いいですね♪ American Stories!!
実は、オー. ヘンリー、わたしの好きな作家のひとりです。
O. HenryのNashville。
A Municipal Report by O. Henry(和訳)
今日のお話は A Municipal Report." です それはオー. ヘンリーによって書かれ、1904年に最初に出版されました。 シェップ・オニールがお届けします。
ホテルのロビーには、大きくて重い男が体を上下させなが歩いていました。彼の動きは何か、骨を探している空腹の犬を思い起こさせます。彼は大きくて太った赤い顔をしていて、目には眠そうな表情を浮かべています。彼はーーウェントワース・キャスウェル少佐でーー "南部の名門 "出身だと 自己紹介し、キャスウェルは私をホテルのバーに連れて行き ウェイターを大声で呼び、私達は飲み物を注文しました。 飲んでいる間、 彼は自分のこと 家族のこと 妻とその家族のことを絶えず話し、 奥さんが金持ちだと言っていました。彼はコートのポケットから取り出した一握りの銀貨を私に見せて。
私は部屋に上がり、窓の外を見ました。10時になりましたが、町は静かでした。"いい静かな場所だな "と、ベッドに入る準備をしながら自分に言いました。南部の普通の眠い町。
シーザーおじさんは今まで見たこともないような奇妙なコートを着ていて、軍の将校のコートだったに違いありません。とても長くて、新しい時は灰色だったコート。しかし今では雨と太陽と経年劣化で 虹色に染まっていて、 ボタンの一つだけが残っていました。それは黄色で、50セント硬貨ほどの大きさでした。
シーザーおじさんは馬車の近くに立っていました。馬車のドアを開けて、そっと「どうぞお乗りください 。街のどこへでもお連しますよ」といいます。
私が「ジャスミン通り8丁目に行きたいだよ 」と言うと、馬車に乗り込みました。しかし老人に止められたのです 「なぜそこへ行きたいのですか?」
ジャスミン通り861番地は かつては立派な家だったが 今では老朽化が進んでいました。 私は馬車から降りました。
「2ドルになります 」と シーザーおじさん。 私は1ドル紙幣を2枚渡しました。彼に渡したとき、1枚は半分にちぎれて青い紙片で固定されていることに気がつきました。また、右上の角が欠けていました。
「申し訳ありませんが、結局お茶はお出しできなくなりました 」「ベイカーさんはもうお茶を持っていないようですわ。明日の訪問のために 買ってきてくれるかも 」と彼女は言いました。
私達は別れを告げ、 私はホテルに戻りました。
夕食の前にキャスウェル少佐に 見つかり、 彼を避けることはできませんでした。 彼は私に飲み物をおごると言い、ポケットから1ドル紙幣を2枚取り出したのです。またしても青い紙で固定された角の取れた破れた1ドル紙幣を私は見たのです。それは私がシーザーおじさんにあげたものでした。なんて奇妙なんだろう。キャスウェルはどうやって手に入れたのだろうと私は思いました。
次の日の午後 シーザーおじさんは ホテルの外で待っていました。 彼は私をミス・エイダーの家に連れて行き我々の 仕事が終わるまで待っていてくれることになりました。
医者はミス・エイディアを診察し、年老いた黒人運転手に向き直りこう言ったのです。「シーザーおじさん、私の家に行って 家内に牛乳と卵を頼んでくれ 。急ぐんだ!」
「そうでした」 医者は答えました 「20年前にウェントワースと 結婚するまではね。 でも彼は絶望的な酔っぱらいで、シーザーおじさんが彼女にあげた小金でさえ持って行ってしまうんです」
医者が帰った後 シーザーの声が聞こえました 「彼は昨日私があげたお金を 全部持って行ったのですか」「ええ、シーザー」彼女の答えが聞こえました。 「彼は両方のドルを取って行ったわ」
私は部屋に入り アザレアに50ドルを渡しました。 「私は雑誌社からだと言って。 それからシーザーおじさんは私をホテルまで送ってくれました。
誰かが通りで彼の遺体を見つけたのです。彼は喧嘩で死んたと。実際、彼の手はまだ固い拳に閉じられていました。 しかし、私が彼の遺体の近くに立ったとき、キャスウェルの右手が開き、そこから何かが落ちてきて、私の足元に転がったのです。私はそれに足をかけ、拾ってポケットに入れました。
人々は泥棒が彼を殺したと信じていたと警官は言いました。明は、キャスウェルが50ドル持ってると みんなに見せてたと言っていました。 でも 彼が発見された時には 何も持っていませんでした。
翌朝 私はナッシュビルを発ちました。 列車が川を渡る時 私はポケットから キャスウェルの死んだ手から 落ちた物を取り出し、川に投げ込みました。
それはボタンでした。 黄色のボタン...シーザーおじさんのコートについていたボタン。
A Municipal Report by O. Henry(原文)
Our story today is called "A Municipal Report." It was written by O. Henry and first published in 1904. Here is Shep O'Neal with the story.
It was raining as I got off the train in Nashville, Tennessee -- a slow, gray rain. I was tired so I went straight to my hotel.
A big, heavy man was walking up and down in the hotel lobby. Something about the way he moved made me think of a hungry dog looking for a bone. He had a big, fat, red face and a sleepy expression in his eyes. He introduced himself as Wentworth Caswell -- Major Wentworth Caswell -- from "a fine southern family." Caswell pulled me into the hotel's barroom and yelled for a waiter. We ordered drinks. While we drank, he talked continually about himself, his family, his wife and her family. He said his wife was rich. He showed me a handful of silver coins that he pulled from his coat pocket.
