

AIロボ、ソフィアの絵画 !!!


A blockchain is an online database containing information that can be used and shared within a large network open to the public. 


The technology permits blocks of information to be checked and stored safely.



Le't ge start!!! 🌸







Robot Helps Create Online Artwork that Will Be Sold

March 22, 2021



ハンソン・ロボティクスが開発したヒューマノイド・ロボット「ソフィア」は、2021年3月16日、中国・香港で、自身が制作したノンファンジブル・トークン(NFT)の作品をオークションにかける前に、紙に絵を描いている。(REUTERS/Tyrone Siu)




この作品はNFTと呼ばれ、火曜日のオンラインオークションで販売される予定です。NFTとは、Non-fungible tokenの略です。NFTは、ブロックチェーンと呼ばれるコンピュータ技術上にのみ存在するアート作品です。








 Humanoid robot Sophia, developed by Hanson Robotics, is reflected in a mirror between paintings before auctioning her own non-fungible token (NFT) artwork, in Hong Kong, China March 16, 2021. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu
Hanson Roboticsハンソン・ロボティクスが開発したヒューマノイド・ロボットSophiaソフィアは、2021年3月16日、中国・香港で、自身のノンファンジブル・トークン(NFT)アート作品をオークションにかける前に、絵画の間にある鏡に映っています。REUTERS/Tyrone Siu


今週出品される作品は、Sophiaソフィアと呼ばれる人間型ロボットと、イタリア人アーティストのAndrea Bonasetoアンドレア・ボナセト氏が協力して制作したものです。ボナセトの作品には、著名人のカラフルな写真が含まれています。


Sophiaソフィアを開発したHanson Roboticsハンソン・ロボティクス社によると、今回のオークションは、人間のアーティスト、ロボット、人工知能(AI)が共同で制作した作品が販売される初めての機会になるとのことです。




Sophia Instantiationと名付けられたこの作品は、12秒のビデオファイルで、Sophiaソフィアのオンラインおよび物理的な絵画と、Bonacetoの作品の要素を組み合わせたものです。また、この作品には美術史からの影響も含まれています。


Sophiaソフィアはこのプロセスを、アルゴリズムとAIの手法、そして "その他の種類のコンピュテーショナル・クリエイティビティ "をミックスしたものだと説明しています。その結果、”これまで世界に存在しなかった”珍しい作品ができあがったといいます。


ハンソン・ロボティクスが開発したヒューマノイド・ロボット・ソフィアは、2021年3月16日、中国・香港で、自らのノンファンジブル・トークン(NFT)アート作品を競売する前のデモンストレーションで、プラスチックの板に絵を描いています。REUTERS/Tyrone Siu




オンラインオークションは、Nifty Gatewayニフティゲートウェイという会社が開催する予定です。落札後、Sophiaソフィアは購入者と会って顔を研究した後、作品に最後の要素を加えます。


ソフィアの生みの親であるDavid Hadsonデビッド・ハンソン氏は、ロイター通信に対し、このプロジェクトによって、新しい所有者が作品との珍しい”個人的なつながり”を持つことができると語っています。













Robot Helps Create Online Artwork that Will Be Sold

Humanoid robot Sophia, developed by Hanson Robotics, draws on a piece of paper before auctioning her own non-fungible token (NFT) artwork, in Hong Kong, China March 16, 2021. (REUTERS/Tyrone Siu)


An artwork jointly created by a robot and a human artist will go on sale this week.

The artwork -- known as an NFT -- is to be sold during an online auction on Tuesday. NFT stands for non-fungible token. It is a piece of art that only exists on a computer technology known as blockchain.

A blockchain is an online database containing information that can be used and shared within a large network open to the public. The technology permits blocks of information to be checked and stored safely.

NFTs can exist in the form of images, video, music and text. They are usually bought with electronic money. While anyone can view NFTs, the buyer has official ownership rights over the objects.

NFTs have recently been growing in popularity among investors and collectors. Earlier this month, an artwork in the form of an NFT sold for nearly $70 million.

Humanoid robot Sophia, developed by Hanson Robotics, is reflected in a mirror between paintings before auctioning her own non-fungible token (NFT) artwork, in Hong Kong, China March 16, 2021. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu
Humanoid robot Sophia, developed by Hanson Robotics, is reflected in a mirror between paintings before auctioning her own non-fungible token (NFT) artwork, in Hong Kong, China March 16, 2021. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu


The piece to be sold this week was a cooperative effort between a human-like robot, known as Sophia, and Italian artist Andrea Bonaceto. Bonaceto’s work includes colorful pictures of famous people.

The company behind Sophia, Hanson Robotics, says the auction will be the first sale of a piece jointly created by a human artist, a robot and artificial intelligence (AI).

In a video from the company’s Hong Kong headquarters, Sophia said: “I hope the people like my work, and that humans and I can collaborate in new and exciting ways going forward.”

The artwork, called Sophia Instantiation, is a 12-second video file. It combines online and physical paintings from Sophia with elements from Bonaceto’s work. The artwork also includes influences from art history.

Sophia described the process as a mix of algorithms and AI methods, and “other kinds of computational creativity.” The result was an unusual creation “that never existed in the world before,” the robot added.

Humanoid robot Sophia, developed by Hanson Robotics, draws on a plastic plate during a demonstration before auctioning her own non-fungible token (NFT) artwork, in Hong Kong, China March 16, 2021. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu
Humanoid robot Sophia, developed by Hanson Robotics, draws on a plastic plate during a demonstration before auctioning her own non-fungible token (NFT) artwork, in Hong Kong, China March 16, 2021. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu


The digital artwork will come with a physical artwork created by Sophia on a printed copy of the online piece.

The online auction is to be held by a company called Nifty Gateway. After the sale, Sophia will meet with the buyer to study his or her face, before adding a final element to the artwork.

Sophia’s creator, David Hanson, told Reuters news agency this part of the project will permit the new owner to have an unusual “personal connection” to the artwork.

Bonaceto said he hopes his collaboration with Sophia will “make a statement in the art world, and even the technology world,” about the way robots and humans can cooperate in the future.

Sophia’s art could be “a very, very important historical piece,” said Pablo Fraile, a Miami-based art collector and expert in NFTs. “It’s the first time these ideas are put together,” he said.








Words in This Story


auction – n. a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer to pay the most

artificial intelligence – n. an area of computer science that deals with giving machines the ability to seem like they have human intelligence

collaborate – v. to work with another person or group in order to achieve or do something

print – v. to cause (words, images, etc.) to appear on paper or cloth by using a machine (called a printer)

algorithm – n. a set of steps that are followed in order to solve a mathematical problem or to complete a computer process







The digital artwork will come with a physical artwork .

「come with」は「~が付いてくる」という意味です。



It comes with bread or rice.



Does this come with soup?



This CD comes with a case.



It doen't come with a manual.




