







研究成果: 風邪に由来するT細胞がCOVID-19との闘いに役立つ可能性を発見(和訳)

Study: T-cells From Common Cold Might Help Fight COVID-19

January 15, 2022









この研究は、最近出版されたNature Communicationsに掲載されました。この研究について書いたチームによると、T細胞はSARS-CoV-2ウイルス内部のタンパク質を標的にしているとのことです。この発見は、ワクチンメーカーに新しいターゲットを提供する可能性があります。



ラルヴァニ氏は、これらのT細胞が、「オミクロンを含む様々なSARS-CoV-2の変種間で高度に保存されています。」 と付け加えています。

彼は、これらの特別なタンパク質を含む新しいワクチンは、"現在および将来のSARS-CoV-2変位種から守るべき保護T細胞反応 "をサポートするでしょうと述べています。







Study: T-cells From Common Cold Might Help Fight COVID-19
FILE - A woman blows her nose in Dalston as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, London, Britain, April 14, 2020. (REUTERS/Hannah McKay)


High levels of T cells from coronaviruses that cause the common cold can provide protection against COVID-19, a recent study has found.

The findings came from an Imperial College London study. The new information could help scientists develop ideas for second-generation vaccines.

Immunity against COVID-19 is complex. There is evidence of reduced antibody levels six months after vaccination. However, T cells are believed to play an important part in providing protection.

The Imperial College London study began in September 2020. It examined levels of cross-reactive T cells produced by earlier common colds in 52 household contacts of positive COVID-19 cases. The researchers looked at people shortly after they had come in contact with the virus. The goal was to see if the contacts went on to develop infections.

The researchers found that the 26 who did not develop infection had notably higher levels of those T cells than people who did get infected. The study did not say how long protection from the T cells would last.

Dr. Rhia Kundu was the study’s lead writer. Kundu said, "We found that high levels of pre-existing T cells, created by the body when infected with other human coronaviruses like the common cold, can protect against COVID-19 infection."

The study appeared recently in the publication Nature Communications. The team that wrote about the research said that the T cells targeted proteins inside the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This finding could offer a new target for vaccine makers.

Current COVID-19 vaccines target the spike protein, a protein on the outside surface of the virus, which changes or mutates regularly. These changes create variants such as Omicron. These changes in the spike protein also reduce the effectiveness of vaccines against infections that show physical signs.

Professor Ajit Lalvani was a co-writer of the study. Lalvani said, "The internal proteins targeted by the protective T-cells we identified mutate much less."

Lalvani added that these T cells “are highly conserved between the various SARS-CoV-2 variants, including Omicron.”

He said new vaccines that include these special proteins would support the “protective T cell responses that should protect against current and future SARS-CoV-2 variants."



Words in This Story


T cell – n. a kind of white blood cell that is part of the immune system which fights infection in the body and that develops from cells in the center of bones

response – n. something that is done as a reaction to something else





風邪などのウイルスが体内に侵入すると、まずマクロファージが現場に駆けつけてウイルスの情報を集めます。マクロファージは、そのウイルスの情報を免疫の“司令官”であるT細胞に伝えます。 情報を受け取った“司令官”のT細胞は、“殺し屋”のキラーT細胞にウイルスに感染した細胞を探して破壊するように命令します。
次に、“司令官”のT細胞は、B細胞に抗体を作るように指令を出します。 指令を受けたB細胞は、そのウイルスに対抗する大量の抗体を作り出します。この抗体が補体と協力して、ウイルスに感染した細胞を破壊します。このようにさまざまな免疫を担う細胞が協力して、ウイルスに感染した細胞を攻撃し、やがて風邪が治ります。細菌の場合は、ウイルスとは異なり、細菌そのものが異物と認識され、攻撃されます。