferdinand Marcos ruled for 20 years starting in 1965, almost half of it under martial law. Military rule helped him extend his power until his overthrow, sending his family into exile during a "people power" revolution.

Thousands of his opponents were jailed, killed or disappeared during his presidency. The family became very rich during his time in power, and billions of dollars of state wealth went missing. The Marcos family denies any corruption.

"I am here not to talk about the past. I am here to tell you about our future," Marcos Jr. said before thousands of cheering supporters.

"No looking back in anger or nostalgia."

Marcos Jr. defended his father’s rule and said he would try to copy his successes.

"I once knew a man who saw what little had been achieved since independence ... but he got it done. Sometimes with the needed support, sometimes without, so, will it be with his son," he said.

Activists and survivors of martial law under his father protested Marcos Jr.’s inauguration. Bonifacio Ilagan is a 70-year-old activist who was jailed and tortured during the elder Marcos’s rule.

“Wow is this really happening?” he asked. “For victims of martial law like me, this is a nightmare.”

Marcos Jr. campaigned on the slogan "together, we shall rise again,” in reference to his father’s rule. Marcos’ family and supporters have said his father’s rule was a golden age in the Philippines.

Critics say the younger Marcos’ campaign depended heavily on social media to win votes by offering false descriptions of his father’s rule and different versions of history. Many protestors carried signs saying "Reject Marcos.”

A screen shows incoming Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte at the inauguration ceremony venue at National Museum on Thursday, June 30, 2022 in Manila, Philippines. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
A screen shows incoming Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte at the inauguration ceremony venue at National Museum on Thursday, June 30, 2022 in Manila, Philippines. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

Such anger is likely to follow Marcos Jr. during his six-year presidency, which begins at a time of serious crises.

The Philippines has been among the worst-hit countries in Asia by the pandemic. It has recorded more than 60,000 deaths. Long lockdowns have sent the economy into its worst recession since World War II. Poverty, unemployment and hunger have all worsened. Then, as the pandemic was easing early this year, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine increased inflation around the world. Many now fear food shortages.

Marcos Jr. has promised to bring jobs and reduce prices in the country of 110 million people. Almost 25 percent of the population lives on less than $2 a day.

Marcos Jr. said he would improve food supplies, energy supplies, education and infrastructure. He also said he would fight plastics pollution and better support millions of overseas Filipino workers.

"I am ready for the task," he said. "I will get it done."



Words in This Story

inaugurate — v. to introduce (someone, such as a newly elected official) into a job or position with a formal ceremony

accomplish — n. to succeed in doing something

mandate — n. the power to act that voters give to their elected leaders

martial law — n. control of an area by military forces rather than by the police

nostalgia — n. pleasure and sadness that is caused by remembering something from the past and wishing that you could experience it again

achieve — v. to become successful;to reach a goal

nightmare — n. a very bad or frightening experience or situation

slogan — n. a word or phrase that is easy to remember and is used by a group or business to attract attention

golden age — n. a time of great happiness, success, and achievement

infrastructure — n. the basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly

task — n. a piece of work that has been given to someone : a job for someone to do












Chinese Spacecraft Takes Images of Mars

June 30,2022 


An image of Mars captured by Chinese rover Zhurong of the Tianwen-1 mission is seen in this image released by China National Space Administration (CNSA) June 29, 2022. (CNSA/Handout via REUTERS )

中国国家宇宙局(CNSA)が2022 年6月29日に公開した画像で、天文1号ミッションの中国製ローバーZhurongが捉えた火星の画像。(CNSA/Handout via REUTERS )











このほか、Tianwen-1は、長さ4,000kmの峡谷Valles Marinerisバレス・マリネリスや、火星の北にあるArabia Terraアラビア・テラと呼ばれる地域を撮影しています。火星には、衝突クレーター–隕石などによってできた穴−がたくさんあります。


また、Tianwen-1は、大きなMaunder craterマウンダークレーターの縁の詳細な画像や、50年以上前にNASAの探査機マリナー9号が初めて発見した大きな火山である、標高18,000mのAscraeus Monsアスクレイアスの画像も同様に送ってきました。









Chinese Spacecraft Takes Images of Mars

An image of Mars captured by Chinese rover Zhurong of the Tianwen-1 mission is seen in this image released by China National Space Administration (CNSA) June 29, 2022. (CNSA/Handout via REUTERS )

A Chinese spacecraft has taken images covering all of Mars after circling the planet more than 1,300 times since early last year, state media reported this week.

