




そんな憂鬱を吹っ飛ばしてくれるような 研究が発表されました。




研究: 恐竜を殺す小惑星は  '最も致命的な' 角度で地球に衝突した


Study: Dinosaur Killing Asteroid Hit Earth at ‘Deadliest Possible’ Angle










「恐竜にとって、最悪のシナリオがまさに起こったのです 」と彼は声明の中で述べています。さらに彼は、大気中へのガスの放出が、恐竜の永久的な消滅につながる一連の出来事を開始したのだといいます。


科学者たちは、大気中へのガスや化学物質の大量放出が、"核の冬 "とも呼ばれる極寒の時期をもたらしたと考えています。これは、大量の硫黄粒子が空気中に滞留し、太陽からの熱を遮断することで引き起こされます。小惑星の衝突はまた、広範囲の山火事、地震、海の波、いわゆる津波を引き起こしたと考えられています。






科学者たちは、いくつかの生物がどのようにして小惑星衝突を生き延びることができたのか、疑問を持ち続けています。ギャレス・コリンズ氏は、新しい研究は明らかに小惑星の衝突が "恐竜にとって最悪の日 "をもたらしたことを示唆していると言います。さらに彼はこう付け加えています: 「生命が生き残り、それと同じくらい急速に回復したことが、さらに注目に値するものである。」と。










鳥類、植物の30%が生き残ったという恐竜を絶滅に追いやったこの出来事、私たち人類は翼を持たなければならない? もしくは地底に、火星に。。。。。









Be safe!!  Be happy!!






Study: Dinosaur Killing Asteroid Hit Earth at ‘Deadliest Possible’ Angle


Artist's creation of the event involving an asteroid impact that scientists believe happened on Earth 65 million years ago. (Credit: NASA/Don Davis

A new study suggests the asteroid that killed almost all the dinosaurs struck Earth at the “deadliest possible” angle.

Scientists believe the asteroid hit Earth about 66 million years ago near what is today Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. The force of the massive crash is estimated to have been equal to the strength of about 10 billion nuclear bombs.

The climate-changing event is blamed for causing the disappearance of more than 70 percent of plant and animal life. All dinosaurs that were not bird-like died out.

What has remained a mystery for scientists, however, is whether the asteroid strike was a direct hit. The new study provides evidence that the strike resulted in the worst kind of crash for the dinosaurs.

Researchers examined data on the structure of the 200-kilometer-wide crater in Mexico where scientists believe the asteroid hit. They attempted to recreate the asteroid event on computers.

The results, recently published in Nature Communications, showed that the asteroid struck Earth at an angle of about 60 degrees.

An artist’s interpretation is shown of the asteroid impact that scientists believe caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. (Credit: NASA/Don Davis)
An artist’s interpretation is shown of the asteroid impact that scientists believe caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. (Credit: NASA/Don Davis)

As a result of the angle, an especially large amount of climate-changing gases would have been released quickly into the atmosphere.

The lead researcher was Gareth Collins, of Britain’s Imperial College London.

“For the dinosaurs, the worst-case scenario is exactly what happened,” he said in a statement. He added that the release of gases into the atmosphere started a series of events that led to the permanent disappearance of the dinosaurs.

The release “was likely worsened by the fact that it struck at one of the deadliest possible angles,” Collins said. If the asteroid had hit head-on or at lower angles, less material would have been released into the atmosphere, he added.

Scientists believe the massive release of gases and chemicals into the atmosphere led to a period of extreme cold, also known as a “nuclear winter.” This was caused by large amounts of sulphur particles that stayed in the air, blocking heat from the sun. The asteroid strike is also believed to have caused widespread wildfires, earthquakes and ocean waves, or tsunamis.

New evidence suggests that volcanic eruptions and an asteroid impact 150,000 years later caused two dramatic spikes in global temperature, which together, doomed the dinosaurs.
New evidence suggests that volcanic eruptions and an asteroid impact 150,000 years later caused two dramatic spikes in global temperature, which together, doomed the dinosaurs.

The researchers said their models are the first to reproduce the whole event – from the first hit to the moment when the final crater was formed.

The findings seem to disprove a long-standing theory that the asteroid moved toward Earth from the southeast. The scientists said recreations based on the crater’s structure showed the asteroid coming from the southwest.

The study could lead to a greater understanding about how craters are formed in general. The modeling suggested, for example, that rocks "rebound" to fill in beneath the crater during its final formation. The researchers said the findings suggest that large craters can be formed in a matter or minutes.

Scientists continue to question how some living things were able to survive the asteroid event. Gareth Collins said the new study clearly suggests the strike resulted in “a very bad day for the dinosaurs." He added: "It makes it even more remarkable that life survived and recovered as rapidly as it did."


Words in This Story

asteroid n. a rocky object that goes around the sun like a planet

angle n. a space between two lines or surfaces that meet at one point

cratern. a big hole

scenarion. a situation that may develop in the future

rebound v. the move back through the air after hitting something

remarkableadj. very unusual or notable in a way that is admired

rapid adj. happening or moving very quickly