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IBM Says New Quantum Processor Could Make Faster ComputersNovember 18, 2021
数年後には、"量子アドバンテージ "と呼ばれる状態に近づくといいます。それは、量子コンピュータが従来のコンピュータよりも優れた性能を発揮すると期待されるときです。
Darío Gil ダリオ・ギル氏は、IBMの副社長であり、研究部門を率いています。同氏は、量子コンピューターが従来のコンピューターを一気に置き換えることはないと述べています。将来的には、コンピュータプログラムの一部が従来型のチップで動作し、一部が量子チップで動作するようになり、それぞれのタスクに最適な方が採用されると考えています。
The American technology company IBM says that it has designed a new, very powerful quantum computer processor.
The company’s leaders made the announcement Monday. They said the processor, or chip, will lead to quantum systems performing better than traditional computer systems at some tasks within the next two years.
Quantum computers use quantum physics to perform difficult computing tasks.
IBM said that its Eagle computing chip has 127 qubits. A qubit is a basic measure of quantum information. Traditional computers work using bits of information that represent either 1 or 0. But qubits can be 1 and 0 at the same time.
Qubits could make quantum computers work much faster than normal computers. But they are very difficult to build and require extremely low temperatures to work correctly. IBM said that its new Eagle chip is the first to have more than 100 qubits.
IBM said new refrigeration and control system methods that it learned building the Eagle chip will help produce chips with more qubits in the future. The company said it plans an Osprey chip in 2022 with 433 qubits and a Condor chip with 1,121 qubits.
In a few years, the company said it will be close to what is called the "quantum advantage." That is when quantum computers are expected to perform better than traditional computers.
Darío Gil is a vice president at IBM and leads its research division. He said that quantum computers will not replace traditional computers all at once. In the future, he thinks some parts of computer programs will work on traditional chips and some parts will work on quantum chips, whichever works best for each task.
"We believe that we will be able to reach a demonstration of quantum advantage — something that can have practical value — within the next couple of years. That is our quest," Gil said.
Words in This Story
task— n. a piece of work that has been given to someone or something; a job that must be done
refrigeration — n. to put or keep something in a refrigerator, a device that keeps things at a low temperature
advantage — n. a good or desirable quality; a gain
practical — adj. relating to what is real rather than to what is possible or imagined
quest — n. a long and difficult effort to find something
“量子大競争” 量子コンピューターは、ほかにもグーグル、マイクロソフト、中国のアリババ、カナダのベンチャー・DーWave Systemsなどのメーカーや大学が入り乱れてさまざまなタイプの研究・開発が進んでいます。