China's Tianwen-1, a spacecraft without people on it, reached the Red Planet in February 2021. It was the country's first mission there. A robotic rover has since been sent to the surface, while an orbiter studied the planet from space.

Among the images taken from space were China's first photographs of the Martian south pole. The south pole is where almost all of the planet's water resources are locked.

In 2018, an orbiter operated by the European Space Agency discovered water under the ice of the planet's south pole. Finding water below the surface is important for studying the planet's ability to provide for life. Such a finding could also be helpful for any human exploration there.

Other Tianwen-1 images include photographs of the Valles Marineris, a 4,000-kilometer long canyon, and an area in the north of Mars called Arabia Terra. It has many impact craters – holes in the ground caused by meteorites or other objects.

Tianwen-1 also sent back detailed images of the edge of the large Maunder crater, as well as a view of the 18,000-meter Ascraeus Mons, a large volcano first detected by NASA's Mariner 9 spacecraft more than 50 years ago.



Words in This Story

rover – n. a vehicle used for exploring the surface of a moon, planet, etc.

canyon – n. a deep valley with steep rock sides and often a stream or river flowing through it

volcano – n. a mountain with a hole in the top or side that sometimes sends out rocks, ash, lava, etc., in a sudden explosion (called an eruption)

Hong Kong: 25 Years after the Handover

“We’re in a kind of hellish place. ”











Hong Kong: 25 Years after the Handover

June 30,2022














FILE - Hundreds of legal professionals wear black to express their disappointment as they participate in a silent march to protest against the extradition bill in Hong Kong on June 6, 2019. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)

FILE - Hundreds of legal professionals wear black to express their disappointment as they participate in a silent march to protest against the extradition bill in Hong Kong on June 6, 2019. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)
FILE - 2019年6月6日、香港で引き渡し法案に抗議するサイレントマーチに参加する数百人の法律専門家は、失望を表現するために黒を身に着けている。(AP写真/Kin Cheung、ファイル)




報道の自由も攻撃にさらされています。Apple Dailyのような政府に批判的な民主化推進派の新聞は閉鎖に追い込まれました。出版社のジミー・ライ氏は投獄されました。中国のゼロCOVID政策により、香港の観光業や企業は苦境に立たされています。













FILE - Riot police gather face off with demonstrators near the Legislative Council in Hong Kong on June 12, 2019. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)
FILE - Riot police gather face off with demonstrators near the Legislative Council in Hong Kong on June 12, 2019. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)
FILE - 2019年6月12日、香港の立法院付近でデモ隊と対峙する機動隊員たち。(AP写真/Kin Cheung、ファイル)








チャン・ポー-イン 氏は66歳の民主化運動家です。彼女のパートナーも活動家ですが、国家安全保障関連の罪で2年近く服役しています。しかし、チャン氏は、民主化のための戦いをあきらめてはいないと言います。












Hong Kong: 25 Years after the Handover

FILE - A protester waves Hong Kong British colony flag during continuing pro-democracy rallies in Tamar Park, Hong Kong, on Sept. 3, 2019. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu, File)

July 1 marks 25 years since Britain handed over control of Hong Kong to China.

When it did so, the city was promised 50 years of self-government. The city was told it could keep the freedoms of speech, assembly and press that were not permitted on the Communist-ruled Chinese mainland.

But those promises have grown weaker. The future of the city of 7.4 million people remains unclear, driven by forces beyond its control.

Before the change of power, many in Hong Kong worried that life would change when China took over. Thousands looked for residency elsewhere and some moved to other countries. But for about the first 10 years, the city appeared to keep its freedoms, and the economy was strong.

In recent years, however, Beijing has been expanding its power and control. Those moves appeared to quicken after mass pro-democracy protests in 2014 and 2019. Now, schools must provide lessons on patriotism and national security. Some new textbooks deny Hong Kong was ever a British colony.

