”Note that many Americans, in fact, admire the accents of English learners.”
Here we go!!
Try These Apps to Improve Your Pronunciation
December 22, 2020
数年前、フランスに旅行に行った時のことです。カフェで食べ物を注文していました。フランス語で "卵 "と言ったのですが、給仕は理解していませんでした。何度かトライしても、彼はまだ私が何を言おうとしているのか分からなかったのです。とても驚きでした。
発音練習用のアプリを使うのも一つの方法です。そのようなアプリのほとんどは不完全ですが、英語でよりよく理解されるようになるための全体的な努力をサポートしてくれるかもしれません。今日のEducation Tipsでは、4つのアメリカ英語の発音アプリについてお話します。
Say It: Pronunciation (iOS | Android)
最初はSay It: Pronunciationとよばれているものです。このアプリの目的は、学習者の発音の明瞭さを向上させることです。これはオックスフォード大学出版局によって開発されました - 私たちに世界最大の辞書をもたらしたのと同じ出版社です。
Say It : Pronunciationのユーザーは、35,000以上の単語を練習することができます。
● 簡単な単語から難しい単語まで、アプリで事前に選択した単語の発音テストを受ける
● IPAの文字をタッチして、それぞれの音を聞く
● 自分の発声を録音。自分の声から波形を作成し、モデルスピーカーの波形と比較することができます。マーカーは、各単語のどの部分を強調するかを示すしている
● ゆっくりとした速度で録音、再生して、自分の発音とモデルの発音の違いを聞く
● よく練習したい単語のリストを保存する
● 友達や先生と発音録音を共有する
Say It. Pronunciationには無料版があります。しかし、その使い勝手は限られています。このアプリを使いこなすには有料版を購入する必要があります、価格は$6.99.
次はアプリ ELSA Speak です。
ELSA Speakは、人工知能(AI)を使って、あなた自身のアメリカ英語の発音の先生になってくれます。このアプリの強みの一つは、スピーキングテストで詳細な結果とスコアが表示されることです。もう一つは、そのAIソフトウェアにより、コンピュータと会話をしてフィードバックを得ることができることです。
● スピーキングテストを受けて、あなたの最大の発音の問題を理解するのを助ける
● テストが終わったら、ELSASpeakが個人に合わせたレッスンプランを作成
● ELSA Speakを聴いて、その言葉やフレーズを繰り返し、より明瞭な音を出すための唇や舌の動かし方について、すぐにフィードバックを得られる
● 4種類のレッスン:発音、リスニング、音節の強調、会話
● 練習したい時間を選んで、毎日アプリからリマインダーを受け取れる
ELSA Speak では、7日間の無料体験版でスピーキングテストを受け、その1200レッスンを利用することができます。その後は、フルバージョンの料金を支払う必要があります。価格はアプリ内課金で$0.99~$99となっています。
Accent Training (iOS | Android)
次は、iPad用に作られたAccent Trainingで、iPhoneでも操作できるようになっています。これにはAndroid版もあり、American English Accent Guideという名前で呼ばれています。どちらも、短縮音声、イントネーション、連結音声を含めた発音のいくつかの重要な要素を中心にしています。
● 短縮音声のリスニングと使用の練習
● 短い文章を聞きながら読んで、どのフレーズが減っているかを赤でしめす
● 自分が読んだ文章を録音してみて、モデルのそれと比較
● 声あり子音、声無し子音、schwa シュワ音など、発音の異なる要素を学ぶ
● 当社のアプリではないが、当社のコンテンツを利用している ‘VOA English Learning,’など、他の便利なアプリとの連携も可能
English Pronunciation Tutor (iOS | Android)
そして最後にEnglish Pronunciation Tutorです。Androidでは、American English Pronunciation Tutorというアプリです。Language Arts Pressによって開発されたこのアプリは、あなたに継続的な問題を与える英語の特定の音がある場合に便利です。
● 各ユニットの発音の1つの要素に焦点を当てます。例えば、ユニット1は前母音について
● 絵を見て、それぞれの音を出す口の形や舌の位置を録音した説明を聞く
● 似たような音の絵を並べて見たり、絵を触ったりして、それぞれの音の出し方を比較する
● 自分が言っている言葉や比較を録音する
● 各ユニットの音の聞き取りクイズをする
Try These Apps to Improve Your Pronunciation
Have you ever been sure that you were pronouncing a word correctly only to find out just how wrong you were?
