





さあ。And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.

 'Burn the Candle at Both Ends' です!!









Very Busy People 'Burn the Candle at Both Ends' 

4 hours ago/February 7 2021











そして、それが今日の表現につながります。 "to burn the candle at both ends”という表現です。






仕事、友人、果てしなく続くような活動に追われ、忙しい生活を送ることでエネルギーを使い切ってしまったとしたら、we are burning the candle at both ends。といえます。私たちは早朝から夜遅くまで忙しいのです。


ここにもう一つの例があります。新しい仕事を始めて、修士号を取得して以来、my friend Annette has been burning the candle at both ends. 彼女はたくさんのことをしてきました。




彼女の詩“Figs from Thistles: First Fig,” アザミウマのイチジクでは 詩人のエドナ・セント・ヴィンセント・ミレーは、このように書いています。


My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -- it gives a lovely light!









Where have you been? I haven’t talked to you weeks!



I know. Sorry about that. I got a book deal last month. So, I’ve been kind of busy with that.



Congratulations. But I thought you were still in school?

おめでとう。でも まだ学校にいるんじゃなかったの?


 I am. That’s why I’ve been burning the candle at both ends for the past…what month is it?

そうだよ だから両端にロウソクを燃やしてたんだよ、ここのところね今何月だっけ?


It’s February. Wow! You have been busy.

2月だよ。うわぁー! 忙しかったのね。





My Candle Burns at Both Ends






"First Fig "のテキスト 

"First Fig "はミレーの詩集『A Few Figs from Thistles』に登場します。1920年にデビューした『A Few Figs from Thistles: Poems and Four Sonnets』に収録されています。この詩集は若き詩人の2冊目の詩集。彼女の最初の詩集『Renascence: and other poems』はその3年前に出版されました。『First Fig』を否定した批評家たちは、ミレーが『The Ballad of the Harp Weaver』で1923年にピューリッツァー詩賞を受賞することになるとは知りませんでした。ミレーは、詩の部門でピューリッツァー賞を受賞した3人目の女性です。

おそらく、"最初のイチジク "は、単一のスタンザだったので、それは簡単に記憶され、ミレーが最も関連付けられている作品になってきました。詩は次のようになっています。


"My candle burns at both ends
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -
It gives a lovely light."



スタンザは、詩の作品の中で構造と組織の基本的な単位であり、この言葉はイタリア語のスタンザに由来し、"部屋 "を意味します。スタンザは行のグループで、時には特定のパターンで配置され、通常は(常にではないが)空白によって作品の残りの部分から設定されています。スタンザには多くの形態があり、パターンや識別可能なルールのないスタンザから、音節の数、韻のスキーム、行の構造の面で非常に厳格なパターンに従うスタンザに至るまで、様々な形態があります。


The Stanza: The Poem Within The Poem






Very Busy People 'Burn the Candle at Both Ends'


FILE - A woman holds a candle during a commemoration ceremony in Kiev on November 22, 2014. (REUTERS/Gleb Garanich


Often, our expressions come from everyday objects.

Today we talk about a candle. Sometimes we use candles to create a feeling of calm or some other sort of feeling. We call that an ambiance. For example, dinner by candlelight is a lot more romantic than dinner under fluorescent lights.

Often candles smell nice, too. We can buy our favorite scents, or kinds of smells. This makes them even more calming.

But candles are useful as well. If the electricity goes out, candles can light a dark night. In the days before electricity, candles were a main source of light for work.

And that brings us to today’s expression — "to burn the candle at both ends."

This expression is used several ways.

Usually, it means that we are busy with work but not always. Let’s say I spent all of last year working on two very important goals at the same time. Friends could say that I burned my candle at both ends for a whole year. Finally, I got burned out, which means I was really tired.

If we use up all of our energy by leading a busy life with work, friends, and seemingly endless activities, we can say we are burning the candle at both ends. We are busy from early morning until late at night.

Here is another example. Ever since starting a new job and getting her master’s degree, my friend Annette has been burning the candle at both ends. She has been doing a lot.

The expression also appears in creative forms of writing.

In her poem, “Figs from Thistles: First Fig,” poet Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote about it this way:

My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -- it gives a lovely light!

Now, let’s hear how these two friends use the expression in this short exchange.

Where have you been? I haven’t talked to you weeks!

I know. Sorry about that. I got a book deal last month. So, I’ve been kind of busy with that.

Congratulations. But I thought you were still in school?

I am. That’s why I’ve been burning the candle at both ends for the past…what month is it?

It’s February. Wow! You have been busy.

At VOA Learning English, we work really hard to bring you informative programs. Sometimes we even burn the candle at both the ends to get the job done. Thankfully, though…not every week!







Words in This Story


romantic –adj. related to or involving a feeling of love

fluorescent lights –n. lights that get bright when electricity passes through a tube filled with gas

source –n. the cause of something

master’s degree –n. a degree that is given to a student by a college or university usually after one or two years of additional study following a bachelor’s degree