FILE - Hundreds of legal professionals wear black to express their disappointment as they participate in a silent march to protest against the extradition bill in Hong Kong on June 6, 2019. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)
FILE - Hundreds of legal professionals wear black to express their disappointment as they participate in a silent march to protest against the extradition bill in Hong Kong on June 6, 2019. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)

Changes to election rules have led to a lack of opposition lawmakers in the city's legislature. Lawmakers must be considered “patriots" by China. China has named John Lee, a longtime security official, the next chief executive.

Freedom of the press also has come under attack. Pro-democracy newspapers that were critical of the government, like Apple Daily, have been forced to close. Its publisher Jimmy Lai has been jailed. The city's tourism and businesses are struggling from China’s zero-COVID policy.

Alex Siu was born in Hong Kong and left in 2020. His parents had made sure that he would have the choice to leave if he wanted to. They got him a British National overseas passport years earlier.

Siu moved to Britain with his girlfriend because of anger with Hong Kong’s work environment and the political situation. He misses the food, friends and family, but is not planning to go back.

I believe there is no hope because the government holds absolute power,” Siu said.

Kurt Tong is the former U.S. consul general to Hong Kong. He is currently with The Asia Group, an advisory firm. He said the reforms represent the growing dissatisfaction of the government in Beijing with Hong Kong.

“The things that China found irritating about Hong Kong started to become more prominent, and the things that it found attractive about Hong Kong started to be less prominent, and friction built up over time,” he said.

FILE - Riot police gather face off with demonstrators near the Legislative Council in Hong Kong on June 12, 2019. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)
FILE - Riot police gather face off with demonstrators near the Legislative Council in Hong Kong on June 12, 2019. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)

Beginning in 2020, officials started passing measures limiting political dissent. Officials started arresting many activists and imprisoning them for illegal assembly. The arrests continued although the city’s constitution, called the Basic Law, guarantees freedom for such gatherings.

John Burns is a professor of politics and public administration at the University of Hong Kong. He was doubtful that China would ever give Hong Kong full democracy or universal voting rights. These were goals in the Basic Law at the time of the 1997 handover.

“We’re in a kind of hellish place. Hong Kong is not part of the system and therefore it can’t bargain that way, (but at the same time) we are not free. We are in this hybrid middle ground," Burns said.

Chan Po-ying is a 66-year-old pro-democracy activist. Her partner, also an activist, is serving a nearly two-year prison sentence on national-security related charges. But Chan said she is not giving up the fight for democracy.

In May, during an election for Hong Kong’s new chief executive, Chan and several others held a small protest to demand full voting rights. And on June 4 this year, Chan with two others stood on a street in silent protest. June 4 is the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square attack on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing. Hong Kong has banned yearly protests marking the deadly attack.

Chan hoped to protest Friday’s ceremonies marking the 25th anniversary of the British handover to Chinese rule.

But she and fellow activists were forced to talk with state security police. Afterwards they decided “on that day, we cannot conduct any sort of protest activity," Chan said.



Words in This Story

assembly— na group of people who have gathered together

residency — nlegal permission to live in a place

tourism — nthe industry of providing goods and services for visitors to a place

consul — na diplomatic official whose job it is to live in a foreign country and provide services and protection for citizens of his or her own country

irritating— adjmaking someone angry, upset or impatient

prominent — adjimportant or well-known

friction — ndisagreement or tension

hellish — adjvery bad, unpleasant or shocking

bargain — nan agreement in which people or groups say they will do or give something in exchange for something else

hybrid — adjsomething that is formed by combining two or more things









International Sports Groups Start Making Rules on Transgender Athletes

June 30,2022




















国際オリンピック委員会IOC)は先週末、この問題について決定を下すつもりはないと述べました。IOCの広報担当者は、同団体が "誰にでも合う1つのルール、短いルールで前に進むことはできない "と述べました。








Sebastian Coe, seen here in May 2, 2019 file photo, is the leader of World Athletics. (AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili, File)
Sebastian Coe, seen here in May 2, 2019 file photo, is the leader of World Athletics. (AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili, File)
2019年5月2日のファイル写真で見られるセバスチャン・コーは、世界陸上競技連盟のリーダー。(AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili, File)