That happened to me on a trip to France a few years ago. I was at a cafe ordering food. When I said the word “egg” in French, the server did not understand me. After a few more tries, he still had no idea what I was trying to say. I was very surprised.
That experience reminded me of something: Having too few chances to speak a language can leave us unclear about our pronunciation ability. Many of you out there can probably relate. You may have had trouble finding English practice partners in your own city or country.
One answer is to use an app for pronunciation practice. While most such apps are imperfect, they may support your overall efforts to be better understood in English. On today’s Education Tips, we will talk about four American English pronunciation apps.
Say It: Pronunciation
(iOS | Android)
The first one is called Say It: Pronunciation. This app’s goal is to help learners improve the clarity of their pronunciation. It was developed by Oxford University Press – the same publishers that brought us the world’s biggest dictionary.
Users of Say It: Pronunciation can practice more than 35,000 words.
With the app, you can:
- Take a pronunciation test of words pre-chosen by the app, from easy to difficult
- Touch letters from the IPA to hear what each sounds like
- Record yourself saying a word. The app then creates a waveform from your voice and you can compare it to that of the model speaker. A marker shows which part of each word to stress
- Play your recording at a slower speed to hear differences between your pronunciation and the model’s
- Save a list of words you would like to practice often
- And share your pronunciation recording with a friend or teacher
Say It: Pronunciation offers a free version. But its usability is limited. You would need to buy the paid version to get full use of the app, which costs $6.99.
ELSA Speak
(iOS | Android)
Next up is the app ELSA Speak.
ESLA Speak uses artificial intelligence, or AI, to act as your own American English pronunciation teacher. One of the strong points of this app is that it offers a speaking test with detailed results and a score. Another is that its AI software lets you have conversations with the computer and get feedback.
With the app, you can:
- Take a speaking test to help you understand your biggest pronunciation problems
- After the test, ELSA Speak puts together your personalized lesson plans
- Listen to ELSA Speak, repeat its words or phrases and get immediate feedback on how to move your lips and tongue for better sound clarity
- Do four different types of lessons: pronunciation, listening, syllable stress and conversation
- And choose a time that you want to practice and get reminders from the app each day
ELSA Speak has a free 7-day trial version that lets you take the speaking test and use its 1200 lessons. After that, you would need to pay for the full version. Prices range from $0.99 - $99 for in-app purchases.
Accent Training
(iOS | Android)
Next up is Accent Training, which was designed for iPad and can operate on an iPhone. It also has an Android version, which goes by the name American English Accent Guide. Both center on a few important elements of pronunciation, including reduced speech, intonation and connected speech.
With the app, you can:
- Practice listening to and using reduced speech
- Read along as you listen to short passages and see, in red, which phrases are reduced
- Try recording yourself reading the passages and compare your recordings to that of the model
- Learn about different elements of pronunciation, such as voiced and unvoiced consonants and the schwa sound
- And connect to other useful apps, such as ‘VOA English Learning,’ which is not our app, but does use our content
The iPhone version offers 16 practices. The Android version offers a virtual conversation room. However, some users have complained about the room’s technical problems.
The app is free, but unwanted ads show up often. You can choose whether to pay $2.99 to remove them.
English Pronunciation Tutor
(iOS | Android)
And finally, we have English Pronunciation Tutor. On Android, the app is called American English Pronunciation Tutor. Developed by Language Arts Press, the app is useful if there are specific sounds in English that give you continuous trouble.
With the app, you can:
- Focus on one element of pronunciation in each unit. For instance, Unit 1 is about the front vowels
- See drawings and hear recorded explanations of the mouth shape and tongue positions that produce each sound
- See pictures of similar sounds side-by-side and touch the pictures to compare how to produce each sound
- Record yourself saying words and compare yourself to the model
- And take a listening quiz on the sounds of each unit
The app is free for the first unit only. After that, you would pay $5.99 to activate the full version.
Make communication key
Again, none of these apps can replace real-life speaking practice. But if you are in serious need of pronunciation support, they may help.
A word of advice: Aim for better communication rather than perfection. Keep in mind that having an accent is normal and only an issue if it prevents listeners from understanding you. So, make your goal to be understood, not to sound exactly like an American. Note that many Americans, in fact, admire the accents of English learners.