By this time, I had decided that I wanted no more of him. I said good night.
I went up to my room and looked out the window. It was ten o'clock but the town was silent. "A nice quiet place," I said to myself as I got ready for bed. Just an ordinary, sleepy southern town."
I was born in the south myself. But I live in New York now. I write for a large magazine. My boss had asked me to go to Nashville. The magazine had received some stories and poems from a writer in Nashville, named Azalea Adair. The editor liked her work very much. The publisher asked me to get her to sign an agreement to write only for his magazine.
I left the hotel at nine o'clock the next morning to find Miss Adair. It was still raining. As soon as I stepped outside I met Uncle Caesar. He was a big, old black man with fuzzy gray hair.
Uncle Caesar was wearing the strangest coat I had ever seen. It must have been a military officer's coat. It was very long and when it was new it had been gray. But now rain, sun and age had made it a rainbow of colors. Only one of the buttons was left. It was yellow and as big as a fifty cent coin.
Uncle Caesar stood near a horse and carriage. He opened the carriage door and said softly, "Step right in, sir. I'll take you anywhere in the city."
"I want to go to eight-sixty-one Jasmine Street," I said, and I started to climb into the carriage. But the old man stopped me. "Why do you want to go there, sir? "
"What business is it of yours?" I said angrily. Uncle Caesar relaxed and smiled. "Nothing, sir. But it's a lonely part of town. Just step in and I'll take you there right away."
Eight-sixty-one Jasmine Street had been a fine house once, but now it was old and dying. I got out of the carriage.
"That will be two dollars, sir," Uncle Caesar said. I gave him two one-dollar bills. As I handed them to him, I noticed that one had been torn in half and fixed with a piece of blue paper. Also, the upper right hand corner was missing.
Azalea Adair herself opened the door when I knocked. She was about fifty years old. Her white hair was pulled back from her small, tired face. She wore a pale yellow dress. It was old, but very clean.
Azalea Adair led me into her living room. A damaged table, three chairs and an old red sofa were in the center of the floor.
Azalea Adair and I sat down at the table and began to talk. I told her about the magazine's offer and she told me about herself. She was from an old southern family. Her father had been a judge.
Azalea Adair told me she had never traveled or even attended school. Her parents taught her at home with private teachers. We finished our meeting. I promised to return with the agreement the next day, and rose to leave.
At that moment, someone knocked at the back door. Azalea Adair whispered a soft apology and went to answer the caller. She came back a minute later with bright eyes and pink cheeks. She looked ten years younger. "You must have a cup of tea before you go," she said. She shook a little bell on the table, and a small black girl about twelve years old ran into the room.
Azalea Adair opened a tiny old purse and took out a dollar bill. It had been fixed with a piece of blue paper and the upper right hand corner was missing. It was the dollar I had given to Uncle Caesar. "Go to Mister Baker's store, Impy," she said, "and get me twenty-five cents' worth of tea and ten cents' worth of sugar cakes. And please hurry."
The child ran out of the room. We heard the back door close. Then the girl screamed. Her cry mixed with a man's angry voice. Azalea Adair stood up. Her face showed no emotion as she left the room. I heard the man's rough voice and her gentle one. Then a door slammed and she came back into the room.
"I am sorry, but I won't be able to offer you any tea after all," she said. "It seems that Mister Baker has no more tea. Perhaps he will find some for our visit tomorrow."
We said good-bye. I went back to my hotel.
Just before dinner, Major Wentworth Caswell found me. It was impossible to avoid him. He insisted on buying me a drink and pulled two one-dollar bills from his pocket. Again I saw a torn dollar fixed with blue paper, with a corner missing. It was the one I gave Uncle Caesar. How strange, I thought. I wondered how Caswell got it.
Uncle Caesar was waiting outside the hotel the next afternoon. He took me to Miss Adair's house and agreed to wait there until we had finished our business.
Azalea Adair did not look well. I explained the agreement to her. She signed it. Then, as she started to rise from the table, Azalea Adair fainted and fell to the floor. I picked her up and carried her to the old red sofa. I ran to the door and yelled to Uncle Caesar for help. He ran down the street. Five minutes later, he was back with a doctor.
Then the doctor turned to me. "She does not get enough to eat," he said. "She has many friends who want to help her, but she is proud. Mrs. Caswell will accept help only from that old black man. He was once her family's slave."
"Mrs. Caswell." I said in surprise. "I thought she was Azalea Adair."
"She was," the doctor answered, "until she married Wentworth Caswell twenty years ago. But he's a hopeless drunk who takes even the small amount of money that Uncle Caesar gives her."
After the doctor left I heard Caesar's voice in the other room. "Did he take all the money I gave you yesterday, Miss Azalea?" "Yes, Caesar," I heard her answer softly. "He took both dollars."
I went into the room and gave Azalea Adair fifty dollars. I told her it was from the magazine. Then Uncle Caesar drove me back to the hotel.
A few hours later, I went out for a walk before dinner. A crowd of people were talking excitedly in front of a store. I pushed my way into the store. Major Caswell was lying on the floor. He was dead.
Someone had found his body on the street. He had been killed in a fight. In fact, his hands were still closed into tight fists. But as I stood near his body, Caswell's right hand opened. Something fell from it and rolled near my feet. I put my foot on it, then picked it up and put it in my pocket.
People said they believed a thief had killed him. They said Caswell had been showing everyone that he had fifty dollars. But when he was found, he had no money on him.
I left Nashville the next morning. As the train crossed a river I took out of my pocket the object that had dropped from Caswell's dead hand. I threw it into the river below.
It was a button. A yellow button...the one from Uncle Caesar's coat.