ロス・タッカー氏は、ワールドラグビーの研究者です。今年中には、「(世界陸上)水泳と非常によく似た方針を発表するでしょう… そして、もし、ある人が男性の思春期を経て、テストステロンに関連した利点を得たならば、女性のスポーツに出場することはできないと言うでしょう。」と彼は言います。






In this Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017 file photo South Africa's Caster Semenya celebrates winning the gold in the final of the Women's 800m during the World Athletics Championships in London. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File)
In this Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017 file photo South Africa's Caster Semenya celebrates winning the gold in the final of the Women's 800m during the World Athletics Championships in London. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File)
2017年8月13日日曜日のファイル写真で、ロンドンで開催された世界陸上競技選手権大会の女子800m決勝で金メダルを獲得して喜ぶ南アフリカキャスター・セメンヤ選手。(AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File)













FILE - Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas speaks to her coach after winning the 500 meter freestyle during a meet with Harvard on Jan. 22, 2022, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds, File)
FILE - Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas speaks to her coach after winning the 500 meter freestyle during a meet with Harvard on Jan. 22, 2022, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds, File)
FILE - 2022年1月22日、マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジハーバード大学で行われたハーバードとの試合で、500メートル自由形で優勝した後、コーチに話すトランスジェンダーの水泳選手ライア・トーマス選手(AP Photo/Josh Reynolds, File)















米国オリンピック・パラリンピック委員会、USOPC、のリーダーであるスーザン・ライオンズ氏は、トランスジェンダーの方針を定めるのは同団体の仕事ではないと述べています。しかし、同団体は明確な "見解 "を示すべきであると彼女は言っています。




ライアン氏は、誰もUSOPCに声明を出すよう "懇願 "しているわけではない、と言います。「しかし、その一方で、私たちはアメリカにおけるオリンピック運動のリーダーであるため、見解を持つ必要があるのです。」彼女は、USOPCの意見に皆が同意することはないだろうと言っています。


また先週、ジョー・バイデン大統領の政権は、レズビアン、ゲイ、トランスジェンダークィアの学生をタイトルIXの下で差別から保護する新しい規則を提案しました。教育省の責任者であるミゲル・カルドナ氏は、"平等な手段と一体性のために立ち上がることは、これまでと同様に重要である "と述べました。







International Sports Groups Start Making Rules on Transgender Athletes

FILE - Transgendered athlete Lia Thomas of the University of Pennsylvania at the NCAA Swimming and Diving Championships, March 17, 2022, in Atlanta. Under FINA's rule, Thomas is not eligible to compete in international event. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

International sports organizations are making or considering rules concerning competition by transgender athletes.

Last week, the international swimming group, FINA, announced a rule that would bar most transgender women from competing. The measure requires transgender people to have begun their transition medically before the age of 12.

A transgender woman is a person who was born with male sex organs but identifies as female.

Some transgender people take medicine to lower their male or female hormones. The hormones greatly affect how the body develops.

Follow the leader

After FINA announced its decision, other organizations followed.

The organizations that run field hockey, rugby, triathlon and cycling are making new rules or updating old ones.

FIFA, the international soccer organization, also said it is reexamining its rules on gender.

The International Olympic Committee, IOC, said late last week that it would not make a decision on the issue. An IOC spokesperson said that the organization "can't come forward with one rule, one short rule that fits everybody.”

The group said such action is the responsibility of individual federations and individual sports.

A past Olympic policy permitted transgender women who had been on hormone therapy for at least 12 months to compete with women.

The group that runs track and field competitions, known as World Athletics, is run by former Olympic gold medalist Sebastian Coe of Great Britain. Coe said World Athletics would examine its policies on transgender and intersex athletes by the end of 2022.

Sebastian Coe, seen here in May 2, 2019 file photo, is the leader of World Athletics. (AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili, File)
Sebastian Coe, seen here in May 2, 2019 file photo, is the leader of World Athletics. (AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili, File)

Champion runners affected

If World Athletics follows the FINA rules, it could also keep runners Caster Semenya of South Africa and Christine Mboma of Namibia from competing. Both are top runners who race against women but have sex development differences that result in higher levels of testosterone than most women.

Ross Tucker is a researcher for World Rugby. By the end of the year, he said, “(World Athletics) will have announced a policy that is very similar to swimming … and they will say that if ever a person has gone through male puberty and has obtained the advantages associated with testosterone, they can’t compete in women’s sports.”

Tucker also noted that it is likely all of the sports groups will face legal challenges to their new rules. The court costs may prevent other smaller sports groups from making new policies that follow FINA.

Coe said FINA spent $1 million in legal costs to create the new rule. He said World Athletics also has money to deal with court cases, but smaller sports organizations may not.

In this Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017 file photo South Africa's Caster Semenya celebrates winning the gold in the final of the Women's 800m during the World Athletics Championships in London. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File)
In this Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017 file photo South Africa's Caster Semenya celebrates winning the gold in the final of the Women's 800m during the World Athletics Championships in London. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File)

Lia Thomas controversy

The gender of an American swimmer was in the news during the recent college national championships. Lia Thomas is a transgender swimmer who attended the University of Pennsylvania. She started hormone therapy while in college, which means she entered male puberty and started to build muscle like a male. She competed in college swimming against men for three years.

Thomas won multiple events at the Ivy League women’s championships in early 2022 and then won the national 500-yard race in March. Some swimmers were upset they lost to a swimmer who until recently competed as a man. Thomas said she wants to try to make the next Olympics, in Paris, in 2024.

USA Swimming has a policy that says swimmers competing in women’s events must be able to show a low level of testosterone for at least 36 months. When the 2021-2022 school year started, Thomas had only been doing hormone therapy for about two years.

The NCAA, the organization that runs college sports in the U.S., did not have the USA Swimming policy in place this year. Thomas would not have been able to swim if it had.

FILE - Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas speaks to her coach after winning the 500 meter freestyle during a meet with Harvard on Jan. 22, 2022, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds, File)
FILE - Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas speaks to her coach after winning the 500 meter freestyle during a meet with Harvard on Jan. 22, 2022, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds, File)


When FINA made its announcement, USA Swimming said it will take time to understand the possible effects of the rule on its own policies.

Tucker, the rugby analyst, said the news surrounding Thomas seems to be the main reason for the new FINA policy. Before Thomas made the news and expressed an interest in the Olympics, there were few transgender athletes good enough to win events against top competition. He said people do not know how they feel about an issue until they are forced to deal with it directly.

Lia Thomas made this real,” he said.

Based on her recent times, Thomas would qualify for the U.S. Olympic Trials, which are set for June 2024.

U.S. Olympic Committee plans statement

Olympic sports leaders met in Colorado last week on the 50th anniversary of the U.S. law known as Title IX. That law bans sex discrimination in any education program or activity that receives federal money.

Susan Lyons, a leader of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, USOPC, said it is not the group’s job to set a transgender policy. But she said the organization should present a clear “point of view.”

There are over 40 international sports organizations that will at some point need to make rules.

Lyons said no one is “begging” the USOPC to make a statement. “But on the other hand, we're the leaders of the Olympic movement in the U.S., so we have to have a point of view.” She said it is not likely everyone will agree with the USOPC’s opinion.

Also last week, President Joe Biden’s administration proposed new rules that would protect lesbian, gay, transgender and queer students from discrimination under Title IX. Miguel Cardona, the head of the Department of Education, said “standing up for equal access and inclusion is as important as ever.”





Words in This Story

transgender– n. a person who believes their true identity is the sex other than the one they were at birth

athlete– n. a person who is trained or good in sports

transition– n. a change from one state to another

hormone replacement therapy – n. the process of taking medication that reduces or increases the amount of a substance in the body that influences growth and development

medalist - adj. a person who receives a medal or award

intersex – adj. a way to describe a person whose sex organs are not traditionally male or female

obtain – v. to get or acquire

advantage – n. something that helps to make someone better

associate – v. to be connected with something

testosterone – n. a hormone produced in large amounts by men responsible for the development of male features such as facial hair, muscle and the ability to create sperm

yard – n. the unit of measure equal to three feet or just less than one meter

point of view – n. a way of thinking about something

access – n. a way of getting to use or do something